I'm thinking that if I start posting my stuff I might be pushed to finally submit something

Also I'm always looking for chances to collaborate so don't be shy.
Here's a cept for a Doom sword that some one can make if they'd like.
EDIT: Seems I need to say this, but you need permission from me to use this.

By the way, Rowinish, great concept, do you have any gallery on DA or somewhere else? And also, can you share your photoshop brushes with us?
PS: 3d artists from russia hates him, and most people of them ignore him, and i advice
glow and metallic highlights - it's too lame for a professional of your caliber
EDIT: Okay just got past that barely,
@stkopp Thanks for your comment, as for brushes, I just use a square brush with transfer set for brush pressure and flow at 50%.
ALSO I have more cepts I will send to people on request, I guess I can't post anything on here anymore
EDIT: also I'm very impressed that you managed to finish it and get it in-game in 2 days.
You can upload the sword to the workshop as long as you give me a percentage above 20% for concept creation. BUT I also have modeled it myself and once I finish it I will put it on the workshop, so valve can decide which the prefer.
Also silly GCFScape is broken too.
EDIT: I might still change this one up a bit. I'm not all that happy with the tip where the shattered rock is.
My first submitted item!
Can you stop complaining already?
Looks great btw Rowinish.
Pros: Really? Just leave Row alone. He didn't want you to make the sword in the first place so stop bitching and grow up. The way you're going about this makes you look so bad, no one will want to work with you at all. iIf you keep acting childish like this you're gonna end up banned.
*EDIT* Don't worry Row, I got your back on the Workshop
And now come the workshop downvotes(and most likely reports)
Whether or not someone gives you permission does not make them a "good man", it is their work and theirs to do with what they will. Don't try to justify this by saying, well sometimes it ends well if the original artist happens not to mind. Ask first and then use it once permission is giving.