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hello I'm new to this forum and i realy want to excel in 3d modeling and was wondering can anybody on this forum give me a helping hand.
tips and hints on modeling would be much appreciated and if you know of any sites or tutorials that might help i would much apciate it

yours sincerely


  • Mr-Synyrgy
    Hi cKelly.

    I'm no modeling master but here are a few digital sources you should definitely check out:

    DigitalTutors.com (Lots of great Maya related tutorials about modeling and everything else. Not free I'm afraid, but a subscription costs about 30 bucks a month, which isn't too bad.)

    Lynda.com (Less specialized but still great nonetheless. They have a lot of good basic tutorials to help you get started. A little cheaper than DigitalTutors.)

    ZBrushCentral and ZBrush Workshops (If you really want to get into insanely detailed organic modeling than you'll love Zbrush. Again, the actual program is kind of pricey, so using something like Sculptris is a nice way to start, since its free. Students can download a free version of Maya and 3DS Max for three years as well.)

    Those are just a few places you can start. Google some modeling books as well. Reading is still a thing in this day and age haha. Anyway, I hope these help!
  • Mr-Synyrgy
    Hi cKelly,

    I'm no modeling master but I've used both these sites and I feel they are really good to start off with. Google some modeling books too if you can!

    Digital Tutors: Awesome Maya-centric tutorials for all skill levels.

    Pricing: $45/month, $225/6 months, $399 annual
    Strengths: Beginner training, Animation, Unity Engine, Variety

    Lynda.com: Great for beginners, covers a ton of need to know basic skills.

    Lynda Pricing:
    $25 - $37/month or $250 - $375 annual

    Hope this helps!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Are you completely brand new to 3d ? Have you done anything 3d before ? Got anything to show ? Which area of 3d modelling do you wanna do ? Characters, environment, cars, guns, dragons, etc etc etc.

    Give us some details as to where you are, and what are you looking for.
  • ckelly24
    sorry for the extremely late reply i have being i college and have been loaded with work, ihave a weebly website with some of my old models.i know how to use a few of the modifier and a few others tools in 3ds max . these are just the basic models made out of blocks, i would like to focus on building futuristic styled models in all shapes and forms

    weebly page http://craigkelly1.weebly.com/
  • PyrZern
    Offline / Send Message
    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ Your site is ...... confusing.

    Second, no one cares about mock-up games. Game designer would make real games. (boardgames, mods, whatever.) Artists would make real assets that can actually be used. Yours are neither. Ideas are everywhere. Ideas are cheap. Ask 10 kids, they all will say they have awesome game ideas. Don't be another kid. Be a professional who can make stuff happen.

    I used to write 'killer ideas' for games too. But I don't show it on my site. You shouldn't either.

    Now, for your portfolio, if anything/everything not made by you, take em all down.

    Similarly, 'Updates to Games', no using someone else art assets. If it doesn't exist, there's no need to show it. I suggest you take em down too.

    'Game Idea' is cool (?), but useless for professional portfolio for anyone unless you're a game designer. Even so, it's pretty useless. You need something like 'Game Design Document' or mechanics of how things in your games work, not what to be in your games. Again, pick between an artist and a designer. Don't be the kid who doesn't know anything.

    Portfolio should be on the FRONT page of your site. Resume should be easily found. Both should not be hidden under the menu. While imaginary stuff shown. Also, put your name big on the frontpage too.

    If you don't keep your blogs updated, take it down too.

    Community is not needed. You can use Facebook Page for it. Many artists use it.

    Poll about your site and your imaginary stuff isn't needed.

    The rocket piece in your folio doesn't look too bad. But it's too simplified. You need more details and more complex shapes. Start working on really cool concepts. We have monthly challenges running here on Polycount, check them out. Or start making stuff from those 'game assets' you love to have in your games. MAKE THEM.
  • ckelly24
    thank you for those tips, i am currently studying in a course that teaches you the basics that go into a game at least to make a rough prototype game. i want to focus on the 3d part. though i am no where near the level of what i would need to be to build models like that. i am trying to get their. i am working on pratice models that are no where near the standard of models that are shown
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