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Reaction buttons added: Insightful, Awesome

We've added some "Like" style buttons to the forum. Let us know what you think!

You'll find them at the bottom right of each post.

When you go to someone's Profile page, you'll see how many of each they have. Clicking will show a list.

We'll be keeping an eye on how this goes. We're debating whether to add more, and whether negative reactions would be detrimental or not. Still up in the air. Your feedback would help on this.

Happy Polycounting!


  • Kroma!
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    Kroma! polycounter lvl 9
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    Cool, sometimes you want to show you agree with or like a post but it's a waste to just quote the whole thing and say "this".
  • GeorgeCrudo
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    Kroma! said:
    Cool, sometimes you want to show you agree with or like a post but it's a waste to just quote the whole thing and say "this".
    This ;)
  • gfelton
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    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
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    I really like this feature, and to add to your debate on a possible dislike button - I'd just keep it at either a positive reaction or no reaction at all. I feel like a negative reaction to comments could get trolled. 
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Most places avoid having negative options because it fosters a negative atmosphere and contributes little. On an art site in particular. No one likes hearing "This art is crap", which is basically what that would amount to. Better to get constructive comments on how it can be improved.
    That does depend on how it's handled, though. An option like "Needs improvement" might be useful.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Would like to hear from the "Don't Like" crowd, and anyone not voting. Do you feel it could dilute the forum? Discourages crits? One more step on the dirty road to Reddit/Facebook?

    We debated whether to add these. Personally I am all for anything that promotes crits. These buttons could be a distraction away from meaningful feedback. But  there's the upside of people seeing positive reactions to their posts.
  • RobeOmega
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    I also agree that negative options may not be the best of ideas
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Would like to hear from the "Don't Like" crowd, and anyone not voting. Do you feel it could dilute the forum? Discourages crits? One more step on the dirty road to Reddit/Facebook?

    We debated whether to add these. Personally I am all for anything that promotes crits. These buttons could be a distraction away from meaningful feedback. But  there's the upside of people seeing positive reactions to their posts.

    I didn't vote, I don't have strong opinions either way. In some sense it's not like reddit since reddit uses voting to sort content so that the most popular stuff is the most visible. Which works okay sometimes, but misinformation and trash gets heavily upvoted all the time because ignorant people don't necessarily know any better but vote anyway... Here though it's not being used to sort posts so it doesn't have quite the same problem.

    That being said... I do think it will affect what kinds of threads get exposure just not the same way. Because people who otherwise might have posted a compliment will opt to vote a post awesome instead and the thread won't get bumped as a result. Whether or not thats good or bad... I have absolutely no idea. So I like I said... I don't really have an opinion. 

    I don't think negative voting is a good idea, but maybe that is just self interest talking...
  • MiAlx
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    I am actually for this, but I am not sure I like the two options. I will still have to think about what would be, in my personal opinion, better. I think that negative options will cause discouragement to people giving crits, in the very worst case you still have the abuse flag if someone is toxic, so no need for that.

    My worry is that I have seen many big posts by talented artists/ other professionals from the industry who write whole paragraphs full of their thoughts and after they provide us with such info, the response of the readers will be reduced to a button click. The way I am seeing it now, their response will be disproportionate to the amount of time the insightful poster took to write their post. Essentially, not all, but some people will refrain from even posting a "thank you for your insight, what do you think about x", because all they have to do is press a button. The counter-argument is that the same people might have not posted anything at all, so at the very least they can now press a button. Not sure, I am rambling but I just wanted to share the thought.

  • Joopson
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    I think it's great for positives, but could get poisonous for negatives. Especially for people who maybe already feel marginalized.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yeah, now that I've pressed Insightful I don't need to respond, haha. So true.

    I see how reddit-style voting can cause inaccurate promotions. Our reaction system is currently not being used to promote content. But that was a suggestion made in moderator chat.

