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Half-Life 2 Model Pack

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juniez polycounter lvl 10
check it out its my first thread! Fewes and brightside and I are working on a model pack for HL2 - here's what I've done on it. I just started it for fun so accuracy wasn't a real concern but well



  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    awesome! loving .357. nades and crossbow especially :)
  • Fewes
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    Fewes polycounter lvl 8
    I made the arms and tweaked a bunch of shaders.


    Hope u rike
  • Mr. Brightside
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    Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
    Working on the animations and compiles, everything animation wise was made by me from scratch, including the rig.
    I also modified some existing particles like the muzzle flash on the pistol and I added some smoke on the shell ejection. The smoke at the end of the barrel was made by a gentleman by the name of "Lee" I believe (It was released with a bunch of counter-strike compiles). I intend to pretty them up some more and maybe make or modify some new ones for other weapons.

    (some glitches with the env lighting in game but that was because of fraps)

  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Wow, that is spectacular. Great job man, all of the models are beautiful but my favorite is without a doubt the .357 and the standard pistol. This thread is getting bookmarked.
  • rino
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    rino polycounter lvl 12
    sweet fucking jesus, this is amazing.
  • creamtown
    Brilliant works man! Cannot wait to play the next Half Life game. So excited!!<br>
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Clearly you are just an inside source leaking to the outside.


    λ³ ᶜᵒᶰᶠᶥʳᵐᵉᵈ
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Props Man. Hehe No pun intended. My hats off to you though.

    After banging my head against the hammer editor all week I am exhausted with how un-intuitive that engine is. These look amazing. Keep it up.
  • Mr. Brightside
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    Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
    Snader wrote: »
    Clearly you are just an inside source leaking to the outside.

    Aliens bro..... aliens.
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    This stuff is great man. Keep it up!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Top notch work, mate.

    One thing that you might be able to improve from the original game's designs is the crossbow bolt. It's never particularly clear when playing the game that it's supposed to be a super-heated length of rebar, partly due to the not particularly high resolution of the texture, and partly because it glows from end to end, it just kind looks like a nondescript science fiction future arrow.

    You texture is going to go a long way to fixing that problem, but I think something that might help even more is to have the heated part applied only to the end of the bolt with a nice strong emissive, while leaving the rest grey and non-glowy.
  • Kar-re
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    Kar-re polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah as everyone else have said, great work bro! It looks really sweet.

    I just have one question.
    Shouldn't the crystals of the gravity-gun have a little more like hot metal texture? Maybe a rock overlay or something?
    Everything else looks top-notch.

    I really like the HK-USP, the speculars looks fantastic. The ar also looks really good to me.

    And you might want some baked lightning for the port at the gravity-gun for in-game.

    But as said before, great work!
    Keep it up! :thumbup:
  • Fridock
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    Fridock polycounter lvl 12
    Great stuff! Gotta install half life 2 ep2 real quick to check em out better!
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    This is Wicked Awesome. Can't wait to see more!
  • RafaelDeJongh
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    RafaelDeJongh polycounter lvl 4
    That's some really great stuff you have here, the textures and shaders are quite impressive I must say, what kind of VMT setup are you using if I may ask?

    @Mr. Brightside

    Wouldn't mind featuring this if you'd post content off this on GB.
  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    may I ask how did you render that guns? keyshot or sth else?
  • Kosai106
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    Kosai106 polycounter lvl 13
    may I ask how did you render that guns? keyshot or sth else?

    Looks like a pretty simple 3Ds Max setup.
  • Cheathem
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    Cheathem polycounter lvl 6
    I want more! Awesome job guys :D
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    may I ask how did you render that guns? keyshot or sth else?

    it was a PBR shader for 3DS Max but I didn't take advantage of any of the PBR features (other than correcting some texture values) so it was used more like a plain ol IBL renderer
  • 3ShirtlessMen
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Top notch work, mate.

    One thing that you might be able to improve from the original game's designs is the crossbow bolt. It's never particularly clear when playing the game that it's supposed to be a super-heated length of rebar, partly due to the not particularly high resolution of the texture, and partly because it glows from end to end, it just kind looks like a nondescript science fiction future arrow.

