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BFG- Big Fuck*ng Gun

polycounter lvl 9
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Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
Hi guys,I didn't touch anything 3d related from 8 months I think :poly122: so in order to avoid getting too rusty & forget everything,I decided to get back on it :poly124:

I am helping the team who is working at Warcry: Extermination, the Lead asked me to do a "BFG",so I said "sure,show me the concept!" & then "there is no concept..." for a moment I was like :poly141: but then I have accepted the challenge anyway,with the hope that I can improve during this :)

I started on paper with a simple concept,very very simple because that's the most that my actual 2d skills & creativity allows me to do in that field,but at least I don't have to start inside 3ds max totally lost & with no directions at all,so it's already something :)

I moved then inside 3ds max,doing a rough blockout of the whole thing (changing thing that in my opinion didn't fit right).The nice 3d model will come later,after I am 100% sure of what am I doing,so now the blockout is about at 70%,only the back/middle of the weapon is ok, all the front is only a placeholder to avoid to show you guys half blockout,I will be working on that part today or tomorrow.

I think I will keep this topic pretty much updated,in case someone had some nice suggestion that could help improving it :thumbup: :poly121:



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Part of me wants things to horizontally fan out, like additional heat vents, to help it's silhouette after each shot. Just right now, not QUITE exaggerating its FPS silhouette.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Looks cool, I'd probably beef up that side cooling structure a fair bit, and get some stuff on there to break the silhouette a bit.
    At the moment it's looking quite streamlined, when I think BFG I think exaggerated "big" shapes.
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Forgot to mention,but it also have to be somehow related with this guys over here http://dream-powered.com/public/img/wp/Whisper_1920x1200.jpg I mean,it have to fit with him

    I was trying to put out some ideas for the working of the fron,not yet convinced with it so probably I'll have to block out something different or trying to change something to make it work,also I read your suggestions only now,so still work to do in the central part of the blockout
    ...suck to don't have a concept artist who came up with the solutions for you! :poly136:


    Gif below

    Sorry if the animation sucks,I am at 0 with animation,but is just to explain that the front barrel rotates,the "covers" jumps up & slide behind during the shooting & the internal pieces slide forward & backwards during the shoot as well

  • Fridock
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    Fridock polycounter lvl 12
    i'd add a handle on it's side. All big guns has a handle on it's side
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Done with the front blockout I think,the 3 barrel still spin & slide back & forth,now back on the middle of the weapon blockout
    First thing I'll replace will be the bottom grip,cause the actual one is nonsense & imbalanced,you right FridockShir, lateral handle is probably the only viable option :)

  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    I don't know what sort of thing you were going for but the animation reminds me more of a machinegun then a BFG (and the term "bfg" just has a certain image attached to it)
    wich in terms also gives it a more nimble/light feel then it is probably supposed to.

    I personally would more imagine it going with the flaps opening a bit ( like a flower), while the gun charges (and maybe also some parts charging up, think the little arms on the quake4 lightning gun, the heating up on the peacemaker carbine in bulletstorm, stuff like that) and then releasing one big shot.

    just my personal opinion :D
  • Geno527
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    Geno527 polycounter lvl 8
    This is amazing, well done Marcus. I also love the animation, the gun looks like a heavy railgun and this is really cool.

    I juste want to know how the character will hold the weapon ? I'm sure you could put a handle somewhere, to make him look like a heavy machine gun.
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    @joeriv:Apologies,I didn't even know how a b.f.g. looks like until I googled it after your reply,we (inside our team) used the word b.f.g. just to meant the strongest weapon of the game,so bad topic title choice by my side :poly136:

    Thanks Geno :)

    Little up,added the right handle blockout & some re-work in the blockout of the middle part,now I move to the inside of the barrel

    Just to be clear on what was asked me to do (just the main features), it have to be the strongest weapon in the game,an heavy weapon who shoots devastating beams of energy,with 3 spinning barrels with "covers" (the front pieces) that slides back during the firing.

