Started working on a new scene a few days ago. Only had a few hours to work on it, but I think it's shaping up.

Haven't started working on the foreground yet, but I'll start on that as soon as possible.
So far I'm using a 256x256 texture, and I'm gonna try and keep it that way.

Hope you like it!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the foreground!
Also, you should consider posting wires and textures of the things sticking out of the ground.
What are those anyways ahha?
Really beautiful.
Any plans for the foreground?
What are your plans for the sky?
Can't wait for the rest, and a peak at a breakdown !
Cheers and grats
@FractaL: Thanks! Yeah, I'm playing around with a few different ideas for the foreground. Will post updates soon.
The things sticking out of the ground are old spaceships that landed hundreds of years ago, and while landed they work as beacons or pylons of sorts. That's the basic idea anyways.
@Paul68Rageous: Very loosely inspired by Dune, yeah. ^^
@Donavonyoung: I'll post the texture flats and a breakdown as soon as I'm done with the scene. Oh yeah, definitely. Looking forward to the next hangout!
@Joopson: Haha, Journey was actually a big inspiration when making the sand. I'm glad you like it!
@vemadesign: The terrain was modeled in Max. Thanks!
@coots7: Thanks! Yeah, I'll definitely post a breakdown later!
@jimmypopali: Thanks a lot!
@Brain Zapped: Cheers!
@sltrOlsson: I will try and add some more detail to the sand, because I've been thinking about the same thing as you're commenting, and it's a great advice. Will play around with it. Thank you!
@SirCalalot: Thanks! My plans for the sky is to make it less cloudy to get more blue color from it to complement the orange and brown on the ground.
@Moutrave: Thank you!
@Alberto Rdrgz: Thanks! I'm glad you like it! Good idea. I will try it out!
@Razgriz: I'll post a breakdown once I'm done.
I worked on it a little bit tonight. Added some more detail to the ships/pylons, and some noise and spec to the sand. (Very subtle).
I also made the sky a bit more blue. Just wanted to see what it'd look like, and I thought I'd post it here, even though it's not a huge update.
Hope you like it!
But seriously great colour and composition.
Color looks way better in the second screenshot, the sand and sky stands out more.
crap that is really bothering me since you mentioned it, little fail in logic there.
Say that to Journey:
Obviously there is a lush forest somewhere and by some freak accident some winds blew the clouds there.
That bugged me too, until I looked up Wikipedia's desert article and found pictures of the world's driest desert with clouds over it.
But there are also images without clouds as well, so I guess it's a matter of taste.
excelent concept ! but the rendering I've found too bright (shining).:poly142: and flat .
... maybe ?!
I think that it looks deeper .
here is a photo I took in the sahara http://i.imgur.com/rj13G.jpg one thing I noticed was how the sandstorms would connect from the dunes to the clouds above (you can see it in the distance) maybe not useful for this piece but maybe some wind/sand particle effects on the dunes would bring them to life a little
I totally agree with this. Looks pretty interesting so far but would be nice to get a good sense of exactly how big these things are. Interested to see where the foreground/reset of this goes.
I am trying to add stuff to the foreground to get a sense of the scale, but I want it to make sense, so I'm struggling a bit. ^^
@Tokusei: That's a good idea. Cheers!
Here's the texture layout as it looks right now:
R Channel: This is the ambient occlusion map. This is multiplied over the diffuse, specular and reflections.
G Channel: This channel contains details like support beams and so on. I made this so that I wouldn't need to use geometry for all the small details.
B Channel: A basic, tiling detail map, applied to diffuse and specular. I also use this to add some detail to the sand.
A Channel: These are the highlights. I'm still not sure if I should use this or not. Could most likely use this channel for more important stuff, but I liked the look I got from applying this layer.
It will most likely change a bit before the final version.
Right now I have a 128x128 normal map for the sand, and a 64x64 for the tracks in the sand. I am currently trying to figure out a way to get rid of them though. I'm also not sure if the normal map for the sand is needed, so I'll have to think about that.
Will post an update of the scene later today hopfully!
Would you be able to explain all those maps? Im only used to diffuse/norm/spec/emissive/alpha etc but some of these look odd. I remember when Tor did his super awesome enviro with tiny textures, but i dont understand how its done. Some explanation would be awesome!
No problem!
R Channel: This is the ambient occlusion map. This is multiplied over the diffuse, specular and reflections.
G Channel: This channel contains details like support beams and so on. I made this so that I wouldn't need to use geometry for all the small details.
B Channel: A basic, tiling detail map, applied to diffuse and specular. I also use this to add some detail to the sand.
A Channel: These are the highlights. I'm still not sure if I should use this or not. Could most likely use this channel for more important stuff, but I liked the look I got from applying this layer.
Hope this explains it a bit better.
well, it could be simple stuff, like broken pieces of the ships or those metal structures, scattered equipment, you should really make up a story in your head so that that guides you a bit. (although, this advice may be redundant, apologies if it is.)
@NAIMA: Thank you!
@sltrOlsson: Yeah, I thought about that as well, but I'm not entirely sure how it works. I will see what I can come up with. Thank you!
Here's an update:
Hope you like it!
The footprints don't really have a natural gait to them right now. They should be staggered rather than side by side. It looks like someone hopped through the desert. They also probably wouldn't have such a defined shape. Dry sand would settle a lot and partially fill in the print.
Also, have you considered making some blowing sand effects? Like this:
It might help give the scene some more life. You could also add some sand drifts where the wind has blown it up against the debris.
I think for the sake of scale (bringing this up again) you could put a figure in there.
They don't have to be detailed, but would really help sell the size of these things.
I find environments that have life in them to really be taken to the next level
Edit: This scene is already my desktop background :P