    You texture is going to go a long way to fixing that problem, but I think something that might help even more is to have the heated part applied only to the end of the bolt with a nice strong emissive, while leaving the rest grey and non-glowy.

    i think the problem with that is that you can't program materials in source, so it's either going to be superheated all the time or none of the time

    it does have an emissive map, though! so I guess I went with the 'superheated all the time' approach
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    You can change the glow on the rods several ways.

    In your VMT file for the crossbow use this
    	"$basetexture" "<Your Directory>/<Dir>"
             //This tells the material to illuminate
             $selfillum 1
             //This tells your material to use a seperate VTF file as your emmisive map     
    	 // you can also place the emmisive map in the alpha channel of  your base texture
    	"$selfillummask" "<Your Directory>/<Dir>"

    You'll need two vtf files. One is your Material VTF and the other will be your Emmisive VTF. I keep them separate because I like to animate the emmisive to give off a pulsing glow. If you don't need an animated emmisive though you can place it in the $basetexture alpha slot.

    To create an animated glow you'll have to make an animated emmisive that changes from a mask that shows hardly any glow to a mask that gets bright.

    Then export that animation into an img sequence using "IMG00000" and so on as your syntax.

    You can then import that sequence into VTF editor and export it out as a single animated VTF file to use in your VMT file.

    Then just plugin the directory information into the $basetexture file as such:
    	"$basetexture" "<Your Directory>/<Dir>"
    	"$surfaceprop" "Default"
    	 $selfillum 1
    	"$selfillummask" "<Your Directory>/<Dir>"

    Add this to your animated emmisive VMT to control the framerate of animation

    you can change the "30" next "animatedTExtureFrameRate" to whatever framerate you want.
    	"animatedTextureVar" "$basetexture"
    	"animatedTextureFrameNumVar" "$frame"
    	"animatedTextureFrameRate" "30"

    Hope this helps. :)
  • RafaelDeJongh
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    RafaelDeJongh polycounter lvl 4
    Yea like PhattyEwok said, it's possible, a bit time consuming but well if you have these quality models and textures I think the animated self illumination texture will really pay off!

    Ps: As I'm new here my previous post had to be moderated and has now been accepted so pointing that out that a lot of new posts have been made already before the one I posted.
  • greenglow2004
    Looking sweet ! have you also made World model versions for the combine to use?
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    did not expect that when clicking at this thread, really nice stuff
    love the smooth round look of most of the assets
  • Mr. Brightside
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    Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
    Little update on the shotgun, made all the animations, i might go back and touch some of them up later but it'll do for now. Added some custom particles and sounds, which are NOT final just temps.

  • Count Vader
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    Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
    Beatiful work!

    This isnt mine, but maybe you'll find some inspiration here, esp if you wanna do any of the combine vehicles - http://www.ganjica.net/2012/11/14/combine-apc-2/
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    kind of related i guess?:
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    great work man! weapons looks very nice!
  • RafaelDeJongh
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    RafaelDeJongh polycounter lvl 4
    That's pretty epic for sure! Also that VMT part you mentioned on steam?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Very nice stuff! Any chance of a few wireframe shots of the weapons?
  • lewist
    Beautiful stuff! I especially love the work on the combine AR! Isn't it missing the trigger though?
  • DarkStar
    What a nice idea you got there!!! i think i will start something like this for others games. At least it will give me a purpose to model... hahaha

    I think you have made so great model. How is it programming with QC/VMT files? is it like Javascripting? (it looks like it)

    Great job!!!
  • Mr. Brightside
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    Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
    Qcs are relatively simple, especially when you're replacing existing weapons because you can just decompile those and it will give you an already built Qc file. Granted it's not perfect so you have to modify some things here and there but for the most part, pretty simple.

