Just be careful kiddos, often these kinds of events are a blatant scam to use your artwork for free in their marketing or products.
Be careful giving anyone your 3d files, unless they pay you first.
Hi Eric, I get where you're coming from, and it's always good to be cautious. But in this case, I think it's okay—Clinton Jones is a legend in the community. Sure, he wants to grow his YouTube, but he also puts out tons effort into his free tutorials and runs these competitions regularly. It seems like he’s really about helping artists improve and showcase their work. Here are some examples and the last video shows how transparent he is with the winners.
On one hand, I don't think Pwnisher has any single cynic bone in his body and his challenges manage to carry the old school feel of otherwise long gone exciting community efforts (Vertex, Dominance War...) - and the inspiring results speak for themselves.
On the other hand, the end product is still free advertising for a bunch of sponsors, and many views for monetized Youtube channels (Pwnisher and Corridor). So even though they don't directly exploit the files (the contestants only provide final rendered shots, not source files) and the top entries do receive some form of compensation, all parties certainly have to be careful when drafting their license agreements for how the work is allowed to be used - not just for this specific challenge, but in general.
All that said, best of luck to everyone entering the challenge !
I do take issue with the scarf he's wearing. I've seen them worn at pro palestine protests many of which support islamic terrorism, so does that mean that submissions can be anti-israel? Maybe the chasm idea came from Hamas tunnel construction in Gaza. Going to inquire on the video.
I have a pretty decent selection of shemagh/keffiyeh-like scarves and last time I checked I couldn't give less of a shit about anyone's causes except my own..
@NikhilR - I saw this in your portfolio are you pro-khan? wtf. Monster! Artists around the world compete (supportively) - no one dies just more art is made for everyone to enjoy... or not, but no one dies. Peace on earth. Fix your moobs.
Yeah shemagh's, are pretty handy for arid places but couldn't get my hands on one so had to make do with half a meter of military scrim. Does about the same job tho.
I asked on the video, lets see what his response is. Given the situation in the levant, probably not the best look considering his sponsors as well, it sends a message that can come across as inappropriate and politicised.
@NikhilR - I saw this in your portfolio are you pro-khan? wtf. Monster! Artists around the world compete (supportively) - no one dies just more art is made for everyone to enjoy... or not, but no one dies. Peace on earth. Fix your moobs.
Pro-khan? There was no political intent in my making that artwork. Khan's rise and downfall makes for interesting reading, there is a new audio series that just wrapped up too.
While Ricardo Montalban was pretty fit during filming, his age does show which is what I think you're referring to as moobs.
You can see in this collage the appearance of his chest changes depending on his posture, and its why I felt the need to demarcate it in that way (muscular chest but with some sagging skin and fat) but I do want to implement a muscle system at somepoint to make for more natural deformations.
I do recognise Cliton's intent as far as the contest goes, I just felt that this scarf shouldn't be featured in the video given its current negative association around the world in regards to the ongoing conflict. So not sure about his intent around wearing the scarf, but this thread summarizes the israeli perspective on the matter, https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1acxddq/can_someone_explain_to_me_the_double_standard_of/
I felt it important to inquire on where Clinton stands on hamas since his political leanings could torpedo the contest seeing how most sponsors don't wish to be associated with the terror group.
that was unnecessary imo - we're laughing at the silly statement, not attacking the person. if you've got constructive comments to make on the art, do it in the appropriate thread.
I felt it important to inquire on where Clinton stands on hamas since his political leanings could torpedo the contest seeing how most sponsors don't wish to be associated with the terror group.
I recommend the comic series Khan ruling in hell which shows his transition from elegant ruler and benevolent tyrant to his descent into vengeful madness.
This is in contrast to hamas's leadership such as Sinwar and Deif who were incredibly brutal sociopaths from the very beginning driven by Islamic extremism.
The only exception would be Mosab Hasan Yousef who is the son of one of hamas's founders and is very outspoken against the terror group.
