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Luminous Studio tech - E3 2012



  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Lol pior so true. FFX anyone? But yeah this tech is quite awesome. I am interested in what hardware they were using. See if it compares to the latest batch of next gen console rumours Crazy to think we were just talking about "xbox 2" and ps3 7 years ago. Crazy how the time flies.
  • ikken
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    pior wrote: »
    And then the cinematic fades out ... the camera pulls back ... and it's time to push that one analog stick forward, making that girl run down a linear corridor like a retarded 12 year old with a stick up her ass.
    replace "her" with "him" and you've just described any AAA-shooter of the past 5 years flawlessly. don't see a big deal with that.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    ikken wrote: »
    replace "her" with "him" and you've just described any AAA-shooter of the past 5 years flawlessly. don't see a big deal with that.

    Labyrinths and Corridors have very little in common. And at least most of the environments in an FPS are interactive in some way.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    ikken wrote: »
    replace "her" with "him" and you've just described any AAA-shooter of the past 5 years flawlessly. don't see a big deal with that.

    JRPG's are generally epic wide open affairs.
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    JRPG's are generally epic wide open affairs.

    At least the classic ones were. That was the allure of them: being able to explore wide open spaces at your own pace. Compare FF7's walkthrough to FFXIII's and there's a stark difference. FF7, about 5-10 hours in, you're exposed to an entire continent for exploring. FFXIII, you don't get to free roam until 25-35 hours in.

    I didn't know that about XIII, that it was in development since 2004. In that case, yea. It's just frustrating not hearing anything about Versus at all, not even "yea, we're still working on it."
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    they may be open but they still have a linear story - I've been trying to play through FF7 for the first time - I put it down for a few months and forgot where I had to go so I had to wander around for hours until I picked up the story again. I thought FF12 had a pretty big open feel and keeping the monsters and fights in the same world was a huge step forward - playing FF7 I curse every time I'm interrupted by a battle screen.

    It's unfortunate we didn't get to see what DICE would have done with the FF IP.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    I just want someone to make a PS1/PS2 style FF game. Square has lost a lot of the talent that made those classic Sony exclusive FF games special.

    What do you say Polycount? Start a trend of bringing back pre-rendered backgrounds?? ;)
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I've been trying to play through FF7 for the first time - I put it down for a few months and forgot where I had to go so I had to wander around for hours until I picked up the story again. I thought FF12 had a pretty big open feel and keeping the monsters and fights in the same world was a huge step forward - playing FF7 I curse every time I'm interrupted by a battle screen.

    You might like Grandia (1 and 2, skip the rest), Persona 3 and 4, or Trails in the Sky (PSP), they do the same thing FF12 did with enemies you could avoid.

    Surprised to hear you never played FF7 before now, it's like a movie buff saying they never saw Star Wars.
  • Two Listen
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    BlvdNights wrote: »
    Start a trend of bringing back pre-rendered backgrounds?? ;)

    I would love it if we had more games going back to this. The amount of man hours going towards getting explorable 3D environments to be game ready must be incredible. I think that's one reason we're getting shorter and shorter games. (I sort of imagine that's why we probably won't ever be getting an actual FFVII remake, it would just take too damn long).

    If it would help give us longer games with better story, I'd love it if we had more games using pre-rendered/2D backgrounds.
  • ikken
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    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    JRPG's are generally epic wide open affairs.

    well, yeah, generally.
    except if you really want an epic open world explore-it-all next-gen release, you'll have to wait for 5 + years, and it if flops, you can say farewell to square-enix titles for technically relevant consoles.

    there's another thing that was bothering me, as recent square releases seem to favor current teenagers rather than long-time obsessive fans (this might be due to the key people leaving square at some point); I'm not sure a current 16 y.o. anime fan has attention span developed enough to beat an openworld game like ff VII (or even VI for that matter). or maybe I'm just saying stupid shit and everything is actually fine with their games, it's just me being in 4ever bored state towards squ-en releases.
    BlvdNights wrote: »
    I just want someone to make a PS1/PS2 style FF game. Square has lost a lot of the talent that made those classic Sony exclusive FF games special.

    What do you say Polycount? Start a trend of bringing back pre-rendered backgrounds?? ;)

    I'd love to see more old-school games tbh, seeing how much better pre-render can look in this age of retina displays and ps vita screens.
    it would be a lot of fun to work on a game like that too.

    and I miss super-deformed lopoly characters (says a nintendo hater who haven't played most of their extensive nds jrpg library and probably will not)
  • Samfisher84
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    Samfisher84 polycounter lvl 9
    not a fan of the FF ga,es but that looked insane!
  • equil
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    demo interview (japanese). Interesting that they're using YEBIS.
  • Money
  • ablaine
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    ablaine polycounter lvl 14
    BlvdNights wrote: »
    I just want someone to make a PS1/PS2 style FF game. Square has lost a lot of the talent that made those classic Sony exclusive FF games special.

    What do you say Polycount? Start a trend of bringing back pre-rendered backgrounds?? ;)

    On a somewhat related note: last I heard, the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition developers are hiring artists to create pre-rendered 3d environments for their custom content for BG1 and BG2. I don't work there or anything.. just trying to get the word out in case any talented PCers are interested. :)

    And almost back on topic: I would love to see a new final fantasy game in the same style as FFIX (my personal favorite of the series, regardless of the fact that the story is nonsensical). It was just fun. It'd be great to see them return to the series' roots, in the same way FFIX was a return to their roots.

    And finally, in regards to the tech demo... wow. Just.. yeah.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Pre-Renderd environments have the nasty habit of lacking a depth ratio (especially apparent when your character's hand is clipping through the 'dark' parts of a map edge), no environmental movement (parallax effect and context gameplay, like the old 90's cartoons) and lastly, look jaggy in many cases (especially in this day and age, where AA is the order of the day).

    Games like Bastion are a gem in such area, vs. others, so unless you get some awesome 2D/Concept artist as well Tech guys who knows how to pull off some old school 'ways' into new age tech, you will still get issues that plagued such games since the 90's, and in 2012...well, you gotta amp your game up.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Some new vids have just been posted up showing off the Luminous engine. The hair, lighting, materials... actually ...it's all just great!

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIqYTekH9EQ"]Luminous Studio (JP) - Editing tools Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrdw4QLjNZw"]Luminous Studio (JP) - Editing tools Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the hair looks particle based?
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I think it's just strands of polies, you can see the jag at the curved strand near the eye, on the girls right eye, and it looks like it's having mipping issues.
  • JacqueChoi
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