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One billion Blender questions!

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
Hi! I am back with Blender and have been trying to set up a workflow that makes me work as fast as Maya.I really love Blender so it feels great to be back. I have been having some problems when trying to change to much shortcuts (blender becomes buggy and resets alot of things) so i have decided to try to stick with as much Native shortcuts as possible, that beeing said there are still tons of stuff i would like to change. I have gathered alot of questions that i would really need help with. And without sounding to rude please dont answer if you cant provide a sollution It can be frustrating in theese forums sometimes reading things like "why dont you use Blender shortcuts instead? way better!" etc... I am using Blender 2.72 Thanks guys!

1.Double click on mesh selects all?
2.Can i shut off the drag function with left click after vert/face/edge are selected? In Maya you can drag IF
you grab the transformer circle and that ok, but not outside. If its possible i would rather use the left button to drag selected like Blenders default "b" does.
3. Anyone know any script that makes snap verts work like in Maya (instead of first last stuff)
4. Can you make Pie Menus activate commands when you find the right command and release the right button?
5. I am looking for a good script for moving pivot points. any suggestions?
6. Is it possible to make selection dissapear single click anywhere on canvas?
7. delete,faces,edges,vertecies without asking on the same button?
8. Radial Menu for rightclick, component select in edit mode?
9. Godd addon,Radial button for texture painting?
10. Seperate objects, even when you are not in edit mode?
11. When i have selected something how can i add more to that selection?
12. extrude with a fixed value, you click a button once and the extrude is done? any scripts?

1.straighen edges in both X and Y from one click?
2.seperate selected faces? (like making a seperate shell/island from selection)
3.Good addon,Radial button for texture painting?

1.can i shut off the parts that i dont need in Blender? What i mean is in settings for example, i know for a fact that i will never be using Animation, i rather shut off thoose functions completely to get more shortcuts but also to have less clutter on the ui. same thing with shutting down options in menus that i dont like, extra windows, icons etc?

2.Can i change so that z toggles between solid+wirefram to Raymode (like edit mode + see throught option?


  • MacOrion
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    MacOrion polycounter lvl 9
    1. "a" selects all
    5. use the 3d cursor for that (shift+s to rearrange 3d cursor to selected)
    1. "W"+straight by x/y

    that comes to my mind, I'm a bit lazy right now :/
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    1. Press A twice
    2. What do you mean by drag function? You can cancel most modal operations in Blender with a right click.
    3. Not that I know of
    4. When you activate a pie menu with a key, keep holding the key down until your mouse is over a particular menu item. When you release the key you'll trigger that menu item without having to click.
    5. Select a thing that's where you want your pivot to be (can be a vertex in edit mode, or two or three, or an edge), press Shift+S for the snapping menu, pick 3D Cursor to selection, go to Object Mode with Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Alt+C to get the set pivot menu, set pivot to 3D cursor. Really fast once you get used to the sequence of actions.
    6. To deselect press A once
    7. You can use the hotkeys in the delete menu. XF for faces, XE for edges (or XC for edge collapse), XV for vertices. Super fast.
    8. There's no radial menu for this out-of-the-box, although the radial menu template that you can find in the text editor does this. I think they just couldn't find a good place on the keyboard for it. I usually bind that sort of thing to 1, 2, and 3 anyway.


    9. Not that I know of.
    10. Just do it in edit mode? It shouldn't be hard. If you need to separate a lot of objects and they aren't too heavy you can just join them all, then go into edit mode for the mega object and separate by pieces or whatever.
    11. Shift key
    12. Just type the number of units that you want to extrude with both hands and press the enter key. You can also change the axis you want to extrude along with the standard axis keys (X, Y, Z, Shift+X, Shift+Y, Shift+Z.)
    1. This is probably what you want.


