Hi guys
after some heavily failed projects (mainly due to self-doubts and other unimportant problems) I want to tackle some really serious stuff, ultimately getting better, overcome those annoying mistakes I repeatedly make (and the paralyzing I cant do it mindset) and finally starting to get stuff done properly! (Which means the goal is quality I would be able to get a job with)
Since I noticed that I was moving too slow and still not achieved the quality I wanted my work to have in the past, I decided to post this project here right at the start to give me a harder kick in the ass to dont waste time and get things going!
By the way:
I would pretty much describe myself as a beginner to 3D game art, doing it and self-teaching me for about 2 and a half years now and feeling like I barely just scratched the surface.

The reason I don't gave this thread the name of the project Im going to post here is because I want to post my next 3 projects in this thread one after another to get feedback and crits and -as mentioned above- finally improving. (I hope this goes along with the rules of this forum, if not, I just post one project in here and create a new thread for the next one!)
Just say what u think, nothing can be too harsh if it helps me to become a better artist and also get one step closer to the job Ive ever dreamed of!
And even if its not helpful it maybe can make somebody laugh anytime!

As I sometimes tend to get tired of stuff after looking at it for a while and also to procrastinate things for no reason, I think a self-set deadline is the best thing to do. Not at least to make the ass kick even harder but also to learn to push unimportant stuff going around in my head away, concentrate fully on the project and get the job done!
I choose two months (which means 24th of September, 2013) as a good timeframe to complete this project in the quality Im aiming for. (I know its very long for a concept like that but with normal life alongside and all the new things to learn it should be OK I hope)
So then, enough talking. Lets get started!

For the first project I choose these concepts from the great
Raphael Lacoste mainly because of their awesome lighting (which is definitely a thing I need to get better at) and the variety of textures used in them. I post both because they are obviously belong together but I'll only use the one shown in the breakdown.
As for the engine Im going to use I choose the UDK because I really love this engine and want to learn more about it (so what better way than using, eh?)
So my goals for this are to:
- Heavily improving the overall quality of my work
- get better at creating textures (ZBrush as well as generally)
- get better at lighting
- get a better hang of engine internals like the UDK material editor and Lightmass
- get better at breaking down stuff and planning (block out as well as 2D)
- staying closer to the concept (Perspective/Colors/Mood)
- improve my overall modeling/sculpting skills
- optimize stuff better
- making this a valid portfolio piece I can be proud of
So yeah, a deadline, lots of goals, lots of work to do!
I've already made the texture and model breakdown and will start start with blockout right now!
I hope to get feedback on this project which helps me to become a better artist.
Thank you! 
Thanks in advance for all your critiques and comments and of course the amazing Polycount love! I really, really appreciate it!
Still lots of stuff missing as you can see but it starts to take shape.
I'm excited to see where you take this one. I seriously did a double take at your intro - I could have written the same thing (self-doubt, procrastination, even learning game art for 2 and a half years! - although I'm closer to 3).
Keep on going!!!
What kind of back story are you thinking for this piece?
Those last shots are in UDK correct?
Keep a good pace, I'm looking forward to seeing you nail this!
I think there are lots of artists out there (especially beginners) which have those problems. It's essential to get over that and get it going because this industry never stands still!^^
For the backstory...I'am not really sure tbh. I have some problems identifing the scenery in terms of location and purpose but I think it could be somewehere in the middle east around 1300 - 1400 AD because the main bulding looks a lot like some old temple while the other shows characteristic from an early gothic/romanesque church (I could be totally wrong with this, it's just my impression of it).
So...I'am really not sure but I'll definatley figure someting out and if its just to get more logical detail in.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Yes, thats the blockout inside UDK.
Thank you!
Thanks! My major problem is not finishing itself but the quality I finish stuff in. Will definatley try to improve that!
Thanks a lot!
I've just realised that I was lurking around way too long and didn't produce anything that will help me to get a job anytime. I think its just now or never and one does not get younger, no more time for bullshit!
Okay, maybe two updates a day is a bit much but since I'am in the blockout stange things getting a bit faster right now.
This is what I did today
Will go further on the blockout tomorrow and add some more details to get a better idea of how all those stuff will play together.
