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London 'counters



  • Soul_Reaper
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    Soul_Reaper polycounter lvl 18
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    I second Souls comment
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm to cut a long story short about 2 months ago mh GFs mum bought tickets for everyone to go see some spanish opera or something, I completely forgot about it. And am I pissed yes, do I feel like an ass yes, will I reget not bieng able to ass punch Frankie, yes. Oh I dont suppose anyone wants a tix to the gig ? SO have fun at the gig I will be asleep in the opera.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Sounds fun for ya Rolf...keep an open mind...im sure it will be over in afew hours.......Oh jeez man how I feel for you frown.gif.

  • Bort
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    Bort polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm to cut a long story short about 2 months ago mh GFs mum bought tickets for everyone to go see some spanish opera or something, I completely forgot about it. And am I pissed yes, do I feel like an ass yes, will I reget not bieng able to ass punch Frankie, yes. Oh I dont suppose anyone wants a tix to the gig ? SO have fun at the gig I will be asleep in the opera.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Bort you dirty dirty pink tutu wearing carpathian forrest listening frankie fiddler !!!
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
  • KRakarth
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    KRakarth polycounter lvl 18
    so a definite date would be good - so I can arrange stuff, not beng single and childless, makes things a tad awkward.
  • sal_manilla
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    sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
    Well, take a few pics for us yanks, will ya? I wish I could hook up with you lot. It sounds like good fun. grin.gif
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Okay, we'll be in London 21st August to 30th August. We leave a matter of hours before EGDC - sod's law!

    Anyway, we're not doing anything the 21st, as we'll be arriving that evening from NZ. We're leaving in the wee small hours of the 30th, so the night before is out. Actually we may well be at my sister's beach house that last weekend, so really 22nd through to 25th is my window of days/nights for meeting you sexy bastards. I'm fine with any night at this point, so book me before my lovely sister finds craploads of stuff to fill my time. I'm up for afternoon and evening jolliness, so if there's a particular day or evening that's good for anyone post here. I want to meet as many of you lot as I can please smile.gif

    Oh, and we're in Greece all of September, so any of you living/visiting there shout out too.
  • Negadeth
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    Negadeth polycounter lvl 18
    I'm good for any of those days
  • Michael Knubben
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    I'll probably be in London (Camden) somewhere in september, which is a shame, since i would've liked to have met up with you all. For those that actually live in or near London: i'll tell you lot when i'll be there, and we should see if there's anything (music-wise) to do, and definately go out for some pints.
    Allthough, i suggest we don't go to the belgian pub then, because i can get belgian beer here for less than a fortune a pint. (if anyone wants me to bring some, be sure to let me know in advance)

    ps: Bort, please tell me you have a CF tshirt, because those are ridiculously bad. So bad, it just becomes good again.
  • Frankie
    Offline / Send Message
    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    if you bring belgian beer we can sit and drink it in a park!!
  • Bronco
    Offline / Send Message
    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    ignore Frankie Mightpea,whatever you do DO NOT bring him belgium beer.

    The consequences would be dire.

    also if he wants beligium beer he can go to his local COOP and buy some,cheap skate git. :P

  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    i'd be good for saturday 27th. i'll firm something up more later this month, cos i might be moving to a new job, so holiday time and money may be issues...
  • Bort
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    Bort polycounter lvl 18
    nahh peanis. Although I like the ultra tacky nature of them, the decent ones tend to be LS.. which sucks more COCK than frankie on an average night.
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Okay, Thursday through to when we leave we're kind of booked with my sister and her family. I reckon 23rd or 24th is all good. We can do 22nd at a push too.