    2. You can't do cuts in the UV editor (still.) However, what you can do is click the button on the bottom bar of the UV editor to sync up UV editor and 3D view selections, then select the faces you want to make up the new UV island in the UV editor. Go over to the 3D view now and you should see those faces selected there too. Go to the Select menu and click Select Boundary Loop, this will select the edges that make up the boundary of the face group that you selected. If you now click Mark Seam in the toolbox on the left you'll get seams around the boundary of the selection you had, and when you re-unwrap your mesh you'll get a UV split there.
    3. Not that I know of.
    1. In the bottom left and top right corners of each panel in the Blender UI there's a thing with 3 diagonal lines. If you click this and drag away from the panel it's in, the panel will fill up the panel that you're dragging into. If you click this and drag into the panel it's in, you'll split the panel to get two new panels. So if you don't want the timeline in the bottom, what you would do is click the thing in the bottom right of the 3D view and drag it straight down, and then release your mouse. Boom, timeline's roasted.
    2. Yes, in your user preferences find the hotkey for it and edit it. Change "wm.context_toggle_enum" to "wm.context_toggle", then find the grey box that appears called "Context Attributes" and type "space_data.use_occlude_geometry".

  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    MacOrion wrote: »
    1. "a" selects all
    5. use the 3d cursor for that (shift+s to rearrange 3d cursor to selected)
    1. "W"+straight by x/y

    that comes to my mind, I'm a bit lazy right now :/


    I am not looking for information about Blenders default buttons, i am looking for advice on how to change them to something else. did you read my post?

    Thanks for trying.
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Best go here: http://blenderartists.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?9-Blender-and-CG-Discussions

    You will get more (and detailed) answers. I refuse to break the most conventional habits that I have built up, so blender's defaults are not on the table. As such, using the maya/max presets are there, but as you noticed they are buggy. The good news is that the defaults as well as alternative controls/layouts are on the table... thus whatever defaults you get used to now are likely to change throughout the course of 2.7's development. If you have the finances, have you considered Modo? There will probably be a christmas sale coming up and its a great application for modeling, uving and retopology. The painting tab and new animation features are not too bad either.

    Food for thought.
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    for maya related workflows; could you please be so kind to show visual examples so non Maya users know a glimpse on what you want?

    2. is "confirm on Release" what you want?

    5. Pivot point alignment addon ;
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGuXYLNr2zw"][add-on]Advanced align tools - pivot alignment - YouTube[/ame]

    12- Macro recorder could be a helpful solution in your case.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2vwZIreu4w"]macro1 - YouTube[/ame]

    UV Editor;

    2; as I understood these buttons will help
    Alt+V face rip
    shift +alt +V face join

    For the other UV questions you might find this paid addon here useful;
    * you can also get it here

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYZnGIql2UI"]UV Squares v1.4 - Tutorial - YouTube[/ame]
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    TIL 1 billion == 17.
  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    TIL 1 billion == 17.
    Perhaps it's just the first 17 and the other 999,999,983 will come later.

    Sadly, that's the most helpful thing I'm able to contribute. Every time I go to learn more about setting up Blender for a preferred workflow someone always says "the next release will break everything, wolves will eat your hotkeys, dragons are hungry for sheep and will shatter all UVs in their way, etc."

    That may not be a direct quote.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Dataday wrote: »
    Best go here: http://blenderartists.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?9-Blender-and-CG-Discussions

    You will get more (and detailed) answers. I refuse to break the most conventional habits that I have built up, so blender's defaults are not on the table. As such, using the maya/max presets are there, but as you noticed they are buggy. The good news is that the defaults as well as alternative controls/layouts are on the table... thus whatever defaults you get used to now are likely to change throughout the course of 2.7's development. If you have the finances, have you considered Modo? There will probably be a christmas sale coming up and its a great application for modeling, uving and retopology. The painting tab and new animation features are not too bad either.

    Food for thought.

    Thanks for the feedbakc, feel exactly the same. I actually started with Blender and then migrated to Maya. I learned that both have their shortcomming. I really feel the same way some things you just know works better. Modo i actually contacted the other day but it was way to much for me. I will make Blender work one way or another ;) Thanks!
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    TIL 1 billion == 17.

    Trust me there will be more!
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    myclay wrote: »
    for maya related workflows; could you please be so kind to show visual examples so non Maya users know a glimpse on what you want?

    2. is "confirm on Release" what you want?

