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Micaki's art thread

polycounter lvl 3
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Micaki polycounter lvl 3
Hi everyone,
I'll post here all my work, (mostly hard surface modeling, sculpting and texturing)
First thing- anatomy. I started making base mesh and then jumped into sculpting muscles, but honestly i looked terrible :/. So i decided to take different approach- first make bones and muscles (learn all the names,read books etc) and then start practising poses ,details etc
Speed sculpts in zbrush, i already see a lot of stuff made wrong, but its not so bad for the first time sculpting xd.
And the humerus


  • Jean-Pascal
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    Jean-Pascal polycounter lvl 5
    Hey, not bad for a first try. One thing I noticed straight away is that your sculpts are a bit "lumpy". That tends to happen to people who starts sculpting at too high a resolution. My suggestion in that regard would be to start at a lower resolution, and get the most of each subdivisison before going up. That way you'll have way more control over your shapes.

    I also noticed that you mentionned those were "speed sculpts". I would suggest taking your time and do thorough studies instead of jumping from one sculpt to another. You'll learn a lot more. Keep it up!
  • Stirls
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    Stirls polycounter lvl 8
    Are the bones you're creating going to go into putting together some sort of skeleton? I'd highly recommend that over individually modeling bones and then just leaving them.

    If these are dynameshed, I'd also suggest staying away from dynamesh until you've got a firm grasp on how the objects look. That way you can just slide down to the lowest subdiv (as Jean said) and rework the shapes. My first mistake was working entirely with dynamesh while still learning, which creates a really destructive workflow.
  • Micaki
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    Micaki polycounter lvl 3
    My suggestion in that regard would be to start at a lower resolution, and get the most of each subdivisison before going up. That way you'll have way more control over your shapes.
    I'll keep that in mind,thanks
    I also noticed that you mentionned those were "speed sculpts". I would suggest taking your time and do thorough studies instead of jumping from one sculpt to another.
    I forgot to mention, only 3 first sculpts are speedsculpts. I have better resources now, and i will spent a lot of time on understanding human anatomy. At least thats my plan.
    Are the bones you're creating going to go into putting together some sort of skeleton?
    Yep, I'm going to model most of human bones and muscles, imho its better to do that than create characters with small knowledge and quickly get frustrated because of bad results.
    Stirls, yes these are entirely dynameshed. I'll read about that more later, thanks guys
  • Micaki
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    Micaki polycounter lvl 3
    It's been a long time since i have posted here. I've learned quite a lot about zbrush.Sculpting all bones and muscles wasn't a really good idea. So i have finished 2 anatomy (and zbrush) courses, here is some of my work. I don't want to show all of my sculpts made during the course, some of them look bad or are not finished, anyway it's my first full body sculpt. I still see things that need to be changed, but i've decided to move onto another projects. Also i want to start texturing, that's why i'm making Beretta 90-two right now.

    Question: What is a good value of fov in zbrush? I had a hard time setting up focal lenght and fov in Keyshot and 3ds max. In both of these programs sculpts from zbrush looked a little bit distorted,( but in marmoset it's not a problem. :p)

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