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Maxivz's Interactive Tools for Blender

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This is a collection of intuitive, context sensitive tools to improve productivity that I did to improve my workflow as I transitioned into Blender.
They are designed to be used as hotkeys, removing the amount of interaction with the menus and allowing for a less interrupted modeling experience.
This is the first release, and as expected some bugs will be found, please make sure to report those so they can be fixed.
Future releases will improve functionality as well as stability.
Without much to say I hope you find these tools useful and they help improve your modeling experience.


These scripts were tested and work with blender 2.8 build 749d53effd58 (8 June 2019).
If this addon is not working please update to the latest version of blender 2.8 first.

To install the tools go into the Add-ons tab in the preferences panel and click install.

A new window will open, select the location of the addon and click install.

Now search for the plugin and enable it.

Once enabled the tools can be found in the “Maxivz Interactive Tools” on the right side menu in blender.
These tools work better when assigned to hotkeys.


Super Smart Create
Connects verts that belong to the same face 
If you select one vert or two verts that share the same edge and are on a border it will invoke f2(make sure you have f2 enabled)

If you select multiple verts that belong to the same face, they will all be connected to the last selected vert.

If you select an edge it will divide it in 2, putting a vert in the middle of the edge
Connects the selected edges if they are part of a ring.
There's still some problems with the selection when two edge rings meet in a corner.
Caps selected borders

Bridges selected edges if possible
When you select 2 adjacent edges it creates a face

Bridges selected polys

If a single face is selected it will try to make quads on it..

This last feature works pretty good if you select a border, run the script to make a face and then run the script again to make quads out of it:

Set Cylindrical Obj Sides

Select the loop in a cylindrical object and run the script to make a copy of the shape with customizable number of sides.

Select the created object again and run the script again to continue editing the number of sides.

Smart Extrude

Inspired by 3ds max shift+drag behavior.
If in object mode it will duplicate the object and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

If in edge selection mode it will extend and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

If in vert or face selection mode it will duplicate and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

If you are in edit mode of a curve, it will extend the curve and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

Setup a new hotkey for each 3D View tool like this, make sure to disable the default duplicate objects.

Future Updates:
-Improve the axis detection.
-Similar behaviour for rotate and scale.
-Add more modifier keys (snapping, freeform, 2 axis constraint)

Smart Translate
A tool to quickly move objects around, it tries to predict the axis of the movement based on mouse movement.
It's pretty simple for now and only works when assigned to the middle mouse button, a setting for this will be made in the next update.

Future Updates:
-Improve the axis detection.
-Similar behaviour for rotate and scale.
-Add more modifier keys (snapping, freeform, 2 axis constraint)
-Being able to bind it to more than the middle mouse button.

Smart Loop:
If two continuous edges or one edge is selected, the edge loop is going to be selected

If two edges are selected, it's going to get the edge loop between them.

If three edges are selected, and they have the same space between them a step selection will be made.

These modes work with multiple selections at the same time:

Support for vertex and face mode is limited, but some modes work.
Future Updates:
-Loop selection algorithm improvements.
-Performance improvements to reduce slowdowns.
-Better vertex and face mode support

Smart Ring:
If two continuous edges or one edge is selected, the edge ring is going to be selected.
If two edges are selected, it's going to get the edge ring between them
If three edges are selected, and they have the same space between them a step selection will be made.
These modes work with multiple selections at the same time:

Support for vertex and face mode is limited, but some modes work.

Future Updates:
Ring selection algorithm improvements.
-Performance improvements to reduce slowdowns.
-Better vertex and face mode support

Quick FFD/Lattice
Simple, quick lattice tool that works with one hotkey.
Make a selection and run the tool. A lattice will be created and try to fit the selection. Only the selected area is affected by the lattice.

If you select the object and a lattice already exists the existing lattice will be selected.

If you select the lattice and run the script the lattice will be applied and the object will be selected. The original selection is selected.

Future Improvements:
Change FFD presets (3x3x3 and 4x4x4).
Better support for rotations.

Quick Radial Symmetry
Select an object and run the script a radial symmetry will be created using the object's pivot point as the center point.
Move the mouse to the left and the right the amount of iterations will increase and decrease.
Control + mouse movement to change the symmetry axis.

Select an object that already had radial symmetry to continue editing it.

Unhide the Symmetry Pivot and move it around to further modify the radial symmetry.

Quick Pivot

Centers the pivot on selection for vert, edge and face mode.