    5. Pivot point alignment addon ;
    [add-on]Advanced align tools - pivot alignment - YouTube

    12- Macro recorder could be a helpful solution in your case.

    macro1 - YouTube

    UV Editor;

    2; as I understood these buttons will help
    Alt+V face rip
    shift +alt +V face join

    For the other UV questions you might find this paid addon here useful;
    * you can also get it here

    UV Squares v1.4 - Tutorial - YouTube

    I want a pie menu to be activated on my mouse "right click" Instead of tax+ctrl. I want thoose options as an Pie menu, the way its setup right now in Bledner you release it by either left click or release the key, How can i make the pie menu go away when i release the right button?

    Thanks alot for your UV answer, soled alot !
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for all great answers! Here are some more questions.

    Does anyone here have a working pie menu for my right click button ready?

    Vert/face/edge + object/edit mode as a forth option. I want to be able to activaye this WITHOUT using the default Pie menus in Blender if thats possible.
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    Right Click Pie Menu - >

    now for making and editing Pies, you have for now have to dive into python
    here an example with custom pie creation

    customizing pies without the need of python is on a longer development roadmap.

    hope this helps you :)
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    myclay wrote: »
    Right Click Pie Menu - >

    now for making and editing Pies, you have for now have to dive into python
    here an example with custom pie creation

    customizing pies without the need of python is on a longer development roadmap.

    hope this helps you :)

    I have seen this link everywhere but i cant get it to work ;( I really suck at writing script. Can you help me out here? pleaze? :poly136:
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    my coding is also unpleasant ;)
    I searched for an already made pie - found one from C
  • jimpaw
    Offline / Send Message
    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    myclay wrote: »
    my coding is also unpleasant ;)
    I searched for an already made pie - found one from C
  • flat-D
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    flat-D polycounter lvl 6
    jimpaw wrote: »
    Any ideas how to be able to select with the left mouse button like "b" (boxselect does? like 99.9 % of all the programs in world does.....
    Check out this thread on BA post #10, that explains how to set it up.

    About WazouPieMenus, I can't give them enough praise!
    Mind you, what pitiwazou did there is not just plug direct commands into a Pie. There's quite a bit of conditional coding going in there. A whole bunch of these Pies are 'Smart Tools' that are context sensitive, and by far surpass the default Blender commands they are built from.

    I strongly advise grabbing both the Wazou Pie Menus and Wazou Right Click Pie. Read through his threads, check out the vids he made, then try them out making sure you go through each Pie and Slice [ :) ] before you make any judgment.

    Don't trust me ... see for yourself, these Pies are not just any pies, dem delicious, tasty.

    Actually a bunch of things you had asked are in my custom setup as well. Which by the way includes both WazouPies and bunch of other Addons. Have you tried that? With that setup, I advise swapping everything like in the instructions. Going through my list of commands once, then take it from there.

    There's more than is mentioned in that thread. For instance I've got by default the SimpleAlignAddon, you can find in the ToolPanel (T), under Addons Tab.
    In the ToolPanel>Tools Tab, I've got the MultiEdit Addon, that allows you to edit multiple objects with one click.
    HairNet Addon, here's my test of the addon.
    This shader also built into the Startup, so I don't have to append when I need it. I'm really not a shaders/rendering guy, so having that as a start point helps a lot. As far as I remember, all the surfaces on these guys use that shader.
    Bunch of stuff like that. That is basically my whole setup: Theme, Layout, Addons, Input, Startup Settings.

    The way I've set it up was to try and not mess too much with Blender hotkeys, so one can still feel relatively at home in terms of general commands, and look up tutz and help.

    I believe that's a setup that shows Blender in a different light, it definitely feels different, and has a bunch of Addons one might have not known about. For beginner and intermediate Blender users I think it would be good to try it out and go through it, if nothing to check out all the addons I use and cannibalize the whole thing
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    flat-D wrote: »
    Check out this thread on BA post #10, that explains how to set it up.

    About WazouPieMenus, I can't give them enough praise!
    Mind you, what pitiwazou did there is not just plug direct commands into a Pie. There's quite a bit of conditional coding going in there. A whole bunch of these Pies are 'Smart Tools' that are context sensitive, and by far surpass the default Blender commands they are built from.

    I strongly advise grabbing both the Wazou Pie Menus and Wazou Right Click Pie. Read through his threads, check out the vids he made, then try them out making sure you go through each Pie and Slice [ :) ] before you make any judgment.

