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The current top two headline stories at CNN.com



  • AstroZombie
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
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    Actually, Bush is not a member of a church congregation nor does he attend church regularly. His devout Christianity along with his image as a "rancher" is a portrait that has been neatly painted up for the mass populace by the Republican party.

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    Most people don't even know that he is not even a Texan. He is a NORTHEN Yankee that hoodwinked the whole lot of them.

    The elder Bush lost due to his lack of recognizing the powerful religious voting block. W. did not make that same mistake. When asked whom he most admired he very shrewdly declared "Jesus Christ". W. is no dummy.

    The last election was a gullibility test.

    IMO <u>all</u> religions are death cults.
    -If you only get your 'prize' for following the rules after death.
    Ergo- death cult.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
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    what sucks is of the 3 axis of evil countries we decided to invade,we chose the one with no nukes.

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    Am I the only one who read that and thought that actually we're pretty lucky we invaded a country that didnt have any nukes?

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    You see the problem is what is this country going to do if N.Korea or Iran actually does something which requires military action on our part if they we bogged down in Iraq?

    If we have to go to war it should be because there is an actual and present threat to all of us.

    If the unthinkable does occur(which i pray it doesnt) and we have to fight another war it will bankrupt this nation and it will put an unimagineable strain on our military.

    and it is certain a draft will be needed to fight another war,ask any volunteer member of the armed forces and theyll tell you the last thing they want is to go to battle with soldiers who do not want and did not choose to be there.

    and to the person who asked where did i get this magical information he wasnt aware of.

    this information is just basic reading and research
    reading up on current events (by current events i dont mean our media which is just another form of entertainment)

    when you hold up foreign press to our countries mainstream press youll easily see why so many people in this country are so uninformed.

    many good sources for news are

    the BBC
    The Independant of London
    The Guardian

    just to name a few
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If the unthinkable does occur(which i pray it doesnt) and we have to fight another war it will bankrupt this nation and it will put an unimagineable strain on our military.

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    From 1942 through 1945, the United States fought a two-front war. The nation emerged from that war with a stronger economy than when it entered, and with the largest functional army in the world. You can't really predict how things like this will go. Certainly the strain on the military can't be any worse than it was in 1942.
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