    I can see the benefit of that kind of mechanism. Moderators can't see everything, but we want to front-page the things that we think are interesting to you. In addition to the existing curated system, a user-driven "like" voting system just might help populate the front page better.
  • beefaroni
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    Joopson said:
    I think it's great for positives, but could get poisonous for negatives. Especially for people who maybe already feel marginalized.
    I used to post on NotebookReview a lot awhile back and instead of "insightful or awesome" they just had a reputation meter. You could give someone rep if they wrote something helpful or good critique, etc. Seemed like a good system.
  • RN
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    Hi. I think both actions can be combined into a single one. You're giving a post a positive opinion after all.
    I've seen something like this in the form of a "star" vote and I like it. It's simple and clear.

  • MiAlx
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    Yeah, I can definitely see how if something is voted 'awesome' multiple times that it would be helpful for moderators to see what the users want front-paged.

  • Bek
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    Would like to hear from the "Don't Like" crowd, and anyone not voting. Do you feel it could dilute the forum? Discourages crits? One more step on the dirty road to Reddit/Facebook?
    I'm not convinced one way or the other at the moment, but there's no harm in trying it out for a few months. Of course then you might have the situation where half love it and half hate it... we'll see I guess.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    I see how reddit-style voting can cause inaccurate promotions. Our reaction system is currently not being used to promote content. But that was a suggestion made in moderator chat.
    Even if it was, I'd be a little more optimistic about it here than on Reddit mainly because of the differences in communities. Reddits voting system seems to work well in small subreddits where a lot of people know what they're talking about (the badpire comes to mind), it also works pretty well on places like stackexchange and answerhub and I think those sites more reflect what Polycount is, most of the people here have some idea about what they're talking about and there is no shortage of professionals to correct misinformation. 

    But I have to add a caveat and that is that there is no reply threading here. On reddit/answerhub/stackexchange, if you want to correct a top-voted reply you can reply directly to their reply and it will be easier to see. On here, unless you change the format of the site the only way for anyone to add a correction is at the end of the thread where no one is likely to read if they get used to finding the best post at the top of the thread.

    Post sorting systems are sort of a mixed blessing in my opinion, on one hand I do think they make a site much more informative because the information you're looking for is easier to find (provided the community isn't upvoting garbage). On the other hand I think it really weakens the community because it is focused on rewarding the most knowledgeable users that dump answers rather than fostering discussion.

    That last point is I think the most important because I think Polycount has largely been a community that has grown in skill together over the years. A lot of widely used workflows and techniques in the industry probably started here Polycount in the Tech Talk forum as users speculated and tried things out and shared their results. I'm not sure to what degree that would happen on a site like stackexchange.

    On top of that, art is very subjective. Especially once you get passed the technical critique it becomes largely about opinions on what people think might look better and I feel like upvoting gives people the impression that certain opinions have a sense of supremacy over others. 

    I am rambling now and once again I'm basically ending a post with "idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" but as a final note I would say that any change in the core ways people process info and communicate with each other on the site is inevitably going to change the community in some way and once you add them its not always as simple as just getting rid of them and having the community return to how it was...

    anyway.... idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • lotet
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    I Don't Like This
    I Dont Like This (also noticed a small bug, when I edited my thread, my voting tag disappeared)

    Whats the difference between "insightful" and "awesome"?
    if the only difference is the actual meaning of the word, thats very subjective and could mean a lot of different things to different people.  Right now It kinda feels like we have 2 "upvote/like" buttons instead of one, dosnt really make sense to me. @RN Star idea is a much better solution in my opinion.

    as for dislike/downvote, I dont think its a good idea, its not like a bunch of "downvotes" are ever gonna help a poster, we always have the "flag" button if its really necessary.

    I think @MiAlx have some great points, (which I interestingly enough feel the need to point out here in my post, even though I pressed the insightful button) this might discourage actual posting.

    another thing to think about is what this system might lead too, right now It might not be used to promote or feature content for example (at least not officially). but It might be used by moderators to gauge what post to feature (is this good or bad?). in the future one might say things like "hey, the system is already in place, why not use it for this or that.  It can lead to things we didnt actually all agree with even if you voted "yes" here.

