I decided to make a thread so I can track my progress as I make new things for my portfolio.
For reference, here's the last thing I made:
For my first project I'll be making "the Vajen-Bader smoke protector"
I saw this at a museum a while ago and thought it would be cool to model.
Here's some early WIPS, excuse me for the crappy image quality but grabviewport isn't working correctly so I just copy/pasted.
I've got most of the hard surface pieces blocked in now.
Here's my to-do list for the high poly:
-make hole mesh for ears
-fix proportions, put hard surface pieces in place
-Sculpt the mask, using the pieces as guides
-Add straps
-sculpt some of the hard surface pieces
As always, Feedback would be very much appreciated! :thumbup:
Small update, rendered in marmoset. (high poly) I haven't done any kind of soft surfaces like leather/cloth before so it's going to take some practice. The inside of the helmet is going to be especially challenging. If anyone has any tips, please let me know!
Some things to fix:
-raised area on top needs to be subtler
-Need to fix the topology of the little tube at the front
-mask should be wider
Yeah you're right, the placing is still a bit rough at this point. I think I'll redo that leather piece anyway though, as it doesn't quite match the concept. Thanks for the feedback!
I'm stalling a bit now. I've been experimenting with stitches a bit, trying to plan out how I'm going to sculpt the helmet, but I haven't started sculpting it yet. I just keep delaying it. I've got all the hard surface stuff done now, except for the straps and some stuff that needs to be sculpted in.
Anyway I fixed up this part, had a first go at sculpting some leather and adding stitching. It's a little bit muddy but it's only a small element so I think it will be fine.
There are some random seams but they only appear in marmoset so ignore that, they seem to be at places where I welded verts.
Progress is coming along slowly, kind of hitting a wall now. I was about to put this project on hold indefinitely and start working on a gun or something more hard surface. But then I realized I need to work on my weak points and hopefully the end result will be worth it.
the sculpted details are quite heavily decimated to render them in marmoset.
to-do list:
-sculpt the ridges on top
-make the helmet sculpt less symmetrical
-add sculpted detail to air tank
-add straps
-sculpt the inside of the helmet, this one's going to be really challenging but hopefully it won't look too terrible.
@Pegbird: Thanks! @Brandon Kern: Thanks, but as alex pointed out it's supposed to be dirt/grime. Maybe I need to work on the material for that a bit more.
I've been experimenting with the best way to make the leather straps. I think I'll just model and sculpt it straight and then use a path deform in max.
Also had a go at sculpting the yellow fuzzy material, but I'm not sure how well this is going to bake.
Here's a zbrush screenshot of where I'm at atm:
I think it totally looks like dirt, which I also thinks doesn't make sense too much, I wouldn't worry about it. Instead of making it stand out (if youre using pbr) make it look like just dust in cavity areas and such around the knife.
I think it looks great, but the bevels on your edges are way too tight.
I also think the folds in the cloth needs to be a bit more pronounced around the eyes as the metal pieces don't feel quite grounded in the fabric.
You're right about the folds around the eye pieces. I'll try to sculpt it a bit more.
I don't think the edges are that tight? They do look pretty tight in the zbrush screenshot.
I think it totally looks like dirt, which I also thinks doesn't make sense too much, I wouldn't worry about it. Instead of making it stand out (if youre using pbr) make it look like just dust in cavity areas and such around the knife.
Yeah I don't know why I made it so pronounced. It's more like smudges and grime than dust. here's the reference, I should have looked at it a bit more. But I was basing it on the real knife, which I had cleaned in the meanwhile. I'll try to fix it after I finish this project.
I don't think the edges are that tight? They do look pretty tight in the zbrush screenshot.
The problem is that they are so small that the texture would probably not be high-res enough to capture it and even if it would it be so small that it would barely be visible unless you were to headbutt this poor fireman. Here's an image from the wiki that illustrates the problem better than I could ever explain it:
Still need to add some straps on the back and sculpt some of the hard surface pieces a bit. Then I'm pretty much done with the high poly I think. Please let me know if you see anything I should fix, or if you think I should spend some more time on sculpting the helmet.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I want a dried blood look so there would be very little specular. After doing some "research" on what dried blood looks like I did some tweaks to the texture. Mainly added more variation.
Whoa, nice. I like the seam you added at the top. Not sure if all of that detail will bake well though. On the gauge/dial thing there are some edges that look a bit too hard, and some of the stitching looks a bit small to be captured well.
Thanks Billy! I'm planning on using 4k maps since this is a portfolio piece. But there are A LOT of different pieces, so all of the really small details probably won't be visible. There might be a hint of them though, and that's better than nothing
I'll have a look at the gauge tomorrow(/tonight). Here's a close-up
There's a bit of weird shading on the logo, but that's only because I decimated it.