    Most of the time I am just cutting,moving vertices,adding shapes & counting also on "happy accidents",as for now the Lead says it fits with what we need in the game, so I'll keep going with this :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Going forward with the blockout,barrel area done.

    However, I am pretty much unsatisfied of the overall shape of this thing,maybe is that without having a proper concept & blindly/randombly putting shapes in place this is as far as I can go therefore normal that I don't have a weapon as cool as I was wishing,because of that as for now I don't feel really like to begin the proper weapon modeling,got to sort this out first,maybe I'll have to try to change some shapes.Or maybe destroing everything & starting back from concept(this time doing that stage better) would be the key. :poly141:

    Btw,a friend told me it seems a space ship,another said it resemble a squid xD what do you guys vote fore,ship or squid? xD

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Ok guys,I managed to find a way,thing that was bothering me was mostly the lack of that piece that show you the ammo left,& the weird shape of the previous piece that was in there,so now I'm happy about how it looks & also blockout 100% done,ready for high poly modeling :):):)
    To people who missed the topic until now, green = rotating barrel , orange= covers that slides backwards during the shooting, blue = magazine with an hidden handle that is ejected when the magazine is empty.

  • KartoonHead
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    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Loving watching the progress on this one. I feel like that handle on the side wouldn't really help with holding the gun at all, you'd be far better off sticking your hand under it.
  • woot
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    woot polycounter lvl 5
    maybe a handle on top, like a chainsaw?
    i feel that would help, not sure how aesthetically pleasing it would be

    anyway, looking good
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    @KartoonHead: I totally agree,that handle is not working well enough,I came to the same conclusion just after I posted here the last reply,to hold the handle as it is for now you'll have to keep you left hand rotated at 135° counterclockwise (if you start with an hand with the palm facing the bottom) wich seems very unnatural to hold a weapon like this,I'll say it should be changed allowing to keep the hand at 45°counterclockwise

    @woot: functionally talking I agree with you,that kind of handle position would be the best (though probably would require some modify to the back handle as well),though in this situation I am not willing to sacrifice the view of the front mechanism (spinning barrel & sliding covers) & also the front silouette in favor of functionality,because as you suspected the hand would probably cover most of it

    I'll modify it directly during hard surface modeling phase, I will try different solutions in order to have a good compromise between functionality & aesthetic :)
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    I've started with the high poly guys,though I'll only model the clean high poly first & add holes & screws & stuff later on once I have all the weapon in position,so if something din't look right,I don't have to do the work twice :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Base highpoly pass of the back handle is done,now I move to the center of the weapon :)

    ...can't tell if I am not putting enough hours on it or if I am just slow modeling/designing xD

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Working on the central piece,it is basically one single mesh,not sure is this will cause me problems though...

  • theDEAD
    Looks cool! Can't wait to see it finished :)
  • Geno527
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    Geno527 polycounter lvl 8
    Ahah, wow, I can't wait too ! Thx for the wireframe !
  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    A BFG the coolest weapon ever, it brings memories
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Looks amazing, great job man!
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys :)
    Little up,I was doing the top piece,the screen area,buttons area & some cut between the pieces (plus the details to add) are still missing,because I'm focusing on putting the main shapes in position,so now I move to the bottom big piece & then forward.
    I don't know why I am proceeding so slowly damn,I should focus more on this & less on Etrian Odissey II >_<
    Anyway,noticed the fan missing inside the cylinder? I had put it in position,I had tried different variation to make it work but I didn't manage to find a way to justify it & have it looking good. First of all,because since the fan blades are at certain degree,let's say rotated 45° in the Z axis,from the player view you actually see the space between the blade,probably you wouldn't even understand that is a fan,so looks bad. Secondary (but equally important) it doesn't make sense,I mean,you are bringing this thing into a battlefield,this weapon cause explosions & debries flies around...what if a small piece of rock goes in there? A) damage the blades B) is shooted/deflected somewhere else,becoming even more dangerous or C) it got stuck in there,the fan stop working,you stick your fingers to removing it ending up losing 2 fingers...too dangerous guys,a fan like that is justified only on a post apocalyptic weapon,where the safety is an option,imho,so the fan was a brain fart,forget it.:)
    I'll probably cap the cylinder with some other piece,maybe a plate,like a big "lithium battery" shape wich actually is a cooling piece,with some extrusion meant to see the blue glowing liquid inside.
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Again,I found myself watching at it & not happy at all with the resoult,so I had to destroy the bottom & blockout it again :poly142:
    This turned out with me moving the magazine on the bottom,wich is that green cylinder you could see right there,also this shape gives a silouette that's more interesting in my opinion,not counting that if you extended the top barrel,it would ended up compenetrating the old magazine,wich was harder to explain than this solution,so I think it's a double win :)
    Again,apologies for the slow progress of this topic,thing is that between other things I have the priority of study my third language, japanese, & clearly said to myself that I will not play with 3ds max until I'll have done the daily japanese study & review, so if you're following this topic,be patient :poly121:

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Little up guys,working my way up to the front & changing design here & there when I think I came up with a better one,so I don't exclude that the front could end up looking a little different compared to the blockout...this weapon keeps on evolving along the way lol :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Back on it,as you can see from the previous image the rear handle size was off,also the inclination,same for the side handle,so I used the character model to proper set the weapon in position & correct handles size/rotation on context,this is the resoult.
    so now I proceed to properly model them

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    the modified handle,hopefully this should be more ergonomic :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Hi guys,I'm keeping on defining/designing the high poly base as I go,doing some minor changes here & there,yet lot of cleanup to do :P
    Don't pay attention on the indents that should separate some pieces or the compenetrating one,I still have to work properly that parts,also because I used FFD here & there

  • Marcus_Aseth
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    I was figuring out how to cap the bottom & the weapon started smiling at me,this is not a good sign... :|
    Worst part is it won't stop :shifty:

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Little up guys,here you can see the side handle,hope I'm going in the right direction :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Hi guys,some new pieces in place,near the center & under the trigger area.
    Though,after asking some friends,I started to think there is something not working well enough in the basic design of the weapon & I fear that I've looked too much at it so I can't see what is not working x_x
    Can you guys give me some feedback about it? I would really appreciate :)
    Maybe I should just finish it & move on with something else,better luck with the next one right?

  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    What the hell?! This is freaking awesome! Why have I not been following this.

    Only thing that seems off is the circle on the side with the generic sci fi seam on the side. Maybe something more interesting?
  • woot
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    woot polycounter lvl 5
    man, this turned out beautifully!

    really good work man.
  • Stormfreek
    Don't give up dude, this is looking really good! I would try to get things having more purpose. Giving tubes etc is always a good start to give things more of a purpose of why they are there etc. Maybe draw from real life, you really have the big shapes nailed but I see a lot of room to place the small/medium detail that you should draw from real life!

    You drew a decent concept out, maybe a few sketches over the model you have can get you in the right direction.

    This reminds me a lot of the alien gun Lonewolf created for Crysis 3 which has a lot of organic shapes (like yours). Maybe have a look at that concept as to how his gun looks much more detailed, yet feels just as organic as yours! Hope this helps!
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah this is pretty much awesome!
  • HDaniel999
    That is a badass gun, the shooting animation is pretty interesting, good job!
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the support guys,maybe I was doubting it too much :)

    @Selaznog: don't worry for the center cilinder piece,is not finished yet,if doesn't work in the end I'll just replace it with something else

    @Stormfreek: as for now I was going on pretty much without any reference,just replacing shapes wich don't felt good with shapes that felt better,but you're right,for medium/small details I totally need some proper inspiration/reference ,please don't esitate to post links to reference material sites if you know any :)
  • aaronaton
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    aaronaton polycounter lvl 6
    looks like the 'Electro Tool' for Timesplitters 2.
  • Stormfreek
    Well here is lonewolfs gun he did for crysis 3:


    I always relate organic hard surface models to grant warwick's model for some reason. Looks awesome:


    (I will just post links so the pictures don't take up your thread!)

