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PS3 Debut



  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I just want to know why they used the Spider-Man font for the system. Looks cool, like to see some demos though.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Jesus christ that thing is ugly!
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    PS3 sounds awesome and with Devil May Cry 3 and Metal Gear Solid 4 im sure i'll be buying one smile.gif

    Sony also confirmed the PlayStation 3, will use Blu-Ray discs as its media format. The discs can hold up to six times as much data as current-generation DVDs. It will also support CR-ROM, CD-RW, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R formats. It also confirmed the machine would be backward-compatible all the way to the original PlayStation. It will also have slots for Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, and a compact flash memory slot. It will also sport a slot for a detachable 2.5 inch HDD somewhat similar the Xbox 360's.

    Out of the box, the PS3 will have the capability to support seven Bluetooth controllers. It will also have six USB slots for peripherals--four up front and two in the back.

    Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz, giving the whole system 2.18 teraflops of overall performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, and have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz.

    Sony also unveiled the PS3's graphics chip, the RSX "Reality Synthesizer based on Nvidia technology. The GPU will be capable of 128bit pixel precision, 1080p resolution, some of the highest HD resolution around. The RSX also has 512mb of graphics render memory and is capable of 100 billion shader operations and 51 billion dot products per second. It also has over 300 million transistors, larger than any processor available commercially today. It will be manufactured using the 90nm process with 8 layers of metal. The RSX is more powerful than two GeForce 6800 Ultra video cards, which would cost roughly $1000 total if bought today.

    The PlayStation 3 will also sport some hefty multimedia features, such as video chat, internet access, digital photo viewing, digital audio and video. Sony Computer Entertainment head Ken Kutaragi introduced it as a "Super computer for computer entertainment."

    To show off the PlayStation 3's graphical brawn, Sony showed several game demos, including an Unreal 3 tech demo of what appeared to be Unreal Tournament 2007. In what must come as a relief to developers, Epic Games' Tim Sweeney was on hand to vouch for the PS3, saying it was "easy to program for" and that Epic had received its first PS3 hardware two months ago. He proved the tech demo was real time by showing it again and manipulating the camera and zooming in.

    However Sweeney's words were only the beginning. Later, Sony trotted out a whole host of publishers who are backing the PlayStation 3--and in the process confirmed several games for the console. Hideo Kojima introduced Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4, Capcom showed off Devil May Cry 4, Namco unveiled Tekken 6, Polyphony Digital trotted out Gran Turismo 5, SCEE showed off a brutal demo of the next Killzone.

  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    Anyone else notice the Spiderman the Movie font? Seems weird to me.
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 19
    so far none of the new consoles look nice (specs aside). lets hope for the revolution virtual reality helmet (the one from the movie floating around here http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/613/613578/vids_1.html )

    spiderman font is weird, but hell sony is the company that makes spiderman the movie so....
  • DeathTrip
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    DeathTrip polycounter lvl 18
    a new GTA at launch, thats definately going to be a huge system seller.

    how do the specs compare to xbox 360? which is more powerfull?
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    i don't like the looks of the PS3 or the XBox 360. they should have stuck to basic black. and why a curved top on the ps3? what will i set my gamecube on now? wink.gif the controller for the ps3 is awful too.
  • DeathTrip
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    DeathTrip polycounter lvl 18
    laugh.gif look at the f'ing controller! meshsmoooooooooooooothed?!! looks like crappy third party controller.

    IGN had some pics... Killzone looks great.

  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    the controller for the ps3 is awful too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Where'd you see it at? I didn't see any controllers in any of the links posted thus far.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    any idea how expensive this thing will be? i cant even imagine... I may go back to reading books if these things keep coming out at 500 bucks a pop
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    If I never need to go hunting with a boomarang i'll just use a Ps3 controller
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm...it looks like a strange futuristic printer.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    laugh.gif look at the f'ing controller! meshsmoooooooooooooothed?!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The designers must be Max users, their first mistake :P. Hey, let's add a modifier to the old case, and meshsmooth the controller. laugh.gif The font used is Homoarakhn, also used for the Spiderman movies, and can be downloaded from any free font site. Also note the first four letters of that font, which is a synonym of an adjective that can also be used to describe the new controller. tongue.gif
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    The marketing fool who invented Crappy Controllers at launch is sipping purple nipples on his own island in fiji right now. They did the same thing with the launch of the xbox. Heres the scam: you launch the system with a shit hard to hold finger cramping controller and then 3 months later you come out with the real controller for 40 bucks more. You may think im all conspiracy theory and whatnot, but Im telling you, that's thier plan.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, hahaha, I didn't even noticed there was an image with the controller in it in the post directly above mine. I don't know how I missed that.

