Hi all! I am having some real trouble with hard surface modeling. I am trying to make some curvy armour pieces with hard angles in 3ds max and cant get my topology so that there is no bumps near the corners. Here some pics
3ds max topology

Here is quick dynamesh model in zbrush and you can there is no bump near the same corner
zbrush dynamesh

People say 'add more gemoetry' a lot without really explaining how to add it, so i've tried to give an example below, hopefully it's clear enough!
The premise of what I'm trying to explain is that it can be all too easy to let the mesh smooth do all the work, but the construction of the low is massively important for avoiding issues like this. You need to dictate the curvature of the object where possible in the low and not leave it to mesh smooth (which rarely understands what you want!) adding in plenty of loops, keeping a clean edge flow like in my image and dictating the surface curvature yourself will keep things clean. If you need to get the angle sharper, just add more loops, but bear in mind YOU have to keep everything spaced nicely and set up the surface curve for mesh smooth to follow - give mesh smooth a square and you'll usually get a smooth square...
EDIT: TLDR - do what ark said, EQ explains things way better than me :P
Also I am not quite understanding this line :
"set up the surface curve for mesh smooth to follow"
could you explain it a bit better please ?
I was always using turbosmooth but is there any real difference with mesh smooth ?
One thing I don't like about creasing in Max is there's no default feedback (like Maya has) that shows an edge is creased.
I don't know if you are doing this as a personal hobby or studying to become a professional, but I would bet my money that a studio might not buy special plugins but rely on the artists personal skills of making the mesh correctly. Although this may depend on the studio at hand.
Try to reach the result you want without the help of plugins to do it for you, it will feel so much better in the end knowing that you solved something by yourself.
Well I tried that too but the creased edge is very sharp. Just look at the plugin video and try to make same results with the standard meshsmooth.