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Making a flintlock? Looking for advice.

polycounter lvl 12
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Kiyamlol polycounter lvl 12
I am no expert at making guns XD
So I wanted to practice and make something unusual.

So for this project I want to make a flintlock. I love flintlocks!! :)
I would like to model it and render it in unreal engine 4 for some practice, I find it harder to use than marmoset but would love to work with its material editor for some much needed experience.

This is the reference I am working on:




Forgot the flash pan


I am not sure if my trigger and ramrod is right. :)


  • GRAT0R
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    Hello, looks like a good start. In my opinion, the bottom facing part of the wood stock and the hand grip, must be round and smooth instead of having this cutting angle. The trigger and the trigger cover should be wider. It feels like you only had 1 side view reference pic and lacks overall depth. I recommend looking for other flintlock pistol references so you can understand this shapes better. The flint mechanism, in the other hand, looks very good.
    Keep at it
  • Kiyamlol
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    Kiyamlol polycounter lvl 12
    GRAT0R wrote: »
    Hello, looks like a good start. In my opinion, the bottom facing part of the wood stock and the hand grip, must be round and smooth instead of having this cutting angle. The trigger and the trigger cover should be wider. It feels like you only had 1 side view reference pic and lacks overall depth. I recommend looking for other flintlock pistol references so you can understand this shapes better. The flint mechanism, in the other hand, looks very good.
    Keep at it

    Hi GRAT0R

    Thank you for the feedback :)

    Yes I was struggling when I started since the reference is only in 1 angle and very low res...so I had a collage of different references with some different angles to give me a vague idea of how I should model this:


    I have changed the handle to be less square and the trigger more rounded. The overall shape has also been changed to look more like the reference. Its less wider and more rounder. Although I think maybe it needs to be more rounder I am not sure. :)


    Top view


    Topology and mesh changes and resculpted the trigger pieces:



    Some flowery detail fun xd


    More progress later on :)
  • Bummer6
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    Bummer6 polycounter lvl 15
    The bottom of the handle should probably be a bit flatter and have some sharper edges. The metal details look fantastic though.
  • taotang
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    taotang polycounter lvl 5
    Looking great!
    Did you make the detail patterns in Zbrush?
  • GRAT0R
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    Great progress!!! Those details are looking nice

    I took the freedom to do a quick paint over about some things:

    The trigger is very slim considering this one is a small pistol.
    The wooden stock piece is still a bit out of place: flintlocks usually have some springs and other pieces inside, between the outter mechanism you decorated and the barrel, so you need considere that zone.
    The bottom of the grip tappers into a more rounded shape, I say so based on looking at the light reflection on your reference pics.

    Keep at it, I think this one is going to end up looking beastly!!
  • DanielR17
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    DanielR17 polycounter lvl 7

    Great job! I second the question about the flowery details. Did you sculpt them, or is it, perhaps, the result of a displacement map?

  • Kiyamlol
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    Kiyamlol polycounter lvl 12
    Hey dudes

    sorry for the delay¬! Had to deal with some irl issues so didnt have time to work on this badboy.
    thanks for the tips!! I will try to redo the shape and make it thicker! :)

    Hi taotang & DanielR17: Originally I sculpted it on the mesh for an idea, but for me they seemed unpolished so I took the liberty to model them physically. I made a bunch of different types and put them together as an insert multimesh brush in zbrush.

    Used this dude's workflow of kitbashing :)

  • Earthyn
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    Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
    Loving the metal patterns they are wonderful, also just followed that link, so thanks for bringing that to the light for me!
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