    At least they went with a new controller design. I thought it was so lame when the PS2 came out, and it still had a PS1 controller (except in a different color and with analog buttons icon15.gif). Of course, I'm sure a bunch of Sony fanboys are going to FREAK out.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Personally, I think that looks awesome. The controller looks retarded though. I like the PS3 aesthetic more than the Xbox 360.
  • Dio
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    Dio polycounter lvl 18
    I had heard several times that the PS3 was going to be more powerful than the Xbox 360. Is the Cell processor supposed to out-perform 3 cpu's running at the same clock rate?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    One system has "double concavity" design and the other has a "double convexity".

    Pretty fucked.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    so, nintendo's system will be a SPHERE!!!

    xbox360 has 2 concave curves, ps3 has one convex curve, nintendo has to make the console that absolutely will NOT stand up!!

    \\edit adam, lol. yeah. one will hope that the two companies "kinda" collaborated, so that when stacked, the two consoles will fit on one another. They're going in different directions though, so maybe its intentional? heheh

    if that killzone stuff is realtime..... DDAAAYYMMMn. sillouettes look a little too complex though... hrm, who knows.

    MGS4, thats all they had to say to have my money.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18

    Playstation 3 press confrence up ! Im watching it right now but clearly Microsoft has a far superior marketing machine who put together the sony confrence ...lol
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not keen on the curved aesthetic, or the super steamlined-to-the-point-of-no-form controller, but damn, this just sold it to me.


    I don't care if it's just a quick promo bit and maybe not the actual thing, damnation!
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    jesus what the hell was sony thinking, the new controller looks like a double ended dildo
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    OMFG Unreal engine 3 realtime on the Ps3 ..im sold it was freaking amazing !
  • Synista
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    Synista polycounter lvl 18
    They'll make money off the lesbians mr.toast. Good strategy fi you ask me!

    So far, I'm more impressed by the PS3.

    but daaaamn. MGS4? shocked.gif
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    Like some of you have mentioned, the first thing I thought when I saw the new design was, "hmm...I can't stack anything on top it." I keep my PS2 horizontal and leave the stack of games I'm playing on the top of the machine. Even though I own all three of the current consoles, I don't have a lot of space for the hardware or stacks of games. So I think all that talk of an "inhale" design of the xbox360 is crap. Sony and Microsoft just want their consoles to replace any other hardware you have around your TV; no stacking them on top of each other. frown.gif
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I can live with the visual console design, The controller looked like a souped up Logitech controller there released a long time ago..... ick.
  • Bradfordart
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    Bradfordart polycounter lvl 18
    I'd take a hard, long look at the developer list for the PS3 (atleast at launch). That's the big winning point always for Sony, they have more devs on their side. The fact that it's back compatible all the way up to PS1 is good. Has their been word if the XBOX 360 can run XBOX games? I hear they switched from Nvidia to ATI, wonder if there will be back compatibility problems. I'm more excited for Playstation 3 overall.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I think it looks great. The controllers, while shaped odd, look to be EXTREMELY comfortable. Some of the new-age "ergonomic" crap we have around the office use similar lines as well. The system itself is rather sleek, imo. I think it all looks amazing. Of course, I'll go with the white PS3, so it matches up to the Xbox360 wink.gif

    As far as the hardware capability goes, the PS3 DOES beat the Xbox360, in all apsects. The Cell is 2x more powerfull than the 360CPU, and the Nvidia chipset in PS3 is also close to 2x as fast as 360's. The PS3 GPU is more powerfull than 2 GF6800 ULTRA's combined. That's pretty damned fast.

    Sony's software previews are also MUCH more impressive than Microsoft's. While PGR3 and Ghost Recon 3 are insanely impressive, PS3's Killzone & GTA5 were much better.

    I'll be the first to say that I think MS has already been given the backseat nudge. Second place isn't a bad place to be, though. I think that MS rushed just a bit to much, and didn't think far enough ahead. I'll be getting both systems though, as each will have their ups and downs.

    It's going to be CRAZY next year smile.gif
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think it looks great. The controllers, while shaped odd, look to be EXTREMELY comfortable. Some of the new-age "ergonomic" crap we have around the office use similar lines as well. The system itself is rather sleek, imo. I think it all looks amazing. Of course, I'll go with the white PS3, so it matches up to the Xbox360 wink.gif

    As far as the hardware capability goes, the PS3 DOES beat the Xbox360, in all apsects. The Cell is 2x more powerfull than the 360CPU, and the Nvidia chipset in PS3 is also close to 2x as fast as 360's. The PS3 GPU is more powerfull than 2 GF6800 ULTRA's combined. That's pretty damned fast.

