Does anyone here know any free or paid courses that can help with improving art fundamentals while working with 3D ?
My 3D technical skills advanced nicely, but I believe I am lacking a lot of the fundamental art knowledge, and I would like to improve that, if possible, in a structured guided way.
CtrlPaint is an awesome structured system.
Plus we have more here
I've watched ctrlpaint a few years ago, probably should refresh my memory haha :)) It was really awesome for learning.
I was however wondering if maybe there is someone that made a tutorial course directly applicable to 3D art? As in doing 3D scene while applying and explaining art fundamentals. I can't really find many of those online, and it would be nice to have an all in one in which I could make my own variation of whatever the artist is doing, while also getting fundamentals.
Things used to be pretty simple workflow wise, but as I expanded my knowledge i also got more into perfectionism and liking complexity, and it would help to see someone tackle the beginning of, for example environment art. For example: How people focus on the blockout stage to create composition, etc.
I've read some things here and there, such as for example: Blocking out with really rough 3D shapes and also lighting the scene before texturing, to make sure that you are getting the right atmosphere.
From the resources you've sent, I also really like this one since it's about keeping focus and negative space, decluttering. Really nice read:
I'll take a look at the others soon as well, thanks !
Oh, environment art. Why didn't you say so! :) I thought you meant general art skills.
Env art at it's most fundamental is level design
Also here's another step by step
Oh, never though about it that way, but yes actually that makes a lot of sense, all the fundamentals for environment art are most likely in level design, damn. This answer was more mind blowing for my brain than it should have been :))) I do mean general art fundamentals, such as composition, colors, light. But I believe a lot of that might also be covered through level design, since there's also lighting level design. So in a way level design = guiding the player in 3D space, in a similar way that composition would. If I find anything interesting with some searches, I'll post it here
The 2nd one is really useful too. Thanks !
The second link in my first reply is likely to help with composition, colors, light.
It will for sure.
From a level design perspective I also found these. Gonna look for some proper courses as well these days. Never searched up level design courses to be fair so maybe I'll find something interesting. If i find smth interesting I'll post that here.
So here's some stuff I found for fundamentals, with level design and outside of level design:
Ten Principles for Good Level Design -
Level Design Workshop: Blockmesh and Lighting Tips -
Methods for finding pleasing compositions -
Composition Understanding Shapes -
Also checkout Tim Simpson over on Polygon Academy a ton of stuff in there, I think you'll find helpful as well
I totally recommend Tim Simpson, one of my favourite teachers. I remember his article on motivation helped me a lot: tutorial
To be honest, nothing beats insight shared by those with coal-face exposure and may I also mention as some random dude who just does this CG stuff for "fun"
Is that enviro art as a *beeping* hard in every-which-way possible or so it would seem too me, at least 🤪