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whichs addons are recommended for 3ds max? im also looking for a addon which makes max be like modo.

polycounter lvl 6
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napelazam polycounter lvl 6

chamferzone uses 2017 version. so im not sure if he wastes more time just cause of its 2017 and perhaps lacks sexy features from 2022.

im also looking for a addon which makes max be like modo.


  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    afaik, Tim has or will shortly migrate to foss however regardless, software choice is just a means too an end.

    without the guiding mind and hand, it's simply - a tool or set thereof

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6


    a tool or set thereof

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    eh! edited op/title?

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    but wht do u mean with tool or set therof?

  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master

    He means that modeling packages are just tools and should be treated as such, one is not better than another - plugins and addons don't suddenly make you a wizard at modeling.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    but last time i used blender i was not able to make booleans cause blender made it very shitty.

    when i use modo, i can boolean literally everything, modo can handle that, but blender be like: what do i do now??? i was coded by just one guy... i cant boolean this! this is tooo much for my algorythm!

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    yeah well booleans are usually shit in almost any software, all programs have their pros and cons, i am sure modo also has some weak sides ;)

  • napelazam
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage

    Blender isn't done by one guy.

    Usually if you run into such a problem, it's a sign you maybe misunderstand how the tool works, or how the workflow works, or both— or how the software works more generally— booleans are a fundamental thing in any 3D software, and while they usually are a bit janky, once you learn the ins and outs they're very manageable.

  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master

    Day in, day out I'd hear or read how booleans are bad in x software, but this comes from the same people that expect it to be self-solving, sub-d ready clean meshes. Bools do the same thing in all DCCs - produce unusable topology. I can't think of a scenario where a boolean operation wouldn't require some clean up/planning/troubleshooting in any software.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    me personally? Mostly 3dsmax and zBrush, some maya. i work with blender users, modo users, maya only people. it doesnt really matter

    if i wasn't so damn lazy with this, i would have switched to blender a long time ago. but my 3dsmax 2011 (!) license is paid for, i will use it until it doesnt work anymore.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6


    ill try moid3d today :D should be best way to model things

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    that really depends on what you wanna do.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    Moi is fine til you want a mesh you can work with or bake from - then it's just the standard shitty cad converted mesh problem.

    I find fusion 360 to be less of a pain in the arse as you can at least bring in a parametric version to max and tweak subdivisions before converting to a polymesh or baking from it.

    Modo uses the remesher they lifted from groboto for meshfusion iirc. most other apps have the same or similarly derived remeshing tech (max and zbrush certainly do) so no reason you shouldn't be able to get comparable results in those.

    For a proper flawless boolean modelling experience you need to work with solids. Houdini is probably the lowest effort method at present of combining arbitrary shaped vdbs but you're going to need a big computer to cope with high density objects.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    where do i find out what these cad -> mesh problems are?

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter

    Woah ! "Groboto". I remember this name from 10 years ago. Would be cool for something like that to be available today.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    doesnt modo have groboto implemented?

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter

    Yes, of course, Modo has the MeshMixer implementation. But Modo is also subscribtion only now, so as far as I am concerned that rules it out.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    The groboto remesher was pretty special at the time and when Modo yoinked it it was still impressive but as I say, it's been matched and bettered since.

    It's a fairly well understood problem at this point and I'd imagine blender probably has far superior tools by now (don't know, hate using blender)

    As for cad - mesh problems. Import a cad file to the app of your choice and start trying to work with it. You'll see..

    TLDR is - it triangulates stuff awkwardly

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    sure. but thats why we have auto retopo. and if we modeled everything with nubs, we only need to add details and thus dont need edge loops etc.

    but ill also try modo.

    lol no... blender can just dream of modos skills.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter

    "sure. but thats why we have auto retopo. and if we modeled everything with nubs, we only need to add details and thus dont need edge loops etc."

    You really need to just get started with this as opposed to just theorizing, and you'll find "where these problems are" just like everyone else that came before you :D

    These topics have been discussed to death since forever, and no, there's no automagical-perfect-workflow-that-does-everything-easily - all the cleanest game art out there always relies on clean geo and tight manual UVs, sometimes thought about early in the process. And if some new automagical workflow is ever to emerge, it's not here just yet, despite what so many would love to believe.