    Sony's software previews are also MUCH more impressive than Microsoft's. While PGR3 and Ghost Recon 3 are insanely impressive, PS3's Killzone & GTA5 were much better.

    I'll be the first to say that I think MS has already been given the backseat nudge. Second place isn't a bad place to be, though. I think that MS rushed just a bit to much, and didn't think far enough ahead. I'll be getting both systems though, as each will have their ups and downs.

    It's going to be CRAZY next year smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know where you got your information, but the cell chip isn't twice as fast. Also, given it's special build, you have to write everything in a complex way to fully utilize the Cell technology (which takes forever), or else it fails in comparison. Also supposedly Microsoft's XNA is supposed to boost performance, although I won't comment on that.

    As for the game demos, you must have not seen Gears of War...


    I hadn't looked at the Killzone screenshots yet...

    and damn, you're right, they are sexy as hell wink.gif

    but check out ut2007, it definitely compares http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/746/746631/img_2773864.html
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    OMFG Unreal engine 3 realtime on the Ps3 ..im sold it was freaking amazing !

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed! I'm not just bullshitting because I work for the company ... I'm freaking amazed at the quality of that demo. My jaded cynicism is totally diminished in the shadow of the excitement I feel about Epic's tech.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I think the machine looks neat.

    But bollocks is that Killzone running on a PS3 in realtime. If it is, then Im seriously impressed because realtime global illumination is here for animated models.
    But anyway, Killzone looks mightily impressive in screenshots and it turned out to be shite.
    Im trying hard not to come across as too cynical, but be very wary of the hype. Remember what they showed us with the early PS2 demos, and they neglected to cover the fact that they didn't have a game running in the background. I dont trust some of this stuff. Just take it with a tiny grain of salt is all Im saying.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Sonic: no, it doesn't compare. Don't get me wrong, U3 engine looks stunning. But it also looks just about feasible. Now go look at the Killzone shots again. Closely. If you know anything about lighting, you'll see that the character models are radiosity lit by their environment. And look at that guys hair. And look at the close up of the arm in the left of the screen. The resolution on that texture and bump is just out of this world. And show me one hint of a polygonal edge anywhere. I dont buy those shots for one minute.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    OMFG OMFG OMFG....KILLZONE ....* dies * ... So that demo is or isn't real time footage ?? Cause that is the most impressive game ive ever seen hands down if it is . The fight night demo is stunning ..who ever developed the character models should get a raise they are totally superior ..wow
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Don't believe it!
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    ahhhhhh frown.gif

    edit * I was thinking about it DAZ and from what they showed in the unreal 3 demo for the PS3 everything in Killzone should be possible . Im not saying they can deliver that but I think it's possible ?
  • iMag
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    iMag polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    so far none of the new consoles look nice (specs aside). lets hope for the revolution virtual reality helmet (the one from the movie floating around here http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/613/613578/vids_1.html )

    spiderman font is weird, but hell sony is the company that makes spiderman the movie so....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea sorry to tell you people but that isn't the new nintendo system. it's basically confirmed fake. have a look at nintendo's official site. the revolution is apparently going to be smaller than the cube
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Killzone 1 was utter garbage, I doubt they'll fix the gameplay that much.

    The Cell processor excells in vector processing but standard game logic and AI will hurt it. The all-purpose core is identical to the cores MS uses so I wouldn't be surprised if the Xenon had a higher practical performance. That stupid supercomputer design has hurt the PS2, I'm sure the PS3 won't be significantly better off.

    The console looks like a coffe machine from this angle. Too bad it won't make coffee...
    I hope it can be used horizontally, I don't want hardware tipping over or stuf like that.

    And that batarang is probably the only design they could come up with that is even worse than the Dualshock. Never mind the stupid broken-up d-pad that destroys your thumb twice as fast as a normal one. They really don't have an excuse now since Nintendo's d-pad patent expired.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    pogonip: have you ever done much rendering with mental ray? Final gather, G.I type stuff? That shit takes forEVER to render. I aint buying it sorry. That's a real nice video they rendered there smile.gif The U3 engine stuff looks feasible like I said, but If you know a thing or two about advanced lighting, and examine those Killzone shots, well, thats an absolutely STAGGERING achievement If its true. Lookm at the U3 stuff. You can see polygonal edges If you look closely. You can see texture resolution limitations. Now try and find ANY evidence in the Killzone stuff that it's realtime and there is NONE. Not ONE polygonal edge anywhere. So they figured out Subdivision surface rendering for the PS3 this early in its development and everything in this movie is SUbD's? How do you explain the lack of polygonal silhouette anwyhere in these shots?
    Lighting wise it's VERY similiar to the video that Blur studios did for Warhammer 40k ( http://www.blur.com/indexl.html )
    So a PS3 can render in realtime, the same quality lighting that would previously take days to render on a huge renderfarm? Er, no. This was a movie they made to get the hype up. If Im wrong, then this is truly, truly incredible.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I just d/loaded the Killzone video in high res from Gamespot and watched it many times over. Ya know, Im an idiot.

