I've been trying to use trimsheet to texture some of the parts of this mesh. Precisely, I've try to use Olsen Morten techniques to create trimsheet with a 45 degree angle but no matter how I tweak it I'm still having trouble with the dark seems... (it gets worst when having AO on top of it...)

Maybe it's the way I made my trim? (I made the basic shape in designer and textured it in painter). In designer I used a plugin to get the 45 agle and applied edge wear on top of it after). I use Maya for the trim placements.

I'll add that in the document of Olsen they seems to add some kind of padding to the trim uv but how could you do that?
In maya: All of the trim are snapped to the edge.

The only I've seen to ``fix`` the issue is by scalling down my uv like that...

Any idea on fixing it?
Thanks in advance
edit: adding the ao and normal maps! The mesh mapped used the 3 and 7 trim from the top!

(ignore the black border around it. It's a screenshot)
I don't mean to be facetious but it would be nice to know what I was supposed to be looking at...