Works as well for object mode, centering the pivot on the object.

Quick Edit Pivot

Select an object and run the script, a helper will be made, you can move this helper to your desired pivot position.

If you select the object and run the script, but a helper already existed in the scene the helper will be selected.

Run the script again with the helper selected to move the pivot point of the object to the position of the helper. The helper will be deleted.

Quick Delete

If you select a vert the vert will be deleted with all the connected faces.

If you select an edge the edge will be dissolved.

If you select a border the border and the connected faces will be deleted.

If you select a face the face will be deleted.

If you select an object, the object will be deleted.

Quick Vert Mode
If you are in object mode it will switch to vert selection mode.
If you are in face or edge mode it will switch to vert mode.
If you are in vertex selection mode it will switch to object mode.
If the selected object is a curve, and you are in object mode it will switch to edit mode
If you are in the curve edit mode it will switch to object mode

Quick Edge Mode
If you are in object mode it will switch to edge selection mode.
If you are in vert or face mode it will switch to edge mode.
If you are in edge selection mode it will switch to object mode.
If the selected object is a curve, and you are in object mode it will switch to edit mode.
If you are in the curve edit mode it will switch to object mode.

Quick Face Mode
If you are in object mode it will switch to face selection mode.
If you are in vert or edge mode it will switch to face mode.
If you are in face selection mode it will switch to object mode.
If the selected object is a curve, and you are in object mode it will switch to edit mode.
If you are in the curve edit mode it will switch to object mode.

CS Bevel
If vert mode is selected it will execute the vertex chamfering tool.

If the edge mode it selected it will execute the edge bevel tool.
If the face mode is selected it will execute the extrude faces tool. This replicates 3ds Max face bevel behaviour.

CS Slide
Simple context sensitive slide:
  • If you are in vert mode it will execute vert slide.
  • If you are in edge mode it will execute edge slide.
Modifier Toggle
Toggles on and off all the modifiers of the selected object.

Wireframe Toggle

Toggles the wireframe rendering on and off.

Wire Shaded Toggle

Toggles between the shaded and the wireframe mode.

Target Weld Toggle

Toggles between vert snap and auto merge on and off.
Recreates 3ds max target weld behaviour by activating the tool and moving the verts you want to merge to the vert you want to merge to.

UV Rotate 90 pos

Rotates the UV selection 90 degrees.

UV Rotate 90 neg

Rotates the UV selection -90 degrees


  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    Excellent work, mate.
  • joebount
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    joebount polycounter lvl 13
    Amazing work! I will donate at some point :)
    Quick questions:
    -Would it be possible to do nothing if no object is selected with the quick select tools ? (basicaly to do nothing if no mesh is selected instead of selected the last object that was selected)
    -Could you implement an accelerate and slow down behaviour (precise mode) with the smart translate tool?
    -Are you planning to have a Quick rotate tool too ?
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Insanely useful! Been using your tools for a while in Max now and some of these are going to be pure gold in Blender. Will definitely be donating. :)
  • Nominous
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    Nominous polycounter lvl 11
    This looks quite useful. I recommend posting a thread on blenderartists since a lot of meaningful Blender discussions happen there concerning addons. Your audience would increase a lot there. Please feel free to edit (and post in) the 2.8 addons thread too since many 2.8 users check it regularly. For now, I'd like to offer some feedback concerning your documentation and new vs. built-in tools.

    Concerning the doc, I think it could benefit from more Blender-specific terminology. It would help make the doc more consistent and easier to understand for strictly Blender users. For example, chamfering under CS Bevel should be called beveling (specifically, "executes the Vertex Bevel tool"), the pivot point mentioned under Quick/Edit Pivot is actually the origin, and FFD is an unfamiliar term in Blender. I understood what they mean since I've used Max before, but they threw me off since I've used Blender for the past year.

    In your side bar menu, I recommend changing Quick FFD to Quick Lattice and Quick/Edit Pivot to Quick/Edit Origin in order to make them understandable at first glance. It's cool if they're homages to Max, but strictly Blender users might need to google what chamfer and FFD refer to, resulting in a waste of time or confusing jargon if they don't intend to use Max. 'Pivot point' is confusing since it refers to a variety of options in the pivot point menu while these tools specifically translate the origin.