    Here's the Qc I used for compiling the shotgun;
    $modelname "weapons/v_shotgun.mdl"
    $model "studio" "ref_shotgun"
    $model "studio" "ref_hands"
    $cdmaterials models\Weapons\v_hands\
    $cdmaterials models\Weapons\v_shotgun\
    //$cdmaterials "models\weapons\shell\"
    $origin 0.20 1.10 0.60
    $attachment "1" "muzzle_flash" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate 90.00 0.00 0.00
    $attachment "2" "shell_ejection" 0.00 0.00 0.80 rotate 0.00 0.00 0.00
    $attachment "3" "ejection_smoke" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate 0.00 0.00 0.00
    $attachment "4" "muzzle_flash" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate 0.00 0.00 0.00
    $sequence idle01 "idle01" loop ACT_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node 0
    $sequence fire01 "fire01" ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK 1 snap fps 30.00 node 2 {
        { event AE_MuzzleFLASH 0 "357 4" }
        { event AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT 8 "smoke_trail follow_attachment 1" }
        //{ event AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT 0 "muzzle_star_CSS follow_attachment 1" }
    $sequence altfire "altfire" ACT_VM_SECONDARYATTACK 1 snap fps 30.00 node 2 {
        { event AE_MuzzleFLASH 0 "357 1" }
        { event AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT 4 "smoke_trail follow_attachment 1" }
        { event AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT 0 "muzzle_star_CSS follow_attachment 1" }
    $sequence draw "draw" ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node 0 {
        { event 5004 0 "Weapon.Deploy" }
    $sequence holster "holster" ACT_VM_HOLSTER 1 fps 30.00 node 0 {
        { event 5004 0 "Weapon.Holster" }
    $sequence reload1 "reload1" ACT_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_START 1 fps 30.00 node 0 {
        { event 5004 0 "Weapon.Cloth" }
    $sequence reload2 "reload2" ACT_VM_RELOAD 1 snap fps 30.00 node 0 {
        { event 5004 3 "Weapon_Shotgun.Insert" }
    $sequence reload3 "reload3" ACT_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_FINISH 1 fps 30.00 node 0
    $sequence pump "pump" ACT_SHOTGUN_PUMP 1 fps 30.00 node 0 {
        { event 6001 4 "2" }
        { event AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT 3 "muzzle_round_forwardsmoke follow_attachment 3" }
        { event 5004 2 "Weapon_Shotgun.cockback" }
        { event 5004 8 "Weapon_Shotgun.cockfor" }
    $sequence dryfire "dryfire" ACT_VM_DRYFIRE 1 fps 30.00 node 2
    $sequence lowered "lowered" ACT_VM_IDLE_LOWERED 1 loop fps 30.00 node 1
    $sequence lowered_to_idle "lowered_to_idle" ACT_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 transition 1 0 {
        { event 5004 0 "Weapon.Cloth" }
    $sequence idle_to_lowered "idle_to_lowered" ACT_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED 1 fps 30.00 transition 0 1 {
        { event 5004 0 "Weapon.Cloth" }
    $sequence fire "fire" ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SHOTGUN 1 snap fps 5.00 {
        { event 6001 0 "3" }
        { event 3004 0 }
    Now a weapon like the gravity gun was a little bit trickier because it used blended sequences for the claws. They're set at an open position in one sequence file and closed in another. When it opens and closes is decided by the game code so I had to keep the main name of the sequence (prong_blend) the same, otherwise it wouldn't work.

    Here's the block of compile code for the blending;
    $animation ProngBase "Prongs" frame 0 0
    $animation ProngsShut "Prongs" frame 1 1 subtract ProngBase 0
    $animation ProngsOpen "Prongs" frame 2 2 subtract ProngBase 0
    $sequence prong_blend {
        ProngsOpen ProngsShut
        blendwidth 2
        blend active 0.000000 1.000000
        Delta autoplay    
    Basically the prongs are open on frame 2 in the sequence name Prongs and set closed at frame 1 in the same sequence.

    Decompiling the original and using the given blending code didn't work (as I stated before) so I pretty much had to re-do that part completely.

    What i've found from decompiling these weapons, or even viewing them in source's SDK is that valve either made some un necessary animations, or ones that they don't even use. For example the holster animations are only used when you pick objects up, not when switching weapons which i find kind've strange. The pistol animations even have empty_ sequences that don't even get used in half-life.

    Glad you guys are enjoying the progress on this :)
  • DarkStar

    As i can see the Qc file is not that complicated. When you do your animation do you only export them in smd's and call them with the Qc's or is it more complicated then this. And how to you tweak the texture within the Qc's? is it like a animation sequence?

