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Overwatch Style Character

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natendo polycounter lvl 3
New character time.

This started out as just quick worgen sculpt. But I really liked where it was going, so I'm continuing. Also I decided to jump Blizzard properties. Because, why not?

Anyway. This is Alpha. The space wolf, bounty hunter, assassin, pirate... guy.


Super rough armor concept.



  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    YEeeeeeeeeeeeeees! Spacewerewolves are a cool as fuck concept! Can't give too much crits on it just yet but real nice execution so far :D Looking forward to see your progress on this :)

    Lil Edit: One minor thing for the armor: It'd be neat if you could extend the armor cover to the feet. some kind of fitted boot, that had holes for the claws. Would make a bit more sense for a space merc of sorts and might be a fun design challenge :)
  • Rambo4you
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    Rambo4you polycounter lvl 10
    I Also like the way it's going. The anatomy looks valid, you might need to focus some more work on the feet. It's lacking behind. But You probably already know that :) Just keep it up and I will have a look at it when you are done. Will be interesting.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    looks like a fun character to work on! :D
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    nice shapes on the nude version, hope you can port that over to the suit as well, i know it is still a sketch, but it looks rather lumpy and the shapes are pretty weak and could use some boosting.
  • natendo
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    natendo polycounter lvl 3
    @Skamberin: Thanks. That's not a bad idea. I'll try some things, but I kinda like the exposed feet.

    @Rambo4you: Thanks for noticing. They really are, but they'll get there eventually.

    @Ged: Thanks, man.

    @Neox: Thanks. Just working super loose in the beginning. Trying to find the shapes I like before refining them.

    Okay. I've worked the armor concept to a place where I'm mostly happy with it. Less hard bits and more cloth. Pants helped a lot. Couple of things still need tweaking. Mostly the belt thing and the seams on on the arms of his undersuit. But I'm ready to start making the armor pieces for real now.

    Also feet and claws. They still kinda suck. That is all.

  • oreoorbitz
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    oreoorbitz polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man, I like where this is going.

    I'd only have one input: Are you sure about the tail? It feels weird to me personaly, maybe just becuase i've haven't seen many pictures of wolves with their tails raised. They usualy have it hanging low since its pretty heavy. Though obviously I know the character is stylezed, so its up to you.

    Anyway, yeah, it looks great so far.
  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Looking good !
    Just a thought, the round shapes in the back looks a bit like a jetpack/ booster thing, but the really are close to the back. Hard to imagine some kind of ignition happening in such low thickness, and not even talking about the heat of the device.
    On the other hand the silhouette looks cool like that, adding some bulge to the back would probably unbalance it.
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