when I read the title I thought that you want to learn asian art ..
I don't think we are better or something, I take classic european/american painting as a benchmark.
so you can see, writings has noting to do to be good or to have many good artist in town.....
by looking at your portfolio, i can assume you saying that because you more interested in asian pop culture aesthetic. like animes or something. well the thing is , that kind of style embedded in every day life, from fashion, brand, manga at convenience store etc, .... , it is pretty easy to get authentic art references.
.as for today such style became popular in the west, since most kids and adults grew up with dragon ball or naruto, instead of donal ducks.
These are all by a semi-famous illiterate painter. If you're gunna draw such a strong connection between written language and artistic ability you'll need to extend the theory to explain this guy
haha are you guys really gonna start posting pictures of art by western artist to prove that there have lived great artists in the western world as well? I have a hard time believing that was what OP was trying to prove.
Some people need to chill, I hardly think what Gir said can be construed as Racist, that's a little over the top. To me it seemed like he just wanted to bring up a topic of debate and get other people's opinions, not get people raging/semi-raging. I bet if this same topic of conversation came up in person while drinking at the pub, no one would bat an eyelid
lol yeah chill man ;p. for me it is personal and up to him, art is always subjective. I just assuming he went down a bit when he saw black desert trailer ... .
Come on, man. You're better than this. First of all, this "debate" is not productive.
Just because you fail to see any depth or for that matter retrieve any type of knowledge doesn't mean that the subject would be useless or non-productive. Out of all the people actually trying to debate or write about this topic you seem inclined to "pop in" every now and then letting everybody know in two sentences that the thread is inherently racist and that the subject at hand is shit.
You don't offer any type of explanation or rational thought of why you happen to be right, you just proclaim the facts and then you bounce over to a new thread like a shithawk swooping down.
The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist, just because you infuse some type of standard answer to the question that happens to be racist does not make this thread racist or the questions at hand racist.
You would gain so much credibility if you actually applied yourself and battled the people showcasing these type of racist and bad opinions that you claim is within this thread. But you don't, you'd rather shit all-over it like some rabid self-proclaimed politicly correct shithawk.
I cant believe this thread is still here TBH. Makes me wonder about the moderating staff
I understand that people like you would rather like that your own opinions and infused bigoted hatred of specific subjects would set the agenda.
But polycount does not.
So please don't throw around disgusting and undeserving racist accusations in this thread, because that is not productive, it's just sad.
And more important, every time you say that this thread is non-productive you shit over the people actually spending time and power to write and read in this thread. There's been some incredible contributors writing from all angles about this, and I think we should be very happy and blessed for that. :thumbup:
You would gain so much credibility if you actually applied yourself and battled the people showcasing these type of racist and bad opinions that you claim is within this thread. But you don't, you'd rather shit all-over it like some rabid self-proclaimed politicly correct shithawk.
Naw, guys, even if you're attributing cultural reasons to it, this thread is pretty racist --
" Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior "
Merriam webster:
" Racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race "
I think a lot of people have this misunderstanding. Being racist isn't about hating people of another color or degrading them -- it's about entertaining bullshit ideas about racial differences, that poles are good workers or jews are good with money or whatever. Certain of these things tend to bear true -- many of the stereotypes are based on cultural trends or demographics -- but they don't have anything to do with those persons' race. If you find yourself wondering why black people are so good at sports, you need to shut your mouth and open your ears and get educated.
There has been a LOT of scientific study into whether certain races/regions tend to produce people with specific skillsets and aptitudes, and the final answer was OF COURSE NOT.
Why are black people better at basketball? The same reason white people used to be better at basketball -- Because culture better incentivizes athletic black youth to pursue basketball!
Why are asians better at art? They aren't, there are a LOT of them, and the hundreds of millions of subpar asian artists don't really blip up on your radar here on an english speaking forum.
There's no room for debate here, these are simple questions with simple answers. And they have nothing to do with race. Whoever linked Stormfront is right -- this is the kind of thread where white supremacists will gladly offer a lot of insight about why so-and-so type of people are good at one thing or another,
One last thing: FUCK political correctness. It's not politically correct to call good-heartedly misguided people like you racist. But you are -- your idle curiosity happens to be about an issue where there are a lot of evil people who want to feed you a line of shit about asian people's brains being specifically tuned to be meek mathematicians or whatever.
artists from the west borrowed from the east as documented in whats called Orientalism.
But in Return the East looked to the West to contemporize traditional art. I have a book that talks about the japanese transformation of art from traditional to the contemporary.
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nihonga-Transcending-Japanese-Painting-1868-1968/dp/0834803631"]Nihonga: Transcending the Past - Japanese Style Painting, 1868-1968: Amazon.co.uk: Ellen P. Conant, J. Thomas Rimer, Stephen D. Owyoung: Books[/ame]
wonderful book one of my favourites.
Japan wasnt the only culture doing it as far eastern nations developed the art scene borrows very heavily from the west.
there is no better or worse.. its all subjective, the origins, cullture and society are so markedly different its impossible to compare.
