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[ Portfolio | Sketchbook ] Alvin Toribio - environment | 3D artist

polycounter lvl 9
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serriffe polycounter lvl 9
Hi there Polycounters, I just wanted properly introduce my self, my real name is Alvin Toribio ( serriffe ) and I've been a long time Polycount member for quite some time now. I've worked in the game industry as an environment artist for the total of 4 years and I found Polycount.com while I was still going to college.

I just wanted to say thank you to all the folks for posting all your great work here and thank you for inspiring me to get even better in my chosen path.

Well- lets get down to business-- I think it's time for me to take a dive like most folks here and start making my own section for all the projects I'll be doing in the future and now. As of now here's a couple of the projects I've done for my portfolio. My portfolio is a bit thin but I'm currently doing more work at this moment to help remedy that problem.

If you like to see more of my work, please visit at serriffe.com








  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    703 Studios

    Here's my current project called " 703 Studios " basically the main purpose of this project is to build up an art asset for an urban theme environment. I would like for this project to be a large scale environment and modular. This is going to be a long term project and I'll be constantly adding new content in future. Here's what I got so far.



  • jsargent
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    jsargent polycounter lvl 5
    this new enviro looks fantastic :) Will be keeping an eye on this one!
  • SamirDuran
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    SamirDuran polycounter lvl 6
    The last one looks cool. How big is the court texture? How did you texture this?
  • hollandje
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    hollandje polycounter lvl 4
    Oh wow O_o, sweet stuff man, i really love it!@!!!
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Dat lighting is niace.
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    jsargent, hollandje; - hey thanks guys- fan of your work jsargent :]

    AlexCatMasterSupreme; hey thanks man, I try to master lighting if I can-

    SamirDuran; thank you- to answer your question, the dimension of the court is rectangular right, so I decided to divide it in half into two perfect squares. Then I've chosen a base ground texture that tiles in all direction, after that, I divided the court layout pattern into two halves- each half goes into one of square that makes makes up the whole rectangular court.( the trick is lining the two square halves perfectly ) keep in mind that all of it is done in Photoshop then put together in Maya. The total map size for the rectangular court area is 2048X4096 but divided into two squares.

    I think there are other ways of doing this- but I decided to try this route- cause I wanted the center court area to have a unique ground feature in my future modifications.
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    hello folks- just showing my latest update- moving on to the next section of this project :]

    - updated images
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Morning-- just some small updates, new render, added more props and I think I'm pretty happy with my first pass block-out so far for this section- till the next update ;)

    -updated images
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Hello everyone- just been working further on the street level on my environment. I'm flushing out all the props I needed for this section, I think it's going pretty well so far-- next move is to further refine this street with more props. The tree is bugging me a bit - will continue to keep refining it.



  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    - 3rd ( back alley ) section part ofthe block out procees is done and just did my first pass on the building overpass at back alley.
    - Moved thel large Coca Cola sign from the 703 building to the back alley building
    - Next step, more research :)

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Just felt like doing some small test last night for global lighting and shaders. :]


    - global lighting test ( sunset lighting )
    - flag test; render and cloth simulation
    - lantern shader test ( subsurface paper look )
    - changed and testing lighting for jumbo LED display at the Basketball court area

    list to do
    - need more props at Basketball area ( looks empty )
    - further refine back alley area and add more props ( Parking Garage entrance )
    - need to add more props and begin first texture map pass at Restaurant & Bar area
    - make prop sign " clock " on top of corner building near Jumbo LED display

    ** Upadated **
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    I just wanted to post my other environment project which is a Nature/Old Ruins type of environment. This is actually an old quick project I did just to test out Unreal a while back. Now, that I got more time at the moment, I decided to continue it again-- and keep working on it as planned. I'll be pretty much working in tandem with my other environment ( 703 Studios ) which is pretty much the same objective. This is my second pass for it and I'm pretty happy with block-out, a bit empty still but just gotta keep working at it :]

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    added two more shots and just updating list of things to do for this scene till I go back to my real work :]


    - added true sky map and some more foliage

    list to do
    - add more specific foliage variations
    - add more supporting ruin props- more rocks?!
    - make variation palm tree texture ( starting to look repetitive )
    - lighting still looks flat... need more work.

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Morning Polycounters- another update from my Angkor Wat level. just did one render ( helicopter shot ) just to show how the water looks like from a distance. Lots of testing on this water shader for mental ray and the ground transition to from dry to wet- pretty happy with it so far.


    - water shader, first pass
    - sand transition from dry to wet, first pass
    - change Palm texture ( still messing around with it )

    list to do ( still stands )

    - add more specific foliage variations
    - add more supporting ruin props- more rocks?!
    - make variation palm tree texture ( starting to look repetitive )
    - lighting still looks flat... need more work.


