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Getting a loan, buying some licenses/hardware?

polycounter lvl 14
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fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
Hey Guys,

So recently I started freelancing and over the years I have read on various forums that people generally use the money they get from their first few jobs to get their licenses for the programs they use.
Honestly, right now I do not have allot of work to be able to afford the software + any other regular bills that need to be paid. So I figured I'd get a loan to buy all the licenses and hardware I need, which is Maya, Mudbox, Photoshop, Bodypaint3d and a new computer, and pay the bank in increments for the loan.

I was hoping for any tips and things to look out for when buying these licenses, as it will be my first time ever. Maybe you guys know stuff to be able to get these software for cheaper, without resulting to any illegal stuff. =]
Also I want to avoid the free alternatives like blender, gimp and what not. I simply do not want to lower my production speed by needing to learn new software. I'd rather focus on improving my current workflow than needing to learn a new one if I have time for it.

So when it comes to the basics that I need it is a new computer. Period.
I bought a mid range laptop a few years ago and it is really showing its age. As a reference.. for me to be able to play any recent game that has come out at a sub par FPS (20-30 most of the time) I need to play on the lowest of lowest settings.
Software wise I will be needing; Maya, Photoshop, and Mudbox/Bodypaint3d. I started out 3d using Cinema4d, Bodypaint3d is a part of that program. I have since moved on the Maya for any 3d modelling and what not. But I still use Bodypaint3d, mainly for unwrapping my models, and the occasional low poly models that I need to handpaint. Also now that Bodypaint3d has sculpting tools, it could possibly replace Mudbox altogether for me, but it is still in its "infant" stage, it needs allot of improvements still. Though from my testings it seems to have all of the basics that a sculpting app should have.

What was the deal with Photoshop CS 12 again? Supposedly PS CS2 is free, but I read that it really isn't. It was kind of confusing.

Also, if there are any Dutch people around here that have experience with this stuff and being a freelancer, can I benefit from tax "refund" things? I am not sure what to call it in English.
I am basically trying to lower my costs as much as possible.

Started freelancing, need licenses and hardware. Any advice?


  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    bb0x wrote: »
    Any advice?

    Consider not doing so. We're just now coming out of a bad recession. Credit is bad news. Get a job and freelance on the side. Consider using free software like Blender, it is extremely capable. For instance, it is very good at painting directly on the model ala bodypaint. You can learn that technique 10 minutes. Great UV set too. Spend some off-time getting used to it and use your internet connection for when you get stuck. Blender is a great modelling tool. Hardware-wise; build a PC. We'll help you with that if you need.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Hey bbox. I agree with Andreas. It's a terrible time to get a loan now and you know how things stand in our country. It's not exactly sunshine and rainbows. I'll run into the same problem (except the computer part) in a wile and i thought of it as Andreas suggested. I'm learning the modeling etc. with the "pro" tools but i'll start freelancing with Blender. I'll also look for a part time job to pay the bills and save money up to pay the licenses etc.

    For the hardware. Really build it yourself. You pay a heap load more just for a darn brand name so you can build better then what you would buy of the shelf. Shops i use frequently are alternate.nl and azerty.nl. Great customer service and a lot of choices for a good price (you can see that if compare prices on tweakers.net).
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    -Computer $800+
    -Maya $3,500+
    -Photoshop CS3 $350+ (if you can trust an open box version)[ame]http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B000O17CQ0/ref=sr_1_10_np_0_olp?s=software&ie=UTF8&qid=1360756337&sr=1-10&condition=used[/ame]

    -Mudbox 2009 $200+ (if you can trust open box)[ame]http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0026N1G02/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used[/ame]

    $5,000 loan to buy software and try to get freelance work sounds like a horrible idea, freelancing isn't a very stable job, you may not be able to find work for a month.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Here is what I would recommend:

    Get student version of 3DS Max/Maya to use for learning, then when a contract lands, rent the software (Max (maybe Maya too) and Adobe apps). Tack on the cost of the rental into your fee... Rent as long as you are doing the contract.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I agree with what TeeJay said, Modo is a great deal at $1200 and many pros here prefer modeling in Modo. 3dcoat isn't a bad deal at $350, but it's main uses are texture painting, retopo, and uv mapping.