Even when China opened up the new stuff coming from there was so popular worldwide because the chinese artists have been studying the contemporary art scene of the west and have been adopting its practices.
I can't really say i have read all that's been written in this thread and I can't talk for anyone but myself, but wasn't this debate about what ever cultural difference that might make some Asian countries have a higher % of people better at art? I really don't think anyone was talking about Asians are born better artists hehe, or is that what you are actually talking about?
Or if you mean it's racist to say that that some countries are better at something because of cultural differences, then that's kinda crazy, It just happens these countries have a very high % Asian population, I think they would still discuss this even if it was as mixed as any other country.
You will find that no-one has made the claim that any race or genetic is involved, this notion of race has not been brought up by anyone other than the people getting angry at their own preconceived thoughts of the topic.
I think your very own definition of Asians as being a race carries the notion of how ill-informed you are on the subject, not that if it happened to be that Asia was a race would that make your critique of the thread any more valid, it's just one of those coincidences.
One last thing: FUCK political correctness. It's not politically correct to call good-heartedly misguided people like you racist. But you are -- your idle curiosity happens to be about an issue where there are a lot of evil people who want to feed you a line of shit about asian people's brains being specifically tuned to be meek mathematicians or whatever.
I see that you added this, and I can only say that even though I'm quite offended by your attack, I'm more so surprised by the fact that you would think that my interest of this topic evolved around race, since I haven't mentioned race until you attacked me with being a racist.
your idle curiosity happens to be about an issue where there are a lot of evil people who want to feed you a line of shit about asian people's brains being specifically tuned to be meek mathematicians or whatever.
And I do agree that on a forum primarily focused on race, this thread would have been bombarded with hate and bigoted statements regarding genetics. But have you seen any of those in this thread, and better yet, would you please show me where I specifically have made these?
My attack on Jedi was not necessarily meant as an attack on his view, but rather the way he shouted racist and called the thread non-productive whilst not giving any reason for it, making his statements idiotic and his later claim self fulfilling.
I do however applaud you for stating why the whole thread is racist, and even though I don't fully agree with the shit sandwich you've given, I do admire the courage it must have taken to write so stupidly about a thread(as well as a person) you probably haven't fully read or for that matter comprehended.
I should probably restate my own opinion and which I made on page 1:
I should probably iterate that I don't think that Asians are better at making art, or that Asians for that matter have a inherent aptitude towards the production of art.. But neither does the Almighty Gir(Or at least not that Asian are inherently better at it).
What Gir said was that due to having a very visual alphabet, Asian children have to develop the skill of drawing at a very young age, and therefore Asian have so many great artist. He didn't for one second say that Asians are inherently better at making art, but rather that Asia has a culture and language that is beneficial for creating great artists.
I would agree if not for the fact that he seemed to make the fallacy of assuming that there are proportionally a greater amount of artists created in Asia in-comparison to any other continent as a result of having a visual alphabet.
The problem with this thread is that it's far to broad and inconclusive. Asia is a huge continent in the same way that Africa is a huge continent. The tradition and culture of Cambodia varies greatly from the culture and tradition of Japan, and there seems to be far to many factors and components to what makes a country or a culture produce thriving artists!
I'm sorry, but you're the judgemental dick in this, not me.
And I except to get a excuse better than Jedi's jpg post.
Ehh, Karl, I didn't intend it in a personal way at you, only the overall dialogue in this thread -- I apologize that the language in my post got a bit personal.
I firmly disagree with you on the nature of the thread and how productive any theories about asians being better at art are, and I do really think ANY dialogue along these lines is racist, even if it's wrapped in some theory about calligraphy. Hunting for a reason why asians are better at art naturally tips you toward racist dialogue and thinking. But I got over-aggressive in defending jedi (who I overall agree with.) Obviously I don't know you as a person at all -- Sorry dude!
Not to perpetuate this argument, but because you asked for me to clarify what I was attacking:
The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist
That IS racist. Asking why a disproportionate amount of people who dominate at long distance running come from african american communities is an interesting question -- asking why black people become runners is a false, racist pretense. It's a matter of very important semantics. The way you construct your questions effects the answers you might find quite a bit.
Editing in just a little more clarification:
"Why are most of the artists I admire from Korea and China and Japan?" Is an interesting question -- "why are Asians so good at art?" Is a fucked up, racist line of inquiry, and no matter the effort you make to construct a non-racist answer to it, it's poor judgement and distorted by perception of race. There's completely misattributed otherness to 'asians' in that question, and it just isn't productive to discuss.
Ehh, Karl, I didn't intend it in a personal way at you, only the overall dialogue in this thread -- I apologize that the language in my post got a bit personal.
This is the thing, the overall dialogue of this thread has not been about any of the racist shit-banter you lashed out with, out of all racist shit that has been said, your keyboard have been the producer of the majority.
"It's not politically correct to call good-heartedly misguided people like you racist. But you are..."