This is my entry in progress - a quantum agi that's chosen the aspect of Janus - representing the dual state of the majarona fermion. Does not support Khan or moobs. Dreams of world peace. Does not care about scarves. There's also a little guy with a hard hat.
He hasn't replied to my comment on the video asking for clarification.
Probably should add a scarf since there may be a bias in the judging criteria based on if you're pro palestinian or not, since Clinton is involved in the judging process. Also if you dream of world peace, its better to replace the little guy with a supermodel. /s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1ZOWwW2agQ Likely to be atleast one Leonidas on that edge lol.
Do like the rest of the direction, the choice of head representing Janus in the center is innovative. I assume there will be many entries that will add something to the center of the pit, or something being excavated. I wonder if that idea inspired the concept of Deus, the god like machine at the end of Matrix Revolutions From the wiki: "
Deus ex Machina translates in Latin as "god from (or 'out of') the machine"; and is used as a plot device when a seemingly impossible dilemma is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object."
Nikhil, I never have any idea what your point is or what you're talking about, or why you feel the need to say it. Of course that guy hasn't replied, probably hasn't even seen your comment. We could all be so lucky.
Nikhil, I never have any idea what your point is or what you're talking about, or why you feel the need to say it. Of course that guy hasn't replied, probably hasn't even seen your comment. We could all be so lucky.
I just felt that there it was inappropriate and unprofessional for Justin to to politicise the contest by wearing a keffiyah so asked to clarify his intention since it can imply a bias in how entries are judged.
Well, anything can be interpreted in a milion different ways. Here it's safe to assume that this is just someone enjoying the Burning Man look and cosplaying as a desert adventurer. Not too different from Adam Savage wearing an Indiana Jones hat everywhere.
As a matter of fact he's been wearing similar scarves in his action shorts for years now. It's the same look as Adrien Broody in the Predator sequel - it makes tall skinny guys appear a little bit more buff.
That doesn't mean that it can't be seen as a loaded "Arafat Scarf" symbol either, as that *is* worn by college kids in need for a cause since last year. Not too different from the Che Guevarra tshirts from 20 years ago.
Probably should add a scarf since there may be a bias in the judging criteria based on if you're pro palestinian or not, since Clinton is involved in the judging process.
I am pro Palestinian - and I'm pro Israeli - I'm pro Ukrainian/Russian. Any one of those people pick up a weapon and abduct or kill someone else - arrest and prosecute them. Any one of them do some sketchy land seizure in violation of international law - litigate in court. You brought a silly and fun contest into this idiotic discussion about a scarf that's not even the right pattern for the alignment you're incorrectly interpreting. You're like a brown hole (not quite as cool and powerful as a black hole) of ignorance making everything around you shittier. @Pior - college kids adopt causes and symbols because they are optimistic about changing the world. And that optimism is carved out of the old timers through experience and perspective. Anyway make art. Maybe it will change the world .
Probably should add a scarf since there may be a bias in the judging criteria based on if you're pro palestinian or not, since Clinton is involved in the judging process.
I am pro Palestinian - and I'm pro Israeli - I'm pro Ukrainian/Russian. Any one of those people pick up a weapon and abduct or kill someone else - arrest and prosecute them. Any one of them do some sketchy land seizure in violation of international law - litigate in court. You brought a silly and fun contest into this idiotic discussion about a scarf that's not even the right pattern for the alignment you're incorrectly interpreting. You're like a brown hole (not quite as cool and powerful as a black hole) of ignorance making everything around you shittier. @Pior - college kids adopt causes and symbols because they are optimistic about changing the world. And that optimism is carved out of the old timers through experience and perspective. Anyway make art. Maybe it will change the world .
I just felt it would be sensible for Justin to not wear that scarf given the current situation in the middle east given he will be judging the contest.
I do believe that i'm well read enough on the conflict, though this is the first that I've had any one say they are pro palestinian and pro israel and also pro ukranian and pro-russian. The middle east conflict is far more complex in its history and religious motivations, so not really sensible to paint them all with a broad brush.
