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Left Handed Cintiq Users Solutions for Desk setup

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zachagreg ngon master
Hey everyone so I use a cintiq as my main display with a secondary monitor on the desk as well. I've not been able to find a long lasting and comfortable solution for placement and use of my cintiq as a lefty. 

I was wondering if you any of you fellow lefties could help me out with some ideas on desk arrangement that you've found to be ergonomic and comfortable for decent periods of time.

Typically what I do is place my keyboard on my lap but that just feels a tad contrived and results in me slouching forward more often than not because the space the keyboard takes up between myself and the desk. I do also have the little handy remote that comes with the cintiq which is quite helpful in Zbrush and Photoshop but I have yet to find a good keybinding that works well for the buttons. If anyone has suggestions on those I'd love to hear them as well. 

Just a little information to help out too is that I've always used a right handed mouse, I just draw and sculpt with my left and stylus. I'm open to the idea of kind of forgetting the mouse too and switching to pure stylus use, also the cintiq is on an ergotron but the second monitor is currently not if that helps anyone's ideas. Thanks in advance!


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Get one of these:


     Your neck and back will thank you. I swear by it.

    I have a small wacom tablet and two screens. Tablet sits on desk right in front of me (slightly to the left),  and the main screen direct in front of my  and the second screen to the right. Keyboard just gets scooted forward when I use the tablet. I have some extra keys on the mouse bound to undo, redo, and then two more for program specific things. 

    Working this way, I don't find too many situations where I'm having to reach too often or have any bodily aches and pains after 10+ hours sitting with few breaks. It's best to have absolutely everything in a position so that you don't need to reach at all, but I don't think that's ever 100% possible. 

    I don't particularly like using the tablet, so I tend to get as far in Zbrush with the move brushes as I can. So I think my situation is a bit different since I'm not using the cintiq.

  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    I will definitely look into that kneeling chair as something to try out when I get a chance, it looks interesting. The way you have your desk setup was my ideal before the cintiq I would always just have my smaller intuos next to my keyboard to the left or scoot my keyboard up but the cintiq kind of changes the dynamic a bit with it being my primary monitor and all.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    I use an ergonomic arm for my cintiq at home, and have it right over my keyboard. I do this weird thing where I criss cross my arms though, so right hand goes to keyboard and left is with the pen
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Is the keyboard use comfortable that way, in my mind it doesn't seem bad at all. I've also seen people use a wireless keyboard that just sits on top of the cintiq, with little rubber feet on it so as not to damage the tablet at all. Maybe a similar keypad style thing would be useful?

    @fmnoor Do you use a second monitor at all and would mind sharing what ergo arm you use?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    "with it being my primary monitor and all."

    It doesn't have to be! I personally do 90% on my work on my 21UX, yet it is still set as my secondary monitor - because there are hundreds of every day things that are still better done with a good old mouse+keyboard+regular monitor.

    What I do is that I fold the Cintiq flat when not in use and tuck it under my main monitor, which is itself floating thanks to being hooked to an Ergotron arm.

    Of course this setup can't be done using the regular Wacom stand. For the longest time I just had the Cintiq naked and slid it out and propped it up with a wedge when needed - but the angle was too low for comfort. Now I have it hooked up to this, which is fantastic, very sturdy. The range goes from 0 to somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees (this will depend on the size of the display - the bigger the display the shallower the maximum angle will get) :

    Wearson Ws-03 

    I never saw anyone do this but it's been the best setup I've ever tried over the years. I have no clue if that would work with newer Cintiq models as I would never want to trade my 21 for any of these, but I assume they are all VESA compatible anyways. This stand is itself on top of a piece of 2mm board which allows it to slide freely on the surface of the desk. I suppose teflon pads could work too.

    (I am a southpaw as well, hence my keyboard is simply on the right side of my setup, nothing special there. I too can use the mouse with either left of right hand, but I now settled back to left hand mousing.)

    Also, being able to tuck the Cintiq under the main monitor frees up a ton of space, which can then be used ... whenever a good old, regular tablet is needed. With the proper drivers it's totally possible to have both running at the same time.

    TLDR : like pretty much everyone out there I used to use an Ergotron for my Cintiq. But now I am simply using it to make my main scree free-floating, and tuck the Cintiq underneath thanks to a foldable prop-up stand.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    That is an interesting setup Pior thank you for all the information. I think that may be what I'm looking for and using the right hand on the keyboard would allow me to still have all my binds. I'm going to test it out with just a naked Cintiq when I get out of work and test the feel of it. Also when I was checking this yesterday my ergo arm failed to the point that it no longer holds so I have to go shopping for a new mount anyway! 

    Also Im that mount seems pretty beefy for its construction considering the Max Load of 20kg. Can't wait to test that setup out.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17

    It is actually my third monitor, the other two are using those arms as well. 

  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    ergotron arm + velcro

  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Oooo, very nice SnowInChina. Do you only utilize the buttons on the tablet itself or do you do the old keyboard in the lap for your hotkeys? Either way a hanging version off one side of my desk may also be a solution since Pior's setup doesn't work since I for some reason have the worlds most thin desk :smiley:
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    depends on what i am doing
    for some stuff the buttons on the cintiq are sufficient, for other stuff i use my keyboard
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