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whichs addons are recommended for 3ds max? im also looking for a addon which makes max be like modo.



  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter

    Well, if you are interested by the interaction method of a certain tool from a certain app, and if you wish to see it ported to another application of your choice ... then the course of action is not to dream of someone making charts comparing everything, or to hope that someone somewhere will magically create "objectively the best tools".

    Instead just sit down and get to work by doing a tight design document, and get in touch with a tech artist you can hire to make that tool for you (if that is even possible with the interaction API of the software of course ... and if they are interested in what you are trying to do in the first place). That's about all there is to it.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    Yeah... So?

    You act as if speed on one small part of a production is the only thing that matters in a production. Well it doesn't, it's a part of it, but not the only parameter that counts.

    If Modo was the perfect tool for production, that puts shade on all other tools in all regards I would guess it would have a more solid standing in the industry. But it has not, coincidence?

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