I'm trying to make the logo's you need to get your game on steam. I'm not very good at this and very slow. Don't have a ton of time left. I've been doing a 3d scene in marmoset cause i think it looks nicer than phtooshop image, and I'm quicker in 3d. That's the thing, I really need to get these done within a few days so anything extravagant is no-go.
I've overlayed my game in steam window here. I think it communicates the theme and genre well enough, but its kinda... I dunno, just looks amateur don't it? The big difficulty is fititng the big fat title in, keeping it legible, and also getting something else in to communicate the theme/genre/gameplay.
To Battle! Hell's Crusade is the one
some other ideas:

- make sure the styling of the text is consistent, no harsh gradients.
- try adding an background instead of flat color.
If you want to put characters before the logo here's one way to do it.
Basically have flat color font, no shading or shadows