I agree Its best to see the scarf in context (hence why I asked) and justin's motivations might be casual like a trendy fashion statement, but still inappropriate in this situation. Since he is representing sponsors its better not to attract controversy which could derail the contest.
The contest also doesn't have any guidelines against subversive content so who knows what will end up being submitted.
The video with Mosab Hasan Yousef and the israel hostage debating with the columbia student is a good indication of the delusion that accompanies any optimism around college campus protests and it is a complex situation that hopefully will see some solution this year.
@pior - I wasn't aware he's been wearing that for years, do you have a link to that action film hes in? I couldn't find it on his channel.
No offence, but you seem to have some kind of neuroses about "what will the public think of ________?" You're doing the same thing as you did in the other threads you made or hijacked; suggesting that because some idiot could interpret something a certain way, it shouldn't be done. But unfortunately, in this and every other case, it's you. You're the guy.
Nobody is looking at this guy wearing a scarf and reading it as a political statement except you. It simply isn't that deep. You're just choosing to look at these things from the angle you want to and projecting your feelings onto everyone else.
I sifted through the youtube comments, and lol... you actually asked. I haven't been able to figure out if you've been trolling us this entire time Nikhi but I think this actually gives it away that you need to step outside and touch some grass. How you haven't gotten banned is beyond me. You're frequently taking over and derailing threads with the most ridiculous replies. I'm not really complaining so much because the wack stuff you write is so entertaining. I have a scarf that looks like that and if I got a batshit insane comment on it like yours, I'd ignore you too.
https://youtu.be/OBdRcEyce7w - we're talking about scarves man obviously. I don't really like the drone animations it's done using particle scatter should have tried some spline based animation. Oh well. Win scarf lose scarf.
I sifted through the youtube comments, and lol... you actually asked. I haven't been able to figure out if you've been trolling us this entire time Nikhi but I think this actually gives it away that you need to step outside and touch some grass. How you haven't gotten banned is beyond me. You're frequently taking over and derailing threads with the most ridiculous replies. I'm not really complaining so much because the wack stuff you write is so entertaining. I have a scarf that looks like that and if I got a batshit insane comment on it like yours, I'd ignore you too.
Of course I asked, I felt it was a very legitimate concern given the situation in the middle east. And I did go out, there's plenty of the keffiyah wearing crowd about almost daily vandalizing the city and protesting outside of synagogues.
And I can understand that maybe many contestants likely don't make that connection since they may not be aware or care much about the world outside of CG.
Last thing anyone wants is a sponsor derailing the contest because of political controversy.
My intention wasn't to derail this thread, just a concern that came to mind. Let's bring this thread back on topic regardless of what Justin wears in his next video.
Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. Look at them. They come to this place when they know they are not pure. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesise this moment? Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void.
I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its Janus key, the Void called to me. It brought me here, and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures. They are being led by a false prophet, an imposter, who knows not the secrets of the Void. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.
Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus key. Forever bound to the Void. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn its simple truth.
NGL, there is definitely a void of competitions that would get the community excited and push them to their limits I feel. Artstation had something going for a while but I've definitely felt less excitement and advertisement for them over time, and they were too frequent. Stuff like Dominance War or the Polycount Brawl, I miss them so much, and there doesn't even need to be prizes, just the community coming together. I still look back on some stuff done during those times and they still hold up insanely well.
I think that what made these oldschool community challenges special was the fact that they were somewhat of a niche thing. So even with the best intentions in the world, mainstream challenges cannot recapture that now that everyone is terminally online. Pwnisher alone has more than a million subs.
There are still smaller-scale gameart community efforts out there though, they just happen in less public spaces like dedicated Discord servers. For instance here's a pack of fully original Bomb Rush Cyberfunk characters designed and crafted by a collective of 12 artists and programmers. The result looks fantastic as the characters perfectly adhere to the niche constraints of the host game (basically following Dreamcast-era specs). I bet everyone involved levelled up in the process, and it even culminated in an ingame community event.
you're in luck @gorecap. As a disgruntled ex-AAA developer, I'm currently offering art critique loot boxes on a never before seen discount. Buy 10 get 2 free, plus a guaranteed 5 star reply.