    The third functionality under CS Bevel for faces invokes Inset Faces rather than Extrude Faces. I'd mention that you need to hold ctrl in order to adjust the depth (extrusion height), which is sorta the opposite of Bevel Polygons in Max. There's probably no need to mention this or Max references on Blender-centric forums like BA if you decide to post there. It's fine here ofc since ppl might wanna transition from Max. :p

    The Wireframe and Wire Shaded Toggle gifs seem to be switched. The Wireframe Toggle applies to all objects and it conflicts with the Properties panel > Object tab > Viewport Display > Wireframe toggle for individual objects. I suggest mentioning this in case users also use the latter option.

    The Wire Shaded Toggle doesn't seem to offer anything new compared to the Toggle Shading Type (view3d.toggle_shading) shortcut under 3D View > 3D View Global in Preferences > Keymap. This option has always been infuriating to use in 2.8. It would be great if you could create an intuitive way to toggle between a combination of X-ray + wireframe and solid, X-ray and solid, and wireframe and solid. Oh wait, I think I just figured out why you added the Wireframe toggle for all objects now, lol! Well done, although the Wireframe Shaded Toggle is still a bit redundant. :D

    There's also a slight issue of new tools vs. built-in ones. For example, for the first functionality under Super Smart Create, I'd add (Connect Vertex Pairs) to the end. I wasn't sure if it was a new tool since I don't really use the built-in one, so I had to check. The third functionality (multiple verts connecting to the active one) seems to be totally new though since I couldn't find a similar tool under the Vertex category in Edit Mode, which is really cool.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    The FFD tool looks awesome (wanted a quick way to use FFD in Max like that for years without using modifiers...).
    Is quad cap able to handle odd branching/winding shapes? I've seen a bunch of quad cap scripts before but they all only seemed to be very limited in the shapes they could handle.

    Btw, big congrats on the release! From all the positive reviews on Gumroad seems its been quite successful too. I've been told before that Gumroad users almost never donate money for anything listed at $0 , but hopefully people aren't quite as stingy on there as I've been led to believe (since all your scripts are $0). You definitely deserve some nice side income for all these great tools you release.
  • Deforges
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    Deforges polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome work,

    Would be nice if quick pivot worked in object mode where if you had multiple objects selected, the tool would center the pivot to active selection.

    also, what's a good key bind for the quick selections? I've been trying to use 1,2,3, but there are a lot of other things that use those binds and prevent me from going into the edit mode from object mode. 

    I'd also note, because it'd be intuitive for some, that you have to set keybinds for both edit and object mode, like for the quick selection tools. It may be helpful to have the keybinds be managed from the add-on window like MACHIN3 tools does, which would set both. 
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Holy shit, the the one and only argentine madman is back again with another set of amazing tools. I still use your tools for Max! I will try these today when I get home...I'm actually more excited for this than any E3 announcement this week haha. 

    Trivia inservible: Justo habia bajado blender la semana pasada para empezar a aprender la app. Your scripts will be hella useful! Gracias Maxi. 

    Trivia mas inservible: Recuerdas cuando te hablaba desde Mexico? Ahora te hablo desde Polonia  <3 Lo hice!
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    Hello @maxivz
    Lots of cool stuff in there, thanks for creating this addon. I am testing out some of these features now. There are a few of these however, which I think are in Blender by default?

    Pressing the J key does the same thing using the default keymap. 

    Pressing the F key does the same thing using the default keymap. 

    The same thing can be achieved in a single step using the built-in Grid Fill tool. By default I don't think it has a key binding though.

    My intention is not to judge but perhaps save you time where features already exist so you don't need to maintain them yourself :) Hope that's ok and have a nice day!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Can't wait to try this, lots of excellent stuff. And even default behavior like GridFill can always be improved anyways - for instance it would be great if this version of Fill could work on more cases than regular GridFill.

    Also : a huge thank you for releasing these as regular menu items in the side panel rather than forcing in a pie menu or built-in shortcuts. I certainly wish more Addon devs were doing the same !

    Looking forward to trying all these.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    These look great! I had written some of this stuff for myself but I'll happily replace with what looks a lot more elegant tools. And fully 2.8 compatible as well? Gold!

    One thing I always miss in blender is selection conversion to be handled like Max - select one vert and switch to another subobject mode and it selects all the shared edges, faces. Blender makes me mad in that it requires to grow the selection first to encompass other types of subobjects and so on, else the selection gets deleted.
    Also the way in Max your subobject selection can remain sticky even if you switch to another type because selection conversion is happening with a different command than merely switching the subobject mode.
    These would be gold to have in Blender.

