This looks so impressive I thought it deserved its own thread. This is Squares new tech for the Next-Gen systems for those that don't know (ie PS4 / XBox720). These are from a tech demo they're showing off behind closed doors during E3:
I didn't see anything spectacular in the art. It's all the technical details that made that look good. Better post processing, tons of particles, great hair simulation and physics. The art itself looked like current gen standards, which is great. Current standards are perfectly fine, so long as we can toss those extra layers of technical winsauce on top of it.
Holy shit. WHAT? That was real time?? The hair! the cloth! by far the most impressive thing yet, moreso than 1313 and watch dogs imo, except this had nothing that looked like in game. if they could get it playable keeping the same fidelity I will gladly accept this as our next gen ceiling.
I didn't see anything spectacular in the art. It's all the technical details that made that look good. Better post processing, tons of particles, great hair simulation and physics. The art itself looked like current gen standards, which is great. Current standards are perfectly fine, so long as we can toss those extra layers of technical winsauce on top of it.
That isn't just 'technical winsauce' added on top through post effects; that is some seriously impressive lighting tech. There are so many materials that are pulled off so amazingly well, so many different types of lighting, crazy good radiosity, crazy good hdr, an amazing sense of realistic exposure.
I was pretty floored by this tech demo (which is what it is, a tech demo), and for me the vastness of detail made it less about viewing someone else's isolated art work and more about viewing what felt like an actual place.
Agree on the shakycam - you have motion blur, we get it; there's plenty of other ways to show it than making it hard to make out the rest of the scene and its fidelity (which is what a tech demo is *supposed* to do.)
I remember FF13 pretty much hitting what their tech demo was. Killzone is another story, but KZ3 still came out looking phenomenal. Can't wait to see the real 'game'. I already love the character/environment ideas and the music.
wow... this is the kinda of news that really turn around the direction of game capabilities. Looks really cool! I had no idea what was going on... but holy smokes was that cool haha
Doesn't matter how it looks, to be fair. If I want to look at something sexy, I'll pull the pants off my misses. Thing is, not only is that hot, but she hasn't disapointed me in the gameplay for the last god knows how many years, either. Know wut im sayin'?
For me, the last good FF was VII, and I guess thats just because I never played IX. Having put as many hours as I could bare into XIII, I haven't got much faith left that they know what made the game good in the first place
I thought xii was fun. I liked IX, and i played VIII before VII. I love Xenogears and Legend of the Dragoon better than the other ones tho... VII is the best.
Launch games for the new consoles aren't going to look as good as this tech demo, but a few years down the road they might.
One thing that's promising though is that they have shown this demo in real-time, being manipulated in Maya (I believe it was revealed the killzone 2 demo wasn't actually real-time).
Bring it on! That looks amazing. All those fx, shaders and lighting. The geo for the environments (from what I can tell looks pretty comparable to Uncharted 3, but the lighting and shading on those same objects looks sweet.
Technically, it looked amazing. I'm glad to see Japanese companies finally pushing some nice tech.
However, the voice acting, writing and camera work made it feel like watching a clip from a B movie. I don't mean to sound overly negative, but something about Square's modern style really puts me off.
OK, did I just see Shadows being 'pulled' back on a shader level for the artist? Does this mean Half-Lambert isn't anymore a case of 'no shadows, only Diffuse term'!?
^ FF XIII was in development since early 2004 if that says anything. I'm personally rather glad than not that versus team is not pressed by deadlines right now.
And then the cinematic fades out ... the camera pulls back ... and it's time to push that one analog stick forward, making that girl run down a linear corridor like a retarded 12 year old with a stick up her ass.
Yeah that looks pretty damn sexy!!!
That isn't just 'technical winsauce' added on top through post effects; that is some seriously impressive lighting tech. There are so many materials that are pulled off so amazingly well, so many different types of lighting, crazy good radiosity, crazy good hdr, an amazing sense of realistic exposure.
I was pretty floored by this tech demo (which is what it is, a tech demo), and for me the vastness of detail made it less about viewing someone else's isolated art work and more about viewing what felt like an actual place.
3/10 would not bang
Agree on the shakycam - you have motion blur, we get it; there's plenty of other ways to show it than making it hard to make out the rest of the scene and its fidelity (which is what a tech demo is *supposed* to do.)
I love you Square Enix. 99 out of 10.
video looks awesome
I wonder what their actual games are gonna look.
the wizards of visual works have done some magic though.
-6 points
-3/10 wouldn't bang in a million years
...just saying
Just sayin
It does look bloody awesome, on the other hand.
ambershee: nice to see whats down the road though isn't it.
For me, the last good FF was VII, and I guess thats just because I never played IX. Having put as many hours as I could bare into XIII, I haven't got much faith left that they know what made the game good in the first place
/sp/artans unite!
Also that is pretty damn good looking. Now they just need to make a good final fantasy again.
7 years ago
Launch games for the new consoles aren't going to look as good as this tech demo, but a few years down the road they might.
One thing that's promising though is that they have shown this demo in real-time, being manipulated in Maya (I believe it was revealed the killzone 2 demo wasn't actually real-time).
(the vid if you missed it)
I don't know what this means. I was just being a douchebag.
However, the voice acting, writing and camera work made it feel like watching a clip from a B movie. I don't mean to sound overly negative, but something about Square's modern style really puts me off.
^^^^ This. Seriously, what the hell?
(unless proven otherwise