    I started of thinking this was a good idea, but as Im writing this Im shifting more and more to "I dont like this".

  • Eric Chadwick
    I really appreciate the feedback. This is great. Keep it coming if something occurs to you.

    I see Awesome as being something that's simply inspiring. Insightful is for a post that makes me think or shift my perspective.

    The Reaction system was setup by the forum host (Vanilla) to add/remove points from a post's/user's score, which would then promote or sink or remove posts automatically.

    But we've mostly avoided using this system. The Spam/Abuse flags are the only exceptions, see http://polycount.com/discussion/172785/the-flag-button-and-how-it-works

    We don't want to enable any other use of the point system without some careful thought.
  • Kwramm
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    I don't like it because I'm not a fan of those "we need to rate everything and everyone" movement that swaps over from social media which turns everything into popularity contests. If your post is good then it will stand on its own merits and spark discussion. For me it is the ongoing discussion which defines quality of a post. I would prefer if people had to say something useful rather than doing the "yeah looks interesting. others like it. I better LIKE it too" thing they do on Facebook.
  • bounchfx
    I Don't Like This
    Eh I'm honestly kind of indifferent, curious what the effect could be, as long as it doesn't trend towards more feature creep of things that would hardly be used or deteriorate actual communication. Would there be a way to sort by 'most insightful' and 'most awesome' posts on a thread or forum level? That might be neat, I guess.  It could become some kind of contest, or affect peoples ego if they aren't receiving the button presses they hoped for... but that's not a fault of the system, is it.

    I also agree with lotet about the 'why two buttons instead of one?', but if some kind of sorting were implemented, and people voted in a way that made sense (like insightful for good tech info or art theory, and awesome just for great work), then it could be useful but I have a feeling they would intermingle to a large degree.

    As for the buttons discouraging an actual reply, I'm not sure they would. If someone wants to respond with a real message, they can and likely will. If anything, it can do away with a lot of the 'Great job!' posts that don't really have much contribution outside of itself. So it could theoretically remove some fluff.

    again a lot of this stuff will be revealed in practice, I think it's better to test it out then decide rather than making a decision with no hard evidence of how it will play out
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
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    i think promoting liked stuff on the art parts of the forum would be pointless. its art after all, its subjective, ie i have no interest in knowing what other people like, and obviously no one but me knows what i want to see. the popular threads already get bumbed to the first page, and you can check amount of replies if you cant be bothered to click the thread.

    now on the technical parts it could serve a purpose. like unity answers for example, its really practical if i want a fast answer, and saves me doing a lot of research myself.

    the new buttons are not very good though. like others said, i dont really see the difference, and a simple star would be better. but still, i cant really see how this would improve the forums at all. less discussion is the only result i can image.

    also, some people say it doesnt hurt to try, but i think you have to be more careful with your user base. if changes happen that makes people leave the forum, i think its hard to make them return. its not a trivial time investment to be active on a forum, so i think people are hesitant to try new things. example, even if conceptart.org suddenly became awsome i doubt any people would return to it.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    On one hand I do agree that it probably won't impact discussions one way or another. But on the other hand ... little pointless things like that can be fun at times. Why so serious though ! I want a "gief toof" button 
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
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    too much positive reinforcement inevitably leads to groupthink, the whole 'like' button is a pandora's box afaic. Not that I really care, I'd rather be browsing thumbnails in the art section (wink wink).
  • ZacD
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    I like them. Often I agree with advice, but don't have anything to say or add to it. I also think it'll be a good way for people to know what comments and suggestions people are agreeing with when you are working on a project. You could use it as an A or B voting method as well in the middle of a topic, pick Awesome for color scheme 1 or insightful for color scheme 2.