    Oh and another dearly missed favourite: running some function like a loop cut/divide edge on a selection and as a result being presented with just the newly created components highlighted, ready for use. In Blender it always selects the adjacent components as well or you're stuck in the wrong mode - like when going into edge mode and splitting a selected edge in half (create a vertex in the center) - Blender executes the command and stays in edge mode with the original selection. You have to switch to vertex mode to edit your newly created component and of course the selection conversion makes it so that three instead of one vertices are now selected....

    Also am I the only one missing the 'constraint to Edge/Face' you can just use on any selection and with any tool available to you?  Nothing quite like it in Blender, edge-slide is pretty restricted in comparison.

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    If you do create a thread in the blenderartists page, put the link in the first post; I'd love to see what script-wizardry-knowledge that community has to offer.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    melviso  Thanks!

    joebount Thank you! I am looking into how to make an options pannel for the tools so theres some options on how some of the tools behave. I am planning to update the smart translate tool with a snap and a slow translation mode. A smart scale and rotate are coming as stated in the documentation.

    musashidan  Thanks man, I really appreciate the support and I hope you enjoy the tools!

    Nominous  Thanks a lot for the suggestions, I will look into posting in blenderartists, I have been checking out the site latelly and it seems like theres a really good community. 

    When it comes to the documentation I think you are totally right, for the next release I will update the documentation and maybe move it somewhere else as some people have been having issues accessing the google document. You also made very good points about tool names, the more intuitive tools can be to use the better!

    When it comes to new tools vs built-in tools I think there might be a slight misunderstanding on whats the point of super smart create, the main idea behind the tool is to be able to lunch a lot of comonlly used tools based in the context the user is, so while there is a couple of new functions its mostlly about lunching already existing tools in an intuitive way using only one hotkey.

    PolyHertz  Thanks a lot! The quad cap I am using is the quad cap from blender, In future updates I will see what I can do to improove its behaivour as Its super interesting to learn how a tool like that would work. 

    Im actually very happy people are finding the plugins usefull as I developed them for myself and my workflow and decided to release them so other people could also take advantage of them in case they also found them usefull. So far the donations have been quite generous and Im pretty happy people decided to go off their way to donate, it makes me feel like the tools are being found usefull.

    Deforges Thank you! I really like the suggestion to make the pivot work with multiple objects, its a very good idea! When it comes to key binds It really depends in your current setup. I use 1,2 and 3 myself but that depends in what you want to do, I have been thinking about making a radial menu for people who want to assign it to a single hotkey. One of the reasons why I didnt assign any hotkeys by default is so people can decide for themselves and to avoid conflict with other addons.

    I am planning to make a menu to make assigning keys to the script more straigthforward, machin3 tools is a big inspiration. 

    Justo  Jaja, thanks a lot man, I hope you find these usefull, blender has been incredible to work with so far and Im super happy I made the switch from Max to it. And big congrats on the new job! Im super happy to hear that :D you deserve it.

    ant1fact Hey! Thanks a lot for letting me know about them, and please feel free to make any suggestion or critique that you want to, thats why I posed them here, so people can express their oppinions and give feedback so at the end of the day we all benefit from better tools :).
    I am using a lot of tools included in blender so I dont have to reimplement things from scratch and I can focus on making intuitive tools to call them based in context and selections, reducing the number of hotkeys by packing a lot of tools into one key. 

    pior  Im glad you find these usefull! As this is the first iteration of the tool Im using the default Grid Fill, but In the future I might be able to update it so it works better, or In the case the user has a plugin installed that handles grid fill in a better way than the default function that one can be called instead.

    I wanted the user to be able to customize how they use the tools by himself, hotkeys and pie menus are very personal and depend a lot on the setup you have, so it felt more natural to have a pannel for them. In the future once I plan to have a menu in the preferences so the user can configure the tools from there so they are easier to setup.

    thomasp Im glad you are finding them usefull!

    Sticky selections in Max are a feature that I really miss and I have been looking into some solutions for it like storing the selections on vertex groups, Im not sure how much slower it will be on object with a lot of geo, but I think I might be able to do it that way. I have also been looking into a way to handle selection conversion similar to how Max does.

    I think you will find super smart create very usefull, as it currently has this behivour implemented.

    Constrain to Edge/Face can be somehow replaced by edge slide, I really mixx being able to scale and rotate while using constraints tho. Maybe in the future I can implement something similar, but right now I have no idea how to do it sadly.