    Here's me trying to explain in explicit technical detail why there is no way in hell this is realtime, and yet it's fricking obvious as hell it isn't. Why? because it's so obviously choreographed. Every move the 'player' makes, every little glance in a particular direction that is made, something happens. The ship flying into camera. All of it. It's storyboarded. It's screamingly obvious. It's a movie. ( and a pretty cool one too though ) Watch again.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    That's to bad I was almost blown away like the first time I seen Doom 3 and Half Life 2 frown.gif Still the system will produce some amazing graphics regardless . You obviously know your shit I would not have caught that stuff I just do 2D concept and textures .....which by the way im still blon away by fight night ...wow

    edit : Motor madness looks f-ing amazing im blown away yet again * cries *
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah don't get me wrong. The system will produce amazing graphics. Im not trying to piss on your fireworks or be argumentative. But it really bugs me when companies put this stuff out there with an intent to mislead. Just take everything with a smidgen of salt. The GT5 shots in contrast, show an almost dissapointing amount of obvious cues that it really is running in realtime.

  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Daz any possible way that Killzone 2 movie is a cinematic renderd in engine ? Someone mentioned that in another forum but your points about there being no edges and just the lighting make it to hard to believe ...that and it would mean it was also the most advanced AI game ever
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    A new GTA at launch? No-one told me.
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    haha , did anyone see the guy on the back of the vehicle in the second shot? hes having a right old chuckle. happy chap.

    i wonder what hes laughing at.

    Daz , you are definately right m8
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Yea Daz, it was obviously all storyboarded out, but that doesnt mean it was rendered in real time and thats whats really got me curious. I saw a high res screen and the texture detail of that shot was so amazing fucking high that I have serious doubts that it they could run it in game (at least for all the characters...)
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Daz any possible way that Killzone 2 movie is a cinematic renderd in engine ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not If you ask me nope. Since that would still require it to run with realtime radiosity and Subdivision models.

    "Yea Daz, it was obviously all storyboarded out, but that doesnt mean it was rendered in real time "

    Aesir: you didn't read my posts. I gave about 5 reasons why this isn't running in realtime. The top two being the global illumination on the characters, and the fact that If this is realtime, then the makers of Killzone have figured out realtime subdivision surface rendering on the PS3, whereas no other developer currently showing their wares has.

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    That grain in Killzone looks like either an overdone noise filter or an AO solution. Yeah, sure, they're going to use raytracing plus ambient occlusion in realtime, right?

    Rick: Now that's interesting...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    And what is impossible about that, Daz?

    The GeForce 6800ULTRA does realtime radiosity. And even the PSP has hardware support for Bezier/B-Spline (NURBS) rendering. The PS3 GPU has more power than 2x6800 ULTRA cards. THAT, coupled with the CPU's SUPER-COMPUTER 2TFLOP performance, and it sounds extremely feasible to me.

    Also, take ANOTHER look at the Killzone footage. As the camera pans left from the face (during the cloud intro scene), you can see all of the players POP into view. In any CG movie I've ever seen in my entire life, I've NEVER seen popup like that. My only take on that, is that this IS in fact in-game rendering (though scripted), and that the "popping" was bad frustrum culling of the character meshes.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "The GeForce 6800ULTRA does realtime radiosity"

    That's bollocks mate. I own one. Prove it. And no, a silly little demo that has a sphere lit by an environment map doesn't count. I'm talking about an entire animated scene being lit by G.I, and not G.I that's baked into the world via lightmaps like many games out there now.

    Like I said, a tiny games shop in Amsterdam are the only people to have figured out Subdivision surface rendering amongst ALL the other mighty developers out there? Try and remember that that's the SAME games shop that produced the utter garbage that was KILLZONE. The game was plagued with horrific technical problems. The framerate, the animation compression. Awful stuff. They must have gotten a pretty damn l33t coding team all of a sudden to figure out SubD rendering, hair systems ( look CLOSELY. They aint alpha mapped polygons. Thats individual animated hairstrands on many characters on screen at once. There is JUST NO WAY. It takes me several minutes to render one frame of one head of hair using a hair systems plug-in now in Maya ) and G.I lighting on the PS3 considering the VERY short space of time that any developer has actually HAD a PS3.
  • iMag
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    iMag polycounter lvl 18
    anyone else notice the ps3 controller almost looks like a two pronged dildo? odds are we'll see a DDR game (and the D doesn't stand for dance wink.gif )
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