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[Dota2] - pudge - dog hater



  • Clyptic
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    Clyptic polycounter lvl 6
    Why is everyone so serious? O.o
  • .leshiy
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    .leshiy polycounter lvl 5
    I'm russian, but my english is funny too =)
    I'll try to help, because you job just amazing. Thx for fun and GL!
    P.S. Rly?! why so seriously? =^__^=
  • PoPcorn
    Probably my favourite entry so far.
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    Almost done (only texts left)

  • .leshiy
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    .leshiy polycounter lvl 5
    Юль, а может тебе просто компикс залить в мастерскую к описанию сета, или ссылкой прилепить... Ты можешь его пересобрать в горизонтальную полоску. Он очень доставляет и раскрывает всю суть. Единственный вопрос - можно ли в описание сета залить несколько картинок - я не уверен...

    Yulia, may be you just upload a comic-image to the description of a set into workshop, or you can attach a link to a description ... You can rebuild it into a horizontal strip. He is very cool and reveals the whole idea. But is it possible to attach a few images to the description set, I'm not sure.

    PS: well done! GLHF
  • Yulia_Nightshade
  • Malvodion
    Clyptic wrote: »
    Why is everyone so serious? O.o

    You say that because you won't have to stare at it while playing.
  • PoPcorn
    Malvodion wrote: »
    You say that because you won't have to stare at it while playing.

    I wish I could stare at it while playing.
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    Is anybody here who can help witn my english?

    Here are texts for set and items:

    You know our Budgy - he likes living caruncle.

    Once he decided to play with the doggy. And this fu… furry piece of meat nipped our tot. The hand was swallowed whole can you imagine this? Since that our Bud is with dog on his shoulder. Budge tried to scrape off the dog with forks but that was useless. He only bent the pitchfork. Yes, you saw it youself - Budge walks with these pitchfork now. And the bone that in the other hand is – Bud slayed the farmer by it. For what? The farmer backstab him with wooden stake. This piece of wood sticks out of the back to this day.

    Since that Butch deadly hates dogs. And hi wears a mask. He would have to drop a hint, to take it off because hi looks like a maniac one .

    Main weapon - the pitchfork
    This is the pitchfork of dead farmer. It has only two toothes left... but it`s mean double damage!

    Left hand weapon - the bone
    It doesn't only hurt but its has psychological effects - Its real fear enemies.

    Shoulder - the Bulldog
    It had weared long time but it`s still alive. It`s the prime cause of Pudge`s
    psychological injury.

    Back - the Sign
    The uncomfortable stuff but usefull - it prevents backstabs.

    Head - the mask
    We dont know why the Budge wears it but all maniacs like leather masks. And the Bud does as well.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Your version edited:
    Pudge the dog lover story:
    You know our Pudgy - he liked living carefree.

    Once he decided to play with a doggy and his meaty bone, this furry piece of s--t bit pudgies hand and tried to swallow it whole can you imagine that?
    Since then our pudge remains with the dog on his shoulder. Pudge tried to scrape off the dog with the farmers pitch fork but that was useless.
    He only bent the pitchfork. yes, you saw it yourself - pudge walks with the pitchfork in anger and frustration now.
    He also carries the bone he slayed the farmer with. For what? The farmer back stabbed him with the wooden warning sign and staked pudge. This piece of wood sticks out of his back to this day as a reminder.

    Since then pudgy has a deadly hatred for dogs now he wears a cat ski-mask because he loves cats now.

    Main weapon - the pitchfork
    This is the pitchfork of the dead farmer. It has only two pokers left... but It is mean with double damage!

    Left hand weapon - the bone
    It doesn't only hurt but its has psychological effects - It puts real fear into his enemies.

    Shoulder - the Bulldog
    Has been worn along but it`s still alive. It`s the prime cause of
    Pudge`s psychological injuries.

    Back - the Sign
    The uncomfortable sign is usefull - it prevents backstabs. :)

    Head - the mask
    We don't know why the pudge wears it but all maniacs like leather masks. And the pud does as well.

    Suggestion change:
    Head - The Mask
    His new love strikes fear into his enemies, he just glances over at the dog and goes psychotic on his enemies.

    I made some suggestions to the story you can go with it or not but here is my revised version:

    My version:
    Pudge the dog lover story:
    In a time before his lore.
    Our Pudge used to like living carefree.

    Once a long time ago he decided to play with a dog and his meaty bone, this furry animal decided to bite pudgies hand and then tried to swallow it whole can you imagine that?

    His owner "the farmer", came to defend his k-9 companion and to show pudge the warning sign he must have either ignored or missed.
    Pudge grabs the farmers pitch fork and tried to scrape off the dog with it but that was useless he only bends the pitchfork.

    The farmer is struck with insane anger at what pudge has done against his k9 friend and strikes pudge through his back with the warning sign "beware of the dog" he screams can't you read.
    Pudge beats him off with the dogs meaty bone in retaliation and to defend himself.

    To this day he wears these reminders that he must always defend himself against all men and dogs alike. He now wears a cat like ski-mask to show that he is now remembered as - Pudge the dog hater!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    This is AMAZING!!!!!

  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Clyptic wrote: »
    Why is everyone so serious? O.o

    Better question is; Why is everyone not taking the contest seriously? So many entries with absolutely no chance at victory, purely because the so-called artist didn't care enough to research what were working with.

    Really pains me to see talent wasted.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Better question is; Why is everyone not taking the contest seriously? So many entries with absolutely no chance at victory, purely because the so-called artist didn't care enough to research what were working with.

    Some people enjoy making art simply to make art. While this may not get accepted into the contest, the fact is it has character. The set is well done artistically and technically, has a clever back story, and is just amusing as it is. I love it when people complain about it not matching the character or Dota as a whole when the characters story could be written on an index card. Also, this is a board full of people in the industry. While most the player base may hate it (so serious) most the artists who frequent these boards will probably find it endearing and a memorable entry may help him down the road for interviews or otherwise.
    Really pains me to see talent wasted.

    So, knowing that only so many entries are going to win this contest does it pain you to look at every entry past the ten that win? Does it pain you knowing that all of those are "wasted talent?"

    While I agree that it doesn't match the style set forth by Valve, I just imagine it may not get accepted into the running. That doesn't stop me from accepting that it is a very well done piece of art, and I'm not going to let such 'serious business' stop me from enjoying it.
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    Better question is; Why is everyone not taking the contest seriously? So many entries with absolutely no chance at victory, purely because the so-called artist didn't care enough to research what were working with.

    Really pains me to see talent wasted.

    1. They don't care to get it in the game and entered the contest for fun or as a challenge.

    2. They're working for a company that won't let them enter.

    It's probably one or the other. :)

    Great work though, Yulia!
  • demondance
    I love this set, seriously... very funny and somehow fit with Pugde.

    Hope it will be implemented.
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    $!nz wrote: »
    My version:
    Pudge the dog lover story:
    In a time before his lore.
    Our Pudge used to like living carefree.

    Once a long time ago he decided to play with a dog and his meaty bone, this furry animal decided to bite pudgies hand and then tried to swallow it whole can you imagine that?

    His owner "the farmer", came to defend his k-9 companion and to show pudge the warning sign he must have either ignored or missed.
    Pudge grabs the farmers pitch fork and tried to scrape off the dog with it but that was useless he only bends the pitchfork.

    The farmer is struck with insane anger at what pudge has done against his k9 friend and strikes pudge through his back with the warning sign "beware of the dog" he screams can't you read.
    Pudge beats him off with the dogs meaty bone in retaliation and to defend himself.

    To this day he wears these reminders that he must always defend himself against all men and dogs alike. He now wears a cat like ski-mask to show that he is now remembered as - Pudge the dog hater!



    I will use your version. Thank you very much!!!
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    by the way - I have the release this week


    "Infinity run" - I was outsourcing for this game
  • D4V1DC
    Offline / Send Message
    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18


    I will use your version. Thank you very much!!!

    Your welcome and awesome to hear especially the game release Infinity run, congrats!
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    praetus wrote: »
    While I agree that it doesn't match the style set forth by Valve, I just imagine it may not get accepted into the running. That doesn't stop me from accepting that it is a very well done piece of art, and I'm not going to let such 'serious business' stop me from enjoying it.

    Not once have I said that it looks bad, other than from the standpoint of Dota 2/Pudge's lore and character. The model and the texture are very high quality and only the idea has problems, and a lot of them to tell the truth.

    That's what I meant by "wasted talent". The author could have done so well and maybe even won if they could be able to take the contest seriously. But alas, not all have what it takes. Being an artist isn't all about the art.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Not once have I said that it looks bad, other than from the standpoint of Dota 2/Pudge's lore and character. The model and the texture are very high quality and only the idea has problems, and a lot of them to tell the truth.

    That's what I meant by "wasted talent". The author could have done so well and maybe even won if they could be able to take the contest seriously. But alas, not all have what it takes. Being an artist isn't all about the art.

    If the person fails let them fail, some people need to learn the hard way.
    Or they don't care and want to see what this social experiment will do.. perhaps so far it's been a negative experience to say the least. I hope Valve see's how their Dota2 community has come into this competition from the start to state their resentment for anything outside of the character lore. Hopefully they touch on that subject when posting the results and their chosen top entries.
  • lotrein
    praetus wrote: »
    Some people enjoy making art simply to make art. While this may not get accepted into the contest, the fact is it has character. The set is well done artistically and technically, has a clever back story, and is just amusing as it is. I love it when people complain about it not matching the character or Dota as a whole when the characters story could be written on an index card. Also, this is a board full of people in the industry. While most the player base may hate it (so serious) most the artists who frequent these boards will probably find it endearing and a memorable entry may help him down the road for interviews or otherwise.

    So, knowing that only so many entries are going to win this contest does it pain you to look at every entry past the ten that win? Does it pain you knowing that all of those are "wasted talent?"

    While I agree that it doesn't match the style set forth by Valve, I just imagine it may not get accepted into the running. That doesn't stop me from accepting that it is a very well done piece of art, and I'm not going to let such 'serious business' stop me from enjoying it.

    It's not only about art, and as far as i can tell, everything she's after is money. If she really did that for art, she could post it anywhere, share and enjoy, yet she proposes this to a serious competition, where people test their abilitiesand try to earn some money if they were the best. You can note for yourself that she even advertised an iphone app, which is really out of my mind, this is a tournament, how the hell did an app advertisement get in? Her entry is a joke, she didn't bother to read the rules, she didnt bother to play the game, she didnt bother to read all warnings from people (i guess just because she's really bad at english). That's a perfect image of what's really going on here.
  • lotrein
    Hell, with this freaking bone, my favourite hero isn't a chin chopper anymore. Some gay ass rainbow kitty lover with a road sign in his chest. I take this personally and this set is tremendously horrible lore wise and even logically. Come on! He's a Butcher!! Where's my knife or any sort of sharp or cutting weapon? I just "LOVE" the idea of cutting off your arm and body with a gigantic BONE. Splednid, should i say that? And this fork, how the hell is he supposed to hook? Have you ever seen a FORK on a CHAIN? I haven't. It's not retarded lore wise, it freaking breaks the concept of this hero. Dead set.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    lotrein wrote: »
    It's not only about art, and as far as i can tell, everything she's after is money. If she really did that for art, she could post it anywhere, share and enjoy, yet she proposes this to a serious competition, where people test their abilitiesand try to earn some money if they were the best. You can note for yourself that she even advertised an iphone app, which is really out of my mind, this is a tournament, how the hell did an app advertisement get in? Her entry is a joke, she didn't bother to read the rules, she didnt bother to play the game, she didnt bother to read all warnings from people (i guess just because she's really bad at english). That's a perfect image of what's really going on here.

    So, if they made this at any other time you would have been OK for it but now it's "serious competition?" You're absolutely right, it doesn't fit the rules. Knowing that, it will most likely not progress much past this. So, what exactly is the harm of making it? What, because it angers you? Oh, you precious snowflake. You're getting so very upset over something that you don't even think holds a chance to get in the game. Why? Why bother?

    While the competition itself is serious, in the end it will be Valve who decides what gets in. Just relax. Take it easy. This is a fun board for artists to stretch their imaginative muscles. We can all just enjoy ourselves and appreciate peoples hard work.:thumbup:
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    lotrein wrote: »
    everything she's after is money.

    for money i will make a few items after contest. And they will be more trivial.
    lotrein wrote: »
    she proposes this to a serious competition, where people test their abilities

    lotrein wrote: »
    and try to earn some money

    lotrein wrote: »
    how the hell did an app advertisement get in?

    Sorry. That was a boasting :poly139:
  • Shiv
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    Shiv polycounter lvl 15
    "precious snowflake" - I am using that, everywhere :)

    To beat a dead horse
    Lotrein - Competition doesn't need to be taken seriously, and you are talking in Yulia's thread as tho they aren't a part of it. If you don't like the work, either give constructive criticism or don't say anything. I did not enter for the money, I doubt many people here did, I entered because its a freaking Valve game with cool ass art in it.
    Grow up dude.

    Congrats on the attention Yulia :)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    lotrein; that homophobic response should get you a perma-ban on this site. We don't roll like that here.

    You did a Great job Yulia!
  • Yulia_Nightshade
  • bugball

    SO? is a reference to the original dota where the courier was a chicken... fits perfectly hehe
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    lotrein; that homophobic response should get you a perma-ban on this site.

    No way!

    Internet was created
    for people can show they intellectual level.
    even if they dont plan to do it. :poly124:
  • lotrein
    Shiv wrote: »
    "precious snowflake" - I am using that, everywhere :)

    To beat a dead horse
    Lotrein - Competition doesn't need to be taken seriously, and you are talking in Yulia's thread as tho they aren't a part of it. If you don't like the work, either give constructive criticism or don't say anything. I did not enter for the money, I doubt many people here did, I entered because its a freaking Valve game with cool ass art in it.
    Grow up dude.

    Congrats on the attention Yulia :)

    I never said her work is bad or poorly done, I - as well as everyone here - think that she's a great modeler, but come on, do you construct a building without getting an architect degree or without any info for what this building will be for? Do you cook food without ever eating it at least once yourself? No. For the same reason you can't make an addition to the game without even playing it once, without knowing lores and other stuff as well as understanding competition rules fully. I may overextended and i've been a too harsh, and I am sorry for that, i freaked out. But if you made something without any intel on the competition rules, please just keep it by yourself and you are free to just share your work with people, but why would you ever try to participate seriously with such goods?
  • Gittum

    If you quote the Runner as being #1 you should also quote the Author:
    Hawf the Super Rad [author] Sep 20, 2012 @ 1:08pm
    Never getting finished as it saddens me to say

    Page 3 of the comments.

    It's either copyright from Final Fantasy or doesn't fit the style of Dota. Votes mean nothing if the item doesn't fit Dota. If your set manages to get into the game it won't be for long, much like the Alpine Ursa set that is now gone.

    That being said, I'll buy it immediately. It will be worth a lot to traders once it gets removed, much like Alpine Ursa currently is.

    Aside from all the bickering about if this item fits or not, you have a great deal of talent. I particularly like the face on the dog.
  • Stinkhorse
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    Stinkhorse polycounter lvl 12

    That beauty shot is looking fantastic. Great work bringing it all together.
  • PoPcorn
    I really don't understand why anyone would get worked up over this entry.

    She has been told the set doesn't fit the games style and that it won't get accepted. I'm pretty sure she understands that and has decided to ignore it for their own reasons.

    The item is very unlikely to ever get into the game, so what exactly is the problem? You won't ever have to see it in a real game of Dota .

    Just enjoy the joke, the comic and the quality of art and leave it at that, there really doesn't need to be anymore discussion on how it doesn't fit. Relax, don't get so angry.
  • JauntyTunes
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    JauntyTunes polycounter lvl 8
    Yulia, you are my hero. And great presentation on your set!
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14
    this is awesome Yulia, particularly the texture work. The comic is pretty kick ass too lol, nice touch.
  • demondance
    I mean, hey we sell item, but not everything must be serious. Some types of funny thing is good too. I don't think any problem of it. You can buy anything you want to.

    I loled when i saw this concept at first time. That 's good.

    Keep it up guy...
  • Stinkhorse
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    Stinkhorse polycounter lvl 12
    @PoPcorn - You see this sort of attitude whenever a contest rolls around. Rules lawyers and small folks who want to feel important come in spouting like their vision of the contest and the game it applies to is the only truth. If a design gets into the game, then it gets in because the creators recognize it's strength. If it doesn't because of a rule violation, then again it's on the creators of the game to make that decision, not someone on an internet forum who drug in a soapbox. The only thing to do in either case is keep making awesome art and following the vision that got you to enter the contest in the first place.
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    I so hope this wins first place.
  • LuCh!
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    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    haha, awesome set!
    love that it has a backstory!
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Awesome comic, great job!
  • Yulia_Nightshade
    Yulia, you are my hero.

  • Yulia_Nightshade
    Hi all! Congratulations on the 3December - the international day of 3D!!!
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