Replies range from useless comments like "what software did you make this in" to "the lighting and composition could use work, here are some ways to improve..."
lol but really I recommend grouping your detail with colour and shadow/light. There's a lot going on in the scene and I'd make the non focal areas darker. Also way too many drones. Maybe stick to a few larger drones, or make the drones smaller and more numerous
aha well. The failure is well deserved. Apathetic owners, an admin clique, enabling people to emoji instead of critique(I hate this), waywo (I hate this), rankings, splitting the community between discord, slack and whatever else, everything that made polycount a good thing (posting your project and getting hardcore critique) is diffused by thoughtless choices. It could run events it could be a great and vibrant thing it could be a focal point for artists. But we just have artstation to exploit artists and push a.i. Take down the discord and slack, get rid of threads like waywo that habitualize the pursuit of likes, get rid of the like thing, get rid of anything that is not about posting your project and getting critique. Thanks for the critique @zetheros (smiling emoji)
aha well. The failure is well deserved. Apathetic owners, an admin clique, enabling people to emoji instead of critique(I hate this),
If someone's response was getting summed up with the emoji chances are their feed back was "Good Job." not really much of a critique was lost with that.
wrong - it's meaningless and lazy. Nothing would be better. But you're a level 12 and I'm just a level 6 so I defer to your judgement. I gave you a +1 emoji "good job"
lol. I get your perspective. But times change, especially the internets. What worked in the early 2ks isn’t replicable, not with people raised on the internet, they want different ways to interact.
Anyhow, we can yell at the clouds, or we can get busy living
As for competitions, someone proposed one recently in honor of Kevin. But they wanted the site to do the heavy lifting. Unfortunately we all got jobs and responsibilities now.
But we can still provide support, if someone wants to organize something… Host stuff for you, make a dedicated forum section, promote it on our socials.
If you’re up for the heavy lifting, we’re here to support and celebrate that!
wrong - the value of quality critique cannot be diminished - prove to me how it can be diminished - enabling laziness is kowtowing to a perceived standard. I've only seen art be more homogenized because there is no room to push boundaries. Everything has to be techy plating like iron man or Captain America. LOL You've convinced your self it's not possible - but anything is possible with courage and poly count is still a strong brand that can monetize and thrive with the right mission but it doesn't because hey - we're just a meme now. A memory for the kids.
Look at the outcome not the data or poll result. Remove things that are not on mission. Imo polycount should be for posting your project and receiving critique. Sharing techniques and process. That's when it's at it's best. And sometimes it runs a contest event. Anything else... leave it to the rest of the internet. Remove any other distractions. I actually had a really hard time once I was changed to "insane polycounter" and I didn't know it was about the post count. I thought one of the admins changed it and I was going through a hard time. So "just ignore it" is not good enough.
Tutorial -
He picks the top 100 from the 5000+ that normally enter -
I've seen them worn at pro palestine protests many of which support islamic terrorism, so does that mean that submissions can be anti-israel?
Maybe the chasm idea came from Hamas tunnel construction in Gaza.
Going to inquire on the video.
More info on the scarf he's wearing,
such scarves are also favoured by - let me see...
in summary I think you're being very silly
I asked on the video, lets see what his response is.
Given the situation in the levant, probably not the best look considering his sponsors as well, it sends a message that can come across as inappropriate and politicised.
Pro-khan? There was no political intent in my making that artwork.
Khan's rise and downfall makes for interesting reading, there is a new audio series that just wrapped up too.
While Ricardo Montalban was pretty fit during filming, his age does show which is what I think you're referring to as moobs.
You can see in this collage the appearance of his chest changes depending on his posture, and its why I felt the need to demarcate it in that way (muscular chest but with some sagging skin and fat) but I do want to implement a muscle system at somepoint to make for more natural deformations.
I do recognise Cliton's intent as far as the contest goes, I just felt that this scarf shouldn't be featured in the video given its current negative association around the world in regards to the ongoing conflict.