    Justo I will totally do!

    I hope I didnt miss any message or question, but in case I did please let me know.
    Also please keep the suggestions coming, if we keep sharing knoledge and feedback we will all end up with better tools in the end.

    Have a great weekend!
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Just had a quick play. Quick Pivot has made my week. I have a hotkey in Max to set the pivot to vert/edge/face and it's been driving me insane in Blender the longwinded craziness that you have to go through for this simple task. I was creating a modular greybox and ended up just going back to Max. You have saved my sanity with this. :)

    I'm having trouble with Smart Delete though. I've set it to X and disabled X in the keymap, but smart delete does not respond to the hotkey at all in object mode and still brings up the floating menu in edit mode. The button works fine though.

    One feature I'd love in Blender is a hotkey to cycle vert/edge/face(like in Modo) I use 1/2/3 for this so your Quick vert/edge/face would really live up to it's name if it were just a single cycle key.
    Also, a make planar on X/Y/Z like in Max would be really nice to have. Pain in Blender that you have to set the pivot and then hit S>Axis>0 just to do this.

    Great stuff mate. Looking forward to testing the rest of these tools.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    I can confirm @musashidan ' s problems with the Smart Delete (also set up at the X key heh) that it won't delete objects in Object mode, but I think I solved how to do this. 

    Maxi's scripts that function in different modes, like for example QuickSelectionFace, upon being assigned a shortcut will normally be automatically visible in Preferences>Keymap under all the categories in which they have a function (in the case of QuickSelectionFace, the Object Mode and Mesh categories). However, for some reason this Smart Delete only is assigned under Mesh, and there is no mention of it in Object Mode, which means it has no use there.

    So to solve this, simply create the shortcut yourself :) In preferences>keymap>3D View>Object Mode (Global), go to the bottom and hit the + Add New button. Paste inside the command (mesh.smart_delete), assign the shortcut to X, and bam. The same thing happens to other scripts, like Quick Pivot, so watch out which ones must be added to other categories or not.

    For SmartDel I also advice doing the same for the Outliner category (which must be done manually for now anyways. I checked the code and if I'm interpreting correctly, there is no mention of the Outliner context mode, meaning it will not be added there by default). 

    I don't get the floating menu problem though Danny - you might have missed turning something off in the shortcut editor there. Just search by Key Binding and start disabling everything you see under X.  

    Also, +1 to the Make X/Y/Z Planar ideas haha, though I haven't explored Blender enough yet to see for myself if this can be done through other means just as easily. Cycling through subobject modes? Disgusting heretic!
  • Nominous
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    Nominous polycounter lvl 11
    @musashidan For Quick Delete, I assigned a shortcut by right-clicking the button in the side bar, but it only works for edit mode. I had to manually copy the shortcut (mesh.smart_delete) to Preferences > Keymap > 3D View > Object Mode > Object Mode (Global) for it to work in object mode. About the default Delete menu in edit mode, are you sure you disabled (unchecked) the Delete shortcut (mesh.delete) under the Mesh category? It's found in 3D View > Mesh > Mesh (Global) and it works when I disable it while having Quick Delete set to the same shortcut.

    Edit: Justo got there before me. :p Also, concerning S > Axis > 0, you can do this easily by enabling the built-in Pie Menu: 3D Viewport Pie Menus addon and enabling the Edit Align Pie Menu.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @justo @Nominous Thanks, it was the 'Call Menu' that got me. I was searching with Delete keyword in keymap. disabled that and reassigned from the N panel and all is good in the world again.

    @Nominous Perfect. I didn't know about the 3D viewport pie.

    As for Spacebar to cycle verts/edges/faces. You 2 just don't know what you're missing....... :D
  • Quast
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    Quast polycounter lvl 6
    Great tool. Publish one single tutorial on youtube explaining your tool function will be really good.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @Quast I think Maxi has made it way better by making a post full of gifs showing all the different behaviours. It's a lot shorter and to the point (ctrl+F compatible too) than a video could ever be :) 

    You 2 just don't know what you're missing....... :D
    I'm actually tempted to try it sometime I guess. For a few years now I've copied this old perna setup, but I suppose I could just press my subobjectKey twice instead of moving fingers to Alt/Ctrl/Alt each time...
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    musashidan Glad you are finding them usefull! I having different options for cycling betwwen selection modes sounds like a good idea! Hopefully once I make the properties pannel all the issues with assigning hotkeys will go away.

