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Portfolio Critique -BFCreative

polycounter lvl 3
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BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
Hello guys/gals,
it's taking me alot of courage to ask for feedback on the online forums, as quite possibly anything can be said, and everyone is given their freedom to opinionate however they see fit. So this is along time coming.

I genuinely want to improve and land that first industry job, so i hope you guys can be helpful in getting me there.
- I'm 2d environment focused, and I am aiming for a realistic finish on majority of my concepts.

**i know as of now my website has many categories, i hope you guys can offer some advice to sort of streamline my work , or simplify the organization of it.
* i think that is all i can think of in regards to myself. oo possible places i want to employ at ubisoft, naughdog, capcom.

website: https://brandonfleurycreat.wixsite.com/mysite

Thank you for you time.


  • Eric Chadwick
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    Kudos for posting! 

    On mobile atm in a train so the connection is too slow. But first piece of advice would be to compare your site to the sage advice here: https://polycount.com/discussion/39516/your-portfolio-repels-jobs/p1

    I'll actually open your site first chance I get. Hope this helps!
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Hmm. Can't see your art on my Android phone. I see a Wix ad for their app, then your logo, then your email address, then a lot of white space. 

    I think that article should help.

    Also, it's best to make a folio on Artstation instead of Wix. Lots of advice on the forums here advocating why, try a search. 

    Wish I could see your art! 
  • BrandonFCreative
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    BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
    yeah i sorry about that, i couldn't figure out how to get mobile, and most if not all the companies would be sent through email on my mac so another reason why i never did the mobile setup.

    Thanks Eric i'll will definitely use i
  • BrandonFCreative
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    BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
    I tried opening my site on my phone, i have an android too. Maybe try using desktop version, i'lll try to make the thumbnails smaller also.
    It does take a sec to load.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    I took a look on PC. I like your work, thanks for sharing!

    I think it would help you to read that article and apply the advice to your site. The best and easiest way to solve it is to simply use Artstation instead of Wix. I can't stress this enough.

    Since you're aiming for game studios like Ubisoft, Naughtydog, Capcom, take a close look at what kind of production concepts they use, and develop your portfolio to show the same types of pieces. For example https://geoffreybire.artstation.com/projects/L0dGr No necessarily the style, but how they show and explain things.

    Your current concepts look like photobashing. Photobashing in itself is not a problem, but exclusively using it is. It raises questions about your ability to paint freely, whether you can move beyond being constrained purely by whatever photos you can incorporate.

    Our wiki is down right now, my apologies, but here's a Google cache of the relevant page. Check the Concept section for tips.

    Concept Artist

    1. Ability to inspire, come up with new designs, express ideas.
    2. An eye for color, value, perspective, composition, & lighting.
    3. Can render characters, buildings, environments, props, vehicles.
    4. Can render consistent proportions that can easily translate into 3D models.
    5. Ability to render the same subject from multiple angles... weapon design variations, costume variations, different lighting setups, etc.
    6. Anatomy, clothing, armor, weapons.
    7. Quick sketching & silhouette studies, vs. full renderings.
    8. Extra Credit: 3D modeling for paintovers (Sketchup).
    I think you're hitting a few of these, partially. 4,5,6,7: I don't see your portfolio hitting these.

    It will help you to take a hard look at your work, and be brutally honest with yourself. Are you hitting each one of these, repeatedly? Which of these are your falling short in? Pull out specific examples of your work for each, and ask yourself, if this was someone else's work and you were going to pay them to make new ones, would they be able to address the need, would they be able to nail it? 

    Don't get discouraged by critique, listen, absorb, and improve!

    I think above all your portfolio, and your posts here, show you're engaged and driven. Keep going!

    And post your work for critique here, you'll gain a ton from sharing and developing here.

    I hope this helps!
  • BrandonFCreative
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    BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
    Why have i never thought to checklist what the requirements they usually have with job posting as a basis to set myself on. Wow it's like something that should have been doing just already.

    Eric that's a great point with the concepts being mainly photo bashed and prospecting employers could look at that and think i can't doing painting also. This is a great great point.!! I'm glad you pointed that out.  
    This is damn good, no great overview of areas that i need to include more of!!

    The only thing is i understand concept artist can be well rounded but ALOT of resources or even videos i've seen said to focus on one area. For me the environment design, so should i focus on other areas because i don't want to spread myself to thin. 

    Thanks for the outstanding overview, trust me this helps alot. And i've been getting great feedback from Art directors from various companies.
    I use LinkedIn alot, great way to get connected too.
  • BrandonFCreative
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    BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
    Oh and yeah i'll post work updates in my own thread. I feel like i would be making so many threads lol. Should i just add them here. makes sense so i don't have to have a whole nother thread.

    I'm very driven i'm glad you referenced a ubisoft artist i follow a couple on artstation so i should be basing my work criteria of off them but of course i have not :D . I do have an artstation just nothing posted. The thing is i feel confident in my work  i just want to super duper sure of it, and then i'll start posting.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Don't wait to post. Post as soon as you start a piece, and keep posting as you work on it. Don't wait for feedback, either, before progressing further. Just keep working, and post daily updates, or as often as you've put work into the piece. If you get a crit, listen, decide if it's something you want to follow or not, then post updates. The more often you post, the more you will progress. I've seen it again and again. The self-motivators, the consistent posters, those show improvement and get critique (if they ask for it).
  • Eric Chadwick
  • BrandonFCreative
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    BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
    thanks! yeah i 'll work on a few so i can posts a couple at a time. i'm always working on something, just have to find time to post. 
    Great reads, and very insightful i'll take care to use all the info you've shared with me, i think i've already added or incorporated more of what is required of an artist so i'll start posting hopefully soon enough .
  • Eric Chadwick
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    "i'm always working on something, just have to find time to post."

    Have to call bullshit here. Respectfully! Just have to find time? Stop over thinking it.

    Just throw it up here, or any art social site really, and keep going. If you're always working on something, drag-n-drop it. Don't procrastinate.

    You have to get over that hump.
  • BrandonFCreative
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    BrandonFCreative polycounter lvl 3
    ahh lol you caught that, i just use that wording so i wouldn't put pressure on myself to post, since i'm trying to keep everything light and open.
    I'm gonna assume the section to put my stuff at is the sketchbook section right?
  • Eric Chadwick
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    If you're seeking feedback, 2D Showcase & Critiques is probably the best place. The Digital Sketchbooks section is less for crits. 
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