    Shall I just slap down a day and suss a location, or is there some kind of consensus possible here? laugh.gif
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Edinburgh! The worlds biggest arts festival is on for the entire month.
  • Michael Knubben
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    Oh, i'm taking the plane to london on the 24th of september, btw. I'll be there for a good ten days, so i suppose meeting up wont be too much of a problem, since i'm pretty much free all day anyway (i'm going to visit my girlfriend, but she has to work with some lovely insane homeless people during the day)
    Frankie: is SD somewhere in the middle of london, and would it be possible for me to just drop by? i could ackwardly breathe down your neck whilst you work, and talk to the company belgian.
    That is, if he doesn't speak french.
    Bort: you LS-nazi, you.
    Should any of you violently explode during the mean time, please let me know in advance, so i can plan my stay differently. thank you.
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    i'm out of meeting the lovely milla, i have like 2 pound and that won't get me more than about 4 stops down the road, never mind to london...
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    My love from Japan, Polymaggots!

    I drank some whisky from 1978 (my birthyear) last night, it cost me £10 (2000yen) for a glass. I can still taste it.
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Oh man, nobody loves me!
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    I'd certainly head down into London whence Pea's got his feet firmly on the ground ;p
    A Good few bears and music with fellow polycounters sounds fab!
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh man, nobody loves me!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i wub u!!! blush.gif
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    Post deleted by mr_Rockstar
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Dho knew id do that one of these days....

    Im using Rockstars computer and im not used to signing in my own name evrytime I visit... blush.gif

  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 18
    =/ I`m leaving London on the 21st, sorry Milla. Hope someone`s gonna meet up with you. Rather than make arrangements for heavy metal gigs ¬_¬
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    At this stage I'm hooking up with a bunch of New Zealand gamers on the Tuesday:

    Where: The Ruby Lounge - 33 Caledonian Road N1 9BU - http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=...p=newsearch.srf (3 minutes walk from Kings Cross station)

    When: Tuesday 23rd Aug 7.30pm onwards

    This means that we can either mix up the 'counters and the Kiwis, or 'counter drinks are Monday or Wednesday.

    *watches tumbleweed go by*

    I'm going to ring and try and hook up with Splash Damage and Frankie on the Monday, and if that doesn't pan out, the Wednesday. Will post any updates for those who wish to partake here smile.gif
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    YO Milla

    Im arround,id rather we met up on the Monday simply cos I got work on the Thursday...double CO-OP shift about 8hours...not a good day to be drunk/hung-over on hehe.

    BUt yeah we will see what master Frankie and Peppi have to say...and maybe even some fo those other strangers from Splash I met at Qcon smile.gif

  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Okay, definitely prioritising Monday then smile.gif
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    I fly in the morning, so I'll catch whoever makes it to drinks in a few days, and should speak to Frankie at least Monday. Yay! First ever real-life Polyencounter!

  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    me and pete are ready for drinking on monday!
  • Bronco
    Offline / Send Message
    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    hehe this could be 2 days to London in a row.... Meeting aload of Concept Art guys with the Jman on Sunday...then meet with you guys on Monday. My holiday money is gonan go down rather fast this weekend hehe

  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I plan on visiting London sometime after i move to Amsterdam,they have a ferry service which runs from Amsterdam to London for about 25 euros

  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    Hey milla if you can read this phone in again!
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Oook, been out and about so much.

    Will give you a call at some stage today.

    Crazy mad trying to fit too much into a week stuff going on right here smile.gif

    Going to be at the Ruby lounge, Caledonian Road, tonight from 7.30 with a bunch of kiwi gamers, and then Splash Damage tomorrow evening, until I don't know what time. Frankie, I guess we could nail things down then and post from your PC? Other than that I'm just getting hit by jetlag and feel amazingly stupid, so the idea of making decisions and planning is vaguely scary.

    Last night was a write-off, the way I was feeling - just had some quality time with my sister and her husband. Also, my PC isn't on her network yet - will be later today, when my husband rebuilds it for her.
  • System
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    System admin
    As i said, i'll be in london from the 24th of september untill the 3rd of october, so is anyone up for meeting up?
    I tried to email Frankie, but his cv seems to be just a few years out of fashion, and the only thing google could tell me was that he was dead.
    I'm still up for awkwardly breathing down your neck as you work, so act fast!
    Who else is in London around that time?
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    hey pea, have you had a chance to check your email?
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