Overall this is looking really nice. I love that third picture in your most recent post. Looking back and forth between your current state and the concept, there are a few things that stand out:
The columns: This is the one that stands out the most. The concept's columns have very tight-fitting bricks and very tiny sections with that 'ribbed' pattern around it. Their depth also varies far less than yours. The extrusions should hardly even be noticeable
Fire: The concept looks like an old, rundown fortification that's either abandoned or neglected. The fire looks like an accident, or like invaders decided to capture it for their own purposes (or maybe arson)? Yours looks much more lived in and well maintained because of the torches/braziers everywhere.
Ropes: The concept has far more ropes dangling from the wooden supports. I notice you have some there, but they're still in their 'blockout' form and stand out right now.
PostProcess: I know this is a 'final touches' detail, but the concept has a light fog and musty feel to the air. Some (very mild!) dust mote particles and some very, very light fog could help recreate this and give it that abandoned feel.
Those points above aren't an issue if you decided to deviate from the concept (forgive me if I missed a post saying that). If you want to stay truer to it, you could consider what I said above. Here's some quick suggestions regardless of how close you want to stay to the concept:
-Your normals (and possibly AO) are very intense. You could consider a backlight, if you don't have one already, or simply lessening the intensity on the most used tiling textures.
-Where did the sand go? I sort of liked it. At the start of the project, you mentioned wanting to get better at UDK Materials (I'm a beginner as well, but materials, especially in UDK are one of my strengths). Throw an alpha in between the bricks on your floor tile and put the sand texture over it, but multiplied by the alpha. Multiply the result by the vertex colour. Viola! You can vertex paint sand into the cracks of your brick. It might help break up the tiling.
This is just gravy though. You've shown already that you're more than capable of getting this done and you've inspired me to get back to my own projects. Best of luck!
I know about the issue with the columns and really consider to completley redoing them and staying closer to the concept but I'am not completley sure about it yet.
The thing about the fire and damage ist the only point I really want to deviate from the concept since I personally think that if this is destruction from a battle (with whatever weapons) it should be more destruction and mainly because I'am not sure what happend there, I decied to leave the fire and the big rubble out and give it a bit more of a "still in use" look which goes also along with the idea to give it more of a Prince of Persia feeling.
As you already noticed correctly the ropes are still WIP. I'am not quite sure about how I want to do them (alpha planes or real geo) and will leave them like they are until I found a good solution to make them look good and optimized.
For the post process I think I really wait until the end. There is already a WIP post process chain and some quick fog but nothing really final. Thank you for the tipp! I definatley going to apply it!
The AO thing is strange because in most of the textures there is completley no AO used. Maybe its the AO of the post processing which gives the look like if the AO is too strong. I try toning that down a bit. The strong normal maps are the results of some tests with bump offset mapping which will also be toned down a lot.
The sand will still be there in the end, don't worry. Thanks for the explanation, I already knew about this technique and blending most the stuff which is vert painted by the heightmap or masks.
Thank you! I try my best!
Okay, time for a small update!
As you can see, I worked more on the lighting and added some typical persian shapes to the whole thing which are still WIP.
Thanks, Wingednosering! You'r crit will definatley be taken into account!
Just a small update, didn't do much the last days because I caught a flu but since it gets better, I did a persian lantern today and again some lighting tweaks.
First of all I made up a backstory for this piece to get the scene more filled up with logical detail so I just thought about what if the templars overran this persian temple long ago, build their own buildings beside it and use it as some kind of outpost/training facility on persian ground. Since I personally liked that scenario, I evaluated what was needed and got started on the props.
For this setting, I used some unused space and made up some kind of "prison ward" if you can call it that.
Apart from that I made some new textures and tweaked the lighting.
Consider editing your older posts to LINKS to the images. Your thread is packed with images and they are very slow load. I can't see any of your images due to this. If it was just trying to load current, it'd be a big help to viewers that can then choose to see previous wips
Hm...going of the amount of crits I get and comparing this to the polycount reply-o-meter, I have the feeling that my stuff can't be some more average...
Would love to hear what you think about it so far! Would be really appreciated!
I really like that you are thinking about the story of your environment. That is so important and can really help your work shine. I have a couple notes for you to think about.
