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  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    4926744-654359-dry-blood-on-the-white-paper.jpg Dried blood also usually fills cracks and doesnt stay as much on the peaks of a surface.
  • Joost
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    Thanks for the reference Alex! I'll try to get something more realistic when the helmet is done.
  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    komaokc wrote: »
    Yeah it's a bit much :p This is probably a nice middle ground:


    that looks effin awesome! safe to say way better than before :P
  • Joost
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    Yeah definitely looks a lot better. The old version just looked like stone. Thanks for the help! :)
  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    oh and also re: buying the texture, just do some googling next time! i just posted one at random it just happened to be a stock one haha

    here's almost the same one for free

    nothing you can do about it now, but just something to keep in mind in general
  • Joost
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    I had a look around the internet and ended up using one from cgtextures for my first try. But it wasn't as puffy so it looked horrible. That one looks like it could have worked but oh well. I don't regret buying it :)
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I just wanna point out the blood thing doesnt matter much I'd why we went on and on about it. Your new thing is looking cool!
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    I just wanna point out the blood thing doesnt matter much I'd why we went on and on about it. Your new thing is looking cool!

    Thanks! I agree that the blood could look better though, so if I find the time I'll fix it. But for now I'll focus on this.

    Some progress on the low poly. If anyone can spot any problem areas please let me know. Still need to do the belt buckles and then I'll try to optimise a bit more. There's some unnecessary geo in the straps that I still have to take out.

    Right now it's at 15k tris.
    Breakdown of the tris:

    Fur: 3k
    helmet: 1k
    helmet ridges: 342
    straps: 1.8k
    air tank + gauge: 3.8k
    whistle thing: 700
    eye+ear pieces: 2.2k

    I'd appreciate any feedback! :thumbup:

  • Joost
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    Well I decided to do some preliminary baking tests. Still need to unwrap the straps. There's still some glitches due to this not being an exploded bake and I had to blow up the cage quite a lot to fit in those bolts. The inside of the gauge and eye pieces is a bit wonky because I included the glass in the high poly but not in the low. And there's some spots where the low poly geometry doesn't match the high enough. But it's looking pretty good so far (imo). :)
    Some parts are missing but they'll be mirrored.

  • billymcguffin
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    billymcguffin polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, looks good. I'd recommend a few more polys at the bottom to make the silhouette a bit more curvy.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Yeah it does stand out too much, I'll add some more geo. Thanks billy!
  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    The crest at the top looks kinda wonky to me, but maybe just because it's a differentmaterial than the rest of the fabric so it makes the clipping kinda obvious.

    Did you bake AO or is that just normals?
  • Joost
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    Here they are with the same material. And no AO, just normals for now.


    edit: Also I was thinking, since the helmet part is so big, would it be good to scale up the UVs of the rest a bit? Because I'm going to end up with quite a bit of leftover space.
  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    Cool, I would still toss in a few more loops around the top of the head to add some some curvature.

    One pretty easy to do this for a curvy surface like this, while preserving your unwrap, is to throw on a turbosmooth modifier then just take out the extraneous loops with an edit poly mod on top of that.

    Also what exactly do you mean by exploded bake? You didn't move all the pieces out to bake did you?
  • billymcguffin
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    billymcguffin polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, if I have extra UV space I always scale up things with lots of small detail (screws, threading such as the tubes on the back of this). You end up with some areas more dense, but if anywhere needs high density in the normal map, it's areas with small high frequency detail.

    Areas I'd make larger on this piece are the ridged areas on the dial and fittings in the back as well as that badge thingy in the front.
  • Joost
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    Cool, I would still toss in a few more loops around the top of the head to add some some curvature.

    One pretty easy to do this for a curvy surface like this, while preserving your unwrap, is to throw on a turbosmooth modifier then just take out the extraneous loops with an edit poly mod on top of that.

    Also what exactly do you mean by exploded bake? You didn't move all the pieces out to bake did you?

    alright, I guess since the helmet is the largest part of this it could use some more geo. I think I'll do it manually though, I don't mind redo-ing the unwrap as it was pretty quick anyway.

    exploded bake: http://joeyspijkers.com/images_tut/normalmapping/HighAndLowE.jpg

    I'm not going to do this to the entire helmet because there's no need, but there are a few problem areas that I'll have to move apart to bake.
    Yeah, if I have extra UV space I always scale up things with lots of small detail (screws, threading such as the tubes on the back of this). You end up with some areas more dense, but if anywhere needs high density in the normal map, it's areas with small high frequency detail.

    Areas I'd make larger on this piece are the ridged areas on the dial and fittings in the back as well as that badge thingy in the front.

    Thanks, I'll do that. I'm using a 4k map since it's for my portfolio though, so I guess it doesn't matter THAT much.
  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    Have you tried using the material ID method of baking? The exploded bake technique can engender some huge headaches if the AO doesn't line up perfectly with the normals.
  • Joost
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    Well I'm baking in xnormal so I don't think I can use material IDs? I usually just bake AO with the normal high poly, the low poly, and get AO out of the normal map. Then I just mask what I don't need.
  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    ah fair enough, i wasnt sure if you were baking in max or not.
  • Joost
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    I have baked in max before, but I find setting up bakes in xnormal to be far less of a hassle.
    I want to keep on working, but I should probably go to bed. It's 6 am :poly125:

    Small update:


    Just realised the hooks collide with the helmet and 1 of the straps isn't connected.
    To do list(mostly for myself):

    -add geo to helmet
    -fix hooks+straps
    -explode problem parts
    -forgot to include some bolts

    Then I'll rearrange the UVs and do a proper bake with AO etc.

    Feedback is always appreciated!
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