I have been working on this gun over the last day or two and I plan to finish this as a portfolio piece for my university application.
I have been modelling this concept:

I believe the concept is supposed to be a DIY gun, so I am going to be sculpting welding seams in mudbox and adding a lot of dents from hammering.
So far I have this:

Some of it isn't perfect yet, like the stock and the wooden piece at the front, but I can work on those. I need to add in the little opening on the side, finish the stock and add the fabric wrap, then I need to add in the diamond texture on the main barrel area.
Any crits so far? Some of it doesn't perfectly match the concept, but I think its looks decent for a first version.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the stock and front grip look plain, however these are going to be sculpted with a lot of wear and tear to make them look like scrap chunks of wood. The whole idea of the gun is to make it look thrown together with a load of random parts.
I see what you mean about the front grip, it definitely needs a bit more rounding at the bottom.
I will be adding the holes in the high poly, I assume I would just use the boolean method with a cylinder and then fix up the mesh. I think adding it to the normal would look good, in the concept it doesn't seem like you can see all the way through. so maybe I will just have some dark circles which look indented. or I could always fiddle around with it and try to get a see through area.
I tried doing it with a couple of different methods but none of them seemed to work well
Also, need pics or we can't help as much.
It looked too rounded imo, I wanted a more chunky look
I will try again with the same method and try to make it look a bit better. The turn in the stock is really awkward to make
It seems like the cylinder method isn't working, so I will try something else. I think the blocky stock looked pretty good, but I will keep trying until I get a good stock. I want to try and get something fairly blocky, but not a square.
3D modeling like this requires noodling. If you have to do plane by plane modeling, then do it.
Not all tools are one shot wonders. Even Quixel Suite textures require adjustment, or it just looks lazy.
If you're making just a low-poly, then it looks decent, but block everything in first, and then we'll have a more complete picture to work from.
The shape still needs a bit of tweaking. The hard part is the part where it bends upwards, its making some bad results when I am trying to rotate. I will have to spend a bit of time trying to get that working.
I worked on the stock a bit more, I am getting happier with it. I need to work on the area where it attaches to the main gun, it needs to be more square imo
Here is the turbo smooth version:
I guess persistence pays off. Sometimes
I was going to also try using the boolean methods I have seen, and then just tidying up the result. I will try the way you posted first
This is the wireframe on the barrel:
One way to model the gun's cooling jacket is chamfering the vertices along the whole cylinder
Would you be able to explain it step by step on a simple cylinder, just so I can get the general idea behind it. I want to get something that looks decent without turbo smooth, I am thinking of just leaving the barrel holes in, because quite a few bits of my model aren't very polygon intensive. For example the magazine and the little area above the trigger are just squares. I could probably spare some polygons to make the barrel look cool.
1) Make cylinder with even sub divisons.
2) Select vertices in specific pattern, where you want the chamfering to happen
3) Chamfer the vertices.
4) Smooth Preview or Turbosmooth.
Thanks, I will try this out on a test cylinder and see how it works
I will have to do a transparency map thing, I can't remember the name.
I had a little go, this was my result. I had to crank up the iterations quite a bit.
I didn't bother making the test one see through.
The low poly looks pretty shit, but whos going to it anyways, I will be removing the cutouts in the low poly.
Imgur is a blessing and a curse. I go there to upload a picture, spend 10 minutes looking at random pictures and forgot what I went there to do
Would it just be a plane turned into a cylinder with a shell modifier?
Thanks for all the help so far guys, its a lot easier to finish a model when you have people helping you throughout the process. Hopefully next time I make a project I will be able to figure out more of the issues myself, but I guess its a learning curve. You can't just start out modelling and expect professional quality modelling skills
Once I get home tomorrow I will crack on with the barrel. Then I will only have the little spring section, which shouldn't be too challenging. A spring is really simple to make, the little bolt piece will be easy to make. Getting the little hole the right shape/size will be the most challenging piece.
I have another piece of Rust concept art which is quite useful for doing this model, its very similar in style and design.
This is helpful for designing the little spring area.
Just try it.
Looking cool though, Youngy.