I did a complete overhaul of the site: new design, new looks, completely javascript independent and it works on mobile devices and all the big browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Chrome for android, iOS native browser, Android native browser). I also added a "tools" -section - something that I know is just going to expand and expand the more I cave into tech art.
The old portfolio hadn't been updated for 2 years - which was a bit shameful. The new one at least have more content.
I still feel that I miss some more "realistic" art pieces - I've been working on mobile games for almost two years now and I feel that I might get a bit out of touch with that style of art if I don't do any new project. The grimy restroom scene, the cryo chamber and the Mac are old and don't really reflect my current skills, but I'm not sure if I should "refurbish" some of those projects though or just start on something new - what do you think?
Feedback is always welcome ofc. And if you spot any spelling errors please let me know. Thanks!
Love the layout & design. I might try out your Nightshade UV Editor next time do UV's
PS : I loved Renegade OPS, I do hope it was a paid internship. Did they hire you after that ?
Thank you!
I'm glad that everything is running as it should!
If you need help with webdesign (HTML, DHTML, CSS, etcetera) I'm more than happy to answer questions and give directions and guidelines.
I'm afraid it wasn't a paid internship - but that is actually more common than the other way around (at least here in Sweden) as you get government allowance for your studies even during internship. But other that that they treated me just like any other member of the team and I had lots of fun working there; and at the end I even received a nice gift from them.
Unfortunatly they did not hire me after that internship, and while I felt a bit sad about that at first (because hey, who wouldn't wanna work on Mad Max?!), I hold no hard feelings towards them. I would very much like to work for them again some time in the future - it's a great studio with a wonderful company culture.
As for your work I think your professional stuff is awesome, but some of your personal work is a little dated in comparison. Like you said those old pieces do not reflect your current skills which I can easily tell from just browsing your portfolio. I think doing a personal piece or two would be a good idea to bring your portfolio up to date and reflect your current skill set more. Also I think the 2D stuff could be removed entirely because I don't think it is adding to much to be honest.
Hope that helps a little bit.
Yeah you are right. I think that this probably has a higher priority than me learning Python. I have a few ideas of things I want to do but I think I'm going to do with an environment based off a book cover I have in my bookcase (hint: Philip K. Dick).
Thanks for your feedback!