So I'm following a tutorial and I'm still new to Mudbox so I'm not sure if this is a really easy fix or not. Nor could I find anything about it other than people asking the same question on this youtube video page of the tutorial.
So the tutorial I'm following is this:
[ame=""]How to create a terrain for Cryengine and UDK Part 2/8 - YouTube[/ame]
Around the 35 minute mark is what I'm stuck on.
Now when this guy applies the diffuse map it covers the entire object. However when I do it, following the same steps it doesn't cover the entire object. It leaves a strip untextured.
This is what it looks like:

See the brown strip? Not sure why it's not covering that.
take a look at the mudbox plane the uvs are slightly scaled down..
mudbox doesnt like uvs touching the border of the uv space...
Thing is I used world machine like in the tutorial and that created all the textures for me. I didn't do any of the UV mapping in mudbox just like in the tutorial video. Also when I'm at level 2 of the mesh the texture covers the entire thing but after 2 is when I get the problem.
mudbox wont work with uvs close to the uv border...
I see what you're saying. I just used the mudbox plane and I already see the difference. Thanks.
Probably missed that part, either way the entire tutorial is about getting it into Cryengine. Either way you could just do the UV of the plane in whatever 3D software and then import that plane into Mudbox. I tried doing that and it didn't give me any problems either.