Currently, I think your floor texture is detracting a bit from the scene. Maybe consider reducing the AO in it by a bit to let your lighting and normals do more of the work? Also, try breaking up some of the large areas of floor space that are barren. Maybe there is a hatch going to a lower level, maybe there is some damage exposing some of the individual floor stones? There ar elots of opportunities here for interesting set dressing and it looks like you are starting to dress with barrels and weapons, but I would love to see even more variety, use your story and think about what these Templars would do here...what is their purpose and why did they choose this place to reside?
Don't be afraid to add some dimension to the floors and core surfaces as well. Maybe the large stone ground has a slight dip in it where years and years of running have started to wear away at the stones? The sandy area could have the sand piled up instead of flat on the ground. The sand texture also seems to be tiling a bit too much.
this is coming along very nicely! Good to see you're working hard
A couple of things i noticed:
- Your glossiness seems to be kinda off, a lot of the textures look very wet because of that. Especially the stones of the walls.
- You have a lot of noise in your textures, along with the high gloss it's really uneasy for the eyes. It's just too much "sharpness".
- Tone down the ao! There's way too much pure black which makes the textures look very flat (floor texture).
- The concept has a very nice cold/warm contrast which separates the foreground from the background. I think you could try to push that a lot more.
I hope this helped a bit, I'm looking forward to seeing this finished!
Thanks a ton for your feedback, mrturtlepaste and airage, I really appreciate it! I already fixed some of the issues you mentioned (like the high glossiness/texture noise/ao), other are still waiting to get fixed.
Looking good so far, there are a few things I noticed.
I will pick apart your lighting because I know you want to improve this the most; it looks to be like you are currently using point lights to light the flame which is great. You can really notice the radius of those on the floor, so I would study a real fireplace to get an idea of how the lighting should look. Below is something similar to what you seem to be going for. In reference to this I read this article a while back which was talking about lighting and used UDK as an example. I link you the image, it talks about using smaller lights to highlight particular areas you want the player to notice.
Read the full blog post below the image it should give you an insight into the sort of thing I mean, Highlighting things in this way can fake lots of nice things such as rim lights.
Another thing in relation to lighting to bear in mind is guidance, your lighting should draw the player, especially in a first person sort of environment as yours, you want to try and guide the player, use your lights to draw the player, this can be done with bright or even dark areas, depending on what type of game you are going for. People make associations with colours as well which you can use to set moods or provoke feelings. Red = Danger, Blue = Cool Etc. Leading the player is done a lot in games, to guide the player without the player even realising the majority of the time. Below is an example I found.
Notice how you are naturally drawn to the area because it is a lot brighter than anywhere else in the world, you then as a result of that are drawn into the building. Its often done in entrances to rooms especially if its a corridor type environment, a long corridor with a light at the end of a tunnel
I hope that helps with the lighting. Just some other points I thought would be helpful and maybe worth mentioning.
In my environments I had some comments about level of noise, purely because you want to put so much detail in and that can come across noisey. I often find I run a reduce noise over my textures once finished because, it can feel like you are losing the detail. But it can pull the environment together and you can then be selective about where you apply more detail.
Maybe try slightly colouring the AO can give nice results
I think the pillars can be improved, as they are a main structural element, I think you should look at the following link, (polycount Wiki) in the concept there is a variety in size of stone similar to the link, slightly thinner ones, more square etc. Add some more variety, break up the edges. Sometimes straying from the concept to improvethings can be a good thing orbart.free.fr/Gallery/Images/temple1.jpg
To make pillars pop try and use some fog or atmospheric dust particles to provide a lighter background, darker pillars against lighter will sell them more. At the moment they are getting lost.
Get some colour variety in there, background in concept is blue, could do this with a post processing volume, or put some fog that fades out when you get close
Anyway hope thats of some help, drop us a line if you need any industry advice/more critique whatever. Peace out
Okay, I'am a bit planless now.
There are around 12 days to go for my deadline but this project -as it states atm- is not anywhere near the quality I aimed but I created everything to the best of my abilities. I feel like its a very, very average piece and definatley not portfolio worthy which was one of my goals.
So, if you have any crits and tipps where I could take this from now, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Great to see more progress on this
I think your modeling is solid and I can only aspire to one day be able to texture that well. Trust me, I have hired people with significantly shoddier pieces in their portfolio.
I think what's hurting you the most is still the lighting.