    - encountered unexpected alpha transition using MIA_shader between Palm tree alpha map and water shader. weird sorting issue?

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Hello folks just did a quick batch render of all 6 shots- I'm gonna leave this project as of now but still a working progress-


    - changed palm tree textures ( 2nd pass )
    - changed small boat colors added more detail
    - layered 2 Mia_shader transition from dry to wet sand using Alpha shape
    - added bump on big rocks- Rocks still need work, temporary place holder for now.

    list to do ( still stands )

    - add more specific foliage variations
    - add more supporting ruin props- more rocks?!
    - make variation palm tree texture ( starting to look repetitive )
    - lighting still looks flat... need more work.


    - encountered unexpected alpha transition using MIA_shader between Palm tree alpha map and water shader. weird sorting issue?

    Solution: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1906666&postcount=8


  • Geno527
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    Geno527 polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, very nice work !
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    This is just a small project I decided to do out of the blue. The purpose, is to work in big resolution ( 4096X4096 ), AAA pipeline maps. Also, at the same time, trying out real-time shaders between Knald app and Kodde shader in Maya. I'm pretty torn which one looks better but looking at it in realtime sure looks great! I should try out Marmoset next :)


    Kodde CGfx shader for Maya
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    My first sketchfab upload- :)

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    An early block out of my next project- still got a long ways to go :]

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9

    my first upload to Verold 3D viewer- I didn't use any of their lighting cause most of the light is already baked-in to the map. A bit more technical than Sketchfab but not that bad at all :]
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9

    uploading the same model in Sketchfab this time. You gonna have to excuse the palm tree's alpha. I'm currently having some trouble with it in at the moment. Just comparing it between Sketchfab and Verold :]
  • TheBarnicle
    Absolutely awesome work! would it be possible to see some texture maps and how you layout your UV's for larger environments, UV layouts are kinda my downfall at the moment :/
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    just a small update, finally settled with the right looking tree and started doing block out pass on the texture maps. Progress on this one and other projects I'm doing is going to be a bit slow at the moment- just got busy. ;]

  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    ^ I like where it's going :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    leleuxart wrote: »
    ^ I like where it's going :)

    hopefully, I'll get more time finish this week? :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Absolutely awesome work! would it be possible to see some texture maps and how you layout your UV's for larger environments, UV layouts are kinda my downfall at the moment :/

    wow- I missed this one, sorry about that and thank you :) sure, which environment though?
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    Amazing buildings!

    Could you post some of your modular pieces by themselves? (for the urban stuff)

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    synergy11 wrote: »
    Amazing buildings!

    Could you post some of your modular pieces by themselves? (for the urban stuff)


    hey thanks! :) and here you go- These are the props from the Basketball court section that I can show at the moment, since the other sections are not on a presentable stage yet but I'll be sure to do another render prop list shot in the future. :D

  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Slow but steady- here's my latest progress on my little project


    - Gate and walls first pass ( you can't see it but it's back there )
    - Pampas Grass first pass
    - added small and big lanterns

    list to do
    - add more vegetation types
    - change stairs look aged
    - keep working on Pampas Grass ( doesn't look right still )
    - rock wall needs refining
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    hello everybody - I went back to my big level project and finished a few things for it. I think I pretty much felt like I hit a milestone for this one, at the same time, new challenges appeared but those challenges are accepted as always. I got three latest renders up and going :)


    - first pass; 4 modular building types textured
    - first pass; 2 ground types pavement and street textured
    - first pass; 2 props textured and 1 added
    - first pass on the sky panorama texture
    - adjusted Mental ray camera exposure; F-stop Number to 10 from 20 ( more light )

    things to do
    - start doing first passes on all the shaders for props and buildings
    - texture the remaining props ( don't add anymore props atm )
    - continue to refine texture passes
    - considering re-texturing Alfa Building ( first building )
    - keep working on the lighting

    Crit update

    - thin out some tree leaves for sunlight to get through and for building visibility. Also, for good light patches on the street.
    - add dirt and leaves fallout.
    - puddle
    - effects; steam from street ( early thoughts )
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    With your latest image with the trees in it, the composition feels a little bit cluttered. You used to have all those interesting building details at least visible, but now you can't see them at all through the leaves. I would make the trees thinner so that there's more breaks in the amount of vegetation. It will help to create interesting patches of light all over the road as well. I would also add some variation to the scale of each tree as well.. oh and it could greatly benefit from the addition of puddle / leaf decals all over the roads and sidewalks. Lookin good though, keep it up :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    With your latest image with the trees in it, the composition feels a little bit cluttered. You used to have all those interesting building details at least visible, but now you can't see them at all through the leaves. I would make the trees thinner so that there's more breaks in the amount of vegetation. It will help to create interesting patches of light all over the road as well. I would also add some variation to the scale of each tree as well.. oh and it could greatly benefit from the addition of puddle / leaf decals all over the roads and sidewalks. Lookin good though, keep it up :)

