Was upset recently after hearing the news that SE have cancelled production of the latest Legacy of Kain game, instead it's going to be a downloadable multiplayer game according to sources... which is lame >.<
As a bit of a tribute I decided to do a bit of fan art with the aim of putting a little twist on it as well as having something to do in my downtime


I came up with this concept, which gave me enough to start playing in Zbrush.

This was my initial blockout

And here are some progress images

Any advice, feedback or idea's welcomed, I hope to keep this updated regularly.
Damn a new LOK game would be awesome
just want to mirror Garriola's comments, give those bandages some real bulk, they look like lines cut into his flesh at the moment.
i'd also work on the eyes a bit more make them less bulgy. in fact you could play around with having empty eye sockets and floating spirit energy for the eyes or something, that could be pretty cool!
Cool sculpt,very happy to see Raziel! There is one thing that I don't like that much ,the big forearms and feet. I like Raziel skinny, and it's just the bandages that give him thickness on his limbs.
But it's just a matter of tastes
I also think you can do ad more hair, make it bigger and more "swooshy" (thats a word...now).
I love the darksiders approach to it.
One think I would change is the knee area, I think that could be sturdier like you have it in the concept. Now he looks like he's wearing those poofy renaissance style pants.
Can't wait to see this finished
A little update
The bandages were always going to be worked into but I'd be interested in knowing what you think on their progress garriola83.
It's nice you've noticed the Darksiders influence almighty_gir (as well as others) It's intentional, 'Death' from DS2 always reminded me of Raziel, so when drumming up the redesign I tried to fuse them. I've recessed the eyes somewhat like you suggested, but I'm not entirely sold on the wisp eye idea... yet
You're right Lotet, I did away with some of the forehead wrinkles, but for now I'm sticking with the ones around the teeth. The hair was a work in progress and I've tried to redo the block-out and 'swooshify' it, let me know what you think
Thanks for pointing the knee's out NomadSoul2501, I did like them looking frail but after trying them bulked up a bit it helped the overall weight of the character
Thanks again guys, anymore feedback or pointers welcome
The only thing that kind of feels off to me is the area below the crotch, the muscles from the legs seem like cut out, it doesn't feel really organic. But overall it looks ace, keep up the good work!
Can't wait to see the finished thing!
A litle update here, I've rejigged the legs and crotch a bit as well as done the lower bandage, personally think it looks better but would appreciate others thoughts.
The only crit that i have now is around the arms/hands they seem a little thick but not too much, i guess its not worth the effort of making them thinner. What else to say than awesome job
Are we going to see a low poly? (say yes)
I'm all over that feedback Lotet, I wasn't 100% happy with the legs but was going to sleep on it, I think I'll put some of your feedback into action next time I have at it
Made some slight tweaks all over and tried to apply some of Lotet's feedback to the legs. Added some wings althought they're still a WIP. Still plenty to do but appreciate anyones thoughts
Hey,FLIPPYCHAVEZART. Its cool to make your own thread and show your work, but I dont' think its that professional to go into someone elses thread and tell people to look at your stuff. Thats what i think. Make a thread and for sure their will be people that would check ur stuff out
1º I don't know how to explain it clearly, but the face of your raziel is very agressive and doesn't have a nose wich make him look more like a corps than raziel it self, Basicaly I find the face too close to a squeleton than raziel.
2º the feets, he doesn't look like to have any ankle, wich give the impression of a character lacking agility.
Other than this it looks damn nice, can't wait to see it finished Great work really. I'm so subbing this,
Looks better man, but as my paint-over suggested, I have to second this.
Why not a cool weapon? Maybe a cool spear like the ones that you can grab on the walls in the game!
Or the soul reaver :poly124:
I had the intention of doing a weapon, most probably the Soul Reaver but a redesign, I was contemplating maybe a different type of weapon variation on it, like an axe (Soul Cleaver, or something like that)... thoughts?
i was gonna say the lower legs on the high res could use some more work, specially the front, but looks like your already on top of it
Managed to get some time on this tonight, was able to retopo the legs, shroud and 1 set of bandages along with some test bakes... very much still a WIP, especially the diffuse which for now is purely for testing.
I've decided to dedicate no more time to the lower legs for now as they will be covered for the most part, the legguard still needs to be put together along with a weapon which I'm determined to do just been a bit short on time.
Achillesian, he used it to cover his face in the game but removed it plenty when devouring souls, his missing jaw is a staple of his design and character so I'm aiming to have a bit of it on show and potentially pose it as such.
As per usual any feedback welcome
Loving all the progress, very impressive can't wait to see this finished. Makes me wish he makes a comeback in a darksiders style game.
the cape looks more like clay than cloth at the moment, the wrinkles are really thick, they should be way sharper.
keep it up it's looking great.
the cape wings are looking super sweet. and the new cape folds look better to. keep it up
keep it up
That sword from the game.