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The Just for Noobs Learning Challenge

polycounter lvl 5
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I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
Come one, come all to the "The Just for Noobs Learning Challenge" The main point of the Challenge is to have more experienced members of Polycount teach a small group of less experienced members and help them in an objective based gourp of small mini challenges.

What will be in the challenge?
In the challenge the noobs will be working to complete small objectives where they will have to work alone with the guidance of the pros. Each objective will have it's own thread after the time limit as past the thread will be locked and will be reviewed by the pros (For example, Objective: draw a team of assassins, everyone most have there own character)

It's free to join

One 3d editer program
One Drawing/Panting program
Unity,UDK,or Source SDK
You must be a noob

If you need any more information just say so.
Challenge starts the 1st of October

Pros that are helping- Yeenke gilesruscoe JacqueChoi (when he has free time)

First objective is tomorrow!


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