I could really use some help here please.
For some reason in Max2017, In the orthographic viewports I lose visibility of aspects of my mesh when I'm in sub selection mode.
When I select the 'whole' mesh, the wires are white and I can see just fine. But as soon as I try to adjust verts / edges / faces, the wires almost completely disappear. Its especially bad on planar faces.
I'm using an nVidia RTX2070 and have the latest drivers. Not sure what to do here. Any help is appreciated!!
turn off the grid (G) ?
Haha, yeah. That helps a little, but even then, the wires still aren't all that visible. It's strange.
Show Selected Edges is off, turning that on may be it.
using a contrasting object color may help. clicking on the colored box right of the object's name will display a swatch menu.
you can also globally change vertex size under viewport preferences or vertex color under the customize ui menus.
some useful hotkeys:
- or + will shrink or grow your viewport gizmo
f2 toggles displaying face selections as shaded or wired
f3 toggles shaded or wireframe
f4 toggles edged faces