Are you using GI at all?
That torch in image 6 casts a completely occluded shadow.
A lot of your detail just disappears into darkness.
On the other extreme, that plate in image 3 is glowing with no apparent light source hitting it.
Lastly I'd take another pass at those windows.
That bright green isn't doing it for me. It just upsets your entire color scale
Now I know lighting is hard and I'm dreading the moment in my project when I actually get to light it. Unfortunately that also means I can't offer any advice on how to actually fix any of the issues I pointed out.
I really like your scene so far. Good attention to details. The scene is recognizable after concept. The modeling stage is solid. And I like how the scene is improving.
The thing that your scene is lacking is good lighting, as others have pointed out.
I did a quick paintover over your first image. I hope you don't mind
What I did is.
Adjust overall brightness in the scene, and remove strong contrast. I noticed on all your images. The contrast is way too strong. I would adjust either overall ambient light to a more lighter, so that you don't get pure black in shadows.
Also first, try to focus on main light source, which should be sky. Try to look more from a light perspective and exaggerate the bounce light. Think of silhouette for objects, so that they clearly show the form.
You can either simulate bounce light with the same color as sky, a little less intensity and saturation. Use point lights or area lights for this. The paintover shows how can you light one side of the right columns near stairs.
I also removed green light from windows and add stronger skylight behind them. I also did slight blue bounce light near the ladder.
Once the overall sky light has been defined. Focus on secondary light sources. You already did a good job. I would just exaggerate with radius and secondary bounce light on the support beams and barrels near windows. Try to add slight rim light to them.
I tried to fix the issues you mentioned and also tried to apply the look of Warhawks overpaint (thanks so much for this btw! Helped me a lot!) to my scene in UDK as well as I tried to improve the lighting according to your and Benkeenling's tipps.
Alright...after two months of working on this piece, I finally call it done.
There definatley is a lot of stuff which could be improved further but I've learned a ton during this project and I feel like its time to move on to something new.
Thanks so much for all the great crits and tipps and of course the amazing polycount lovin!
You guys are awesome!
Thank you!
Alright, enough talking, here are the final shots:
Thanks again!
I'll update this thread with the next project in the row when I start with it!
Some of the material definitions are really strange. I think it's from the harsh lighting making the normals stronger.
I'd rethink some of the lights. How did you approach it? Any VisAreas/Portals? I'd start with a light ToD/GI, then darken it in some areas manually with negative lights. There is also a white glow on the light in the kitchen, which stands out since the light seems to be emitting more of a yellowish color? There's weird shadows coming from the living room windows in the first shot too.
Transparency in the curtains and some particles(dust, smoke from the cigarettes, etc) can help with some believability.
Hey guys^^
I don't want to be annoying but I've noticed that I don't recieve any comments on this and just wondered why?
I would really love to know if this is heading in the right direction.
Okay: first rule - I /can't/ do as well as you already have, so my comments should be taken with however much salt you like.
That said, assuming I've googled into the right concept image you're working from, here's some thoughts:
1 - link to your concept, so we can be sure we're testing the right thing
2 - The clockface is wrong - it's too small on the wall, as the concept shows the outer edges are cased in a big square, and the numbers are too small on the dial. WiP I know, but it's a scene-defining element, so it may help the rest to flow if you can scale that right and work back from it for the rest of the scene.
3 - Simiarly, I think your arched frames seem too tall, and not recessed far enough back from the main wall. On the outside of the building I think the clock face should actually be the inner-most recessed part, and everything around/beside it flare outwards more.
4 - I'd say the small arches around the top of the room are too small as well.
5 - and they're lost in the fog, you may want to tone that down a bit
6 - This may be the camera setting you're using, but it feels like the paths (and stairs) around the outside are too wide (may also be caused by game-scale vs art-scales)
7 - Stairs need a solid railing, not the rope between posts, which actually looks like it's only used on a small part of the scene rather than all the way around.
8 - Concept also shows stairs down, and a sort of cut-out (with what looks like a sleeping space), and a set of stairs that look like they lead up to the level with the ladder (Where the figure is standing: I guess there's a platform on that level)
And that's all I've got... but jeez, thinking about Thief levels takes me back....
