Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a way to re-bake or generate new maps (normal, curvature, AO) in substance painter that would combine the original high poly detail and any *new* height information? For instance I bring in a low poly and bake some base details and smoothness from a high poly the normal SP way, *then* add additional height information on a new base level that only affected the height map. As it stands now, smart materials ignore anything not included in the applied baked maps, and I can't get the curvature/AO to re-bake with additional height info (normals do re-bake, but the other maps are needed for smart materials)
Ultimately, I wanted to utilize
this work flow and bypass zbrush, but it seems like more of a hassle to have to save out any height masks I make and re-apply them individually to smart material layers. I know you can change the configuration of what maps you're exporting, but I can't seem to get it to translate correctly, otherwise I'd just bake out new maps and replace them in the project. Thanks for any help!
1. bring your low poly + baked normal map from high to low into painter
2. paint all of your extra details using height
3. export with preset "doument channels + normals"
4. import the normal map (and ID map if you followed the tip*) exported from previous step
5. plug in normal map imported from previous step to the normal map texture slot
6. bake all maps except for normal (do bake world space normal!)
you will see that all maps now have the details.
* if you are going to do it this way, a smart idea for creating the details is to only use fill layers, and paint the details in the masks - you can then set a solid color to the fill layers and export that as well as an ID mask for all of your different details to use later on.
Just import the new normal map and select in the normal map slot, then rebake the rest of the maps.
Exporting one of these two(the one that is correct to your project) gives you the normal with height added.
Hope this helps someone.
Hi there. Would you mind sending the link again or making it public? I also encounter the same problem as @wapc .😀