    Maya does have a 90 day license for $200 http://store.autodesk.com/store/adskus/en_US/pd/Autodesk_Maya_90-Day_Fixed_Term_License/productID.258257400?noscroll=1&mktvar004=521008
  • 2cat
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    2cat polycounter lvl 5
    As a fellow Dutch I have some advice: Register yourself as a ZZPer at the KvK. As a "business" you can get a tax refund on the BTW you pay on products. I'll elaborate a little more later maybe, if others haven't yet.

    Edit: also to get a loan as a ZZPer you will have to have some sort of business plan etc.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    "Don't put all your eggs in the same basket"

    Photoshop Cs2 is now free, so grab that instead.

    Learn blender or other free alternatives. It's shit to say but everyone has to start there. Then work your way up freelancing on the side with a part/full time job to support you. Putting yourself in a un-proven freelance position will leave you saddled with tons of dept.

    Build up cash and buy everything piecemeal or as noted above get the rent a license versions which are much cheaper all around.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11

    Photoshop Cs2 is now free, so grab that instead.

    It certainly is not, let's not have that again! ;)
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the tips guys.

    Andreas -
    The reason I started freelancing is because I couldn't find a proper job. Unless you are referring to any kind of job instead of just CG/Game work. Flippin' burgers? Cleaning toilets? =P
    I tried getting into Blender mutliple times, never where able to get comfortable with it. Guess it was just easier for me to stick with what I was familiar with.

    HardBaller -
    Cheers, thanks for the tips. I'll have to look into building my own PC. Never built on my own.

    ZacD -
    Cheers man. I am not trying to get freelance work by buying software licenses, I'll try to get work with my portfolio. =P

    TeeJay -
    Thanks for the tips. The Adobe Subscription seems to be very affordable. I will look into Modo as well. I have heard allot of good things about it. =]

    Lamont -
    Cheers. I am already familiar with Maya. But you make a good point with renting it, definitely more affordable.

    2cat -
    Cheers man, I already registered as a ZZP. Some more info about what exactly I can get back would be nice though.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    bb0x wrote: »
    Flippin' burgers? Cleaning toilets? =P

    Well humorous cliches aren't really representative of the reality, in this case. The world is not split into gaming job- toilet cleaning job- flipping burger job. Working a 'normal job' and saving for these things is a way better plan than getting a loan and not knowing if you'll even be able to pay it back.

    You might not even be given a loan because you have no income or employment.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Here's what I did:

    Buy Modo: $1195
    Buy Adobe Subscription (all CS6 apps monthly): Like $40.

    I'd been using Max/Maya as a student and an employee for like 5 years previous so it was unfamiliar territory switching to Modo, but after a few weeks of getting used to it, I couldn't be happier.

    I was initially planning to just use Modo until I'd earned enough money to buy Max, but I can get the work done just find in Modo so I'm just sticking with that.

    Same with a computer, if it does the work, it does the work. There'll always be faster computers and unless you literally have jobs queuing up that you just cannot get through quick enough, then the speed of the computer doesn't matter. If it works, use it. When you've got some money coming in then maybe upgrade.

    Sure if you really need all the other stuff like Mudbox, BodyPaint etc then you have little choice but to buy them but if you can get by with one app until the money starts coming in, then it may be worth giving it a try.

    As above though, getting a loan for something without some guaranteed work is probably not the best option.
    Are ou allowed to do commercial work with the photoshop subscription? I wonder why anyone would pay for the full licenses if that's the case.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, I am not super eager to get a loan. I don't like having a debt (who does?), I just figured that doing things this way would be quicker and less of a hassle.

    Instead of earning money and paying for software when I am able to, I would essentially have a "subscription" with the bank, where I would need to pay them every month and have all the stuff I need right from the start.

    But yeah, I might not even get a loan.. It's not that I do not have any kind of income, but like said freelancing, unless you are in it a long time, is not a very stable thing.
  • Jonathan
    I started using Blender several years ago, and it is a pretty good toolset for modeling, rendering, etc.

    As for general 2D editing, I think it's worth the price to buy Photoshop (or use the subscription service). I've used Gimp a lot, and it is a painful application to get used to, IMO.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    i would not take a loan. owing money sucks... specially if you don't know for sure if you have the money to pay for it for sure.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Jonathan wrote: »
    I've used Gimp a lot, and it is a painful application to get used to, IMO.

    Yeah Gimp is in no way a substitute for PS, in my opinion. It's a bit sad that we don't have a good alternative for that or Flash (animating vectors).
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    the payments on a $5,000 load wouldn't be that bad, would it? I'd go talk to a bank and see what you could get, if it turns out to be about the same as a Photoshop subscription then it would be worth it because you would eventually own the software rather than rent it. The other bonus is if you get a good freelance contract you could pay off a larger chunk of your loan.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    That's just the problem Justin. To get even to the photoshop sub you have to spread it over 10yr flat without interest. So make that at least 12/13 years final.

    Also in our country you can actually get finned with a big ass fine (doh) if you pay off more just like that. It's luckily not always the case but it all depends on your contract and type of loan. Just happens to be a boat i've been sailing in myself until recently. So that's another thing to really be sure about if you get a loan here.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ugh, I guess that's the problem with getting advice on an international forum
  • WarrenM
    You get FINED if you try to pay extra on your loans? Good lord...
  • EarthQuake
    "Terrible time to get a loan". Lol what? Interest rates are at historically low levels, atleast in the US. No idea about the Netherlands though. Edit:, looks like the "lending rate" in the Netherlands is about 2%, which is crazy low, even lower than the us at about 3.5%. This is bad if you're a banker, but wonderful if you're a consumer. Though I have no idea how this number applies to small personal loans, probably more relevant to mortgages.

    Taking out a small loan that you will be able to easily pay off is actually an extremely good way to build credit, which is important if you ever want to buy a new car or a house.

    Now, if your job prospects are slim to none, taking out a loan is risky, but if that is the case, making any sort of investment in hardware/software is risky as well, so the OP likely understands the risks.
    HardBaller wrote: »
    Also in our country you can actually get finned with a big ass fine (doh) if you pay off more just like that. It's luckily not always the case but it all depends on your contract and type of loan. Just happens to be a boat i've been sailing in myself until recently. So that's another thing to really be sure about if you get a loan here.

    That's seriously messed up. Do you have the option to refinance? If so, you could simply refinance with a shorter loan term if you're able to pay down your loan faster than you initially expected. We did this recently with our mortgage and saved about 45K by switching from a 30 year loan to a 15 year loan, and with a 3% interest rate vs the old 5% rate, we only pay slightly more per month.

    Banks here are happy to refinance your loan though, because if they don't you can go to another bank and refinance.

    For the time being, I would suggest looking into Autodesk's educational licenses, if you're not currently doing paid work, this should work for you as you build up your portfolio, and you can buy a paid license when the work starts to come in. Its not uncommon to do one or two jobs before you start paying for software, and nobody is going to look down on you for doing this. Autodesk would rather you do a couple jobs on education software and then buy a commercial version than not buy it at all, if you know what I mean.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    That's seriously messed up. Do you have the option to refinance? You could simply refinance with a shorter loan term if you're able to pay down your loan faster than you initially expected. We did this recently with our mortgage and saved about 45K by switching from a 30 year loan to a 15 year loan, and with a 3% interest rate vs the old 5% rate, we only pay slightly more per month.

    Banks here are happy to refinance your loan though, because if they don't you can go to another bank and refinance.

    Yes there is an option to refinance here. Though not all banks or other companies do that. It's exactly what i did after getting a better income. Could spend more but wanted to get rid of my loan and blacklisting (yeah you get blacklisten (sort of) called BKR registration here if you get a loan) faster. So yeah you can do that if your income changes though you of course get new interest rates and usually you can't do it within the same company. They (in my experience) are simple that they just think " change your contract. ha you pay what you owe or find it some place else. if you can". Of course this is put down a bit harsh but that's the overall mentality in our country. First the money then maybe very very very maybe you get help.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Lamont wrote: »
    Here is what I would recommend:

    Get student version of 3DS Max/Maya to use for learning, then when a contract lands, rent the software (Max (maybe Maya too) and Adobe apps). Tack on the cost of the rental into your fee... Rent as long as you are doing the contract.

    You can rent Maya? Never knew that :D
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    "Terrible time to get a loan". Lol what?

    I think what we're saying is more along the lines of 'it's a terrible idea to get a loan you don't really need.' I think it's better to explore other options if it can be helped. The bigger the loan the better an idea this is. And 5K is a considerable loan for a person in their early twenties with no steady income, IMO.

    And yes, many banks, in countries I've been a resident of, charge you extra if you pay a bigger chunk off your loan. Bankers are complete arseholes, thought we'd learned that already? They're not out to help us, they're out to help themselves to as much of our cash (interest) as possible.
  • EarthQuake
    Sure, if you can't pay a loan off a loan is a terrible idea. I agree with that 100%. However, the general state of economics in most countries these days means getting a loan is more attractive then it has been in a long time, in some cases ever.
    The benchmark interest rate in Netherlands was last recorded at 0.75 percent. Interest Rate in Netherlands is reported by the . Historically, from 1998 until 2012, Netherlands Interest Rate averaged 2.6 Percent reaching an all time high of 4.8 Percent in October of 2000 and a record low of 0.8 Percent in July of 2012

  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah what EQ said. I know a couple of people that took the opportunity of low interest and low house prices to buy houses and stuff. Also if I were to have no income at all, having a 5k loan, and spread of 10 years.. that'd be 50,- a month. Which doesn't sound like too much. About the same price as my cell phone contract.

    Though making use of the subscription deals is probably better I think. Since you are not stuck with a certain version but are always up to date with the latest version of a program. But than again, if something does the job, it is good enough.

    Also, I just checked my bank and its loan services. If I understood things correctly, it is possible to either pay the agreed amount every month, or the total remaining+interest you would normally pay. It however is not possible to pay 1k every month or something.
    I dont understand why they would fine you for paying the money back + the interest.
    Also about BKR... I thought that only happens if you are unable to pay for stuff or simply didnt? Like phone bills and what not?
    Getting blacklisted because you get a loan sounds.. kinda stupid. But than again I do not have much experience with loans and what not so... yeah dunno.
  • SurlyBird
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    SurlyBird polycounter lvl 13
    bbox, here's my free advice: (worth every penny, too): I don't personally like to rent money, which is what you're doing when you take out a loan or use credit to purchase something knowing you'll pay the balance over time (with interest). If you had a gig that, at completion, compensated you for the purchase, then it kind of evens things out. But you'd want to make sure you're actually making money with your investment and not just buying the tools. You still have to eat, keep a roof over your head, pay for utilities, etc. That's just Business 101, from my perspective. Others may feel differently, but if I couldn't buy something outright or there wasn't money dangling in front of me from a client, I wouldn't go into debt to buy something that may or may not prove necessary.

    If you're just trying to flesh out your portfolio, then build a cheap, but powerful PC, learn Blender and Gimp and save up for the tools you want and buy them when you can afford them. Of course, you have to do what is right for you, but I don't see the sense in creating a financial burden that you probably don't really need.
  • EarthQuake
    bb0x wrote: »
    Yeah what EQ said. I know a couple of people that took the opportunity of low interest and low house prices to buy houses and stuff. Also if I were to have no income at all, having a 5k loan, and spread of 10 years.. that'd be 50,- a month. Which doesn't sound like too much. About the same price as my cell phone contract.

    Yeah really the main thing you need to keep in mind is how interest works. 5K @ 10 years(10 years is a really long loan term for a loan of that size btw) wouldn't be $41(5000/10/12) every month. Its $41 + interest every month.

    Lets say you get an 8% interest rate ( have no idea what personal loan rates are there, but this is probably in the ball park).
    So a 5K/10 year loan means you pay about $2280 in interest at $60 a month.
    A 5K/5 year loan = $1080 in interest at $100 a month.
    A 5K/2 year loan = $430 in interest at $225 a month.

    So yeah, just to put that all in perspective. If you can get by with a shorter loan term, you save a lot of money in interest payments.

    In general terms an 8% rate is sort of crappy, its way better than taking out debt on a credit card(15-20%), but way worse than say, an auto or home loan(2-6%). If you can pay it down in a short amount of time, like less than 3 years, the interest hit isn't too bad. But 10 years, that's almost 50% of the loan on top for interest, thats probably not worth it.

    Also, if you don't have a steady "day job" or money saved up that will let you keep up with your loan payments if you go without 3d work for an extended period of time, I would not get a loan.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    I kinda feel like an idiot, not knowing anything about the interest stuff. But you basically pay, in this example, 8% of 5k ontop of the to be paid amount every month?
    Again I have zero experience with loans and what not and was just wondering how you got to the 60,- a month.

    But I will probably not bother with the loan anymore. Ill use the Adobe subscription and 3 month license for Maya. Save up some money to buy Bodypaint3d (or Modo if I end up liking it) and a new machine. If all goes well and I have enough to pay for Photoshop I'll just buy it instead of continuing the subscription. I am not so sure about Maya though, 4k still sounds like allot even if I could afford it. If I end up liking Modo and it can replace most of the stuff I do with Maya I'll probably get Modo instead.
  • WarrenM
    My 2 cents ... Don't go into debt for this. Use free tools and save your money until you can afford the ones you want. The painting and modeling techniques you learn on the free stuff will be pretty easily transferable to the better software so you aren't wasting your time at all.

    If you hate the free tools, well, that'll just spur you on to save more aggressively. :)

    Borrowing money just to have something faster is almost always a bad idea, except in the case of something like a house.
  • 2cat
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    2cat polycounter lvl 5
    BKR registrations are only for some type of loans, like the Buy now, pay in two years type of deals. It shouldn't be that big a deal unless you have some crazy debt for some weird loan.

    As for getting fined on paying your loan off early, you're getting "fined" because if you'd pay it off in the agreed upon time you pay them a lot of interest. They'll lose out on that if you pay early, so they "fine" you to make up some of that loss. Kinda sneaky but its dependant on the loan and the bank / company that financed your loan.

    As for tax deductable stuff: basically you can deduct everything you buy for your business. Any business costs and purchases can be deducted, software purchases, software subscriptions, hardware purchases, buying a new desk, junk like that.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Very good input and many kudos to everyone in this page, lost of good info. Frankly stay away from a loan, use the money for a school degree or wait it out.

    my 2 cents
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I don't know if you have strong morals, but a risk analyst would say that for a person in your situation it would be best to torrent the programs and pay when you can afford it and not get the loan.

    I know you said specifically that you do not wish to do this but man, you are setting yourself up for financial hardship if you get the loan. Its hard enough to be a freelance guy starting out, but with the added pressure of paying off a loan, it could be really bad. Personally, I'm still really pissed about my own loans via college. Wish I could go back in time and go another route. Good luck!
  • EarthQuake
    Suggesting torrent use is really against our policies here at Polycount, so please, lets not go down that road.

    There are a good deal of free alternatives, like blender, gimp, etc

    Autodesk also offers some student licensees as well, which should be totally valid for anything but paid work. I'm not sure what sort of requirements you need, but check it out here: http://students.autodesk.com/?nd=download_center

    There was also the whole photoshop CS2 fiasco "is it free" thing, which is enough of a gray area to look into: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115381
  • EarthQuake
    bb0x wrote: »
    I kinda feel like an idiot, not knowing anything about the interest stuff. But you basically pay, in this example, 8% of 5k ontop of the to be paid amount every month?
    Again I have zero experience with loans and what not and was just wondering how you got to the 60,- a month.

    I wish I could explain how interest works but I'm not that smart. I think you pay 8%(or whatever the rate is) yearly.

    So with a fixed monthly payment, as you owe less and less on the loan, you pay less and less interest, so the ratio of principal to interest changes over the course of the loan. When you first get a loan is when you're paying the most interest.

    Which is also why it makes sense to pay more than the minimum monthly payment, as you're paying only principal at that point, which will pay your loan off way faster.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    you can be proficient in blender faster than itd take to pay the loan

    go scrape up ~$100 for photoshop elements

    boom dun
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Lovely clown !
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    bbox i took a look at the current rules for bkr registrations and the faq and these are the current rules for it:
    Wanneer word ik geregistreerd bij Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR)? U wordt geregistreerd in een centraal register bij BKR zodra een bedrijf dat is aangesloten bij BKR, bijvoorbeeld een bank of een thuiswinkelorganisatie, u een krediet heeft verleend, zoals een persoonlijke lening of een creditcard.
    Ontstaan BKR-registratie
    Wilt u een krediet bij een bedrijf dat is aangesloten bij BKR, dan vraagt dit bedrijf uw gegevens op bij BKR. Besluit het bedrijf u een krediet te verlenen, dan meldt het bedrijf dit aan BKR. Vervolgens registreert BKR uw krediet in het centrale register. Heeft u een betalingsachterstand, dan moet het bedrijf dit aan BKR doorgeven.
    Verwijderen BKR-registratie
    Uw registratie bij BKR blijft bestaan gedurende de looptijd van uw krediet. Is uw krediet be
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Rent Maya for 90 days for $200 USD: ::Clicky::
    Rent 3DS Max for 90 days $200 USD: ::Linky::

    Don`t know how many times you can do it, but I assume you can use when you need.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Lamont wrote: »
    Rent Maya for 90 days for $200 USD: ::Clicky::
    Rent 3DS Max for 90 days $200 USD: ::Linky::

    Don`t know how many times you can do it, but I assume you can use when you need.

    Sounds like a sweet deal but tbh i'm afraid that it's only a sort of production trail given that they use the word "Try" in the description.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    I would recommend to anyone who wants to try to read the fine print. I saw this on CGChannel a few months ago.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Hmm.. It looks like that 3 months deal isnt available in Europe?

    When I click on the buy 3 month license thingy I get redirected to a page where I need to select language and country. When I click on buy maya, it simply doesn't show the option.

    Also about BKR.. Yeah I understand now, at first I thought it was just a regular blacklist, something negative, someone owing a company or bank money. While that is the case for loans.. it isn't negative perse.

    It'd be nice if you'd ask your step-dad for us. Thanks! =]
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah in the US if you have a loan, credit card debt, mortgage, unpaid bills or anything its all reported to various credit agencies(I think there is 3, ffs). But its not an inherently bad thing. If you pay your bills on time, its actually a good thing(building positive credit).

    Taking out a small personal loan, and using a credit card but paying it off before you owe any interest are both excellent ways to build positive credit.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    somewhat related?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78yigV0GYGQ&feature=player_embedded"]Adobe CEO refuses to answer Australian pricing questions - YouTube[/ame]
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Howabout you just get a part-time job and work 20 hours a week and save up? Impatience (aka loans) will fuck you hard.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I dunno, seems like Earthquake is a pretty successful entrepreneur kind of person - I never hear successful people that run their own business advocate the no debt mindset, it's the modern equivalent to keeping your savings in your mattress.

    anyway, on the other side - I've always seen freelancing as starting your own business, not something to take lightly or on a lark. The usual suggestion is to have the enough savings to go without income for 3-6 months and I've heard people say not to expect your business to be profitable in the first year.
  • Mikel
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    Mikel polycounter lvl 10
    Well. I'd like to ask the polycounters about the chance of downloading the software from The Pirate Bay. We all know that is not an honest choice but there it is. I'm starting as a 3d modeller. I know Blender but now i'm switching to Maya. I can't pay such a big license so... TPB (Forgive my bad english)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    from the rules thread:
    "Polycount will not be used as a platform for speaking out in favor of piracy, thus threads centering around piracy may be removed/deleted"

    Commercial 3D apps have 30 day trials, that's more than enough time to learn how to use one for a studio position.
  • Mikel
    Offline / Send Message
    Mikel polycounter lvl 10
    from the rules thread:
    "Polycount will not be used as a platform for speaking out in favor of piracy, thus threads centering around piracy may be removed/deleted"

    Commercial 3D apps have 30 day trials, that's more than enough time to learn how to use one for a studio position.

    Got it. I think i just forgot that rule. Forgive me for being such a bad noob... :(
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    Get a student license.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Using student software for commercial work is no different than piracy. You are making money illegally.
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