    Nominous The scaling to 0 sounds like a good idea! 

    Quast Thanks! Maybe at some point I will, but I agree with @Justo on this one, I personally think text and gifs is faster to read/ quicker to understand if the documentation is clear. So maybe I should rethink the documentation if its not clear enough.

    I have been playing a bit with selection storing on the quick selection modes, I still need to polish some things and I would like to reorganize the code base/ implement the properties pannel before the next release, but heres a preview of the tool with sticky selections.

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    That would be a fantastic addition to the quickSelectSubobject scripts Maxi, awesome. 

    If anyone is interested, I copied Maxi's template and made a collapse script too, since I always had this feature in Alt+X in my other 3D apps. 
    <div>class SmartCollapse(bpy.types.Operator):<br></div><div>	bl_idname = "mesh.smart_collapse"
    	bl_label = "Smart Collapse"
    	bl_description = "Context Sensitive Collapse"
    	bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
    	def smart_hard_ops(self):
    		selectionMode = (tuple(bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode))
    		#if Vertex is selected
    		if selectionMode[0]:
    		#if Edge is selected
    		elif selectionMode[1]:
    		elif selectionMode[2]:
    		#if Face is selected		   
    	def execute(self, context):
    It's not really a Context Sensitive like it says it is since it does the same thing for all 3 subobject modes, but the layout is there for anyone to change it for different modes and needs if they wish to.

    I also do not dig how the Smart Delete script dissolves edges - I would rather have it delete the faces connected to that edge instead (it's called Delete, right?), so if anyone also had this gripe, you only need to change mvztools.py's line 429 from "bpy.ops.mesh.dissolve_edges()" to "bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE')"

    I'm absolutely in love with these scripts - they are easy to understand and to modify for every user's needs and preferences. Thanks again Maxi.

    EDIT: The Smart Extrude is love. Now if only there was a way to extend its functionality so that it also worked with the Scale tool maybe...
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    maxivz said:
    I have been playing a bit with selection storing on the quick selection modes, I still need to polish some things and I would like to reorganize the code base/ implement the properties pannel before the next release, but heres a preview of the tool with sticky selections.

    That looks great, another pet peeve gone! Any idea yet how useable it is on complex geometry?
    Offline / Send Message
    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    A lot of this looks familiar :)
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    @thomasp Didnt do much tests yet, but I think it should be ok.