How could this be construed into anything other than you, calling me specifically a racist?! Did you refer to the more "overall" dialogue of the last two pages about Asians and art being "you are racist"?
I firmly disagree with you on the nature of the thread and how productive any theories about Asians being better at art are, and I do really think ANY dialogue along these lines is racist, even if it's wrapped in some theory about calligraphy, but I was over-aggressive in defending jedi (who I overall agree with.) Obviously I don't know you as a person at all -- Sorry dude!
But that speaks in quantity about you, not of me. The fact that you think that any type of dialogue along these lines are racist, speaks in quantity, as well as quality of your view on racism. Throwing away the notion of me being a racist does, yet again speak in quantities about you. The fact that you would rather side with someone who has only made a three sentence statement that I criticized for being some deformed type of hate-mongering speaks yet again in quantities of you.
I called Jedi out on writing shit without having the courage to back it up, which made you get angry, even though you've previously haven't written anything in this thread, making you the person randomly flying of the hinge in some semi-erotic rage, not at all in defence Jedi, but rather with grave accusations of me.
That IS racist. Asking why a disproportionate amount of people who dominate at long distance running come from african american communities is an interesting question -- asking why black people become runners is a false, racist pretense. It's a matter of very important semantics. The way you construct your questions effects the answers you might find quite a bit.
Yet again you seem inclined to fall into a rhetorical trap, that statement was made after your statement about me being a racist, to theoretically assume that I'm a racist despite evidence, and then claiming that the proof of me being a racist, were for some reason apparent even though my statement had not yet been made, making my quote earlier so much sweeter:
this notion of race has not been brought up by anyone other than the people getting angry at their own preconceived thoughts of the topic.
You saw my comment and just assumed that I were a racist, judging me entirely on the basis of what I didn't write, which in your book had to to lead to the obvious conclusion of me being a racist.
That IS racist. Asking why a disproportionate amount of people who dominate at long distance running come from african american communities is an interesting question -- asking why black people become runners is a false, racist pretense. It's a matter of very important semantics. The way you construct your questions effects the answers you might find quite a bit.
You have to learn to read what you quote.. I made the statement "The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist" You then didn't read the thing you quoted and are now telling me that I'm posing a racist question that I haven't posed, but that you have?
(Also, that question that you quoted were a rephrasing of a quote from you, you made the statement as an example regarding questions that are racist, you have now removed that part, but you still keep this part, which is far worse in terms of pissing on your own argument.)
Why are black people better at basketball? The same reason white people used to be better at basketball -- Because culture better incentivizes athletic black youth to pursue basketball!
Even though it's a nonsensical statement since you've left out "African American" and replaced it with "black people", making it suffer from the exact same type of racism you think of as racism(whilst very few does)and indeed accused me of bolstering.
Black people is a race Africa-American is a community. Posing the question of why African-Americans excel in something would be the same as to ask the question of why Asian-Americans excel at something, however asking, or for that matter concluding that black people excel in-something would be the exact same thing as to say that Asian people excel at art, making you go circle into constructing the exact same question that you posed as being racist, also tearing down your own logic which you made previously in the same post. You've just gone full retard, and the shithawks are flying low..
I always thought that the Chinese/Japanese/Korean numbering systems were far more logical than the English one anyway, but that link does a good job of explaining why.
On the first paragraph of this link, it tells you to memorize a list of numbers... and I did it with English first because thats my primary language and then repeated the test in Cantonese... I couldn't believe that I actually noticed a big difference!
It's so much easier for me to remember a chain of numbers in Cantonese.
That's made my day
Now I'm gonna have to try to train my mind to read numbers in Cantonese so that I can be a little bit better at remembering them!
One thing I don't like about the Japanese numbering/counting system is that they have multiple ways to read 0, 4 and 7 which depends on context.
And the words can change depending on context... like how English has one/two/three and first/second/third and once/twice/thrice, all of them basically "mean" the same thing.
Cantonese (and I assume Chinese in general) has none of that, they can be used in any context.
The "downside" is that an extra word must be used to describe the context
For example to make something plural in English, you pretty much just add an "s" at the end of the thing. So "3 tanks" or "2 gamepads"
Cantonese needs a word in between the 2 things which changes based on the context. Kinda like saying "3 of tank" or "2 of gamepad".
It's more logical imo because their words remain unaltered, but not necessarily "better"... I don't know, it's hard to be objective about this considering my fluency in English.
Altering words is kinda fun though, I really like how you can say bounce, bouncy, bouncing, bounciness and even make up words like bounceless, unbounce, overbounce, underbounce, and it'd still make sense (sort of )
From a casual point of view, I like the flexibilities that English offers! Makeupable words are awesome!
Black people is a race Africa-American is a community. Posing the question of why African-Americans excel in something would be the same as to ask the question of why Asian-Americans excel at something, however asking, or for that matter concluding that black people excel in-something would be the exact same thing as to say that Asian people excel at art, making you go circle into constructing the exact same question that you posed as being racist, also tearing down your own logic which you made previously in the same post. You've just gone full retard, and the shithawks are flying low..