This is so what I feel like. Procrastination is like a credit card, it's all fun until you get the bill.
Out of interest what software do you plan on using? i.e maya or max? and how do you plan to do your textures? hand painted or dDo or selection of photos?
I've been the same as you, and a couple of months ago I decided to do the same and really push myself to get things done to another level. I'm finishing up a project now and then will hopefully start a new one soon; and I can hopefully convince myself to do as you are by posting it on here.
Keep going, you can do it
Thank you man!
This! And thats the reason why one should don't wait until he gets the bill and stop using the credit card before it's too late.
Thank you!
I'am using 3DS Max for modelling and for the textures I plan to go for a realistic style. I'am going to create most of them in ZBrush and Photoshop. Maybe some nDo2 but no Ddo.
I think it's okay to get to that point since it can be helpful when you notice that you lurk around doing senseless stuff and realise that you could do it better.
Okay, I think the blockout is finished.
As you can see I added some of the ladders from the concept since they play an important role in how the shadows affect the overall picture. Apart from that I've "blocked out" the hanging ropes to get an idea of how I want them to look in the end.
Next up is creating some tiling textures like the bricks for the floor, the wood and so on.
Thanks in advance for any c&c!
Wood texture maybe needs some finetuning.
There will be added lots of vertex painting later on in UDK to break up the tiling especially on the ground.
Sorry for the huge pictures!
Let me know what you think!
Was that wood made in Zbrush also? And damn you work fast!!
Yes, both textures were created using ZBrush and Photoshop.
Read your posts and the replies and felt inspired
Your textures also look amazing, I hope one day to be on that level too.
One thing I would say on the piece, are the stone stairs from the blockout you showed two posts ago. It looks like you have 3 or 4 steps to one step of the wooden ladder.
Imo you could make those steps bigger/taller.
Your blockout already has a nice proportions and feeling to it, eagerly waiting for the textures to step in.
Thanks man!
Thank you!
Good point about the size of the steps! Will definatley have a look into that and change it.
I'll give the wood another hour of work before using it anyway, thanks for crit, will put that on the todo list for this texture!
Thank you!
Thats what PC is made for right?
Alright, todays update.
I wanted to get some more stuff done today but had some problems with the messy brick texture which took way longer as expected in the end.
I also threw some of the textures into the engine for just real quick inengine tests and just to see how the textures are reacting to the lights etc. So no real uv's and just some very quick shader, far, far away from near to final.
I also made a quick sand texture to see how the bricks would look with some sand on it and since I've read that these concepts were the result of and Prince of Persia workshop, I thought it would not hurt to throw in some sand.
As for those bricks I would really like to work with realtime displacement maps and tesselation but the results I had during quick tests were not the best. If I can find a good solution I take it in and if not I just go for standard normal mapping.
Let me know what you think!
Thanks in advance!
Something like this
This is looking really great though! Definitely looking forward to the progress on this!
I'll create a different normal for the sand. I think I just make a complete new texture since this one was just for testing purposes and does not look really good.
I don't know why but for some reason I don't really like them. Maybe its because they look too low poly (1,6k tris per pillar)...I have no idea. They just don't look high quality, but I created them to the best of my abilities...if this makes any sense.
Please let me know what you think!
Would love some tipps on how to improve the pillars!
Thanks in advance!
Apart from that I made a tiling texture for some of the walls. This one will be play together with two more tileables.
Still looking forward to some advice on how to improve the pillars!
Thanks in advance!
For the pillars, I think they're a little too soft and muddy in some areas. One thing I like to do with stones and most hard surfaces is applying noise over the entire thing. Nothing major, but it helps give the surface a little more texture. And when you bake it down, it isn't so obvious that it's just noise. The bricks in the center of the pillar could use some more definition and height variation too, kind of like your old stone texture. Some more chips and cracks in the protruding areas would be good as well
I definatley going to make a new low poly for the pillar (i.e. doing a complete retopo)
and work on the high poly and the textures again to make that thing pop a lot more, like you said with noise and some sharper edges to define the shapes better.
I'll definatley bring those pillars to a finished state before going further on the rest of the environment.
Thanks again!
