Hello everyone and welcome to the
Monthly Art Challenge for the month of March !!!
What's up everyone ! I'd like to apologize for the delay of the challenge ! Been caught up with things lately and couldn't find time to write this and find some new awesome concepts for you. But hey here we go again !
Last challenge was amazing guys ! I think we kind of raised the activity there a bit more. But still challenge as a challenge you guys did some great work so far !
Also guys, let me know if the concepts I pick so far were TOO HARD for you to do ? Also, would be good to send me a PM for recommendations in case you want some concepts to be included in the next challenges.
As always: You can still work on the previous challenge and keep posting in that thread! I hope you finish your art!
NOTE: This month and the next to come will include environment(exterior and interior) and prop. It's all up to you which you choose to do.Join our Skype group if you want! Add me on Skype and I will add you to the group.
oli-graphicsYou don't have to join the Skype if you don't want to, and you don't need to ask to participate in the challenge, just start working and post your progress in this thread!


Feel free to approach either of the concepts however you like but I'd recommend making it as modular as possible to save time and keep things optimized. It's really up to you, and as long as you are learning, it doesn't matter right?
Also if you want to change up either concept a bit, as some people wanted, then feel free. Interpret these concepts to your liking.
There are some things that I would like to point out to for newcomers.
If you only want to do a few props as best you can, then feel free to go ahead and do it. This way you can gradually work on building up to a full scene before diving head-first into the whole ordeal.

Please read all the rules before starting.
When you are just starting out making a scene, it can seem complicated or imposing, so take the time to break it down.
Think about how you can re-use assets, re-use textures, break it down as simple as possible and plan it out. A lot of people will break it down in their own way when they start out their challenge. Gather some reference images as well for different parts of the scene, maybe gather some refs and make it your own.
Take your time planning and blocking out, it will set you up for success later on.
Here are some specifics.
- Try to post one critique for every post that you make. This will make for a better learning environment and help us all grow as artists.
- You must use a game engine to present your work. Unreal Engine and CryEngine are very common engines that can be used, but feel free to use any alternatives that you want. (Marmoset Toolbag is allowed as well)
- You must try your best and finish as much as you can in the time frame provided.
- Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique. We don't need to have 1000 disjointed threads littering the forums.
- I would strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel, but it must stay very close to the concept, if not super close.
Well that's about it. If you think that any rules should be changed, or there should be new additions to the rules, please let us know.
All that matters is that you learn, while being able to effectively critique others, as well as accept critiques on your own work. Remember to have fun. Cheers!
EDIT: Okay, I've decided I'm going to do the outhouse element included in the last concept image. However, I most likely will not be able to do in the timeframe provided. Never the less, right now, for me, it's not about time. When I get decent and when I fully flesh out my workflow, I will worry about time frames. I will focus on taking my time, learning ways to create geometry for the different shapes and design the concept image presents, and to finally texture the model. I will also be posting my progress on either this thread or another for feedback.
I started a high poly of the tank on the bottom left.
I'm going to do as many high poly assests as I can to practice hard surface. I haven't textured anything in a long time...and when I did it was just good old fashioned PS doing everything by hand. I've been looking into 3d paint programs like substance and I'm thinking about trying it out.
I'll be trying my hand at the first prop building up there.
So after a few false starts on blocking out the main bulk of the building I decided to shift my attention to what first caught my eye in the image; the roof ornament. It is a bit rough but I think it turned out well enough for now.
@Spunky : Maybe it's something like a piece of engine or something like this? I don't think it's a known object (the little red dot is something for cats
Well, my first entry in the challenge... I don't have much experience in unreal shader and texturing so i take a screenshot of the material editor to show you
Any feedback on my lowpoly would be appreciated. I kind of just winged it, I've never really studied how to actually do a low poly. I guess I just tried to copy what I've seen :P
For the low poly, i try to have the same shape (silhouette?) for the high and low poly. And yes just copy what you see.
@LanceUppercut looking great man. Looking forward to seeing how you handle the low-poly as my high -> low baking skills are...lacking XD
Second entry for the challenge. Unfortunately my first attempt was eaten by Maya and I did not increment while saving. Lesson learned I guess.
Blockout at the moment:
I'm struggling with speed as well - get tired of modeling before i finish because i took too long on details that probably won't ever be seen XD. Model's looking great! also look for areas (windowsill) that can be separate pieces of geometry; everything doesn't ::have:: to be welded together.
@Schadek Loving the roof! Overall blockout looks great, looking forward to seeing more !
quick first pass on my baking, hopefully have time to finish a few of these ::fingers crossed::
::edit:: getting some artifacting on my normal bake (you can see the black area near the base...still working on this but suggestions welcome. baking in modo with smooth edge shader.
I want to say the spec of the wood is off. Where you have the gaps/cracks/black areas in your wood, you can see a white glare coming off of them. That's what stands out the most to me. Also the normal(bump?) on the door steps could probably be toned down a bit and maybe a bit less noisey looking
Just starting off the first model!
Did a bit more modelling in class today, alot of tedious work ahead...
@s_awayfromorigin Looking good so far! Look forward to seeing that zbrush detail
@LanceUppercut I found This workflow really helpful. Granted its a rock, not wood, but it helped me reduce my painterly process to bite-sized steps as apposed to just guesswork.
I've been using modo for modeling and baking, using the smooth edge shader. a quick update, just starting on texturing C&C very welcome!!
Sorry I haven't posted earlier, i've been really interested in joining you all in these challenges, finally buckled down and started on this one!
Still a lot of work to do, going to take a couple more of those props and make a little mini diorama, the grass will be super fun to work on too.
Really enjoying everyone's take on these challenges so far, @LanceUppercut - awesome that you went in a more realistic direction, paint is looking nice on it so far!
I'll make sure to post up some crits next post!
Sorry for not posting til now took a prop in the environment all they way to finished need to still do the other parts still and then set up the correct lighting.
This is a screenshot from Unity. Everything have been done on Blender.
@kadeschui The textures are really cool.
@davidperyman Can't wait to see your result with the environment.
@ylm Good job on that texturing.
@JasonLavoie love the extra roof panel detail! what are you texturing in?
@davidperyman great textures - also love the added realism with the details you incorporated. I really struggled with what was going on around the "arm", I think you've got a great solution t@JasonV
a few quick updates - hoping to make a diorama over the next 2 weeks XD, C&C very welcome: