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H&K G3A3 Rifle


Final Update

Cinematic Video:

Note: the video is currently maxed at 720p, I will be uploading a 1080p version but it will take me about 16 hours just to render it out so that will probably be uploaded this weekend.

Any feedback/critique is welcome and greatly appreciated, though the chances are that I will not be making any further changes to this project. My mind is currently fried from thinking about this rifle for so long, so I really need to start a new project to keep myself motivated :D

Screenshots from the Video:


****************ORIGINAL POST*********************
H&K G3A3: So far I have only completed the high poly model and I'm currently working on the low poly model (then I'll move on to texturing etc). I'm aiming to make this as detailed as possible for close up shots within cinematics, with an alternate lower resolution model/texture for the actual in-game model




Any thoughts/concerns/criticism is welcome, I am always interested in improving my work so don't hold back! :)


  • CougarJo
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    CougarJo polycounter lvl 6
    Nice Hi-poly :) I like G3, it's rare to see these weapons in 3D! Can't wait to see bake+texture :)
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    I think a lot of the edges could be a bit wider if its for a game model. Especialy bits like the trigger. From the reference i've looked at, it has quite a wide edge on the front portion of it. And while the rest of the gun might be accurate to the reference, I would personaly exagerate some of the details so the read better . Like the little "ribs" running down the top of the gas tube(?) The triggergaurd has pretty thin edges. As well as some of the details on the scope mount and the scope, Like the loops around the scope. I'd make them a little deeper and at a softer angle. You'll hear all the vets talk about how slants and bevels make for much more interesting highlights. Not to mention bevels Vs. 90 angles can often save you UV breaks depending on the peice and your render/baker relationship. All this is just kind of general over the whole model, and my own opinion, for what its worth :)

    For errors , only one catches my eye are where the mag "buldge" on the body meets the curved portion of the body. Seems to be some pulling or edge loops that that just created some kind of error there.

    Aside from that, i think the gun is looking pretty solid.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    Looks great, but as previously stated, you may have trouble with your bake given those really tight edges. Nevertheless, that shouldn't take long to adjust.
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    One of my favorite firearms, and it looks great too. Nothing really to add, aside from softening up some edges. You may also like to scale the bottom the indents on the hand grip, so it's more of a sloped extrusion. Like so.. \/ It doesn't have to be as exaggerated as below, but if you soften the edge and scale the extrusion a bit, you should get a nicer bake.

  • theaneurin
    Thanks for the feedback guys! :) I'll look into adjusting the edges/loops to soften things up.

    s620ex1 wrote: »

    For errors , only one catches my eye are where the mag "buldge" on the body meets the curved portion of the body. Seems to be some pulling or edge loops that that just created some kind of error there.

    I was hoping no one would notice that haha! I attempted to fix this issue previously with little luck, but I have managed to adjust it enough to where it is far less visible (but it's still visible from certain angles depending on the lighting etc).
    My plan is to clean that error up in photoshop later on, which should fix it up nicely but if it doesn't then I'll take the extra time to maybe redo the geometry on the high poly.

    Almost done with the low poly model, and then I get to do the super awesome fun step of UV's! ;)
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Quoted from racer about edge "Width" vs "softness" . Might help you before you get knees deep into re doing all the edges.
    Racer445 wrote: »
    i think the more important thing isn't so much "softer" edges but "wider" edges. if you look at the 3 point models for brink you'll see that while the edges are very thick and beefy you'll also see that the shapes still read as being tough, mechanical objects. it's a really common misconception that softer edges must = mashed potatoes. i keep seeing people talk about edge "softness" but nobody has ever really explained it, so i guess now is the time.


    EDIT: better showing the difference between the last two variants:

    here i've recreated a section of your model with edges similar to yours, then one i thickened a fair bit, then one i really spent some effort on to get the falloff to look str8 obese. in the top right closeup you can see that the "fat" bevel has a really thick falloff, thus grabbing even more light than the "good" example. so though all of the examples look technically fine up close, the good amd fat examples catch the most light without being "soft" as people tend to suggest. this of course makes them much more attractive to look at, especially when the entire model has a consistent edge treatment.

    the visual difference between the last two isn't big and doesn't matter too much, but if you can do it, why not?

    you can also see that while they all look technically fine up close, as you zoom out, the specular highlights start to alias into oblivion. this is more apparent in the popular example image i made a while ago (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1725586/crits/edgewidthmodel.jpg) which does not have any form of anti aliasing like this new one. in that image you can really see how zooming effects this.

    this however doesn't stop me from being interested in this zbrush stuff you're doing. i think it's really cool, and has the potential to be insanely fast, but i'm concerned about the control you have over edges, as well as changes to shapes for clients. how is that stuff handled? is it pretty easy to make changes like traditional subd? that's really what it all comes down to, as i want changes for clients to take as little time as possible, even at the expense of a slightly longer initial creation time.

    oh also you need to use simpler materials to present wips. a simple dark/midtone slightly tinted diffuse with a slightly colored bright, low gloss specular highlight is best.
  • theaneurin
    I actually remember stumbling upon that image/thread a long time ago hehe, Thanks for the info!

    The low poly came in just under 10k tri's which I am satisfied with, I could lower it but I'd rather keep it where it's at considering the next generation of consoles and game engines are coming out soon. Normally I would make multiple LOD's and a first person view version of the mesh that would eliminate a lot of the triangles the player would never seen in first person view etc, but for this model I'm going to just get the main mesh completed and move on to finish a few other models for my portfolio (time is of the essence right now).

    Stuck on UV mapping for the rest of today most likely *shakes fist*
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    I love the HP work here, and sticking to the original design of the gun was pretty awesome. This project so far is shaping to be one of my favorite G3 projects (one of my favorite weapons). I have to say though, coming from someone who owns probably 4-5 of those vertical fore grips, it seems too fat. They are normally pretty vertically narrow for the most part.

    Other than that, good luck with the baking!
  • theaneurin
    Thanks! I actually didn't have too many good references for the fore grip, I had to guess on the scale of it in relation to the rifle, as well as the scale on the scope. I'll take a second look at it and make some adjustments, any chance you know of any good photo references for it? Or maybe you could take a photo of your fore grips :D
  • theaneurin
    Made some adjustments to the fore grip really quickly (it definitely was a little too fat), I may thin it up a bit more but I feel it's much closer to the reference images I have.

    I haven't started tweaking any edges yet, I'll start on that once I have my low poly finalized and uv maps completed. I also plan on adjusting a lot of little details so they will bake better (anything that is too much of a 90degree angle etc, so the details stand out properly in the normal map as suggested).

    Another thing I just noticed is that the bottom and top of the stock/butt of the gun appears a little rounder in the reference image in comparison to my model, so I may tweak that as well.

    Here's one of the reference images I based it the fore grip on(this one is much fatter in comparison to the other reference images, but I made my fore grip much thinner than it appears in this image):g3a3_reference.jpg


    Close up render (just for fun):
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Sorry, just saw your response now, looks like you have made the right adjustments :) Much better! I think the main pistol grip could use some love now. Yours looks a little blobby compared to the reference, as well as the nub near the top right of the grip, is a little off. IRL, the grip nub that you see is a resting spot for the index/thumb webbing area to rest when holding the grip. I mean, its not that big of a deal if the gun was for an FPS, but since you are going for realism and for cinematic purposes, I think the smallest details like that really stand out, especially to people like me who use/fire weapons as a hobby regularly. Once again, just small nit picky things, as the overall modeling of the rifle has turned out fantastic!
  • theaneurin
    That's funny that you mention the grip haha, I actually saw that the thumb rest was definitely looking a bit funky just after I made my last post and I've cleaned it up a lot already. But I totally see what you mean about the grip being a little too "blobby", I'll take a closer look at the reference images and tweak it as best I can. I'll probably post an update soon with adjustments to edge loops in various places on the model as well as the hand grip changes etc

    It's pretty tough to see the difference in the edges that I have loosened up but it definitely has helped make things stand out a bit more etc

    I appreciate the feedback on even the little nit picky things :D As you mentioned, since I'm going for a high quality cinematic approach every little detail helps make the model stand out more even if it is something subtle. Though if I do end up creating a cinematic in UDK with a character, his hands will likely cover up the details on the hand grip and foregrip, but it's still nice to get all the details done properly even if it does take a few days longer to complete
  • theaneurin
    Spent some time tweaking the edge loops to loosen them up a bit in various locations, made some other minor adjustments and fixed a few hidden errors I found on the ammo magazine. Tried to improve the hand grip as best as I could but I have very few good reference images for the right side of the grip (the left side is slightly different and I have it looking pretty good).

    Might spend some more time adjusting edge loops some more, but for now I am going to adjust my low poly model to fit any changes I have made to the high poly and finish up the UV's.

  • theaneurin
    After reviewing my renders in comparison to the reference images I now feel that I made the forward indentations of the hand grip a little too stiff so I'll adjust that in the next steps, also might reduce the extrusion for the index/thumb rest area etc
  • theaneurin
    Managed to spend some time to get the high poly baked down to a low poly, took a little bit of rework in terms of UV's and low poly geometry adjustments to get the lighting and normals to bake properly.

    Started texturing it using Mudbox for painting and photoshop for finalizing paint layers and adjusting various details. I've only spent half a day just trying to determine the best workflow that I can manage with this Mudbox/Photoshop combo, satisfied with the basic results so far but I have a lot of things I am going to tweak, and there's still a lot of details that I'll be adding in to give the weapon more "character".

    Screenshots from UDK (it's been 9 months since I worked on my last contract job with UDK lighting and graphics settings so the screenshots aren't up to par with what I am aiming for just yet).


    Any thoughts/concerns/critique is greatly appreciated! Keep in mind that I still have a lot of work to do so you may notice things that I already plan on changing, but in case I miss anything I would love to hear every nit picky detail you can come up with (also keep in mind that the lighting is unmodified default UDK lighting, I'll be setting up a nice render scene/level soon) :)

    **PS. I have not yet baked the scope or the fore grip yet, I wanted to go through the main steps with the weapon before I moved on to those pieces, which hopefully I will get working on those today
  • Hellixor
    That's a beautiful weapon you got there. To me it does seem that the color reads a bit too brown and uniform overall, compared to your HP renders but nontheless a nice weapon
  • theaneurin
    Thanks! Yea I started to change the color for the green elements to be slightly more brown based on a few reference images that I am using for texturing examples. I realized that a lot of the reference images I had were airsoft guns haha :P So I felt their color was too "cartoony" and clean compared to the reference pics I had for the real rifles. It definitely looks a bit too brown now though so I'll tweak it a bit. One of the tedious battles I have been dealing with is trying to keep the black metal still look "black" while also maintaining all the detail of the metal surface, it's a strange balance because sometimes it just looks too black when you aren't seeing the specular highlights, but trying to account for that by increasing the brightness of the black metal just makes it look strange too.

    So far the material setup in UDK is very basic, and I haven't touched the lighting, so I'm hoping when I start to tweak those things it will help make the details stand out better etc
  • Add3r
    Offline / Send Message
    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Looking good man! The spec is definitely getting there, though the metal isnt reading 100% yet, it seems to blend as a little plastic-ey right now, maybe look into specular color radiance? Using colors in your specular will help push it to the next level, in terms of material definition.

    The plastic spec is looking good though!

    As for the grip, MUCH better man. The Magazine, do you plan on putting a bullet in the top? Right now its looking like an Airsoft magazine.

    Look awesome though man, the grip..... soooo much better. Keep it up! This is a solid port piece for sure.
  • theaneurin
    Thanks Add3r. I am wondering what colors would be good to add in to the spec of the metal pieces, in the past I believe I would add in a very faint purple that is scattered around in subtle ways etc. I'm also not using a gloss map yet, so the plastic feel is probably because the plastic and metal sections are at the same gloss value. So I'll throw on a quick gloss map to tighten up the specular highlights on the metal bits and keep the plastic bits relatively close to what they are now.

    I'm also considering adding in a very subtle reflection map into one of the alpha channels. My goal is to have the gloss map within the alpha channel of the specular map(which will have more color in the specular map as I progress), and then the reflection map within the alpha of the Diffuse. Realistically there would be virtually no reflection on a rifle like this (pretty sure military weapons are designed specifically with non-reflective materials to avoid being spotted etc), but I have seen it used very nicely in games like Battlefield 3, in a very subtle but effective manner.

    I setup my high poly magazine to have the bullets in there, but I wasn't planning on having much geometry depth to them aside from just being used in the normal map (mainly because if this were to be used in a FPS game you would never see the magazine, though maybe I'm wrong about that). Right now it's a bit funky on the top of the magazine with the highly poly bake, so I'm planning on just adjusting it manually in photoshop from scratch.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  • The Lone Penguin
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    The Lone Penguin polycounter lvl 9
    Love the G3, despite its roller-delayed blowback system. Your high poly is nicely detailed, for future reference some thicker edges would be nice. Especially on your magazine.
    if this were to be used in a FPS game you would never see the magazine, though maybe I'm wrong about that

    I guess it depends on the animator. But if you were to see it (as someone who likes guns) it's nice to see that detail in there. Looking forward to see where you take the texture. Instead of purple you might want to try blue in this spec.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    This should be exactly what you are looking for :)


    once again, sorry for late response.
  • theaneurin
    Well I finally managed to spend time on this project again, I took a break from it for a while but I'm getting close to completion. There are still a lot of little things that I would like to do with the textures but I have spent too long on this project and I really need to move on to some other models that I want to make for my portfolio.

    So I'm basically calling it a day and rendering out the high resolution video/cinematic that I have created in UDK. Below is a few screenshots taken directly from the cinematic video. They don't really do the rifle much justice as single images but with the camera animations I have setup it looks pretty good, the hard part about art is knowing when to stop ;) As they say, art is never truly finished, it is abandoned haha

    There's a lot of stuff that I would do differently now, so ultimately this has been a really good learning experience which will help my next project turn out even better and completed faster etc

    Any thoughts/critiques are welcome! I probably won't be making any serious changes since I am rendering this cinematic at double the resolution of 1080p so it takes about 6 hours to render out 2min 30sec of video haha (I was having aliasing issues and rendering at twice the normal resolution helped reduce the aliasing).


  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Nice work man, would love to see the video!
  • rino
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    rino polycounter lvl 12
    damn that looks badass
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    Seems like you got some improper triangulation skewing the specular highlights on the barrel there.

    Otherwise looks pretty good. The material definition looks great.
  • theaneurin
    Thanks! Yea the barrel has some issues as well as few other spots that I began noticing when I started to setup lights and cameras in unreal. I'm considering re-doing the base normal map bake with a different method, at which point I would make some adjustments to the geometry on the barrel and the magazine. I used 3ds max to bake and had to setup smoothing groups in order to avoid issues with lighting etc. But then I read recently that UDK works best with normal maps baked from Xnorm, where you can just use one smoothing group and still get correct lighting on the model without having to add in extra loops/geometry, which is what I am used to doing in the past.
  • theaneurin
    Few more shots while I wait for this render/upload of a work in progress video

  • OddEyes
    great progress. Love that weapon. The only thing that lets your presentation down is the black background. It all makes it very dark and hard to spot those details, at least for me ^^
  • theaneurin
    Yea I know what you mean, normally I do a medium/dark grey background for all my 3d models, and I will do that for this rifle when I take my final still images (they will be different from these). This shot shows the setup that I currently use for most of my work: http://www.trystan.us/hk_g3a3_render.jpg

    These all have black backgrounds since they are from the cinematic sequence I have, I wanted to have the black background/atmosphere so I could play around with lighting and not have it look strange, mainly to get a more film-ish type style to it.

    Speaking of which, here is a work in progress version of the video, there are several mistakes with editing in it, and after watching the full 1080p quality on my computer I now see a bunch of small changes that I want to make to the rifle, and I will probably record a few more shots now that I have the workflow down.

    G3A3 WIP Cinematic Demo(quality is default at 360p, set it to 720p or 1080p)
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAdniDp2S8o"]HD_Sequence - YouTube[/ame]
  • burchronicus
    I agree with OddEyes - the background should be a more neutral grey. BTW, what size are your textures? Just for myself, I would like to see your lowpoly wireframe and maybe your UVs. I'm not a professional (yet), but I am working on my portfolio as well.

    Anyway, the model is amazing! You've really done well.
  • theaneurin
    I have managed to fix a bunch of issues with triangulation and normals, next step is some texture tweaks and some new camera angles.

    I decided to use 4096x4096 textures for this project, mainly so I could use the model in an upclose film style cinematic. Everything mip's down very nicely to a game friendly resolution of 2048x2048 though.

    I'll be putting together a wireframe still render and a wireframe setup for a cinematic shot that I will be putting at the beginning of the video, with some animated text elements that detail all the specs such as triangle count, texture resolution, texture maps, weapon dimensions and things such as type of rounds used in the rifle and clip capacity etc
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Nice work. I usually don't like stuff rendered on black backgrounds, but I really liked this.
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    Neutral grey is ugly as hell. The Black thing surprisingly works very well and I like the night presentation. Its maybe not as easy to distinguish but visually its really good looking and one of the best render presentations ive seen in the last.

    Neutral grey (and white-to-black gradients god forbid!)

    1. Its lame and boring, editor preset, 1043542 people use it
    2. It wont have good contrast due to beeing 50% nomatter what your object is!
    (3. White to Black gradients are an insult to the eye.)

    Theres a whole world to take out of simple, subtle color gradients.
    You can either try out something, or stay at the small minded editor-preset presentation.

    Think a little outside the box, you may not be graphic designers or something but you're artists. Make your work distinguishable from others.

    As example. Really bad crop. Not even cheated, you can do all that in
    engine. If you like that is one thing, but clearly other things work : P
  • theaneurin
    Haha that definitely looks pretty cool, nice job!

    The black background that you see in all the screenshots is purely for the cinematic video, just for a certain style that I'm aiming for.

    When I have everything finished I will create a proper presentation render that has a background with it, plus model statistics and what not. Also, the lighting in all the shots is just for the cinematic, I'll be doing a custom lighting setup for the render presentation. Ultimately as I continue to finish some more models in the next few months, I will use a consistent background theme with all of them to tie my portfolio together in a visually pleasing manner
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    My point was that the night setup is actually nice and something you don't see that often. You could crank up the contrast / highlights tho.
    I think its special and good.

    The side shots are amazing with the night setup. More than that would hurt it.
    (And the 2 below)
  • theaneurin
    ahhh gotcha, glad you like it! I originally had more contrast in the post process setup but for some reason it didn't function right when I captured the footage from the game. I've fixed it up with darker blacks, I'll take a look at increasing the highlights. I just finished up the final pass on the scope textures and material setup, so far the scope looks 10times better than it did yesterday, next step is a quick final pass on some details for the main rifle and then lighting/post process tweaks
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    So much improvement man, came out awesome. I agree, there is that wonky specular issue going on, on your barrel. Other than that, I honestly enjoy the black background. It really does not work for most projects, but I think it really works for that special ops, night time sorta feel. I personally say keep it.

    Sick work as a whole though man.
  • theaneurin
    Thanks! I was able to figure out what was happening with the specular issue on the barrel, basically had to clean up some turned edges. But that only reduced it slightly, so I adjusted the fbx export settings and checked "explicit normals" on the mesh when I imported and everything was cleaned up!

    Fixed Barrel:

    Updated textures for the scope:
  • theaneurin
    Welp, I believe I am calling it a day on this project. I have reached the point that I actually feel fully satisfied with the results despite multiple errors in my textures/normal maps that I know of, and a few things I would personally do differently with my low poly... but those issues are pretty minor and I most likely won't be making any changes to the current status of the model/textures.
    I have spent far too long on this project (probably around 140+ hours over four months, with periods of several weeks where I would get nothing done), and to make any changes now would require re-capturing/rendering the cinematic shots (a process that would take me another 3 days worth of work due to the resolution I am rendering at).

    My next step is to create the presentation renders (they won't be the black background seen in this cinematic, will be something a little more interesting hopefully), and the renders will also include all of the model/texture stats and texture maps.

    Cinematic Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2phyA6OmFS4&feature=youtu.be&hd=1
    Note: the video is currently maxed at 720p, I will be uploading a 1080p version but it will take me about 16 hours just to render it out so that will probably be uploaded this weekend.

    Any feedback/critique is welcome and greatly appreciated, though the chances are that I will not be making any further changes to this project. My mind is currently fried from thinking about this rifle for so long, so I really need to start a new project to keep myself motivated :D

    Screenshots from the Video:


    On to my next endeavor, enjoy!
  • theaneurin
    I guess it's time for me to finish this heavy duty project I started at the beginning of last year! I was just about done with the high poly but I was interrupted when I went to work on Xcom: Enemy Uknown for 4 months, and then I tried to finish it during the summer but alas I got another short contract working on Bioshock Infinite, so this project was put aside for well over a year... it's time for this thing to get some low poly and texture map love! :D

  • woot
    Offline / Send Message
    woot polycounter lvl 5
    phwoar, that looks awesome!
  • theaneurin
  • theaneurin
    I spent a little time trying to come up with a quick but decent render presentation for my website, I'm ok with the results considering I threw this together really quickly at 4am haha

    This definitely isn't final, its more of a temporary setup while I finish up some other portfolio projects. Eventually I will be remaking my entire website and all the render presentations for all my 3d models. I aim to have a consistent style/theme across all of the renders, and have my website based on the same style/theme as the renders. But for now this will do(I won't be remaking the website until I have at least 2-3 more high quality 3d models created.)

  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    a bit of a personal thing, since I personally don't like black backgrounds :p

    but for the presentation shots I would lighten up the black, for example the first shot in the resized version, the scope and everything in the back just is disappearing in the background.
    and/or change change the contrast a bit on the text, the pure white on pure black is really distracting from the actual important stuff, the gun ^^

    and just a minor thing on the tank, but the front "wheel" (sprocket I think it's called?) isn't round (probably due to the teeth on it/control edges).
    Anyway, looking forward to seeing it finished ^^
  • theaneurin
    Yea it definitely is a little tough to make out all the details properly with the dark background and dark shadows on the model. I'll try to tweak the brightness and contrast to reduce that issue, the main problem I was having is how dark my shadows are on the rifle(when I brighten up the background the dark shadows start to just look strange and unnatural). Ultimately I think I need to go back and re-capture out the screenshots from the engine with adjusted lighting so that the shadows aren't so extreme.

    Oh and the issue with the tank front wheel is just user error, I apparently forgot to apply the turbosmooth modifier on that single piece when I rendered out that image haha. In my older renders it has the modifier on it so it looks much more accurate
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    +1 on the BG. I'm using a dual screen monitor; 1 LCD and 1 LED. That background was super dark and then I moved the window over to my LED and realized it's not all that dark, and it's actually green. I'm assuming you're on an LED monitor? This is a problem I see quite a bit and I suggest getting an LCD to test lightness and because it shows what the majority of all viewers will see.
  • theaneurin
    I'm actually on two LCD monitors, one 23in. Asus at stock settings and another 21in. Asus, the 21in. has had it's brightness lowered to match the brightness of the 23in. monitor (I bought the 21in. monitor in 2009, and the 23. monitor last month, so the settings are pretty different from one another).

    I have been wondering about the potential brightness difference on other peoples monitors, as I do see a very minor color difference when I swap my renders from my left monitor to my right monitor. I also just checked my Laptop that I bought last year and at the medium brightness setting it looked the same as it does on my desktop monitors.

    I should probably checked out the look of it on some of my friends computers. But at the same time, if you notice this problem quite often with your monitors then maybe your LCD is set to be a little too dark hehe, just sayin :P But before I bite my tounge I should definitely go to a few friends computers and see how it looks on theirs. Could be that I just use a brighter setting than most people, but I generally keep the monitors set to the default stock setting
    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    The best thing to do is simply put a level adjustment on in photshop to see if you are using a full range of values. Here is the problem with the image, and the difference when a level is applied. (Removed text, because it was the brightest part of the picture)

    I can see the awesome detail now! :p
  • theaneurin
    Hmm interesting, I use the levels tool quite often when working on my textures, but I've never applied it to any renders before. Did you use the default settings? I can't recall ever seeing any changes to the images when I use the default levels tool settings. The only thing is that the magazine seems to get really really hot, but I can just tweak that manually in the render I guess. But I definitely like the results that you achieved, I will look into it for sure! Thanks :D
  • Lloydyy89

    I love seeing such high-quality weapons like this. Amazing texture work.
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