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Beastie Character [WIP]

First real post on polycount woop! A little nervous (so much wonderful work) but quite excited to receive feedback and critique!

Ever since taking a class for it, I've had a notorious (and irrational) extreme dislike (undying hatred) for using Zbrush. That being said, one main goal of this project is to force myself to just get over it and become more comfortable with using it. I would also like to have a beastie that I could include in my portfolio.

The character is one from my childhood that I've always wanted to try and model. Her anatomy is based mostly on a horse, but there's a little bit of a lot of animals thrown in there.


And here's what I got so far:


I'm still working on the skull and bottom jaw, and I'm still thinking about how to do her other boney pieces, but everything else is pretty much blocked out.


  • Wreckuiem
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    boop, it's been a while.
    I've officially been kicked out of maya by my instructor, though, so zbrush ahoy!

    Here are a few screenshots to show the additions/changes I've made and what I'm heading into zbrush with.




  • ClusterOne
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    ClusterOne polycounter lvl 4
    You've done a fantastic amount of detail in Maya--a little too much in my opinion. I would suggest for your next project you just make a simple base mesh in Maya and export it into Zbrush to create all the detail there instead of slugging through it in Maya. Zbrush excels at the intricate and elaborate. You'll find that in Zbrush you can do the same detail that you did in Maya, in a fraction of the time (assuming you have a moderate understanding of the program).
  • Wreckuiem
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    ClusterOne wrote: »
    You've done a fantastic amount of detail in Maya--a little too much in my opinion. I would suggest for your next project you just make a simple base mesh in Maya and export it into Zbrush to create all the detail there instead of slugging through it in Maya. Zbrush excels at the intricate and elaborate. You'll find that in Zbrush you can do the same detail that you did in Maya, in a fraction of the time (assuming you have a moderate understanding of the program).

    yeahh, I see what you mean now. I think in my effort to avoid the inevitable I might have gone a bit overboard.
    I pulled it into zbrush to start detailing and realized quite a few things would have just been faster to do straight in zbrush while working. A good lesson for next time, definitely.
  • Wreckuiem
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    another update~
    she's still largely a wip; I've been focusing mainly on her body and not so much her head or tail. (excuse her elbow, not sure what happened there o_o)

    had/having a few hiccups with her musculature. I want to stay fairly close to the concept while still making her somewhat believable. I reference a few animals, mostly big cats for her front arms and then horses and deer for the rest and had a bit of help from someone familiar with horses and a professor.



  • Wreckuiem
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    Done sculpting for the most part! Despite wanting to stay as close to my childhood design as possible, I decided to axe the spikes on the front arms.

  • Wreckuiem
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    update time. (:
    since I finished sculpting 'early', my professor challenged me to try posing her



  • root
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    root polycounter lvl 18
    Ah this is badass! And such a believable pose for that creature type.
  • Wreckuiem
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    rootdown wrote: »
    Ah this is badass! And such a believable pose for that creature type.

    the pose is actually based off of a combination of a horse and lion's run with a fair bit of exaggeration. I wanted something that looked like she was in the middle of chasing down some prey. There are a few things I think I might tweak still
  • danpants
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    danpants polycounter lvl 14
    Very solid work and thanks for sharing I know it can be nerve wrecking posting your work sometimes. Future textures in the works? I know Zbrush has polypainting, don't know if your instructor has limits for this project. Nice work.
  • Wreckuiem
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    Thanks you guys! Intimidating the first time around, but it really wasn't so bad and I'm looking forward to working on and sharing my next project.

    @danpants: she is actually fully textured! I'm somewhat displeased with them, as they're directly from her original concept and a bit too unrealistic for my taste now. I'll post the renders of them in a bit, but I think I'll rework them after to make her color scheme a bit more... believable and a tad less neon haha.
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