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Character/Enemy: Cyclops - Anatomy study and journey

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Ashie polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys,

Postin' some snaps from my latest stuff. This is for a dungeon crawler-like arcade style game for my school's final year long project and I'm in charge of enemies/characters and other stuff like particle effects and GUI elements.

Camera's pulled back to where you won't see crazy detail, but I decided it was wise for my own sake to pack all the detail in I could for renders and general practice and anatomical study.

I'm going to post a series of images from where it started to where it is now, enjoy :>


Shows where I started, didn't quite know it was going to be a Cyclops yet until the end.


Made the full switch into my mind that he was going to be a Cyclops, decided to fatten him up.

At this point, in my mind, I decided his back story was: Cyclops/human born deformed, victim of infanticide thrown into a cave to die but survived. Diseased, chained up, cannibal, etc.


  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5

    Altering his fatness, focusing in on a specific reference body I had to match what I felt he should be.


    Dabbling in detailing to break monotony of focusing on proportion.


    Pulled his arms out, more viable for rigging.


    Obligatory close-up on my genitals censor. I was streaming his creation on Twitch and got banned for 24 hours for "porn" or nudity or whatever.
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5

    Honing in final proportion/anatomy


    Added gear and disease. Idea here is that he's sort of plagued, used leprosy as a basis for reference.
  • Finalhart
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    Finalhart polycounter lvl 6
    Ashie wrote: »
    Obligatory close-up on my genitals censor. I was streaming his creation on Twitch and got banned for 24 hours for "porn" or nudity or whatever.

    You sir, are my hero.
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5

    Beauty shot so far. Loin cloth is just a dynamesh placeholder for where I was sort of thinking the direction I wanted it to head.

    Any and all crits desperately wanted here. Specifically towards gear. What does he need? I feel that he's uncivilized, but needs more to cover him than a piece of cloth to at least show some sort of minimal intellgence
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    It looks like he's a slave, by what he's already got on. What about a ball and chain? or some kind of massive weight thats attached to him
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5
    Finalhart wrote: »
    You sir, are my hero.


    Maybe I should make a post on here exclusively about my toast-man :>
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5
    pmiller001 wrote: »
    It looks like he's a slave, by what he's already got on. What about a ball and chain? or some kind of massive weight thats attached to him

    I'm trying to give the impression that he was chained up and broken free or whatever, and have thought about the ball and chain. I may proceed with that, too. I'm sort of trying to decide whether or not its a good idea for the game or whether I should just go ahead and do it for my portfolio (which is more important as I am still a student).

    The problem I foresee with that is that our animation team is really just sort of one person, and he doesn't do much animating by hand. More of just mocap performance cleanup.

    It would be badass for him to carry around his weight and use it as a weapon though or something like that
  • Fox.3D
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    Ashie wrote: »

    Any and all crits desperately wanted here. Specifically towards gear. What does he need? I feel that he's uncivilized, but needs more to cover him than a piece of cloth to at least show some sort of minimal intellgence

    I think you're doing an amazing job so far, he looks really good!

    As for input for the gear, I'd suggest maybe some piercings? Like maybe a branch or bone as an industrial through one of those ears, or through his nose. Maybe some deeper scars since he broke free, judging by his stature, I'm sure he put up a fight!

    I'd also suggest for his legs, maybe some type of primitive sandal, or, depending on if you want to add a comical side to it, you could have some sort of fuzzy creature wrapped around the dorsum of one of his feet? Could also give him a mossy head-dress or something.

    Just a few suggestions, I really like how he's looking and I'm excited to see how he turns out :)
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5
    Fox.3D wrote: »
    As for input for the gear, I'd suggest maybe some piercings? Like maybe a branch or bone as an industrial through one of those ears, or through his nose. Maybe some deeper scars since he broke free, judging by his stature, I'm sure he put up a fight!

    Oh, yeeeah. I was totally thinking about a sort of septum piercing, like the classic bull. Maybe I should go more your route and do a sort of bone thing with it :D And I think the large nature of the ears calls for it as well

    I'm going to look into sandals for him for sure, at first I think i was against it because I was worried it was too civilized, but I think it calls for it now. I'm going to stray away from trying to be funny with him, thought before he was detailed with the disease stuff I could have gone that route and maybe could go back later and do that

    I'm going to scale back the detail on his face a bit, its just too much. Outside sources from here keep bringing that up as much as I didn't want to hear it. I'm going to do some work on his shorts for now and keep you guys posted

    And totally thanks for the crits, and keep it coming guys <3 Feeeed me
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5

    Progress update today. Tried getting the loincloth done, but I'm not happy with it and want to scrap it. Having trouble getting realistic folds. Tips? Probably should find better reference

    Softened the face down to prepare to rework it and make it more subtle
  • TheodorUrhed
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    TheodorUrhed polycounter lvl 4
    I think you've managed to create something pretty believable here, good job! The only thing I can really feel is wrong is how thin and wobbly his eyelids are. I also think his nose is a bit too close to the eyes for the skull structure to make sense.
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5
    I think you've managed to create something pretty believable here, good job! The only thing I can really feel is wrong is how thin and wobbly his eyelids are. I also think his nose is a bit too close to the eyes for the skull structure to make sense.

    Awesome, thank you. I didn't even realize the nose thing until now. Will surely go back and move it down.

    Updating the thread, decided to go with the leather flap instead of cloth


    Next thing to work on is the face, still haven't touched it yet
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5

    Updating, quick composite shot

    Tweaked the face, added a piercing, I think he needs some sandals


  • TheodorUrhed
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    TheodorUrhed polycounter lvl 4
    His back is really flat, it could do with some more definition, more folds, the dimples and the spine line http://www.medicalaestheticsne.com/images/bfVaserBackFat2.png
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5


    In the interest of time, decided I needed to just get it finalized and all that. Needed to stop dragging ass and learn from this guy and move on

    All polypaint so far, when I get to the game ready version I'm going to groom over him in photoshop. Wanted to get this guy rendered out in time for ECGC
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5
    Hey all,

    Been a while since I posted this thread up, thought I'd dump the final results. After a long delay I finally finished him up and spruced up my portfolio

    Sort of my first time working with Substance as well. He's a bit dirty but I need to just call him done and move on :poly124:





  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5

    Sketchfab model too :)

    Though I'm calling him done and moving on I would love to hear comments/crits on what I could do for next time
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    i think the only thing that bothers me is the very colorful skin texture...
    its somehow too busy, apart from that i really love the sculpt nad outcome!
  • Ashie
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    Ashie polycounter lvl 5
    Ah, thanks much and sorry for the late bump. I've been out of town

    I was concerned with it being monochromatic so I probably over-did it, lol
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