    @MACHIN3 Yes! The point of this tool is to implement a lot of the tools I used in Max like Pedros Super Smart Create and other context sensitive tools that I used to use to speed up my workflow :)
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    Looks amazing -- thanks so much for making this available!
  • Poly_Nut
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    Poly_Nut triangle
    Excellent tool and thank for making it available in Blender, will also donate since only the quick delete is worth gold in my book!
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Looks like quick FFD is broken in newer Blenders. I'm on 2.80.74 and it's stuffed. Even though the vertices are assigned to the correct vertex groups the lattice ignores them and also locks its movement and doesn't respect axis input.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    @hobodactyl Hope you enjoy them!
    @Poly_Nut glad you enjoy them! I
    @musashidan Thanks for letting me know! I am currently in the process of updating the tools and adding features as well as fixing some bugs. It might take quite some time as the restructuring is prooving to take more time than I expected, but it should make it way easier for me to add new things and fix things in the future. Let me know if you run into any more issues!
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Hey man, did you fix the Quick FFD? I'm doing a Blender 2.80 for Max users tutorial series at the moment and I wanted to feature your tools. :)
  • maxivz
    Offline / Send Message
    maxivz interpolator
    Hey man, did you fix the Quick FFD? I'm doing a Blender 2.80 for Max users tutorial series at the moment and I wanted to feature your tools. :)
    Hey! still havent updated as I am running into a couple of issues I still havent managed to fix, hopefully I can figure them out soon.
    After the next version is released I will also put a link to the github for the project, so people can always try the new features inbetween stable releases.
    I will post an update in here whenever I do the update.
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    maxivz said:
    I will post an update in here whenever I do the update.
    Cheers mate. Also, any plans to implement the interactive primitive creation like you have in the Max version of these great tools?
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    @musashidan I am still not sure, as theres some very good plugins for object creation like qblocker. But I defently want to do something for object creation.
    Right now the plan is to seriouslly expand super smart create capabilities so you can even use it to create primitives and call more functions, so it turns into an operator to do most of the creation operations.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Personally I would encourage the development of the smart translate's future update goals you wrote about (scale tool specially; rotation not so much). Seems like such natural ways of controlling things in the XYZ space...Then again, I am only a Blender beginner and my opinion is heavily influenced by my Max&Maya porting desires.
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    A feature I'd love to see is a transform gizmo cycle, like UE4 and the script I use in Max, spacebar to cycle through M/R/S.
  • eltarbos
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    eltarbos polycounter lvl 7
    A feature I'd love to see is a transform gizmo cycle, like UE4 and the script I use in Max, spacebar to cycle through M/R/S.
    You can already do it with the QWER add-on.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Trying different keyboard setups at the moment and I noticed that when I assign the Smart Extrude Modal to Tweak+Shift+RMB, it extrudes, but deletes/doesnt create the geo upon releasing the RMB. This happens when in Edit Mode; you select faces and try to extrude them. Has anyone been able to assign this operator to anything that isnt Tweak+Shift+LMB like in his instructions?
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    eltarbos said:
    You can already do it with the QWER add-on.
    Thanks. That was actually my request😁 must try QWER again.
  • Poly_Nut
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    Poly_Nut triangle
    Excellent tool and thank for making it available in Blender, will also donate since only the quick delete is worth gold in my book!
    maxivz said:
    @musashidan I am still not sure, as theres some very good plugins for object creation like qblocker. But I defently want to do something for object creation.
    Right now the plan is to seriouslly expand super smart create capabilities so you can even use it to create primitives and call more functions, so it turns into an operator to do most of the creation operations.
    The Bsmax addon make wonder for the primitives objects just like in 3ds max and you can even move the parameters window.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @Polynut I'm using Qblocker. I don't think that the primitives are working in BsMax?
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey guys, I have a new beta release. I had to leave some of the planned features such as the customization menu out of this release as I wanted you to get some of the new features before I go on holidays and the 2.8 release.
    I will do my best to fix any issues as soon as possible, but I wont be able to spend a lot of time on them until after vacations.
    Please keep reporting bugs, feature requests and any suggestion you guys have, they have been a great source of inspiration.  :)


    New menu

    The menu was reorganized to provide a better user experience

    Super Smart Create

    If no object is selected, you will get the object creation pie.

    If an object is selected and you are in object mode it will show the duplication pie, which allows you to duplicate or duplicate linked.

    If in edge mode and no edges are selected it will call the loop cut tool

    If in vert mode and no verts are selected it will call the cut tool

    If in curve mode and two points are selected it will make a new point between them.


    New selection mode cycle modes that support sticky selections. There's also a version of selection mode cycle without sticky selection.

    Uvs From Sharps:

    -Applies seams from sharp edges and unwraps everything.

    Detailed changelog:
    -Updated to work with the 2.8 Release Candidate
    -Code structure was reorganized.
    -New menu structure

    Super Smart Create:
    -Some minor bug fixes 
    -Make an edge on a spline
    -Add pie menu to create objects if nothing is selected
    -If at least an object is selected the duplicate pie menu will be called
    -If in vert mode and nothing selected execute the knife tool
    -If in edge mode and no edge selected it will execute the loop cut tool

    Quick Align:
    -Now detects the object that is under the cursor
    -Added option to copy rotation and scale, per axis
    -Has a menu to edit the operation after it has been done
    Smart Loop and Ring:
    -Performance optimization, no longer stalls.

    Quick Origin:
    -Renamed from Quick Pivot to Quick Origin in the menu

    Edit Origin:
    -Renamed from Edit Pivot to Edit Origin in the menu

    Quick Lattice:
    -Quick FFD renamed to Quick Lattice in the menu
    -Fixed bug that prevented lattice to be moved when used on a flat plane

    Rebase Cylinder:
    -Renamed from set cylindrical sides.

    Sticky Selection Vert/Edge/Face:
    -Has been implemented
    -If in object mode it will toggle to edit mode and restore the last selection
    -If in edit mode it will cycle through Vert/Edge/Face modes

    Select mode cycle:
    -Has been implemented
    -If in object mode it will toggle to edit mode
    -If in edit mode it will cycle through Vert/Edge/Face modes

    Smart Delete
    - If selected verts are only connected to 2 edges it will dissolve them

    Transform mode cycle:
    -Has been implemented
    -It will cycle between Move/Rotate/Scale modes. 
    Must be in selection mode for it to work, I will do another version for active tools later.