    As a matter of fact focusing too much on highpoly-centric workflow and dismissing manual work can be quite dangerous as it would make you totally unaware to the massive speed benefits that comes from environment and prop modeling workflows focusing on trim sheets/tiling textures/decal details.

    TLDR : don't try to imagine too much how things may be done. Instead Focus on studying how the things out there are *actually* done.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage

    I feel like your perspective about this is biased and odd— focus on the work, not the tool, and you'll see pretty much any widely used program is about as capable as any other.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    Just because it can be done the hard way doesn’t mean it should.

    mona lisa made in paint™

    The best tool in the world won’t help if you have no idea what you’re doing.

    And you won't know what you're doing if the software you're using is trash.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage

    Yeah, but that's kind of my point; no mainstream tool is going to be objectively trash.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    no. its a fact that a multi cut tool in maya is better than cut and connect(2 buttons for same work) in max. not sure tho if mayas multi cut tool can incremens in n% steps. if it can do that in multu cit, its superior.

    in modo i can increment in 5% steps while connecting 2 edges with edge. (max: connect tool)

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter

    Heya - you are missing the point being made in the replies above by about a mile.

    By "the tool doesn't matter", no one is saying that the cut tool from software X is the same as the cut tool from software Y. Because that would be, quite frankly, a dumb and pointless thing to say.

    What is actually being said is, cut tool X being different from cut tool Y is irrelevant in regards to learning what it takes to make clean game art. And, doing clean game art is not learnt by pushing buttons in software X or Y ; it is learned by studying how clean game art is contructed in the first place.

    Anyways. Good luck.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    that has nothing to do with if a software can be better than another one.

    nobody here is talking about that one needs experience with modelling to make good results.

    and the whole thread has nothing to do with the title.

  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666

    Sounds like you might like the Smooth Boolean plugin from KM-3D.

    Beyond boolean plugins though, what exactly are you looking for? Saying you want to make Max like Modo is a very broad statement that could mean many things.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    @PolyHertz have u used modo for a long time? if not, then you wont understand

  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666

    I did use Modo quite a bit years ago, back before Luxology was bought out by The Foundry. In fact I got very close to switching from Max to Modo entirely because I enjoyed using it so much. Modo has many unique and interesting features (some of which I still miss to this day), far too many for any one plugin to replicate, so it's important to know what aspects specifically you care about in order to make a worthwhile recommendation.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    if you have used modo so much and u know modos power then u know what i want and what other tools like max, blender, maya cant give.

    have you use meshfusion? its some superior way of booleans.. not sure tho. didnt try. have to try

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    now the real question is, if you love modo so much, why do you wanna move to max?

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    i used modo in past. then i switched to some other tool, dont know which and dont know why.

    but i was very in love with modo

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    then keep it

    i wouldnt say i love my 3dsmax 2011, but i am very used to it. pretty much all our productions are maya in the end, doesnt really matter nowadays anymore

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    but why has nobody made a comparison with all software, comparing year for year their functions and how straightforward it is?

    comparing that is not subjective. its the same as any other product you can compare. from 2d software to vehicles and motion tracking software. its all objective.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage

    Not all objective; I really do think different types of brains/personalities work better with the workflows of certain software. I've worked with 3ds max professionally, and I just can't get to like the way it does things. There are certain things I like— the modifier stack is great for certain things. But overall, even though I use max 8+ hours a day, I just don't jive with it in the end.

    Maya on the other hand, I picked up with ease and the way Maya works seems to match with my brain's expectations of how things ought to work. Is maya objectively better? I'd say not; I've seen people make amazing art equally quickly in Max, Maya, Blender, Modo, etc. But for me, I think I'd be faster in maya no matter how long I spend in another program.

    Humans are rarely objective creatures; give people 5 axes to chop down a tree and chop wood, and everyone will come away with a different favorite, for different reasons.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    here is the thing u do wrong.

    u forgot to mention that each axe has different features. one has 2 buttons, one has only 1 button, tho it can do everything the one with the 2 buttons can do. et cetera. the one with 1 button is superior for every human being.

    imagine not being able to cut with increments like in max lol. going into a menu blabla... doesnt make it better. utterly trash.