    And of course for finding posts to front page.
  • Flight
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    Flight polycounter lvl 10
    Like fishing can turn into a problem. Personally I think "Insightful" is enough. Just don't go the reddit route and sort responses by popularity. 
  • praetus
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    I like the idea of it simply because of what was posted before on how to properly post.  Mods wanted less crap posting in that don't say things like "Oh, that's cool" without any real feedback, which is fine.  Sometimes though it is nice to show someone you like their work.  I may not have a ton of feedback on the piece but I still want the person to know that someone appreciates their art.  
  • Biomag
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    praetus said:
    I may not have a ton of feedback on the piece but I still want the person to know that someone appreciates their art.  
    Maybe it is just me, but when I come to polycount and post art I want actually feedback to understand what I did wrong, to learn from my mistakes and move on. Already those posts that just say 'I like it' when it is just about art and looking for feedback, are not really helpfull. As mentioned before there are social media sites where you get '+1' or 'likes', but this site for me is a place to learn.

    I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, as it is just meant as another point of view when it comes to comments on art and why I don't think this buttons would help. I am not saying that such posts or show of appriciation are wrong and should not be done, I just don't see them as a priority around here. In the end in my case the harshest critique helped me more than any nice words I've ever got.

    Regarding the original question I am neither for nor against it. I am not sure people will really stop posting because of a 'like' function. Probably rather just those Quote + 'This' posts will be affected. But the point about this turning into a popularity contest is rather what I fear. The quality of a post can be seen when you read it and the reactions on it - you don't need 'like' buttons for that. They will just give you a feeling about what the group prefers or not and people will be affected by that. Also looking at a profile where all the 'insightful' and 'awesome' get numbered in truth doesn't say anything, since it just absolut numbers. From my favorite hockey forum where +1 are used I can say that people that post the most posts have the most '+1's by simple numbers. Though looking at the '+1'/post-average things change sometimes drastically - and the board ranks the 'reputation' based on the total number of '+1's distorting the view who actually has a high reputation along the board members.

    So even if I don't really care too much about it I slightly tend towards opposing this feature.

  • Eric Chadwick

    Dislike! :D

    Joking aside, "whatever" is my personal feeling so far on these buttons. It hasn't really affected anything, as far as I can see. People are still offering solid crits. Now, if the vote was approaching 50% against, then it would probably be in everyone's best interest to turn it off.
  • praetus
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    Biomag said:

    Maybe it is just me, but when I come to polycount and post art I want actually feedback to understand what I did wrong, to learn from my mistakes and move on. Already those posts that just say 'I like it' when it is just about art and looking for feedback, are not really helpfull. As mentioned before there are social media sites where you get '+1' or 'likes', but this site for me is a place to learn.

    I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, as it is just meant as another point of view when it comes to comments on art and why I don't think this buttons would help. I am not saying that such posts or show of appriciation are wrong and should not be done, I just don't see them as a priority around here. In the end in my case the harshest critique helped me more than any nice words I've ever got.
    That's a fair and valid point and for threads where people are posting for critiques I hope that it doesn't discourage people from actually commenting.  It's just that, I don't always have a critique.  Someone else may have already said it, or maybe the piece isn't really within my wheelhouse where I feel comfortable giving my opinion.  Also, I think it's handy in the WAYWO thread where I don't really want to clog it up unnecessarily.  I hope it doesn't stop or limit the back and forth nature of Polycount discussions but there are times where I think a piece of work is solid but wasn't going to leave a comment anyways for X particular reason.  I don't think harsh critiques are going to disappear due to the buttons.  If they're disappearing I would worry about a larger issue under the surface perhaps.
  • krraej
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    I personally like them and I especially like that there is no dislike button or a similar system (apart from the flag button, but that's reserved for abuses of the TOS). I noticed with my own posting behavior that I shy away from sites that allow dislikes or a kind of rating system, but I do like it when sites allow you to give positive reinforcement so you don't feel like you're annoying everyone by leaving a very short comment like "looks great!". I personally have some anxiety issues so I'm a bit more sensitive to that, and I might be totally alone with that, but I personally really like it when I can spread positivity with just one click without having to worry about spamming threads.