    Modifiers On/Off:
    -Has been renamed from modifier toggle
    -Now works from edit mode as well

    Seams From Sharps:
    -Applies seams from sharp edges.

    Uvs From Sharps:
    -Applies seams from sharp edges and unwraps everything.

    Download link:

    Since this is an experimental release, it will be available through github. The github link is where you will be able to get experimental features in the future as well.
    I will update the gumroad link once I have more time to test everything and I make sure this version is stable.


    Make sure to use the 2.8 release candidate version
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Brilliant work.
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    Just tested. love the new UI. Sub-object and transform cycle I have been dreaming about in Blender!! Unfortunately, the transform cycle only works in object mode. Hopefully you will add edit mode for this too. And thanks for fixing Quick FFD. I'm definitely going to do a vid overview of these fantastic tools.

    And enjoy those well deserved holidays. :D
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    I can already picture @musashidan 's grin when he found out about the new cycle feature...

    Sticky selections!! Modifier toggles! UVs from sharp edges! The man has delivered again! I actually had started modifying your scripts (invoking the cut and the bisect tool in the supersmartcreate tool for ex), but I suppose I will replace them and change anything I want. I take it that tools that are not mentioned in your log, specially smart extrude & smart translate, have seen no updates?

    Also, if I install this add-on through Blender>Preferences>Addons>Install, will it automatically replace your old tools, or only certain files? If anyone could explain what happens in these scenarios technical-wise, I'd appreciate tremendously. I have modified these tools quite heavily and would like to know what should I expect to be replaced or not after the install.

    Felices vacaciones :) De hecho yo tmb comienzo ahora con dos semanas libres y planeaba meterle de lleno a blender.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Currently having some problems with sticky selection. As soon as I click and drag, it switches subobj/modes? Trying to roll back to previous versions and seeing how exactly I can reproduce this...

    Edit: So on a fresh install, it seems to be working fine so far, I'll log its behaviour here...The one downside is that it seems to always display an error the first time any of the three sticky modes are executed:

    This happens on every newly created object. I get it if it's because there are no previous selections, and it's a first-time-only error, but it'd be nice if this could be solved somehow.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    @musashidan I will make sure they work in the other modes as well! Sorry for that.

    @Justo thanks a lot for the reports! And absolutely continue to modify the tools to your liking. I'm trying to comment more and make them easier to customize to the users liking.
    I will make sure to fix the bug, shouldn't be happening. Ill try to sneak in some time to fix it next week.

    Thanks a lot for testing them guys! And please keep the feedback and ideas coming 😀

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Alright, if you want ideas, here's one:

    Using SuperSmartCreate with a group of vertices that belong to a loop (without any Ngons or anything that would trigger the tool to connect points) seems to do nothing, and with a group of edges that belong to a loop straight out throws an error (pic above). I think that in these cases, a useful thing would be to execute the LoopTools>GStretch function, or anything that would straighten the string of verts/edges. If verts turns out to be a bit complicated to do this behaviour, just doing this for edge mode would be good enough! I would code this in myself, but I have no idea how to write this conditional statement to look for edges belonging to a loop... 

    edit: comparing old and new versions, I see you've been working on the smart extrude & translate operators, though afaik, I cannot notice any differences in behavior. I'm curious -  what has changed, if anything?
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    @Justo I hav modified every tool in order for it to work with the new structure and make them easier to modify in the future. Nothing got added to the ones that i didnt name tho. I will take a look at those bugs, that shouldnt be happening. I want to keep the behaviour of super smart create in geometry creation only. Howhever im working in some ideas for a super smart modify that will trigger all sort of tools to modify already existing geo.
    Hope that helps :)
    Any suggestions for such tool are more than welcome
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    I will gladly donate $50 if you make a Swiftloop tool...... 😁

    This is fast becoming my favourite Blender addon.
  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 12
    super amazed by this addon, the smart create and quick origin tool are the best things ever, thank you !
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    This thread got me really curious about the state of Blender right now, since a few of these tools seem like things you'd expect it to already have. So delved into Blender 2.8 yesterday and can now definitely see how useful a few of them are (quick origin in particular should save quite a few clicks).

    That said, now I have a few ideas for scripts of my own, so I'll probably be competing with you pretty soon (need to see how the API has changed since I last messed with it a few years ago). Look out for that :p
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @musashidan What is it from the swiftloop tool that you miss so much Dan? Being able to shift+LMB to add edges with edge flow? 
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