    Oh wow- good call man, I like all your comments- specially having tin leaves so some sunlight will go through the pavement. Awesome- I'll take good note of it. Will do! and thank you for the great crits!
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Just adding this to my portfolio page- I joined to the Monthly Community challenge for this month go check it out ;]

    and here's what I got so far-- I got more stuff to do but it's shaping up pretty well- learning a lot of stuff :)

    - added props; cables ( no textures ), added on touch screen module ( I think I should change it to orange ), heads up sign, light fixtures
    - added outside box for lightmass leaks or bleeds
    - points lights ( over head lights )

    things to do
    - add two more props ( rain coat set and locker )
    - start 2nd passes on diffuse, specs, normal, emission maps detail in general
    - stop messing with lighting, keep focus on other important things ( time consuming **render times**)
    - keep working!

    Real Times shots from Maya using CGfx Kodde Shader

    Latest shot from Unreal Engine
  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
    Hi, its looking good so far, but the island scene needs some tweaking. I think the palm trees are really overpowering in this piece and because they are the exactly the same it just doesn't hit the eye right. The way you've layed out the trees is crowding the actual models, try to take some dranatuc shots that really show off your models.
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    oxblood wrote: »
    Hi, its looking good so far, but the island scene needs some tweaking. I think the palm trees are really overpowering in this piece and because they are the exactly the same it just doesn't hit the eye right. The way you've layed out the trees is crowding the actual models, try to take some dranatuc shots that really show off your models.

    oh hey thanks- yeah man- you are absolutely right, I always wanted to do a large vegetation type of environment. In terms of making the palm tress and supporting foliage I'm still working at it and I'm not happy how the trees turned out. I think the solution is to add more palm tree variations and do more passes for the palm tree texture and I think I need more different types of trees- to avoid that repetition and I really need to study vegetation references- I kinda breeze through it.

    The only thing that's passable for me in this project is the temple and the water at the moment, everything else needs more time. thanks for the comment though- I appreciate it.
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    just updating my good ol sketchbook page ;] and be sure to check our progess at this link

    Welcome to the Monthly Noob Challenge October 2013 (12)!

    - new material shading and design detail on Walls panels
    - window material shading
    - re-exported all assets with " Obey hard edges " on this time :'( ( all you kiddos starting UDK, remember to turn that on! classic rookie mistake for me ) :D
    - toned down lighting bounce

    things to do
    - refine material definitions in general
    - still got two props to do; Locker,Raincoat set, and bench seat- still not settled for the color and style for it
    - improve lighting maps- I'm starting to get some pixelation artifacts
    ( must do research on UDK lightmass )
    - optimize level
    - get some sleep.. then get back to work!

    important things learned during production
    - must follow UDK units no mater what, ( meters to UDK was a bit painful conversion )
    - axmesh.mel always have " Obey Hard Edges " option on!


  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    clone update post from ;]

    - level extended ( added lab room blue window )
    - attempted to partition level by separating props and modules using UDK's Levels ( failed.. getting error player start spawn point)
    - props added; locker, boxes, barrel hazmat, bench with plant, locker bench and added holographic keyboard on white touch screen display

    things to do
    - add paper props on ground
    - maybe add thin tv display near locker area facing the window
    - lighting- more cool and warm colors ( lighting starting to look muted )
    - continue material definitions
    - continue research on UDK's Level function




  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    This is looking really nice. It looks like a fun concept to work from too.

    As far as your future material definition updates go, I think you're missing some reflections in a lot of the surfaces(glossy wood, on the floor, glass, etc.) Don't forget to mask the reflection with Fresnel on some of the surfaces so the reflection is more realistic. Variation in the reflection between the gray metal and yellow(painted?) metal would be a really nice touch too. Also, I think the gray squares in the floor panel could use a bit more depth/darkness. Is there a normal map?

    Loving what you have so far. I've enjoyed the following this, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents for the next update. :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    leleuxart wrote: »
    This is looking really nice. It looks like a fun concept to work from too.

    As far as your future material definition updates go, I think you're missing some reflections in a lot of the surfaces(glossy wood, on the floor, glass, etc.) Don't forget to mask the reflection with Fresnel on some of the surfaces so the reflection is more realistic. Variation in the reflection between the gray metal and yellow(painted?) metal would be a really nice touch too. Also, I think the gray squares in the floor panel could use a bit more depth/darkness. Is there a normal map?