I sincerely have no idea what any of that paragraph means. I feel like I overall understand your stance, though, and it doesn't seem like this conversion is going to turn productive.
I think I effectively clarified already the difference in opinion that I have with you: questions that start with 'why is this race different than me?' are deeply inherently flawed, and can't be salvaged by any kind of discussion. I've been generous in apologizing for my rudeness to you, since you seem intent on starting fights and resorting to name calling. There's a tone of nastiness and otherness to the way you portray people in your posts, but, again, I overreacted to it, and I apologize for that.
I stand by my assertion that the contents of your posts in this thread were racist, or at the VERY least in the defense of fundamentally racist ways of thinking
I'm pretty sure all the hairs you're splitting here are ludicrous and primarily constructed for the sake of bickering.
Black [americans] has the exact same meaning as African american in this context (and most others)
I apologize again that I offended you, because it isn't my intention to be a dick to you regardless of how much I disagree with you, and I feel I crossed a line in my first post.
Judging by how fast you attacked Jedi, and how quick you were to transform this disagreement with me into strawman hairsplitting namecalling noise, I'm willing to entertain the possibility that you jumped on Jedi because you like bickering and have some chip on your shoulder about 'political correctness', but that's just as toxic and useless as being a racist.
If I start shouting 'WHITE IS RIGHT!' could we have this thread locked? Its like, completely non-sensical and every poster is talking about something completely different , except for the general theme; race. Never a good foundation, but then if you mix miscommunication in there...
yeah i kinda agree with Andreas. at this point it's obvious that i didn't communicate what i wanted to properly and people have either misread, misunderstood, or outright twisted it into something it was never meant to be.
I agree that this thread is very far away from things that were earlier discussed. I will try one last post, but if that doesn't get through I will abound this thread.
I am very sorry if that paragraph were hard to understand, it was not my intention to call you shithawk. But the fact that you first excused yourself for calling me a racist, then making a new comment that not only iterated the fact of why you thought I was a racist, but rather enhanced it made me very angry.
Not only because you miss-quoted me, but also since the notion of you calling me a racist is in many ways the true definition of name calling(the thing you despise).
To iterate: The quote was correct but you continued referring to the quote as if I'd said something that I had not said. (I quoted that and then said that you hadn't read my quote in the previous reply.)
I agree the way I called you a shithawk might not have been okay, but that was after you called me a racist. You still haven't actually answered any of the points I've made, and the only one you commented on was on that you did not understand.
This was the comment I made that you called racist: "The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist"
You then said this: "That IS racist, asking why a disproportionate amount of people who dominate at long distance running come from african american communities is an interesting question" <-- This was my exact question!
And you then continued, criticizing what you wrongly assumed I said: "asking why black people become runners is a false, racist pretense. It's a matter of very important semantics. The way you construct your questions effects the answers you might find quite a bit."
But no-one posed that question except you, but that were about basketball!
I said that the question of why African American(community) excel in long distance running, would not be a racist statement, in which you replied that:"asking why black people become runners is a false racist pretense."
And even though I'd definitly agree with the question you posed about assuming that black people are better runners, is in itself a racist pretense, as well a false one. But that question is in it's entirety a question fabricated, and posed by you, in order to make me look bad. I have not said such a thing! You can look at all my post!
I stand by my assertion that the contents of your posts in this thread were racist, or at the VERY least in the defense of fundamentally racist ways of thinking
And I stand by the fact that the only people that I've defended have been people that at worst has been guilty of naivety, saying that I've defended people being racist puts you on the line of calling anyone that has discussed this subject, and found this subject interesting racist.
The reason why I called Jedi out on being lame, was not the fact that he called the thread racist, but the way that he did not post any concrete evidence of it, I though it was bad manner to make very big accusations, and not saying anything meriting it. I also didn't agree that saying that the whole thread was unproductive was in any way merited either, since it's a very subjective term, and the thread has gotten far more long and interesting post than most threads have. Sure I don't agree with everything that's been posted, I stated very early on that I didn't agree with the scoop of the title of the thread. But I found it interesting.
And the notion of you entering the argument by calling me a racist did not enter into the way I called you a shithawk? You were the one making grave name-calling, not me. I'd much rather be a shithawk then being accused of racism, and you crossed the first line with making the grave accusation of racism. I don't have a problem arguing, but please reply to my previous reply before jumping into another argument, because that makes me having to rehash what I've already said.
Thanks for taking the time to more calmly explain why you responded so defensively -- It's justifiable, I think we both got our backs up over the issue way too quickly, me before you even wrote a post replying to me in particular.
There's a misunderstanding kindof getting in the way of our actual disagreement, so I'd like to clarify this before totally bowing out. I'm using 'black' and 'african american' interchangeably. When I paraphrased you I changed the tone quite dramatically, and that muddied the waters and created a lot of confusion about my point, sorry --
"why do black people become runners?"
and "why do African american people excel and dominate in long distance running?"
are in my mind identical in meaning. They frame the question from the perspective of the person's ethnicity having something to do with their abilities, and it carries with it a certain implication of conditioning or aptitude that really makes any place you could take it unproductive.
Whereas "why are many runners black?" is a silly question, but not imo a racist one -- it's a matter of observing demographics and asking questions.
editing in:
Being SURROUNDED by racist people, (minimum wage job in the american south, hell yeah!) I see this kind of logic twisted to justify misconceptions and prejudices constantly about things like welfare and drug use and crime and so on, so it stops being a subtle distinction and becomes something very offensive to me.
The difference is quite dramatic when it's in contexts such as "Why are so many black people criminals?" vs "What leads to the the incarceration rate being so much higher for blacks?" -- the first question is very loaded with racist undertones, the second is a productive inquiry.
Thanks for taking the time to more calmly explain why you responded so defensively -- It's justifiable, I think we both got our backs up over the issue way too quickly, me before you even wrote a post replying to me in particular.
I understand, and I definitely agree about the escalation of tone from both parts, to be frank I think that even though we differ greatly on the classification and terms of racism I don't think we necessarily have any different opinion regarding our conclusions on the thread.
There's a misunderstanding kindof getting in the way of our actual disagreement, so I'd like to clarify this before totally bowing out. I'm using 'black' and 'african american' interchangeably. When I paraphrased you I changed the tone quite dramatically, and that muddied the waters and created a lot of confusion about my point, sorry --
I think that this is one of the misunderstanding that we have have had with each other.
When I say African-americans I'm pointing at the community of African-Americans inhabiting America, and not black people in general.
By referring to "Why do Afro-americans become great runners", you have trillion varieties and factors going into the calculation.
whilst when you make the statement: "why do black people become great runners"
You would make it a question that would entirely lock it into a discussion regarding genetics and the race differences of a black person.
I would never defend that type of reasoning or for that matter condone it.
So just to clarify my view:
Black: Racial term.
African-American: Geological terminology or grouping, in the same way Asian, European or Russian is.
Sorta related to Karls post... South Africans use the term 'coloured' to define black people that are not as dark. Its like a different classification altogether in S.A. and a 'coloured' S.A. person finds it pretty offensive if you call them black. Of course in the US and Europe that term is recognised as being racist and ignorant and 'deep south'. Just something I found interesting from talking to S.A. people
I've been meaning to ask, anyone knows of any 2D painting tutorial sites in Chinese?
I ask not because I speak Chinese, but because lately I've been running across lots of similar art over on cghub, that has a certain look to it, but it's all from different artists and whenever I spot that look, the artist's website is in China. So I'm guessing there's gotta be some kind of art instruction site over there that lots of folks are picking up tips from and I'd like to find what that is.
I might have missed a tremendously deep discussion, with arguments of racial aspects of the human beeing tossed fiercly between battlements. I will not yield and let this thread begone without one important information, that should enhance your knowledge base with two things:
I'm Asian, but not Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese/Japanse ... .
I'm Iranian, but not from the middle-east .
Asians and art, Europeans and art, Africans and art...
I don't think we are better or something, I take classic european/american painting as a benchmark.
so you can see, writings has noting to do to be good or to have many good artist in town.....
by looking at your portfolio, i can assume you saying that because you more interested in asian pop culture aesthetic. like animes or something. well the thing is , that kind of style embedded in every day life, from fashion, brand, manga at convenience store etc, .... , it is pretty easy to get authentic art references.
.as for today such style became popular in the west, since most kids and adults grew up with dragon ball or naruto, instead of donal ducks.
These are all by a semi-famous illiterate painter. If you're gunna draw such a strong connection between written language and artistic ability you'll need to extend the theory to explain this guy
im just try to break some myth,
Neither, the best race is CHARMANDERS
You don't offer any type of explanation or rational thought of why you happen to be right, you just proclaim the facts and then you bounce over to a new thread like a shithawk swooping down.
The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist, just because you infuse some type of standard answer to the question that happens to be racist does not make this thread racist or the questions at hand racist.
You would gain so much credibility if you actually applied yourself and battled the people showcasing these type of racist and bad opinions that you claim is within this thread. But you don't, you'd rather shit all-over it like some rabid self-proclaimed politicly correct shithawk. I understand that people like you would rather like that your own opinions and infused bigoted hatred of specific subjects would set the agenda.
But polycount does not.
So please don't throw around disgusting and undeserving racist accusations in this thread, because that is not productive, it's just sad.
And more important, every time you say that this thread is non-productive you shit over the people actually spending time and power to write and read in this thread. There's been some incredible contributors writing from all angles about this, and I think we should be very happy and blessed for that. :thumbup:
" Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior "
Merriam webster:
" Racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race "
I think a lot of people have this misunderstanding. Being racist isn't about hating people of another color or degrading them -- it's about entertaining bullshit ideas about racial differences, that poles are good workers or jews are good with money or whatever. Certain of these things tend to bear true -- many of the stereotypes are based on cultural trends or demographics -- but they don't have anything to do with those persons' race. If you find yourself wondering why black people are so good at sports, you need to shut your mouth and open your ears and get educated.
There has been a LOT of scientific study into whether certain races/regions tend to produce people with specific skillsets and aptitudes, and the final answer was OF COURSE NOT.
There's no room for debate here, these are simple questions with simple answers. And they have nothing to do with race. Whoever linked Stormfront is right -- this is the kind of thread where white supremacists will gladly offer a lot of insight about why so-and-so type of people are good at one thing or another,
One last thing: FUCK political correctness. It's not politically correct to call good-heartedly misguided people like you racist. But you are -- your idle curiosity happens to be about an issue where there are a lot of evil people who want to feed you a line of shit about asian people's brains being specifically tuned to be meek mathematicians or whatever.
artists from the west borrowed from the east as documented in whats called Orientalism.
But in Return the East looked to the West to contemporize traditional art. I have a book that talks about the japanese transformation of art from traditional to the contemporary.
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nihonga-Transcending-Japanese-Painting-1868-1968/dp/0834803631"]Nihonga: Transcending the Past - Japanese Style Painting, 1868-1968: Amazon.co.uk: Ellen P. Conant, J. Thomas Rimer, Stephen D. Owyoung: Books[/ame]
wonderful book one of my favourites.
Japan wasnt the only culture doing it as far eastern nations developed the art scene borrows very heavily from the west.
there is no better or worse.. its all subjective, the origins, cullture and society are so markedly different its impossible to compare.
Even when China opened up the new stuff coming from there was so popular worldwide because the chinese artists have been studying the contemporary art scene of the west and have been adopting its practices.
Or if you mean it's racist to say that that some countries are better at something because of cultural differences, then that's kinda crazy, It just happens these countries have a very high % Asian population, I think they would still discuss this even if it was as mixed as any other country.
You will find that no-one has made the claim that any race or genetic is involved, this notion of race has not been brought up by anyone other than the people getting angry at their own preconceived thoughts of the topic.
I think your very own definition of Asians as being a race carries the notion of how ill-informed you are on the subject, not that if it happened to be that Asia was a race would that make your critique of the thread any more valid, it's just one of those coincidences.
I see that you added this, and I can only say that even though I'm quite offended by your attack, I'm more so surprised by the fact that you would think that my interest of this topic evolved around race, since I haven't mentioned race until you attacked me with being a racist.
I'm also flabbergasted by the way you state that: And I do agree that on a forum primarily focused on race, this thread would have been bombarded with hate and bigoted statements regarding genetics. But have you seen any of those in this thread, and better yet, would you please show me where I specifically have made these?
My attack on Jedi was not necessarily meant as an attack on his view, but rather the way he shouted racist and called the thread non-productive whilst not giving any reason for it, making his statements idiotic and his later claim self fulfilling.
I do however applaud you for stating why the whole thread is racist, and even though I don't fully agree with the shit sandwich you've given, I do admire the courage it must have taken to write so stupidly about a thread(as well as a person) you probably haven't fully read or for that matter comprehended.
I should probably restate my own opinion and which I made on page 1:
I'm sorry, but you're the judgemental dick in this, not me.
And I except to get a excuse better than Jedi's jpg post.
I firmly disagree with you on the nature of the thread and how productive any theories about asians being better at art are, and I do really think ANY dialogue along these lines is racist, even if it's wrapped in some theory about calligraphy. Hunting for a reason why asians are better at art naturally tips you toward racist dialogue and thinking. But I got over-aggressive in defending jedi (who I overall agree with.) Obviously I don't know you as a person at all -- Sorry dude!
Not to perpetuate this argument, but because you asked for me to clarify what I was attacking:
That IS racist. Asking why a disproportionate amount of people who dominate at long distance running come from african american communities is an interesting question -- asking why black people become runners is a false, racist pretense. It's a matter of very important semantics. The way you construct your questions effects the answers you might find quite a bit.
Editing in just a little more clarification:
"Why are most of the artists I admire from Korea and China and Japan?" Is an interesting question -- "why are Asians so good at art?" Is a fucked up, racist line of inquiry, and no matter the effort you make to construct a non-racist answer to it, it's poor judgement and distorted by perception of race. There's completely misattributed otherness to 'asians' in that question, and it just isn't productive to discuss.
Haha! Words of wisdom.
Can we lock the thread here so it looks like these words came from me?
How could this be construed into anything other than you, calling me specifically a racist?! Did you refer to the more "overall" dialogue of the last two pages about Asians and art being "you are racist"?
But that speaks in quantity about you, not of me. The fact that you think that any type of dialogue along these lines are racist, speaks in quantity, as well as quality of your view on racism. Throwing away the notion of me being a racist does, yet again speak in quantities about you. The fact that you would rather side with someone who has only made a three sentence statement that I criticized for being some deformed type of hate-mongering speaks yet again in quantities of you.
I called Jedi out on writing shit without having the courage to back it up, which made you get angry, even though you've previously haven't written anything in this thread, making you the person randomly flying of the hinge in some semi-erotic rage, not at all in defence Jedi, but rather with grave accusations of me.
Yet again you seem inclined to fall into a rhetorical trap, that statement was made after your statement about me being a racist, to theoretically assume that I'm a racist despite evidence, and then claiming that the proof of me being a racist, were for some reason apparent even though my statement had not yet been made, making my quote earlier so much sweeter:
You saw my comment and just assumed that I were a racist, judging me entirely on the basis of what I didn't write, which in your book had to to lead to the obvious conclusion of me being a racist.
You have to learn to read what you quote.. I made the statement "The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist" You then didn't read the thing you quoted and are now telling me that I'm posing a racist question that I haven't posed, but that you have?
(Also, that question that you quoted were a rephrasing of a quote from you, you made the statement as an example regarding questions that are racist, you have now removed that part, but you still keep this part, which is far worse in terms of pissing on your own argument.)
Even though it's a nonsensical statement since you've left out "African American" and replaced it with "black people", making it suffer from the exact same type of racism you think of as racism(whilst very few does)and indeed accused me of bolstering.
Black people is a race Africa-American is a community. Posing the question of why African-Americans excel in something would be the same as to ask the question of why Asian-Americans excel at something, however asking, or for that matter concluding that black people excel in-something would be the exact same thing as to say that Asian people excel at art, making you go circle into constructing the exact same question that you posed as being racist, also tearing down your own logic which you made previously in the same post. You've just gone full retard, and the shithawks are flying low..
I always thought that the Chinese/Japanese/Korean numbering systems were far more logical than the English one anyway, but that link does a good job of explaining why.
On the first paragraph of this link, it tells you to memorize a list of numbers... and I did it with English first because thats my primary language and then repeated the test in Cantonese... I couldn't believe that I actually noticed a big difference!
It's so much easier for me to remember a chain of numbers in Cantonese.
That's made my day
Now I'm gonna have to try to train my mind to read numbers in Cantonese so that I can be a little bit better at remembering them!
One thing I don't like about the Japanese numbering/counting system is that they have multiple ways to read 0, 4 and 7 which depends on context.
And the words can change depending on context... like how English has one/two/three and first/second/third and once/twice/thrice, all of them basically "mean" the same thing.
Cantonese (and I assume Chinese in general) has none of that, they can be used in any context.
The "downside" is that an extra word must be used to describe the context
For example to make something plural in English, you pretty much just add an "s" at the end of the thing. So "3 tanks" or "2 gamepads"
Cantonese needs a word in between the 2 things which changes based on the context. Kinda like saying "3 of tank" or "2 of gamepad".
It's more logical imo because their words remain unaltered, but not necessarily "better"... I don't know, it's hard to be objective about this considering my fluency in English.
Altering words is kinda fun though, I really like how you can say bounce, bouncy, bouncing, bounciness and even make up words like bounceless, unbounce, overbounce, underbounce, and it'd still make sense (sort of
From a casual point of view, I like the flexibilities that English offers! Makeupable words are awesome!
I sincerely have no idea what any of that paragraph means. I feel like I overall understand your stance, though, and it doesn't seem like this conversion is going to turn productive.
I think I effectively clarified already the difference in opinion that I have with you: questions that start with 'why is this race different than me?' are deeply inherently flawed, and can't be salvaged by any kind of discussion. I've been generous in apologizing for my rudeness to you, since you seem intent on starting fights and resorting to name calling. There's a tone of nastiness and otherness to the way you portray people in your posts, but, again, I overreacted to it, and I apologize for that.
Judging by how fast you attacked Jedi, and how quick you were to transform this disagreement with me into strawman hairsplitting namecalling noise, I'm willing to entertain the possibility that you jumped on Jedi because you like bickering and have some chip on your shoulder about 'political correctness', but that's just as toxic and useless as being a racist.
so for that i'm sorry guys.
Im sorry too! Karl, slightly passive aggressive hugs all around, come on man.
I am very sorry if that paragraph were hard to understand, it was not my intention to call you shithawk. But the fact that you first excused yourself for calling me a racist, then making a new comment that not only iterated the fact of why you thought I was a racist, but rather enhanced it made me very angry.
Not only because you miss-quoted me, but also since the notion of you calling me a racist is in many ways the true definition of name calling(the thing you despise).
To iterate: The quote was correct but you continued referring to the quote as if I'd said something that I had not said. (I quoted that and then said that you hadn't read my quote in the previous reply.)
I agree the way I called you a shithawk might not have been okay, but that was after you called me a racist. You still haven't actually answered any of the points I've made, and the only one you commented on was on that you did not understand.
This was the comment I made that you called racist:
"The question of why African american people would excel and dominate in long distance running is not racist"
You then said this: "That IS racist, asking why a disproportionate amount of people who dominate at long distance running come from african american communities is an interesting question" <-- This was my exact question!
And you then continued, criticizing what you wrongly assumed I said: "asking why black people become runners is a false, racist pretense. It's a matter of very important semantics. The way you construct your questions effects the answers you might find quite a bit."
But no-one posed that question except you, but that were about basketball!
I said that the question of why African American(community) excel in long distance running, would not be a racist statement, in which you replied that:"asking why black people become runners is a false racist pretense."
And even though I'd definitly agree with the question you posed about assuming that black people are better runners, is in itself a racist pretense, as well a false one. But that question is in it's entirety a question fabricated, and posed by you, in order to make me look bad. I have not said such a thing!
And I stand by the fact that the only people that I've defended have been people that at worst has been guilty of naivety, saying that I've defended people being racist puts you on the line of calling anyone that has discussed this subject, and found this subject interesting racist.
The reason why I called Jedi out on being lame, was not the fact that he called the thread racist, but the way that he did not post any concrete evidence of it, I though it was bad manner to make very big accusations, and not saying anything meriting it. I also didn't agree that saying that the whole thread was unproductive was in any way merited either, since it's a very subjective term, and the thread has gotten far more long and interesting post than most threads have. Sure I don't agree with everything that's been posted, I stated very early on that I didn't agree with the scoop of the title of the thread. But I found it interesting.
And the notion of you entering the argument by calling me a racist did not enter into the way I called you a shithawk? You were the one making grave name-calling, not me. I'd much rather be a shithawk then being accused of racism, and you crossed the first line with making the grave accusation of racism. I don't have a problem arguing, but please reply to my previous reply before jumping into another argument, because that makes me having to rehash what I've already said.
I'd agree that this thread should be locked and I'm sorry for anyone having to watch this!
"but then if you mix miscommunication in there..."
That's spot on Andreas, I think this is the main problem, we read far to much into other comments.
Love you long time.
There's a misunderstanding kindof getting in the way of our actual disagreement, so I'd like to clarify this before totally bowing out. I'm using 'black' and 'african american' interchangeably. When I paraphrased you I changed the tone quite dramatically, and that muddied the waters and created a lot of confusion about my point, sorry --
"why do black people become runners?"
"why do African american people excel and dominate in long distance running?"
are in my mind identical in meaning. They frame the question from the perspective of the person's ethnicity having something to do with their abilities, and it carries with it a certain implication of conditioning or aptitude that really makes any place you could take it unproductive.
Whereas "why are many runners black?" is a silly question, but not imo a racist one -- it's a matter of observing demographics and asking questions.
editing in:
Being SURROUNDED by racist people, (minimum wage job in the american south, hell yeah!) I see this kind of logic twisted to justify misconceptions and prejudices constantly about things like welfare and drug use and crime and so on, so it stops being a subtle distinction and becomes something very offensive to me.
The difference is quite dramatic when it's in contexts such as "Why are so many black people criminals?" vs "What leads to the the incarceration rate being so much higher for blacks?" -- the first question is very loaded with racist undertones, the second is a productive inquiry.
i guess this fits?
I think that this is one of the misunderstanding that we have have had with each other.
When I say African-americans I'm pointing at the community of African-Americans inhabiting America, and not black people in general.
By referring to "Why do Afro-americans become great runners", you have trillion varieties and factors going into the calculation.
whilst when you make the statement:
"why do black people become great runners"
You would make it a question that would entirely lock it into a discussion regarding genetics and the race differences of a black person.
I would never defend that type of reasoning or for that matter condone it.
So just to clarify my view:
Black: Racial term.
African-American: Geological terminology or grouping, in the same way Asian, European or Russian is.
I'll end this with a part from the one of the best shows ever created:
Worse. 99 is four-twenties, ten, nine.
Dutch is weird too. 222 becomes two hundred , two, and twenty.
English is mostly okay though, just eleven through nineteen are weird.
The absolute worst, though, is classic roman. MMXII, WTF?
in english, 222 is two hundred, and twenty two. it's the same amount of words/syllables/letters in either language...
Everything is fine and dandy up to 50 but after that it get's, special to say the least
It's not about the amount of syllables. Well, part of it is. But in my examples I'm mostly talking about order and consistency.
999 in three languages:
English: 9*100 + 9*10 + 9
Dutch: 9*100 + 9 + 9*10
French 9*100 + (4*20)+10 + 9
I ask not because I speak Chinese, but because lately I've been running across lots of similar art over on cghub, that has a certain look to it, but it's all from different artists and whenever I spot that look, the artist's website is in China. So I'm guessing there's gotta be some kind of art instruction site over there that lots of folks are picking up tips from and I'd like to find what that is.
I'm Asian, but not Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese/Japanse ...
I'm Iranian, but not from the middle-east
Asians and art, Europeans and art, Africans and art...