    "I've seen people make amazing art equally quickly in Max, Maya, Blender, Modo," It doesnt matter. If they are good in that tool or not. That doesnt make my point of best software invalid.

    99% of humans can make stuff with blender. doesnt mean its best software for creating 3d models.

    99% of humans as right now might think their life is splendid. truth is, it's not.


    in short: this is not even the TOPIC. and it also doesnt destroy my point that we can indeed rate 3d software.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage

    No; you're assuming any difference must be objectively better or worse, or that these differences can be simplified and quantified in a way that can give you a meaningfully leading software/axe.

    With axes— first of all they don't tend to have buttons but— with axes, usually the difference are not nearly so black and white. It may be, the angle of the bevel on this one works better with my weak elbow, or the width of the head on this one helps me split the wood quicker and I don't mind that each chop is more difficult. Or, this one has a better handle size or shape for my hands. Give and take, largely; opinions, and trade-offs.

    None of these things are objective; humans are not robots, humans are not objective beings.

    There are definitely ill-formed and un-formed softwares— I wouldn't want to be a game artist using milkshape or caligari truespace or wings3D (though to each their own)— but any software widely used in the industry has passed countless benchmarks to become as widely used as it is. If there were any material, functional, meaningful difference, the better software would likely win out.

    This may not be the topic of the thread, but... you've kind of made it the topic of the thread by being so weird and combative about it

    You could go through every 3D program, and list out all the tools and the numbers of options, and the numbers of clicks, and get no closer to figuring out "which is best", because it's just not that simple in the end.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    You just can not objectively do this, there is stuff one software does better than the other, that doesn't mean its overall the best software out there. There are softwares who do things worse than others, doesn't mean they are the worst software out there.

    If all you do all day is bool stuff and you are super happy to do it in Modo, then do it in modo. No need to search for a script or plugin for 3dsmax to behave like modo.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    How effective something is at modelling or animation etx. isn't a significant part of the decision to use it in the first place.

    A studio will ultimately decide to use something because it fits all their needs - price,ease of pipeline integration, ability to hire qualified staff.

    Nobody gives a toss whether it's easier to make a teapot in one or the other because modelling is the fast and cheap part of the process

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    @Joopson You could go through every 3D program, and list out all the tools and the numbers of options, and the numbers of clicks, and get closer to figuring out "which is best", because it makes sense

    and then i could tell new people what software to use. simple as that.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    This is all just a form of procrastination.

    Hyper-analyzing tools instead of doing work. If saving time was the true motivation, you just ask people who do this stuff all day and do what they do.

    Focus inward because there are endless improvements to make there that will boost your productivity 1000% on a daily basis. Focusing on tools is almost useless unless you are already operating at your own max capacity.

    I mean, using right tool for the job is key but if you are talking about algorithm one modeling software uses to boolean versus another, it's pointless.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    how fast things get done matters a lot. and u wont be fast in 3ds max.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    others already are. I guess they know something you dont

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    i dont think so, when u research about how people model faster when they switch from e.g. max to blender.

    its very likely, more than 50% of professional max users, that they would be faster in another software.

    cards are all open. its all visible to everybody.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    It is very likely that people who make up sweeping statistics over-esteem their own intelligence.

    Prove these people wrong who've probably been modeling longer than you've been alive. Test out all the applications, collect the data in a rigorous scientific study, and then after 10 years inform us which is the fastest software and why the boolean algorithm contributes to that.

    I think you are just feeling a bit lazy because you don't really like modeling, and so you find useless procrastinations instead of doing the work.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    words don't mean anything. Results do.

    You came here with questions, you got answers, but you dont like the answers because they tell you to essentially stop whining and go back to work.

    So are you a person who gets work done or just whines because you are lazy/non-interest/nobody cares? If you think you have something to teach everybody about the software, do the test and teach us.

  • napelazam
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    napelazam polycounter lvl 6

    i am here because i think that here should be peope who know that.

    but it seems people here are too agnostic and dont want to know what is best 3d dcc. you should be that in religion. .

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