    Loving what you have so far. I've enjoyed the following this, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents for the next update. :)

    thanks man! ooohh- yeah grey metal reflection, oh yeah I can imagine that- that's gonna look great. The floor square panels hmm it does look flat, I'll take care of that hopefully during the massive material update. It does have normal but I think it could be the angle of the camera? or just square patterns are not working.

    Hey thanks for pointing out the reflection pass- I think I would've probably missed that entirely. Alright more research on UDK material reflections. btw I really like your take on your sci-fi project you did a while back- the one with the water underneath at the side- great job man.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Hey. Your work is looking great! Looking forward to seeing this thread progress.
    important things learned during production
    - must follow UDK units no mater what, ( meters to UDK was a bit painful conversion )

    Try this, it's a great little calculator to have :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    beefaroni wrote: »
    Hey. Your work is looking great! Looking forward to seeing this thread progress.

    Try this, it's a great little calculator to have :)

    Thank you! Oh hey nice- It was fun figuring out the Math, but no so fun re-exporting all the assets - that was the painful part. XD but this tool could be handy in the future- thank you :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    I am calling this done - but will be back depending on what people say, maybe.. :B

    - added real time reflection ( still need to figure how to make it blured for scattered type of reflection on surface- too reflective )
    - added props; books, papers, blueprint, red liquid something on the floor ;), hanging wires on ceiling
    - increased sun lighting color

    things to do
    - Sleeeepppp......




  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Looking really nice with the updated lighting and reflections. Now that you're showing more of the windows in these shots, they feel a little empty. The side with the lockers is more cluttered and detailed, but the windows aren't. Maybe some banners, something outside, decals on the windows, etc?

    I kind of think some faint distant fog in the hallway would help too, or a weak DoF. Keep it up though. Whether you go back to this or not, still looking forward to your next project. :thumbup:

    I'm glad you like my sci-fi environment :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The cords on the ground are a bit too evenly placed with the waves, I'd have them pulled straighter at one end.
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    leleuxart wrote: »
    Looking really nice with the updated lighting and reflections. Now that you're showing more of the windows in these shots, they feel a little empty. The side with the lockers is more cluttered and detailed, but the windows aren't. Maybe some banners, something outside, decals on the windows, etc?

    I kind of think some faint distant fog in the hallway would help too, or a weak DoF. Keep it up though. Whether you go back to this or not, still looking forward to your next project. :thumbup:

    I'm glad you like my sci-fi environment :)

    Yeah- man you are right, it feels a unbalance compare to the window area. I was thinking of putting some Deus ex type of monitor screens hanging above - maybe two or three large hanging displays screens it might break it up a little? I was also thinking of adding some heavy duty wires outside the window but I already got a lot of wires already but I'll try it to see how it goes.

    oh--- A touch of DOF and athmospheric -- great suggestions, I gotta jot that down, I tend to forget all the cool stuff :D

    Yeah- your Sci-fi project has a lot of nice material definitions- well done. and thanks man-- I do my best to keep up with you folks here at Polycount :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    ZacD wrote: »
    The cords on the ground are a bit too evenly placed with the waves, I'd have them pulled straighter at one end.

    That's a good idea - I'm starting to see that wave pattern- I'll break it up a little- thanks Zac

    Just making and adding an update list of things to do ;)

    - add overhead screens near the window
    - try out adding heavy duty cables outside window
    - research Deus Ex concept for idea for more props ( scene starting to feel empty )
    - add DOF and athmospherics
    - break up floor cable wave pattern
    - crumple up all the paper on the ground ( looks too crisp )
  • alphajayel
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    alphajayel polycounter lvl 6
    Bangis Ser! :)

    Awesome stuff! May I just ask what game engine are you using here?
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    alphajayel wrote: »
    Bangis Ser! :)

    Awesome stuff! May I just ask what game engine are you using here?

    Howdy! and thank you Ser! The Corridor scene was done using Unreal Engine 3 :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    Hello folks! - just went back to this scene. I decided to learn Cryengine and ported everything I got from Unreal and added another section. hope u folks like it-

    - ported all assets from Unreal Engine to CryENGINE version 3.5.4
    - added large display monitors
    - expanded corridor level and added stairs corridor
    - added Hazard chemical shelves at corner ( first pass )

    things to do
    - refine first pass stairs corridor area
    - research problem; exporter issue when adding additional material on Maya Cryexport ( new shader doesn't show up in Sandbox )





    Stairs Corridor; 2nd pass ( also a Deus Ex concept from Dumont )



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