    Anyway thank a lot for this great post.
  • Mr. Brightside
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    Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
    Well you need to export 2 kinds of smds, the "sequences" and the "reference". The sequences contain the bone information, the reference also contains the bone information as well as the mesh.

    The materials are easily defined, the structure basically starts in the games "materials/" folder, then you just put in the correct path for the textures. You don't need to define all the different texture files in the Qc, only the folder that those textures are in. The only place you need to define the texture maps are in the reference file, which can be tricky because when it loads the textures in engine it grabs that info from a .vmt file, which contains the different maps along with shader parameters. So you need to be sure that the texture name you apply to the model is the same name as the .vmt.
  • DarkStar
    Thank! That's becoming clearer and clearer right now, even if i got some experience with those ,but i never pushed that far with them since that HL2 and the source engine are poorly documented compared to HL1. It was a little bit trickier too to work with these at the begining.

    As for the shader part that was previously discuss, you can look for "source shader editor". here's a video i found about it. http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1108567

    I'm impatient to see what you will bring later on.
  • RafaelDeJongh
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    RafaelDeJongh polycounter lvl 4
    Also a thing I already talked about with Juniez for the Crossbow animated rods is to take assign a different animated texture to a specific animation sequences where the animated texture is synchronized with the animations.

    This sure will take some effort and quite a lot of space but it would create a very lovely effect of first having a non lit/active rod when charging and then when placed pulsating or what not.

    Still looking out for more development!
  • Mr. Brightside
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    Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
    Little update on my part, working on the SMG animations;

  • RafaelDeJongh
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    RafaelDeJongh polycounter lvl 4
    Quite interesting animations you've got there Brightside, although I'm not sure about the reload that just seems to not really fit the rest of the animations too well. Origin looks a bit too close to the left as well although compared to the shotgun it does seem to be the default for these redone models.

    As for the sounds they also don't seem to fit 100% for some reason they sound right, but well it might just be that I've gotten used to the original :p

    Either way good job, I'm quite interested in this whole project!
  • blinKX10
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    blinKX10 polycounter lvl 7
    Damn those renders look sexy
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    hey, thread's back!
    Very nice stuff! Any chance of a few wireframe shots of the weapons?

    here's one of the pistol - I wouldn't use this as any sort of reference though, haha
    if you need any other one in particular let me know!
    lewist wrote: »
    Beautiful stuff! I especially love the work on the combine AR! Isn't it missing the trigger though?

    I'd like to say that it's magic combine technology but in reality I just forgot

    lo siento all
    blinKX10 wrote: »
    Damn those renders look sexy

  • silkroadgame
    Both are clean models!
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    spent an unreasonable amount of time getting source physics to play nice while i took the screenshot
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    You might as well remake the whole game while you're at it :p
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOW! Dat metal definition, you MUST teach...
  • Yogensya
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    Yogensya polycounter lvl 9
    Are the renders in Toolbag not using Gloss maps? Asking because the D/N/S on the bottom suggests so, yet the materials look really nice both in Toolbag and in-game. If that's the case i'd love to see some texture sheets of any of the weapons.. :)

    Keep it up, these models all look amazing. :)
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    Free_Fall wrote: »
    You might as well remake the whole game while you're at it :p

    maybe.... maybe..........
    odium wrote: »
    WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOW! Dat metal definition, you MUST teach...

    thanks!! love the work you guys are doing on overdose btw
    Yogensya wrote: »
    Are the renders in Toolbag not using Gloss maps? Asking because the D/N/S on the bottom suggests so, yet the materials look really nice both in Toolbag and in-game. If that's the case i'd love to see some texture sheets of any of the weapons.. :)

    Keep it up, these models all look amazing. :)

    thank you! and no, I tried using gloss maps on the SMG but they didn't turn out very well so I didn't bother with them for the subsequent models... also fewes takes care of all the material tweaks so you'd better be off asking him instead!
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Loving what I'm seeing here! :)
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    back from the dead with an entire update! still keeping myself busy while the animations are getting done..
    the materials on all of the weapons are pretty much completely worked, tweaked and finished so that's a good thing

    my very first vehicle! here's me seeing if I could finish both the buggy and the airboat before the pack gets released. it's a race against time (get it?? I may be losing though :x)
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