Here's some progress on the low poly. Currently at 10k tris, which is way too much considering I haven't added the straps and some other things yet. I used zremesher on the helmet but I'll probably go in and manually retopo it.
Everything looks pretty cool so far. The only thing is maybe the interior padding of the mask/helmet doesn't really look "puffy" enough, in the reference it looks like a bunch of tiny spherical puffs but yours reads almost like some eroded stone or something. Maybe take a look at some sheep wool as reference to get the micro-texture on that stuff
I would advise against trying to sculpt the wool in detail. Things like that a better left in subtlety in the sculpt. I would also look at these tutorials on how you can get it looking softer at the low poly phase.
Did a little test with the fur. I ended up buying that image on dreamstime, so thanks for finding it for me! It did cost me €11, Which is quite a lot considering I'm unemployed, so I hope it was worth it. Diffuse only atm, probably going to sculpt in some soft details in zbrush and bake that to a normal map.
Awesome! If you could customize the shader you could have it fade out at grazing angles so you don't see the stepping as much, but it looks good as it is!
I think your knife is pretty much done. The blood does need to be a little shinier. For your portfolio I would show both versions, with and with out blood so recruiters can see what your capable of.
@ Obscura - It's fairly expensive geometry wise. Also it requires a softer alpha which is expensive. I think it will become a lot more popular on this next generation. It looks quite nice and doesn't take large amounts of time to do.
@stevston89 - I think geometry isn't really a big deal nowadays, when sometimes the important characters (or vehicles) takes around 60 or even 100k tris , but yeah alpha is expensive for sure. I hope that these kind of fancy things will be seen more in the next generation of games.
Yeah. Geo wasn't a big problem for this past gen, but it was still considered. Even what's up there isn't soft alpha. It's dither. Which works good enough.
That's some dope fur, for your dried blood I would change the layer to additive in photoshop and just kinda tone it down, it looks like a ton of blood dried there and was never affected.
Thanks for the feedback guys! I'll try messing with the blood a bit more later.
I added some tessellation to the fur, it solved the grazing angles problem quite well.
It probably is really expensive to render right now with tessellation, 4 layers of geo and dithered alphas.
It kind of lost a bit of the fuzziness though.
This is with just 4 layers:
Thanks for the kind words, appreciate it!
Should have a little update tomorrow or sunday evening.
In the meanwhile, here's a little tutorial I made on how I smooth my hard surface objects.
Some things to fix:
-raised area on top needs to be subtler
-Need to fix the topology of the little tube at the front
-mask should be wider
Please let me know if you spot anything else!
Anyway I fixed up this part, had a first go at sculpting some leather and adding stitching. It's a little bit muddy but it's only a small element so I think it will be fine.
There are some random seams but they only appear in marmoset so ignore that, they seem to be at places where I welded verts.
the sculpted details are quite heavily decimated to render them in marmoset.
to-do list:
-sculpt the ridges on top
-make the helmet sculpt less symmetrical
-add sculpted detail to air tank
-add straps
-sculpt the inside of the helmet, this one's going to be really challenging but hopefully it won't look too terrible.
Could really use some feedback now :thumbup:
It's dirt I'm pretty sure.
@Brandon Kern: Thanks, but as alex pointed out it's supposed to be dirt/grime. Maybe I need to work on the material for that a bit more.
I've been experimenting with the best way to make the leather straps. I think I'll just model and sculpt it straight and then use a path deform in max.
Also had a go at sculpting the yellow fuzzy material, but I'm not sure how well this is going to bake.
Here's a zbrush screenshot of where I'm at atm:
I also think the folds in the cloth needs to be a bit more pronounced around the eyes as the metal pieces don't feel quite grounded in the fabric.
You're right about the folds around the eye pieces. I'll try to sculpt it a bit more.
I don't think the edges are that tight? They do look pretty tight in the zbrush screenshot.
Yeah I don't know why I made it so pronounced. It's more like smudges and grime than dust. here's the reference, I should have looked at it a bit more. But I was basing it on the real knife, which I had cleaned in the meanwhile. I'll try to fix it after I finish this project.
I guess my edges are a bit too tight on the smaller pieces. I'll try to soften them up a bit.
Thanks for the feedback!
Also changed the dirt to blood on the knife.
I want a dried blood look so there would be very little specular. After doing some "research" on what dried blood looks like I did some tweaks to the texture. Mainly added more variation.
I'll have a look at the gauge tomorrow(/tonight). Here's a close-up
There's a bit of weird shading on the logo, but that's only because I decimated it.
fancy blue lighting:
Keep in mind this is just a test, probably going to change when I start on the final thing.
Very cool technique
4 layers looks pretty good from a distance though.
moar geo.
I added some tessellation to the fur, it solved the grazing angles problem quite well.
It probably is really expensive to render right now with tessellation, 4 layers of geo and dithered alphas.
It kind of lost a bit of the fuzziness though.
This is with just 4 layers: