While I see the joke on it, you should be aware that most dota players don't really like such jokes and put a lot of focus on a fitting theme for the hero. A example would be the cyborgbroodmother set or the alpine ursa set which both got removed pretty fast from dota 2, once they somehow came through the workshop. While a lot of players didn't mind a bear with alpine clothing there was quite the massive critiscm on reddit about it. Valve stated that they will only allow custom ideas fitting the hero theme and trust me the community wouldn't let that go through too. You can try it, but I doubt that this will be added in the game, with a pudge that has a cat mask on his head...
I... didn't wanted to say this, but please, go back to LoL or whatever place you came from, or read the guidelines before trying. Don't get me wrong, Your stuff is very well made, but, this is an insult for Dota 2 players.
They posted a big article full of pictures about the game's artstyle for a reason.
I didn't say anything when I first saw this set/idea. If you think people here are bad, when you post it to steam you'll get flamed with hate ...in many languages
I didn't say anything when I first saw this set/idea. If you think people here are bad, when you post it to steam you'll get flamed with hate ...in many languages
Lol oh yea, I got a few posts idk wtf they are saying, they need a translation button on the side of each comment.
These are a few that have the sacks to come in and tell you before you finish it at least.:shifty:
Yulia, please, consider forfeiting this project. As you carry on posting these pictures even after the warnings, that you don't keep with the competition rules, your actions seem like a bad trolling. If you close this thread and announce that you're done with this project, would be better to everyone, thank you.
it's still a solid piece of art, despite the satyrical nature. and if people are gonna rage that hard over what is an optional vanity item... well, first world problems, right?
As a dota 2 player... well if this sets get into the game , I'll just quit dota,
As for the modeller, your skills are awesome.
but really as a dota 2 player this just does not fit, and won't get into the game, I'd give it like a 1 or 2 % chance to get into dota store, and the shitstorm would be so big that Valve will remove it later, I think is a waste of talent to do something you know won't gonna be accepted
As a dota 2 player... well if this sets get into the game , I'll just quit dota
lies, no one will quit you will all live.
Anyway, love the set man, It would be f-kin hilarious if you worked for Valve and just want to stick It to these people. :poly136: but you didn't hear this from me.:)
It is not a waste if this is what he intended, not everyone posting on the forums is trying to win. Anyway, really well done. Concept is a little off, but your execution is very well done.
Quite funny (unfortunately probably too much for dota players)
Congrats on pushing the idea despite all the haters.
And congrats on the quality of the set.
1. I decided to change the mask fromcarton to leather one. Now it`s like maniac one ftom my comix
2. I added "THE" to the sign.
3. Skinning is done - tonight I will export model to dota.
Is anybody from Russia here? I can`t translate set`s description below
Люди добрые! Мы сами не местные! Помогите кто чем может.
вот описание сета:
[FONT="]Ты нашего Бутча знаешь любит он живое мясцо.
[FONT="]Решил он поиграть с собачкой. А та хвать - руку целиком заглотила! Так тушка на плече и висит. Бутч пытался даже вилами собаку соскоблить да куда там. Только вилы погнул. Да ты видел сам он с этими вилами и ходит. А кость, что в другой руке так это он фермера ей и уложил. За то, что кол ему в тело воткнул так деревяшка и торчит из спины по сей день. [/FONT]
[FONT="]С тех пор Бутч и не любит собак. Просто зверски ненавидит. И маску нацепил как маньяк какой-то. Нужно бы ему намекнуть, чтоб снял а то совсем на человека не похож стал.[/FONT]
[FONT="]правое оружие - вилы[/FONT]
[FONT="]Те самые вилы, что остались от фермера[/FONT][FONT="].[/FONT][FONT="]Может всего два целых зубца зато двойной урон.[/FONT]
[FONT="]левое оружие - масол[/FONT]
[FONT="]И[/FONT][FONT="]меет сильный психологический эффект, ввергает противника в ужас.[/FONT]
[FONT="]наплечник - собака[/FONT]
[FONT="]Висит давно, но еще жива. Забавно вращает глазками и лапками. Первопричина прихологической травмы бутча.[/FONT]
[FONT="]спина -кол[/FONT]
[FONT="]Неудобно, зато [/FONT][FONT="]защищает от удара сзади.[/FONT]
[FONT="]голова маска[/FONT]
[FONT="]Зачем бутч носит маску непонятно. Но, после пережитой душевной травмы, простительно.[/FONT]
I have two translation from my friends but
I do not believe they are totaly correct.
1. from friend
You know our Budgy - he likes living caruncle.
Once he decided to play with the doggy. And this fu furry piece of meat nipped our tot. The hand was swallowed whole can you imagine this? Since that our Bud is with dog on his shoulder. Budge tried to scrape off the dog with forks but that was useless. He only bent the pitchfork. Yes, you saw it youself - Budge walks with these pitchfork now. And the bone that in the other hand is Bud slayed the farmer by it. For what? The farmer backstab him with wooden stake. This piece of wood sticks out of the back to this day.
Since that Butch deadly hates dogs. And hi wears a mask. He would have to drop a hint, to take it off because hi looks like a maniac one .
Main weapon - the pitchfork
This is the pitchfork of dead farmer. It has only two toothes left... but it`s mean double damage!
Left hand weapon - the bone
It doesn't only hurt but its has psychological effects - Its real fear enemies.
Shoulder - the Bulldog
It had weared long time but it`s still alive. It`s the prime cause of Pudge`s
psychological injury.
Back - the Sign
The uncomfortable stuff but usefull - it prevents backstabs.
Head - the mask
We dont know why the Dudge wears it. But all maniacs like leather masks.
2. from google
- You know our Butch
- he love live caruncle.
- He decided to play with the dog. And that enough
- hand swallowed whole! So his body hanging on shoulder
- Butch tried even forks scraping dog
- so much there. Only forks bent. Yes, you saw it myself
- it is with these forks and walks. A bone that in the other hand
- it's him and put her farmer. For that number stuck in his body
- as a piece of wood sticking out of the back and to this day.
Since Butch hated dogs. Just brutally hate. And donned a mask as a maniac. He would have to drop a hint, that shot - and that person does not like to become.
New mask looks solid, though it could use some weathering or gore on it somewhere. Sign stake coming through the open belly was a good choice though you might want to bloody it up a bit too.
Lastly, just judging on the rest of the character, why not attach the leather strips of the mask to him with some over sized, fatty nails?
I know the dota players hate stuff that's completely outside of the lore/art style (me included, I play too much dota and I hate that stuff too :P) but I feel like a good compromise would be to have all the quality silly stuff accepted but it won't be available in the store, only drops during halloween, and can only be worn during halloween. That way it gets to be in the game instead of all that hard work being discarded without "ruining dota foreverz zomg."
I know the dota players hate stuff that's completely outside of the lore/art style (me included, I play too much dota and I hate that stuff too :P) but I feel like a good compromise would be to have all the quality silly stuff accepted but it won't be available in the store, only drops during halloween, and can only be worn during halloween. That way it gets to be in the game instead of all that hard work being discarded without "ruining dota foreverz zomg."
This is at least a very good idea and addition to the situation instead of qq I hope they don't allow it at all. The game is not that serious, life is but yea. I guess if your young you think It is the world, not that I hate DOTA but don't let it get carried away. Let Valve do their job not you guys, cause you really get nothing out of it, whether it gets in or not so why waste your energy..
Sry Yulia I'm not russian but was going to give a better translation a shot of what I think they mean but well that's a lot of work for an entry that isn't mine to be honest. Best of luck with it though, it's a nice piece of art if nothing else I enjoyed the hell out of it and found it hilarious and just overall love the colors and style, really nice work.
I come back to laugh at how funny this set really is, thanks that dog lol can't get over that.
Not because I want you to make an item set that will very likely be rejected, but because I love the dog on the shoulder.
As I see I will create the most disgusting shoulder of the contest :poly127:
Refrence to alpine ursa:
I`ll think about it
I'm sorry, it's one thing to give, say, the Pyro a futuristic weapon, but it's another thing ENTIRELY when you do this.
They posted a big article full of pictures about the game's artstyle for a reason.
Lol oh yea, I got a few posts idk wtf they are saying, they need a translation button on the side of each comment.
These are a few that have the sacks to come in and tell you before you finish it at least.:shifty:
it's still a solid piece of art, despite the satyrical nature. and if people are gonna rage that hard over what is an optional vanity item... well, first world problems, right?
now it`s masks and normal textures time.
link, please :poly108:
opp opp opp opp ! :poly124:
As for the modeller, your skills are awesome.
but really as a dota 2 player this just does not fit, and won't get into the game, I'd give it like a 1 or 2 % chance to get into dota store, and the shitstorm would be so big that Valve will remove it later, I think is a waste of talent to do something you know won't gonna be accepted
what a mess!
I fixed this mistake.
lies, no one will quit you will all live.
Anyway, love the set man, It would be f-kin hilarious if you worked for Valve and just want to stick It to these people. :poly136: but you didn't hear this from me.:)
Congrats on pushing the idea despite all the haters.
And congrats on the quality of the set.
You know too much. You are dead man! :poly124:
And who hates dogs like pudge do - welcome here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYi_35Y0CXs :poly130:
More like PUG-ge... get it?
great comic
do you mean:
And I hope it does so badly!:poly142:
Submit this in-time man I'll vote it up for you. :poly136:
2. I added "THE" to the sign.
3. Skinning is done - tonight I will export model to dota.
Is anybody from Russia here? I can`t translate set`s description below
Люди добрые! Мы сами не местные! Помогите кто чем может.
вот описание сета:
[FONT="]Ты нашего Бутча знаешь любит он живое мясцо.
[FONT="]Решил он поиграть с собачкой. А та хвать - руку целиком заглотила! Так тушка на плече и висит. Бутч пытался даже вилами собаку соскоблить да куда там. Только вилы погнул. Да ты видел сам он с этими вилами и ходит. А кость, что в другой руке так это он фермера ей и уложил. За то, что кол ему в тело воткнул так деревяшка и торчит из спины по сей день. [/FONT]
[FONT="]С тех пор Бутч и не любит собак. Просто зверски ненавидит. И маску нацепил как маньяк какой-то. Нужно бы ему намекнуть, чтоб снял а то совсем на человека не похож стал.[/FONT]
[FONT="]правое оружие - вилы[/FONT]
[FONT="]Те самые вилы, что остались от фермера[/FONT][FONT="].[/FONT][FONT="]Может всего два целых зубца зато двойной урон.[/FONT]
[FONT="]левое оружие - масол[/FONT]
[FONT="]И[/FONT][FONT="]меет сильный психологический эффект, ввергает противника в ужас.[/FONT]
[FONT="]наплечник - собака[/FONT]
[FONT="]Висит давно, но еще жива. Забавно вращает глазками и лапками. Первопричина прихологической травмы бутча.[/FONT]
[FONT="]спина -кол[/FONT]
[FONT="]Неудобно, зато [/FONT][FONT="]защищает от удара сзади.[/FONT]
[FONT="]голова маска[/FONT]
[FONT="]Зачем бутч носит маску непонятно. Но, после пережитой душевной травмы, простительно.[/FONT]
I have two translation from my friends but
I do not believe they are totaly correct.
1. from friend
You know our Budgy - he likes living caruncle.
Once he decided to play with the doggy. And this fu furry piece of meat nipped our tot. The hand was swallowed whole can you imagine this? Since that our Bud is with dog on his shoulder. Budge tried to scrape off the dog with forks but that was useless. He only bent the pitchfork. Yes, you saw it youself - Budge walks with these pitchfork now. And the bone that in the other hand is Bud slayed the farmer by it. For what? The farmer backstab him with wooden stake. This piece of wood sticks out of the back to this day.
Since that Butch deadly hates dogs. And hi wears a mask. He would have to drop a hint, to take it off because hi looks like a maniac one .
Main weapon - the pitchfork
This is the pitchfork of dead farmer. It has only two toothes left... but it`s mean double damage!
Left hand weapon - the bone
It doesn't only hurt but its has psychological effects - Its real fear enemies.
Shoulder - the Bulldog
It had weared long time but it`s still alive. It`s the prime cause of Pudge`s
psychological injury.
Back - the Sign
The uncomfortable stuff but usefull - it prevents backstabs.
Head - the mask
We dont know why the Dudge wears it. But all maniacs like leather masks.
2. from google
- You know our Butch
- he love live caruncle.
- He decided to play with the dog. And that enough
- hand swallowed whole! So his body hanging on shoulder
- Butch tried even forks scraping dog
- so much there. Only forks bent. Yes, you saw it myself
- it is with these forks and walks. A bone that in the other hand
- it's him and put her farmer. For that number stuck in his body
- as a piece of wood sticking out of the back and to this day.
Since Butch hated dogs. Just brutally hate. And donned a mask as a maniac. He would have to drop a hint, that shot - and that person does not like to become.
Lastly, just judging on the rest of the character, why not attach the leather strips of the mask to him with some over sized, fatty nails?
It's almost as if you didn't care about the game's style.
Oh, who are we kidding? You Don't care about it.
To Stinkhorse: He can have as much fun as he wants, but I realy hope Valve sticks to their promise and keep this thing far away from the game.
This is at least a very good idea and addition to the situation instead of qq I hope they don't allow it at all. The game is not that serious, life is but yea. I guess if your young you think It is the world, not that I hate DOTA but don't let it get carried away. Let Valve do their job not you guys, cause you really get nothing out of it, whether it gets in or not so why waste your energy..
Sry Yulia I'm not russian but was going to give a better translation a shot of what I think they mean but well that's a lot of work for an entry that isn't mine to be honest.