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Portfolio feedback needed

polycounter lvl 4
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AhmedFawaz polycounter lvl 4
Hey all, ive been working as a 3d artist for a couple of years now professionally in arch viz and augmented reality. Unfortunately my hdd crashed recently so ive had to start a whole new portfolio! :thumbdown:

At the moment im making the transition from visualiser to game artist so i would love feedback from anyone here on my portfolio and possible tips for things i need to add so on...

you can view my portfolio here

thanks in advance :) i look forward to hearing from you all


  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Your car renders are nice, but you need to get things into a game engine and looking as nice as possible.
  • AhmedFawaz
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    AhmedFawaz polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you LMP. Yeah i was thinking to take the car scenes into UDK. just hard juggling time creating game assets. Really not sure what studios want to see.
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Use a darker background PLEASE. Also you should try to push your quality a bit more with your portfolio pieces. I realize your HDD crashed. That's really unfortunate. :( Take advantage of dropbox and backup your work.

    Car: I'd honestly not add all of the unnecessary Photoshop effects. It's completely ruining it.

    UDK Level: Looks like it took you 30 minutes and you called it done. You're going to have to try a lot harder than that to impress a potential employer. You should also have some screenshots of inside the level. I really don't want to see your blueprint sketch or your BSP blockout.

    Barrel: Ease back on the noise. You have some unnecessary edge loops as well. But seriously, I would try for something a bit more complicated and impressive than a barrel for a portfolio piece.

    Your portfolio should be your greatest work. Not just something you throw together in 15 - 20 minutes. You WILL be judged on your weakest piece. Also, checkout Marmoset Toolbag 2 for professionally presenting your work in a realtime application.

    Take a look at some of the other portfolios out there. This is your competition. You have a ways to go still. The good news is you can get there! But it's going to take a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication. Make up your mind before you start if this is really what you want or not. And then plunge forward as hard as you possibly can!

    On your portfolio you have this posted. "3d artist is not my job description, it is my passion..." PROVE IT! And in the meantime, hang in there! Keep on going through tutorials, asking questions and posting your work on here for critiques! We're here to help each other. :)
  • AhmedFawaz
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    AhmedFawaz polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks Tobbo i appreciate the honesty and taking time to give feedback on everything :)

    Trust me i know ive got a long road ahead of me but im using every second i have to get this portfolio in order. Ill check out marmoset toolabg, i already use marmoset skyshop for unity which is amazing for shaders and realtime reflections.

    The problem ive found with looking at most peoples portfolios online is a lot seem to be working professionals with a serious amount of skill and experience behind them. Always hard to create that "first" game art portfolio because you have no idea what employers want to see... I had the same issue when first applying for visualiser jobs.

    Anyways hopefully the friendly people of this forum will help me out :)
  • AhmedFawaz
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    AhmedFawaz polycounter lvl 4
    just a heads up for everyone...this is a work in progress, i wasnt planning to apply for a job with barrels only lol!
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Well, your last post is a relief...applying with that will prob not get you far. I realize that is harsh but it is the reality. You need a lot more assets. judging from what you have now, I would make at least 2-3 high level assets...just go realistic. You could do like 2 super realistic props and 1 stylized hand painted one to show you can do both if you want. And when I say prop...not a barrel. Take that porshe and make it a beat up wreck or something and texture the hell out of it. Then build a small environment of a deserted road and place the porshe in it. Render that with nice lighting in UDK...bam a portfolio piece. I know its tough to look at industry pros because they have so much in their folios but you don't have to have that much. Even if you only have a few, if it is REALLY GOOD, you will find a job. So, don't throw anything half ass in your folio...pick someone you think is top notch and use them as reference. So what if they have 50 awesome pieces...focus on making one, then two, and then three. It will work out for you in the end trust me. Just make sure you don't apply til you have something worthy of catching a studio's attention or you will be wasting your time. good luck!
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