So not sure about his intent around wearing the scarf, but this thread summarizes the israeli perspective on the matter,
I felt it important to inquire on where Clinton stands on hamas since his political leanings could torpedo the contest seeing how most sponsors don't wish to be associated with the terror group.
otherwise i agree
it's really not
I recommend the comic series Khan ruling in hell which shows his transition from elegant ruler and benevolent tyrant to his descent into vengeful madness.
This is in contrast to hamas's leadership such as Sinwar and Deif who were incredibly brutal sociopaths from the very beginning driven by Islamic extremism.
The only exception would be Mosab Hasan Yousef who is the son of one of hamas's founders and is very outspoken against the terror group.
I recommend his book "Son of Hamas"
One funny quote he had about the scarf lol
At 1.16.42 in this video,
Recommend watching the whole debate.
This is my entry in progress - a quantum agi that's chosen the aspect of Janus - representing the dual state of the majarona fermion. Does not support Khan or moobs. Dreams of world peace. Does not care about scarves. There's also a little guy with a hard hat.
Probably should add a scarf since there may be a bias in the judging criteria based on if you're pro palestinian or not, since Clinton is involved in the judging process.
Also if you dream of world peace, its better to replace the little guy with a supermodel. /s
Likely to be atleast one Leonidas on that edge lol.
Do like the rest of the direction, the choice of head representing Janus in the center is innovative.
I assume there will be many entries that will add something to the center of the pit, or something being excavated.
I wonder if that idea inspired the concept of Deus, the god like machine at the end of Matrix Revolutions
From the wiki: "
As a matter of fact he's been wearing similar scarves in his action shorts for years now. It's the same look as Adrien Broody in the Predator sequel - it makes tall skinny guys appear a little bit more buff.
That doesn't mean that it can't be seen as a loaded "Arafat Scarf" symbol either, as that *is* worn by college kids in need for a cause since last year. Not too different from the Che Guevarra tshirts from 20 years ago.
I do believe that i'm well read enough on the conflict, though this is the first that I've had any one say they are pro palestinian and pro israel and also pro ukranian and pro-russian.
The middle east conflict is far more complex in its history and religious motivations, so not really sensible to paint them all with a broad brush.
I agree Its best to see the scarf in context (hence why I asked) and justin's motivations might be casual like a trendy fashion statement, but still inappropriate in this situation.
Since he is representing sponsors its better not to attract controversy which could derail the contest.
The contest also doesn't have any guidelines against subversive content so who knows what will end up being submitted.
The video with Mosab Hasan Yousef and the israel hostage debating with the columbia student is a good indication of the delusion that accompanies any optimism around college campus protests and it is a complex situation that hopefully will see some solution this year.
@pior - I wasn't aware he's been wearing that for years, do you have a link to that action film hes in? I couldn't find it on his channel.
And I did go out, there's plenty of the keffiyah wearing crowd about almost daily vandalizing the city and protesting outside of synagogues.
And I can understand that maybe many contestants likely don't make that connection since they may not be aware or care much about the world outside of CG.
Last thing anyone wants is a sponsor derailing the contest because of political controversy.
My intention wasn't to derail this thread, just a concern that came to mind.
Let's bring this thread back on topic regardless of what Justin wears in his next video.
I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its Janus key, the Void called to me. It brought me here, and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures. They are being led by a false prophet, an imposter, who knows not the secrets of the Void. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.
Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus key. Forever bound to the Void. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn its simple truth.
Replies range from useless comments like "what software did you make this in" to "the lighting and composition could use work, here are some ways to improve..."
lol but really I recommend grouping your detail with colour and shadow/light. There's a lot going on in the scene and I'd make the non focal areas darker. Also way too many drones. Maybe stick to a few larger drones, or make the drones smaller and more numerous
got jobs and responsibilities now.
If you’re up for the heavy lifting, we’re here to support and celebrate that!
We've discussed the + button quite a bit already, if you're curious what people thought about it see Reaction buttons added: Insightful, Awesome
And we chatted a lot about Ranks, see Ranks by point count or by post count?