    I've never really delved into organic hard surface but it seems like a very balanced skill of form/simplicity and a lot of re-used small/medium detail. You definitely have the bigger forms in place, just the more medium and making this fit together. Sadly I don't know the 'correct' or best way to do this, thus cannot help too much. My best advice would be to just google weapon concepts or future weapons and have a look at how things fit.

    Don't give up though, a lot of work has gone into this and it is moving in the right direction! Keep up the hard work!
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Hi guys,has been quite a while,I have dedicated very little time to this so the changes are not huge,but wanted to let you know is not abbandoned,even if slowly I am bringing it to completition :)

    I was thinking to something interesting for the player to see from his view,so I put in position those 2 lights things at the sides of the main screen of the weapon

    That side handle seems like it is flying as for now,so I'll put some proper support to make it attached to the rest of the weapon :poly136:

  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Careful with those thin sharp angled insets, they're likely to disappear during baking. Smooth the chamfer angles abit so its not so close to 90'. Even if you bake at super high T-res to compensate, they'd also disappear aswell when the camera isn't pushing it right upto your face, that's something to consider as FPS weapons still need a 3rd person res version.

    Keep it up tho bud :thumbup:
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Mask_Salesman,somethimes that's easy to forget,when I'm done with the rest of the Hp I will check & fix all those too sharp edges :thumbup:
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Before going forward with the photoshop overpaint for figure out the details,I thought would be beneficial to have the final color scheme of the weapon in position,to decide where I should break all the white putting details & stuff...so it could still be subject to changes,but this was the overall color idea behind it,lot of white plastic cover,like the portal gun

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Hi guys,today I've attempted the overpaint,this is what I got so far,tomorrow I start modeling this details :)
    Btw,ignore the cylindrical piece in front of the air intakes,it has to be replaces with something lot more interesting. Any crit is appreciated :)
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Detailing in progress,I know about floating details,but I just decided to weld the screw and everything into the meshes,just for personal satisfaction and personal challenge,just to see if I can lol
    The little bump around the screw holes was an happy accident,I could have removed it but I think that it adds a nice touch so I leave it there :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    some more details,sorry if I keep updating even for small updates :poly136: is my way to keep track of what I do,also maybe someone can find usefull to see everything step by step who knows :poly124:

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
  • woot
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    woot polycounter lvl 5
    these details are awesome, keep it up!
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks woot :)

    Below another little update,the back of the weapon.

    Though you guys probably have noticed how slow this is going,this because I am not very creative,and when I am asked to create something from nothing,without a concept that clearly tell me what to model and where,I get really stucked, like wasting days without even open the model because my brain simply can't process it :(

    So I am pretty much resolute after I finish with this (low poly and texturing as well) to quit hardsurface for a long period and just focusing on drawing and maybe Zbrush too,anything that brings me away from moving vertex avoiding pinch and give me the chance to train my creativity...my question is creativity can be trained?! If I lack it,I can became creative just by drawing a lot for years? Because I feel like,if I struggle so much to problem solve this kind of things,I will not make very far as game 3dartist,and that is not acceptable for me :poly127:

    Back to the image below,ignore the high polycount,is just since is only for bake purpose I didn't felt like redoing the topology of pieces to better fit the detail I thought of later,also I don't felt like using floating details or quickly making them with ndo2,so I've just collapsed some iterations of turbosmooth an inserted them the hardcore way lol ,though my pc still handle it without problems so it's ok

  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    This is looking sooo clean, really awesome! Can't wait to see the final piece!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    everything looks ace except the side handle, that feels kind of sat on the side rather than purposely attached to it. Creativity is an awesome thing, but so is the ability to follow a concept accurately, don't tear yourself up so much, the more you make and analyse things the more you will come to understand the design language of objects, which in turn will help you to conceptualise things quicker and more easily.

    Spending some time improving your 2d skills is never a bad thing, but don't abandon the modelling side man, maybe balance it out a bit with bringing other skills in, but keep at it I say.
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