The columns: This is the one that stands out the most. The concept's columns have very tight-fitting bricks and very tiny sections with that 'ribbed' pattern around it. Their depth also varies far less than yours. The extrusions should hardly even be noticeable
Fire: The concept looks like an old, rundown fortification that's either abandoned or neglected. The fire looks like an accident, or like invaders decided to capture it for their own purposes (or maybe arson)? Yours looks much more lived in and well maintained because of the torches/braziers everywhere.
Ropes: The concept has far more ropes dangling from the wooden supports. I notice you have some there, but they're still in their 'blockout' form and stand out right now.
PostProcess: I know this is a 'final touches' detail, but the concept has a light fog and musty feel to the air. Some (very mild!) dust mote particles and some very, very light fog could help recreate this and give it that abandoned feel.
Those points above aren't an issue if you decided to deviate from the concept (forgive me if I missed a post saying that). If you want to stay truer to it, you could consider what I said above. Here's some quick suggestions regardless of how close you want to stay to the concept:
-Your normals (and possibly AO) are very intense. You could consider a backlight, if you don't have one already, or simply lessening the intensity on the most used tiling textures.
-Where did the sand go? I sort of liked it. At the start of the project, you mentioned wanting to get better at UDK Materials (I'm a beginner as well, but materials, especially in UDK are one of my strengths). Throw an alpha in between the bricks on your floor tile and put the sand texture over it, but multiplied by the alpha. Multiply the result by the vertex colour. Viola! You can vertex paint sand into the cracks of your brick. It might help break up the tiling.
This is just gravy though. You've shown already that you're more than capable of getting this done and you've inspired me to get back to my own projects. Best of luck!
Thank you! Thats what I planned to do!
Thanks for your critique!
I know about the issue with the columns and really consider to completley redoing them and staying closer to the concept but I'am not completley sure about it yet.
The thing about the fire and damage ist the only point I really want to deviate from the concept since I personally think that if this is destruction from a battle (with whatever weapons) it should be more destruction and mainly because I'am not sure what happend there, I decied to leave the fire and the big rubble out and give it a bit more of a "still in use" look which goes also along with the idea to give it more of a Prince of Persia feeling.
As you already noticed correctly the ropes are still WIP. I'am not quite sure about how I want to do them (alpha planes or real geo) and will leave them like they are until I found a good solution to make them look good and optimized.
For the post process I think I really wait until the end. There is already a WIP post process chain and some quick fog but nothing really final. Thank you for the tipp! I definatley going to apply it!
The AO thing is strange because in most of the textures there is completley no AO used. Maybe its the AO of the post processing which gives the look like if the AO is too strong. I try toning that down a bit. The strong normal maps are the results of some tests with bump offset mapping which will also be toned down a lot.
The sand will still be there in the end, don't worry. Thanks for the explanation, I already knew about this technique and blending most the stuff which is vert painted by the heightmap or masks.
Thank you! I try my best!
Okay, time for a small update!
As you can see, I worked more on the lighting and added some typical persian shapes to the whole thing which are still WIP.
I finally need to take on that other buildings but I'am not quite sure about what textures to use there etc.
Let me know what you think!
Thanks in advance!
I'll be following this. Its really coming together nicely!
Just a small update, didn't do much the last days because I caught a flu but since it gets better, I did a persian lantern today and again some lighting tweaks.
Let me know what you think!
First of all I made up a backstory for this piece to get the scene more filled up with logical detail so I just thought about what if the templars overran this persian temple long ago, build their own buildings beside it and use it as some kind of outpost/training facility on persian ground. Since I personally liked that scenario, I evaluated what was needed and got started on the props.
For this setting, I used some unused space and made up some kind of "prison ward" if you can call it that.
Apart from that I made some new textures and tweaked the lighting.
Would love to hear what you think!
Thanks in advance!
Would love to hear what you think about it so far!
Currently, I think your floor texture is detracting a bit from the scene. Maybe consider reducing the AO in it by a bit to let your lighting and normals do more of the work? Also, try breaking up some of the large areas of floor space that are barren. Maybe there is a hatch going to a lower level, maybe there is some damage exposing some of the individual floor stones? There ar elots of opportunities here for interesting set dressing and it looks like you are starting to dress with barrels and weapons, but I would love to see even more variety, use your story and think about what these Templars would do here...what is their purpose and why did they choose this place to reside?