    I don't think having these buttons will be a detriment to a community that thrives on critique -- if you want to criticize someone's artwork, you still have to use your words and can't just press a dislike button, which wouldn't be helpful to anyone anyway. Having these positive buttons might actually encourage some people to leave more critique. Helping someone out by itself is its own reward of course, but having the possibility of an extra pat on the back could be an additional incentive. And if you post your artwork and receive no replies, but garner some "awesome" reactions, you know that you're on the right track and people are just too lazy or busy or anxious to comment.

    So yeah, I'm positive about it.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Added another button "Too Big" to let people know when their posts are too large. 

    Because too many big images make threads too slow to load for too many people. Hopefully this will lead people to be considerate of our viewers on mobile. Also, the longer people have to wait for images to load, the less likely the artwork is going to be seen. 

    Let us know what you think of this addition, good or bad.
  • ZacD
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    I love that TOO BIG is a shame button. I'm sure it's going to sometimes be used as a joke though. 
  • bounchfx
    I Don't Like This
    I feel something like 'too big' should/could be covered in a simple sticky/rules thread that we probably already have, or if not, should honestly be somewhat self explanatory at a certain point.
  • Joopson
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    The problem is, some people are oblivious about how big their PNG screenshots are/need to be. Having something directly flagged as "too big" will show them directly, hey, your image is too big! And so they won't be as able to stay oblivious. That's the hope, anyway.
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
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    to big button is not very good. like bounchfx says, that should be covered by the mods enforcing forum rules. otherwise you might aswell put "racist content" "spam" "copyrighted material" buttons. often less is more when it comes to forum design,.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
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    I don't quite get it why the 'too big' isn't part of the flag options? Without knowing about the WAYWO-issues that are currently discussed it is more like an invite to joke about long posts or whatever else.
  • krraej
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    I'm not a fan of the "too big" button either.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
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    This is exactly what I was talking about earlier, new features can just kind of creep in and change the whole thing now when the base system is in place.

    is this becoming some sort of toolbar for standard quick messages? its more and more becoming a way for people to just click a button instead of posting/talking to each other. Im not necessarily against the buttons, but I think the idea/system is really contradictory for a forum.

    why not just ad a button for "this needs more work" and we dont have to talk to each other at all. *He said jokingly but with a serious undertone*
  • Eric Chadwick
    I'm removing the Too Big reaction. In addition to your feedback, I think in the end it's really quite useless.

    Too Big is a completely unclear message when you're a clueless noob posting giant PNGs... you have no clue they're slow to load, since they load fine for you. 

    Besides each poster gets no notifications when people react to their posts, so they wouldn't know there's a problem unless they come back to look at their own posts later. 

    There's also no way for moderators to sort by Reactions, in order to moderate them. No way to find posts with Too Big votes, except by trawling the threads directly.

    It was worth a try though!
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    I Don't Like This
    So we have a upvote button now instead, I see >,<  
  • Eric Chadwick
    The majority wants upvoting, 76 to 23.

    I did change the buttons,

    It's all an experiment. Expect fluidity. All your feedback counts.
  • Eric Chadwick
    The +1 button is now a +greentooth button.

    Also corrected the positioning of the twitter icon and gave it a little color.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Cleaned up the formatting for reactions

    In your Profile:

    In the Posts:

  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    edit: Removed. Scratch that, changed my mind about my own idea :0
  • Eric Chadwick
    Not possible at the moment. You could add this to the wishlist though.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Nah, I think it's probably better this way, keeps them from being too important.
  • Eric Chadwick
    ... and this is why someone added "show original post" to the wishlist. What was your post again? This kind of editing makes me wish I'd quoted your post.
  • bounchfx
    I Don't Like This
    the + greentooth is kind of adorable
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Now can we have these guys back ? 

  • Eric Chadwick
    Yes! Smilies are in progress. They're on the wishlist.

    You can see them all here, for a bit of nostalgia: http://www.dtp2maz.dk/smilies/smilies.html
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    It's a bit hard to tell whether or not you liked a comment
    maybe darken/lighten the button when you liked a post?
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