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Japanese Hotel Lobby (UE4)

polycounter lvl 3
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valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3
Hi, guys,

New project in the works. This is a potential place where you will be holding off of ennemies, like zombies for instance (like Left 4 Dead survival).

Currently in the blockout stage and adding some megascans materials


  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3

    Worked on it more.

    Tried to come up with my own design, still ligthing and mood is insrpired from Battlefield 4 and John Wick 3.
  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3

    Some progress on this
  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3
    Alright, calling this done. Any feedback is welcomed. The composition isnt the best but it was a challenge to come up with my own design  
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    I'd introduce more orange and red elements (really punch up the bar area and highlight those banners with a light source coming from below). Basically really push the orange and blue contrast a bit more. 
  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3
    I'd introduce more orange and red elements (really punch up the bar area and highlight those banners with a light source coming from below). Basically really push the orange and blue contrast a bit more. 
    Thanks! Im on it!
  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3

    Thanks for the feedback. Update on this. Still gotta work on the lobby itself, but I will come back to it a bit later. Now on to something else.
  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    It looks really cool, but one thing is bugging me. It looks strange that it's just a fogy inside as outside. A hotel of this size would have AC or climate control or something.
  • teodar23
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    teodar23 sublime tool
    Yea the indoor fog bugs me too.
    Also, i would use those circular things hanging from the ceiling as neon lights. I think it will make the scene better lit and make some props better to read.
  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you for your feedback! I will get on the fog thing when I can. To be honest that fog was intended as moonlight coming in, but looks like it doesnt read as such.

    Also those circular things on the ceiling are supposed to be neon lights, but I thought for some reason I could get away with not properly modeling those as I thought a silhouette like that would be enough. Looks like its not!

    Again, thank you for your feedback.

    Too bad this project didnt get much exposure on artstation. Well, better luck next time!
  • teodar23
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    teodar23 sublime tool
    I dont know what your end goal is with this but it seems that you rushed through this and wanted to go straight to AS for some reason. Thats ok but maybe take your time with a scene and really make it special then post it for likes and praises. I think its better to have a few well done pieces in your portfolio than a lot of rushed "could-have-been-better" ones. Just my 2c.
  • valentin_baguirov
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    valentin_baguirov polycounter lvl 3
    teodar23 said:
    I dont know what your end goal is with this but it seems that you rushed through this and wanted to go straight to AS for some reason. Thats ok but maybe take your time with a scene and really make it special then post it for likes and praises. I think its better to have a few well done pieces in your portfolio than a lot of rushed "could-have-been-better" ones. Just my 2c.
    Thanks man, I havent rushed it, I just posted it when I thought it was mostly done and thought was working well. The end goal with this is to create a compelling portfolio in a timely manner and that’s what I enjoy also. Also keep in mind that I didn’t texture all of this myself, I used megascans for most of the textures, I think I forgot to specify that, my bad.

    Again, this isn’t rushed in any way, I just made it in a way that will get the most bang for my buck time wise, something that’s compelling, has an interesting design and tells a story and is consumable without spending the extra 200% of the time to get those last 5-10%, that if it doesn’t end up looking worse. That being said, I will definetly get back to this to fix some glaring errors.
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