Don't be afraid to add some dimension to the floors and core surfaces as well. Maybe the large stone ground has a slight dip in it where years and years of running have started to wear away at the stones? The sandy area could have the sand piled up instead of flat on the ground. The sand texture also seems to be tiling a bit too much.
this is coming along very nicely! Good to see you're working hard
A couple of things i noticed:
- Your glossiness seems to be kinda off, a lot of the textures look very wet because of that. Especially the stones of the walls.
- You have a lot of noise in your textures, along with the high gloss it's really uneasy for the eyes. It's just too much "sharpness".
- Tone down the ao! There's way too much pure black which makes the textures look very flat (floor texture).
- The concept has a very nice cold/warm contrast which separates the foreground from the background. I think you could try to push that a lot more.
I hope this helped a bit, I'm looking forward to seeing this finished!
So, here is an update:
Would love to hear what you think!
Thanks in advance!
I will pick apart your lighting because I know you want to improve this the most; it looks to be like you are currently using point lights to light the flame which is great. You can really notice the radius of those on the floor, so I would study a real fireplace to get an idea of how the lighting should look. Below is something similar to what you seem to be going for. In reference to this I read this article a while back which was talking about lighting and used UDK as an example. I link you the image, it talks about using smaller lights to highlight particular areas you want the player to notice.
Read the full blog post below the image it should give you an insight into the sort of thing I mean, Highlighting things in this way can fake lots of nice things such as rim lights.
Another thing in relation to lighting to bear in mind is guidance, your lighting should draw the player, especially in a first person sort of environment as yours, you want to try and guide the player, use your lights to draw the player, this can be done with bright or even dark areas, depending on what type of game you are going for. People make associations with colours as well which you can use to set moods or provoke feelings. Red = Danger, Blue = Cool Etc. Leading the player is done a lot in games, to guide the player without the player even realising the majority of the time. Below is an example I found.
Notice how you are naturally drawn to the area because it is a lot brighter than anywhere else in the world, you then as a result of that are drawn into the building. Its often done in entrances to rooms especially if its a corridor type environment, a long corridor with a light at the end of a tunnel
I hope that helps with the lighting. Just some other points I thought would be helpful and maybe worth mentioning.
In my environments I had some comments about level of noise, purely because you want to put so much detail in and that can come across noisey. I often find I run a reduce noise over my textures once finished because, it can feel like you are losing the detail. But it can pull the environment together and you can then be selective about where you apply more detail.
Maybe try slightly colouring the AO can give nice results
I think the pillars can be improved, as they are a main structural element, I think you should look at the following link, (polycount Wiki) in the concept there is a variety in size of stone similar to the link, slightly thinner ones, more square etc. Add some more variety, break up the edges. Sometimes straying from the concept to improvethings can be a good thing orbart.free.fr/Gallery/Images/temple1.jpg
To make pillars pop try and use some fog or atmospheric dust particles to provide a lighter background, darker pillars against lighter will sell them more. At the moment they are getting lost.
Get some colour variety in there, background in concept is blue, could do this with a post processing volume, or put some fog that fades out when you get close
Anyway hope thats of some help, drop us a line if you need any industry advice/more critique whatever. Peace out
Thanks again!
I'am still at fixing issues that were mentioned some posts before and worked on the lighting.
Would love to hear your c&c!
There are around 12 days to go for my deadline but this project -as it states atm- is not anywhere near the quality I aimed but I created everything to the best of my abilities. I feel like its a very, very average piece and definatley not portfolio worthy which was one of my goals.
So, if you have any crits and tipps where I could take this from now, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Great to see more progress on this
I think your modeling is solid and I can only aspire to one day be able to texture that well. Trust me, I have hired people with significantly shoddier pieces in their portfolio.
I think what's hurting you the most is still the lighting.
Are you using GI at all?
That torch in image 6 casts a completely occluded shadow.
A lot of your detail just disappears into darkness.
On the other extreme, that plate in image 3 is glowing with no apparent light source hitting it.
Lastly I'd take another pass at those windows.
That bright green isn't doing it for me. It just upsets your entire color scale
Now I know lighting is hard and I'm dreading the moment in my project when I actually get to light it. Unfortunately that also means I can't offer any advice on how to actually fix any of the issues I pointed out.
Keep at it!
Your close to greatness!