You need to fix the stairs. Compare them to the ladder. It looks like the stairs are 5 cm wide..
I'll fix them immediatley! They anyway were on my todo list since NomadSoul mentioned it before.
Today I've worked some more on the lighting, added some fire to see how it complements the scene and gave the pillars a new shot. I've improved the shader for the pillars, made a new low poly which preserves some more of the high poly detail and worked on the textures. Personally I think they look a lot better now. As for the bricks, I'am not really sure if I should replace them.
Further I fixed the stairs. They should match better now.
I plan to add some of those obligatory, Prince of Persia typical red banners to the pillar to get some more of an POP vibe in there.
Let me know what you think!
That layer where you have only 4 giant rocks holding up the bulk of the structure kinda throws it off for me. Not only do I think that it would make the pillar easier to come down but it also jumps out as being out of place.
Just my two cents though
I love how this is progressing.
How are you handling the sand buildup?
Is the sand a model or are you vertpainting the sand?
I have a similar situation atm with snow and would love to hear your take on how solved the volume issue in your scene.
first of all: thank you!
Yeah, your absolutley right about the pillars. I think I'am going to redo them completley or atleast change them to follow the concept better. Will take on that tomorrow!
The sand buildup is just a really simple shader function which sets the vertices off in the Z-axis where I paint with (im my case) the alpha channel.
You just take a vertex color node, multiply a channel of your choice with a constant vector which represents the maximum offset amount and put that in the "World Position Offset" slot of your material. When you paint now with the channel you selected, the vertices in the painted areas will be offset to the maximum amount you set in your constant vector. Easy as that!
I hope this helps!
Thanks again!
Thank you!
I made some quick rubble piles and put the default UDK fire particles on em to see how the fire and the debris would affect the scenery. I also got the physix cloth sim to work (yay!) and added some of the POP typical flags I mentioned earlier. The wind movement of the cloth and the smoke are not yet related but I'll definatley take on that later.
Further I changed the pillars again.
Let me know what you think!
Some moving pictures tomorrow!
Regarding your textures, the AO looks a little dark. Try dailing the opacity of your AO layer down to something like 65% in Photoshop. Also it helps sometimes to change the dark part of your AO into a color. Something like a very desaturated brown might help for your stone wall texture. Just my thoughts. Hope that helps.
Can't wait to see how this turns out.
Will definatley apply your tipp to my textures, thanks!
Here is a short video of the fire:
Would love any tipps to make it look better!
Thanks in advance for any C&C!
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your feedback! I'll take on those issues!
Thank you!
Did you use a flipbook texture for your fire? I feel like I can see it repeating, or maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks. But this video from Doug Holder might be helpful in some way if you're still working on the fire.
If you followed any tutorials for the PhysX cloth, would you mind sharing? I've been meaning to check that out
Thanks for the tipp. Its not really night, more like overcast weather which causes the "darkness". I definatley apply your tipp!
Thank you, I'll definatley come to that rolled away debris when I finish that part!
For the fire, I used exactley this tut.
For the cloth, the most difficult thing for me was the rigging and weightpainting which is explained in this [] tutorial.
Sadly its a bit old so the export and stuff like that is obsolete but you just have to select your bones and cloth object, export selected to fbx and then in the export settings check "Export Animation".
When you have your cloth in UDK, this [] should be helpful.
And thats all I've done.
Hope this helps!
I added some block in of the areas outside the actual "temple". I wanted to do this right at the start but had no ideas for the areas you're not be able to see in the concept.
I build that stuff like that because I think that this could be some kind of monastry.
Thanks guys!
Not much to say I guess. I brightened up the shadows a bit, made a new texture, messed a bit around with vertex paintin in different areas...yeah.
Picture rain!
Comes together slow but steady.
Let me know what you think!
Thanks in advance!
I decided to remove any light information from my textures so they will read better.
Further I changed the lighting a bit again.
Any opinions are highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance guys!
I know its a bit dark right now but I'am working on that.
Would love any thoughts! Would be really nive to hear if this is heading in the right direction!
Thanks in advance!
Again I worked on the lighting a bit, tweaked the materials and made the portcullis'.
Would really love to hear what you think and if this is heading in the right direction!