    Don't trust me ... see for yourself, these Pies are not just any pies, dem delicious, tasty.

    Actually a bunch of things you had asked are in my custom setup as well. Which by the way includes both WazouPies and bunch of other Addons. Have you tried that? With that setup, I advise swapping everything like in the instructions. Going through my list of commands once, then take it from there.

    There's more than is mentioned in that thread. For instance I've got by default the SimpleAlignAddon, you can find in the ToolPanel (T), under Addons Tab.
    In the ToolPanel>Tools Tab, I've got the MultiEdit Addon, that allows you to edit multiple objects with one click.
    HairNet Addon, here's my test of the addon.
    This shader also built into the Startup, so I don't have to append when I need it. I'm really not a shaders/rendering guy, so having that as a start point helps a lot. As far as I remember, all the surfaces on these guys use that shader.
    Bunch of stuff like that. That is basically my whole setup: Theme, Layout, Addons, Input, Startup Settings.

    The way I've set it up was to try and not mess too much with Blender hotkeys, so one can still feel relatively at home in terms of general commands, and look up tutz and help.

    I believe that's a setup that shows Blender in a different light, it definitely feels different, and has a bunch of Addons one might have not known about. For beginner and intermediate Blender users I think it would be good to try it out and go through it, if nothing to check out all the addons I use and cannibalize the whole thing

    Thanks alot! Now that some serious help ;) I am scared to death to ruin Blender Once again. I will try to be carefull. Are you good at scripting yourself? I would rather pay someone to quicky make a toolbar/toolbox + a custom Pie menu to me. Think it would help alot, Most of all i am missing a function to really easy snap a pivot to a vertex with a keyboard shortcut lik "d+v" did in Maya. Also just a merge with treshold. or a magnetic drag snap/merge like maya has sooooo much easier. Thanks alot for all the links! If you have time hit me up on Skype (jimpaw80) and we can chat some. Thanks a ton!!
  • flat-D
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    flat-D polycounter lvl 6
    I'm not a coder. I can reverse engineer and edit code, but that's about it. I very rarely resort to coding as the last option.
    Can't help you there.
    jimpaw wrote: »
    Most of all i am missing a function to really easy snap a pivot to a vertex with a keyboard shortcut lik "d+v" did in Maya.
    Go figure, pitiwazou's got that in his Wazou Pie Menus.
    Video, just for you, don't make this in vein, try dem pies!
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    flat-D wrote: »
    I'm not a coder. I can reverse engineer and edit code, but that's about it. I very rarely resort to coding as the last option.
    Can't help you there.

    Go figure, pitiwazou's got that in his Wazou Pie Menus.
    Video, just for you, don't make this in vein, try dem pies!

    Alright i will do that !

    How to i install addons? I know that i should copy .py to Blenders /addons folder but some script seems to have a launch commando? I will try out his Pie right away.

    For me having as little distraction as possible has always been the best way to get up a fast workflow. I am sure i will end up throwing away 70% of all commands in his Pie menu and in that case i rather build my own. You dont happen to know by the way how you can disable some of the vertical tabs on the left menu? I really feel like some of them are just in the way. Thanks again for your help!
  • Michael Knubben
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    Jimpaw: You don't even need to copy the .py, you can click 'install addon' from within blender, and it'll place it correctly. You don't even need to unzip, if it's an archive!

    There's an addon called 'Create Tab Hider' that could show you how to turn off tabs. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?339481-Addon-Create-Tab-Hider
    I think all of this should be easier to do, and luckily at least one of the UI Team members agree on this, so it's coming.

    Also, I don't think anyone answered how to double-click to select linked, so here you go:
    I don't know how I can make it add to the selection with ctrl or shift, but that's probably a limitation.
    The UI Team is working on a new default keymap that will have program-wide consistent selection with add- and subtract-modifierkeys, so that'll likely be tackled. You have to understand that a year or two ago, Blender users largely didn't change their hotkeys. I had a frustrating discussion with some guys at the Blender Conference where they seriously demonised changing your hotkeys, but told me without a trace of irony that I should just change a ton of scripts to 'make Blender work as I wanted'.

    If you're using Blender or seriously eyeing it, be sure to get involved in the discussions on the bugtracker, the UI team's really on top of things in my opinion.
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