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Help with survey - which software do you use?

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I'm a teacher in Game Graphics with the Uppsala University, in Sweden. We're conducting a survey into which software game artists are using today to create 3D graphics and I would really appreciate if you could spare 3 mins to fill this survey please: http://goo.gl/forms/uxlzgn05Vq

Thank you very much,
Nataska Statham


  • lefix
    Offline / Send Message
    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    Filled out. Are you going to share the results? I am also curious to know
  • huffer
    Offline / Send Message
    huffer interpolator
    After you complete it there was a button to show completed results with statistics and everything.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Heey Nat!
    graduated pretty much at the time you started teaching, but of course Im gonna help out a fellow HGO-er.
  • Natsta
    Thanks for the help :) And yes, I'll absolutely share the results. Trying to get a bit more responses from outside Europe at the moment to get a good picture of how the software situation is at the moment.

    It's very interesting already when you look at the breakdown, there's a big divide on software being used by small and big studios - which considering the expensive prices of Autodesk's subscription packages is not surprising, really...
  • ladyknowles
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    ladyknowles polycounter lvl 7
    Completed :) Interesting to see the results at the end, thanks Natsta!
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Curious to know the reasoning of all those people who said they wouldn't use an OpenSource package in a professional environment? Is that due to lack of dedicated support?

    Also, like everyone else I just wanna say I appreciate you sharing the results. People take surveys here all the time but rarely give us the results which sucks.
  • Natsta
    You know Atticusmars, that's one of my main questions as well. A lot our alumni go on to start their own studios, and it's just not financially affordable to stick to the same software as the big studios. Indies quickly learn that tools that give you 80% of what you need at 20% of the cost is a fair trade!

    At the same time, I feel there's a lot of pressure on young artists today to learn 10 different software because 'that's what the big studios are using'. I'm not sure that's a healthy attitude when you're first starting... Right now we use 3ds Max as the primary modeling tool at the university, but we're always open to students who use other software already. I see more and more Blender users every year, and that makes me very happy :)
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Completed. Keep us posted
  • Joebewon
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    Joebewon polycounter lvl 12
    Completed!  Definitely interesting seeing all the different percentages on software!
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