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Sketchbook: Alex Martin

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Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
I've been realizing more and more that I need some serious practice in 2D. Not just to increase my value for positions when the time comes to apply but just on a personal level I want to do a better job of communicating visually.

With that said, in addition to some big projects for my portfolio I'm working on doing trying to do a study from photos/life once a day (give or take, I can always make them up if I miss some) To get the hours in. I may do sculpts as well but this is primarily about painting for my right now.


Anyways here's the first couple, ranging from 1 hour to around 2



  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Definitely have not been doing enough of these, but here's another one I actually finished

  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Keep running out of time to do these studies

    Started doing some material spheres for something more akin to texture practice.

    Started out easy with just basic matte, then lizard/croc skin kinda thing and then shiny/painted metal. Spent the most time on the lizard one, probably an hour or so, the other two much less so.

  • Nemesio
    Not bad at all, i see good improvement on the last figure posted. When im drawing i usually pick out a drawing that looks that i previously did and look into what i did right with that particular piece and try to replicate it in the next one. I also highly recommend copying and reading every page of Bridgmans complete guide to figure drawing. It is greatly helping me and is one of the best books out there on how to draw the figure. Its what David Finch did and look how good he is at drawing,
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10

    Another quick one.

    Thanks Nemesio, yeah I haven't been in a class for, or been able to attend a figure workshop in a while not to mention take the time to read books on it, at least recently.

    I've got a digital copy of Bridgmans, I'll try doing some studies out of there intermixed with some material/basic form stuff.
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Master copy of a FirstKeeper weapon concept, didn't hit the proportions exactly but otherwise I think I pulled it off decently.

  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Some 3D stuff this time around.

    Trying to do some more "organic" style hard surface modeling. In this case the shoulder of a Starcraft 2 design by Joe Peterson


    The proportions are very very off I think, but at this point I'm mostly working on learning the techniques and getting a feel for this type of modeling... I may go back into this later, or I might just forge ahead with new studies and learn as I go with new shapes.
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Definitely strayed from the proportions/design.

    I think I'll move on to something smaller, still organic and complex but easier to finish quickly to build up my skills


  • blue_skies
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    blue_skies polycounter lvl 4
    That copy of the weapon concept is looking pretty decent. If you want to get some of the really cool glowy looking colours in there (I'm thinking the bright blue glow, or some of the brighter red/pink bits that are on the smaller weapon) you should use the colour dodge tool. It's super awesome for that kind of stuff, as long as you don't abuse it. :)

    That modeling is looking pretty fab too. Keep it up!
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Working on more Organic Hard Surface stuff... pulling from a Firefall concept by Jayaxer

    Still WIP, mostly in some of the more intense shapes and cut lines in the upper portion
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
    Think I'm calling this done... time to think about low poly...

  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 10
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