I really like your scene so far. Good attention to details. The scene is recognizable after concept. The modeling stage is solid. And I like how the scene is improving.
The thing that your scene is lacking is good lighting, as others have pointed out.
I did a quick paintover over your first image. I hope you don't mind
What I did is.
Adjust overall brightness in the scene, and remove strong contrast. I noticed on all your images. The contrast is way too strong. I would adjust either overall ambient light to a more lighter, so that you don't get pure black in shadows.
Also first, try to focus on main light source, which should be sky. Try to look more from a light perspective and exaggerate the bounce light. Think of silhouette for objects, so that they clearly show the form.
You can either simulate bounce light with the same color as sky, a little less intensity and saturation. Use point lights or area lights for this. The paintover shows how can you light one side of the right columns near stairs.
I also removed green light from windows and add stronger skylight behind them. I also did slight blue bounce light near the ladder.
Once the overall sky light has been defined. Focus on secondary light sources. You already did a good job. I would just exaggerate with radius and secondary bounce light on the support beams and barrels near windows. Try to add slight rim light to them.
Anyway I hope it helps. Have fun
Thanks a lot for your critiques!
I tried to fix the issues you mentioned and also tried to apply the look of Warhawks overpaint (thanks so much for this btw! Helped me a lot!) to my scene in UDK as well as I tried to improve the lighting according to your and Benkeenling's tipps.
Here is what I have now:
This probably will be the last WIP post before I finish up this piece tomorrow due to the my deadline I set.
Would love to hear some last crits and tipps for some finishing touches!
There definatley is a lot of stuff which could be improved further but I've learned a ton during this project and I feel like its time to move on to something new.
Thanks so much for all the great crits and tipps and of course the amazing polycount lovin!
You guys are awesome!
Thank you!
Alright, enough talking, here are the final shots:
Thanks again!
I'll update this thread with the next project in the row when I start with it!
Just finished this small scene and thought I could post it here even if I didn't document my process here since it was more of a spontanous project.
The scene is rougly based off a concept art from the great game Heavy Rain.
The scene is rendered in CryEngine3.
Would really like to hear what you think!
Thanks in advance!
I'd rethink some of the lights. How did you approach it? Any VisAreas/Portals? I'd start with a light ToD/GI, then darken it in some areas manually with negative lights. There is also a white glow on the light in the kitchen, which stands out since the light seems to be emitting more of a yellowish color? There's weird shadows coming from the living room windows in the first shot too.
Transparency in the curtains and some particles(dust, smoke from the cigarettes, etc) can help with some believability.
Long time no post here...
At the moment I'am working on something new and would really love to hear a few crits so I can improve it!
Obviously very WIP!
Thanks a lot in advance!
And ah: Merry Christmas to all of you!
I've added some fog one of the folks over at crydev.net suggested and audjusted the lighting a bit to match the concept better.
Let me know what you think!
Thanks guys!
C&C is really appreciated!
I don't want to be annoying but I've noticed that I don't recieve any comments on this and just wondered why?
I would really love to know if this is heading in the right direction.
Thanks a lot in advance!
That said, assuming I've googled into the right concept image you're working from, here's some thoughts:
1 - link to your concept, so we can be sure we're testing the right thing
2 - The clockface is wrong - it's too small on the wall, as the concept shows the outer edges are cased in a big square, and the numbers are too small on the dial. WiP I know, but it's a scene-defining element, so it may help the rest to flow if you can scale that right and work back from it for the rest of the scene.
3 - Simiarly, I think your arched frames seem too tall, and not recessed far enough back from the main wall. On the outside of the building I think the clock face should actually be the inner-most recessed part, and everything around/beside it flare outwards more.
4 - I'd say the small arches around the top of the room are too small as well.
5 - and they're lost in the fog, you may want to tone that down a bit
6 - This may be the camera setting you're using, but it feels like the paths (and stairs) around the outside are too wide (may also be caused by game-scale vs art-scales)
7 - Stairs need a solid railing, not the rope between posts, which actually looks like it's only used on a small part of the scene rather than all the way around.
8 - Concept also shows stairs down, and a sort of cut-out (with what looks like a sleeping space), and a set of stairs that look like they lead up to the level with the ladder (Where the figure is standing: I guess there's a platform on that level)
And that's all I've got... but jeez, thinking about Thief levels takes me back....