Since I made a thread for the last challenge, I thought I might do one for this one as well, as I got nice feedback for my
last challenge entry!
This time around, Artstation has chosen 'Beyond Human' as their topic, and I've chosen to work with
Victor Quaresma's Karinna, The Vessel Seaker.In his notes he mentions that it is an 'old' version of her, and he shows a newer design of her. But I fell in love with the fine mechanics, and giant cannon gun (?) while still being very delicate, albeit with a feisty badass look on her face.
I hope to be able to capture that in my model and to do the concept justice!
I'll post my updates and artwork here as well as on my
submission thread. I would love to hear if you have any feedback or tips on how I can make this piece better and make the concept justice.

I am still on vacation and only have an old laptop available to me. A laptop that seems to want to die if I just even mention the name 'Zbrush'. So, for another few days, I'm limited to finding references and very basic modelling, should it be in a good mood.
It's been a pleasure following the challenge this first week, so many awesome models coming along great!
This is the moodboard I've put together for the general modelling and mood. I still have to look at references for the mechanics of the arm...

I'm not very confidence in making shoes yet, so I'll need AALL the references
Still on vacation, I started to see what I could do with this laptop...
It isn't much, but at least I don't feel SOO far behind now
Started with two plates in Maya to get the correct height for an average female.
Then getting the base shapes in with primitives. Subdividing them to allow a bit more form, but still keeping them as low as I could while getting the form. Will see how far I can push it without the laptop going up in flames... It IS 8 years old... guess I better be nice to it
The mesh so far is just a very rough base, it doesn't have much of the proportions or figures that I envision for the final character. But it will give me a good base to start modelling with once I get back to my computer after the vacation.
Feedback is very much appreciated.
As I'm not a rigger... I don't know if it would be any hassle with the stance/pose she is currently in... any thoughts?
Below is my attempt at getting some base shapes into the modelling of her hand-held-cannon-gun mechanical weapon and trying to gauge the addition to it into the model.
It must be made with a super light material, as it is a heavy weapon, and I think she'd break the elbow joint using it.. even though I made it thicker to accommodate some realism.
I don't think I should make it any thicker though, as then the delicate feel of her definitely would disappear. Tough decisions ahead!
Feedback is definitely appreciated!
I like the weapon even if it´s on the early stages.
If you´re worried about the weight reduce the size as for me it´s too big compared to the concept as well as think to switch to a low density metal in the texture stage:
Aluminum in real life weights 2.7g/cm3
Titanium, much more expensive 4.5g/cm3
Iron, a lot more, 7.9g/cm3, cooper a little bit more, silver a lot more and so on.
And remember, there are games whose characters have a single handed epic big cannons like bloodborne without any hassle.
Thank you @Koromo !
I've reduced the size a bit, and I'm still trying to work on the proportions.
I'm definitely new to hard surface, so I'm not quite sure how to get all the nice shapes and details just yet
Base without mechanica
Didn't have much time after work to try to get the mesh nice, but wanted to do something before crashing to bed
Not too happy with the current face, so need to look over that tomorrow. I can see a few other things that needs to have a look over as well before heading in to clothing
Facial lift.....
Worked a little on the face today.
happier with it, but not completely satisfied...
Here they are anyway.
Blocked in some clothes today
Not too much to update on right now, but I've managed to do shoes!
I've learned a great many new techniques and I have to say I'm happy with how they turned out. I could still work some more on the loops for the laces, but I might come back to it if I have more time. For now, it is time to move on.
Thank you
Another one bites the dust...
.... been working a little bit on her duster.

Finally got some time to work on her in between every day work and client work. Although I doubt that I will be able to finish her in time for the challenge deadline, I'm growing quite fond of her, and so I will carry on to finish her outside the challenge too
Keep it up
However, I will still carry on.
This is my current stage.
Re-worked the duster... AGAIN, and learning how to properly handsculpt wrinkles.
As @disanski pointed out I will push the wrinkles a bit more, and @Michael Knubben pointed out that the fingers needs a rework as well.
So I will work towards that!
Thankful for all feedback!
(I'll also get back to the nice board around to add a little colour
finally got some time to start working on my personal projects again, after a change of country, job and surroundings to deal with!
(plus my HDD dying.... so I now definitely need to do some more personal pieces!)
So, what has changed? Her hair, face and the bag are the things that I've started with. Putting of that bag waaaay to long now. Just needed to dig in and do it.
Her face was in need of an update, and knowing me I'm sure I'll be in to poke at it a few more time. Quick update on the hair as well, although it is still just a proxy. Fingers definitely still need to be worked on, and I will need to redo the cannon.
Feels nice to start up on it again tho.
I'm always glad when I see someone working on a cool looking character such as this.
What's your plan with her hair? Are you not going to model it in a neutral pose?
yupp, modelling her in a neutral pose, then seeing if I can either rig or someone else rig her in a nice pose that will do her justice
hopefully the last restart of this project
lost most of my work in a harddrive crash last year, not so long after last update, so kinda lost motivation to rebuild her to finish. Luckily found an old ztl I'd sent to a friend for some feedback, so at least had a place to start from again.
Since I realised I've pretty much redone her face about the same time every year, I thought it would be fun to do a little compilation of her facial changes over this project. Nice to see the improvements in skill.
Her face is symmetrical in all images.